How many posters here are smarter than all the world's scientists?

I am an Engineer

Then you have no excuse for failing so badly at science every single time.

Don't say where you worked or where you went to school, so as not to disgrace them.

So, were you always a lying cult fraudster, or did the Trump cult train you in that art?

Engineers learn to separate fact from bullshit. Something you dumbass Moon Bats have never been able to do.

AGW is bullshit.

If it wasn't then the yokels wouldn't have to lie, cherry pick and make up data, which they have been caught doing many many times.

It is a scam and a religon to the uneducated. Just like you morons think a country will be more properous if we raise taxes and that Socialsm will somehow work in the US this time if we just give it one more chance.

I will provide you ONE reference source for AGW. You show us where in this source there is lying, cherry picking or the making up of data. If not, admit you were wrong.

View attachment 486006

Is this like the COVID thing where hundreds of millions are going to die within a few short months if we don't all wear masks and lock down forever?

Just wondering... Oh wait! Haven't those same scientists you're talking about predicted that the world would be without ice caps within a decade thirty years ago and that we were all going to die?



You sound as if I should put you down for a "YES"

That is why you representing smart people isn't a good idea.

He didn't say yes.

He's questioning the fundamental process.

View attachment 486375

Someone questioning the scientific method is most definitely claiming to be smarter than scientists. Perhaps that's why YOU shouldn't question other people.
I am an Engineer

Then you have no excuse for failing so badly at science every single time.

Don't say where you worked or where you went to school, so as not to disgrace them.

So, were you always a lying cult fraudster, or did the Trump cult train you in that art?

Engineers learn to separate fact from bullshit. Something you dumbass Moon Bats have never been able to do.

AGW is bullshit.

If it wasn't then the yokels wouldn't have to lie, cherry pick and make up data, which they have been caught doing many many times.

It is a scam and a religon to the uneducated. Just like you morons think a country will be more properous if we raise taxes and that Socialsm will somehow work in the US this time if we just give it one more chance.

I will provide you ONE reference source for AGW. You show us where in this source there is lying, cherry picking or the making up of data. If not, admit you were wrong.

Can we presume that you know the science and industry and can tell when a study's populations are valid?
View attachment 486006

Is this like the COVID thing where hundreds of millions are going to die within a few short months if we don't all wear masks and lock down forever?

Just wondering... Oh wait! Haven't those same scientists you're talking about predicted that the world would be without ice caps within a decade thirty years ago and that we were all going to die?



You sound as if I should put you down for a "YES"

That is why you representing smart people isn't a good idea.

He didn't say yes.

He's questioning the fundamental process.

View attachment 486375

Someone questioning the scientific method is most definitely claiming to be smarter than scientists. Perhaps that's why YOU shouldn't question other people.

Questioning the fundamental process all the way through the communication of results.

That you need that to fit your stupid little narrative is quite obvious.

And I'll questions who I want, when I want, where I want.
If you can't debate what I actually say, just admit it. Don't make up crazy stories about what I really mean. That doesn't fool anyone.
Debating what you “say” is easy, you are quite full of yourself...
We talk about the science. You whimper about politicians. 'Nuff said.
Now you’re a scientist?
You've never talked about the science?

You mean like Al Gore did ?
If you can't debate what I actually say, just admit it. Don't make up crazy stories about what I really mean. That doesn't fool anyone.
Debating what you “say” is easy, you are quite full of yourself...
We talk about the science. You whimper about politicians. 'Nuff said.
Now you’re a scientist?
You've never talked about the science?

You mean like Al Gore did ?

Even some of the people that contributed to Gore's book/movie said the science was bullshit. Like the guy that came up with the stupid hockey stick chart. Talking about cherry picking data but the inputs to that chart takes the cake. The complete data set showed the complete opposite.
Your quote from Jones is cherry-picked woefully out of context. Jones has mountains of data and we both know it. There were statistical errors in the first MBH hockey stick graph, but they were corrected in later versions and had NO EFFECT ON THE RESULTS. You probably can pull out hundreds of other examples but, unfortunately for you, they would be just like what you've already posted here: examples that have no bearing on AGW and only show that you are desperate to try to refute what hard science says is a fucking fact.
For a supposedly "rational" person, you sure are getting angry that people are questioning you.
That looked angry to you? Let me guess, you work in a nursery school.
Unsurprisingly, you get that wrong, too.
Engineers learn to separate fact from bullshit.

Obviously not true in all cases, given how you only provide bullshit.

Engineers tend to be some of the most belligerently stupid of the deniers. They take a few tech classes, and they assume that makes them scientific experts in every field. I refer to that subset of Dunning-Kruger Syndrome as "Engineer's Arrogance Syndrome".
What's your area of expertise?

I mean, other than lying.
Ok....but then, so what? Why even have this forum if it is such a slam dunk?

The fact that we have post glacial warming is a slam dunk. Nobody disagrees with that. That is a scientific fact. The earth has been warming since the end of the last ice age and will probably continue to do so.

However, AGW is not a slam dunk. It has not been proven that man made activities have contributed to any significant degree to the climate of the earth. We have contributed significant pollution but there is no real evidence of AGW.

There are some unscientific correlations and a lot of computer modeling using ridiculous data but no real data.

That is why that the Climate Scientists have been caught red handed on many occasions fudging data. If they use real data that have nothing so they make up data. They also ignore valid historical data and nothing they ever predict comes true. They are batting zero.

Why do they do it? The obvious answer is that they are simply Moon Bats that are confused about everything. However, it more likely tied to funding sources. It could be a Ted Kaczynski type mentality that is rebelling against technology and human progress; "If we all just have wind mills and solar panels we can all just sit around Walden Pond and be groovey". We saw that kind of mentality in the Climategate emails.

The fact is that this silly AGW scam has turned into a religion of the Left. A religion that is not based on anything real and it is both silly and destructive at the same time.

You and others have claimed that NASA, NOAA. Hadley, Berkeley Earth, JAXA and others have been caught fabricating temperature data. Yet there has been no change in their historical data products, the data from all climate agencies around the world match each other very closely and no one outside the fringe right doubts their conclusions. Do you actually believe that everyone outside of your political fringe is in on a conspiracy to push a falsehood? Is EVERYONE outside of the fringe right heavily invested and growing rich with green technology? Does EVERYONE outside of the fringe right have the moral turpitude to maintain such a lie for years and years just for a slightly higher return on their investments? Are ALL the world's governments, with ALL their various political positions willing members of this conspiracy you're claiming? I'm sorry, but your charges just don't pass the most basic of sanity tests. They do not. And if you would look at them with an unbiased view you would conclude the same. AGW is real and is a real threat.
WRONG!!! Adjusted data appears frequently; Berkeley Earth showed that years ago.

That we no longer trust you alarmist nuts is NOT irrational!!!

View attachment 486006

Is this like the COVID thing where hundreds of millions are going to die within a few short months if we don't all wear masks and lock down forever?

Just wondering... Oh wait! Haven't those same scientists you're talking about predicted that the world would be without ice caps within a decade thirty years ago and that we were all going to die?



You sound as if I should put you down for a "YES"


When the results don't match their predictions it would seem like pretty shoddy science to me. But then a lot of those "scientists" being used in your predictions don't have degrees to make them a reliable source to quote when it comes to the subject they're in "consensus" with which they are agreeing.




  • 1619989185827.png
    28 KB · Views: 11
Most scientists go where the best money is.
Indeed. An example is how government is giving mega bucks to science orgs... all good in the pursuit of learning, yes? No. Biden’s handlers are expanding the size of our government, under the guise of a benevolent dictator, and one that desires greatly the ability to rule over the peons at large.

Expanding the size of government, while simultaneously kicking the multiple debt cans down the road, is about as inept as it will ever get folks. Neither Reps nor Dems are interested enough to actually work together to start moving out of the red. No true interest or it would have happened by now.

Considering the current number of “acceptable governmental errors” that occur, it is beyond questionable as why informed citizens will accept this expansion of ineptitude.

There is little value to a biased government influencing science orgs. Ethically driven scientists stay clear of political connections. It’s a lot about the money without question.

Almost everyone tries to go where the best money is. The few who do not either do not need the money or are true altruists. Scientists certainly have no monopoly on the practice.

Can you give us some documentation for your claim that "the government is giving mega bucks to science orgs". What science orgs are you talking about and what qualifies as mega bucks?

Biden has no "handlers". Biden himself is clearly convinced - and makes a very good case - that the current plight of this country (a good part of which is due to the incompetence of Donald Trump) is best addressed by the capabilities of big government. No one else has the resources.

Joe Biden is not a "benevolent dictator" and the charge is a foolish one to make. The key criteria for such a thing is the president's knowledge and respect of the Constitution. In that regard, Donald Trump is the closest thing this nation has EVER had to a dictator. And he was never particularly benevolent.

I certainly cannot argue that Biden's agenda will run up the national debt some. His plan, however, to rescind what Trump gave away to the 1%, tax the wealthy and restore corporate taxes to a sane rate will go a long ways towards paying for the things he wants to do.

I await your evidence that Biden or money has biased the world's climate scientists to the point that they have fabricated AGW out of whole cloth.
Ok....but then, so what? Why even have this forum if it is such a slam dunk?

The fact that we have post glacial warming is a slam dunk. Nobody disagrees with that. That is a scientific fact. The earth has been warming since the end of the last ice age and will probably continue to do so.

However, AGW is not a slam dunk. It has not been proven that man made activities have contributed to any significant degree to the climate of the earth. We have contributed significant pollution but there is no real evidence of AGW.

There are some unscientific correlations and a lot of computer modeling using ridiculous data but no real data.

That is why that the Climate Scientists have been caught red handed on many occasions fudging data. If they use real data that have nothing so they make up data. They also ignore valid historical data and nothing they ever predict comes true. They are batting zero.

Why do they do it? The obvious answer is that they are simply Moon Bats that are confused about everything. However, it more likely tied to funding sources. It could be a Ted Kaczynski type mentality that is rebelling against technology and human progress; "If we all just have wind mills and solar panels we can all just sit around Walden Pond and be groovey". We saw that kind of mentality in the Climategate emails.

The fact is that this silly AGW scam has turned into a religion of the Left. A religion that is not based on anything real and it is both silly and destructive at the same time.

You and others have claimed that NASA, NOAA. Hadley, Berkeley Earth, JAXA and others have been caught fabricating temperature data. Yet there has been no change in their historical data products, the data from all climate agencies around the world match each other very closely and no one outside the fringe right doubts their conclusions. Do you actually believe that everyone outside of your political fringe is in on a conspiracy to push a falsehood? Is EVERYONE outside of the fringe right heavily invested and growing rich with green technology? Does EVERYONE outside of the fringe right have the moral turpitude to maintain such a lie for years and years just for a slightly higher return on their investments? Are ALL the world's governments, with ALL their various political positions willing members of this conspiracy you're claiming? I'm sorry, but your charges just don't pass the most basic of sanity tests. They do not. And if you would look at them with an unbiased view you would conclude the same. AGW is real and is a real threat.
WRONG!!! Adjusted data appears frequently; Berkeley Earth showed that years ago.

That we no longer trust you alarmist nuts is NOT irrational!!!


You're attempting to provide an alternate reality. Berkeley Earth THOUGHT they were going to find that the historical record had not been accurately and objectively assembled, but the end result of their study was data that virtually matched everyone else's data. Such as:
Ok....but then, so what? Why even have this forum if it is such a slam dunk?

The fact that we have post glacial warming is a slam dunk. Nobody disagrees with that. That is a scientific fact. The earth has been warming since the end of the last ice age and will probably continue to do so.

However, AGW is not a slam dunk. It has not been proven that man made activities have contributed to any significant degree to the climate of the earth. We have contributed significant pollution but there is no real evidence of AGW.

There are some unscientific correlations and a lot of computer modeling using ridiculous data but no real data.

That is why that the Climate Scientists have been caught red handed on many occasions fudging data. If they use real data that have nothing so they make up data. They also ignore valid historical data and nothing they ever predict comes true. They are batting zero.

Why do they do it? The obvious answer is that they are simply Moon Bats that are confused about everything. However, it more likely tied to funding sources. It could be a Ted Kaczynski type mentality that is rebelling against technology and human progress; "If we all just have wind mills and solar panels we can all just sit around Walden Pond and be groovey". We saw that kind of mentality in the Climategate emails.

The fact is that this silly AGW scam has turned into a religion of the Left. A religion that is not based on anything real and it is both silly and destructive at the same time.

You and others have claimed that NASA, NOAA. Hadley, Berkeley Earth, JAXA and others have been caught fabricating temperature data. Yet there has been no change in their historical data products, the data from all climate agencies around the world match each other very closely and no one outside the fringe right doubts their conclusions. Do you actually believe that everyone outside of your political fringe is in on a conspiracy to push a falsehood? Is EVERYONE outside of the fringe right heavily invested and growing rich with green technology? Does EVERYONE outside of the fringe right have the moral turpitude to maintain such a lie for years and years just for a slightly higher return on their investments? Are ALL the world's governments, with ALL their various political positions willing members of this conspiracy you're claiming? I'm sorry, but your charges just don't pass the most basic of sanity tests. They do not. And if you would look at them with an unbiased view you would conclude the same. AGW is real and is a real threat.
WRONG!!! Adjusted data appears frequently; Berkeley Earth showed that years ago.

That we no longer trust you alarmist nuts is NOT irrational!!!


You're attempting to provide an alternate reality. Berkeley Earth THOUGHT they were going to find that the historical record had not been accurately and objectively assembled, but the end result of their study was data that virtually matched everyone else's data. Such as:
View attachment 486399

1. Temperature change is the result of post glacial warming. It has been happening to various degrees for eons. Nothing in that chart proves AGW.

2. At least two of those filthy ass organization have been found to blatantly lie about data.

3. You are confused about things like this being a stupid uneducated Moon Bat.
What that chart shows is the Berkeley Earth got precisely the same results as every other climate organization on the planet when they examined the data. They had started out with the supposition that the data from NOAA, Hadley, GISS were bad but after much study came to the conclusion that they were all accurate and unbiased. This wasn't that long ago. Weren't you there? All of you deniers were holding your breath waiting for your heroes at Berkeley to save you and prove the bullshit you'd been laying on. When, lo and behold they found the truth, all you deniers turned on them like rabid dogs.

As I've stated before, I have a BSc in Ocean Engineering. If you want to think I'm stupid, its your call. But I should think it might be more embarrassing to get shot down by "an uneducated moon bat".
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Not being consumed by narcissism, when I see that the smartest people in the world disagree with me, I assume that I am almost certainly the one who is in error.

For example, the concept of "Quantum Entanglement" just feels wrong to me. Therefore, I conclude that all the scientists talking about it are liars and frauds, and that they're obviously on the payroll of some shadowy Marxist cabal.

Oh wait, I don't do that. I see that people have made working computers based on the concept, so the concept must be valid. The hard data says that my gut feeling is wrong, so I need to learn more about the topic. Imagine that.
When supposed smart people don’t understand facts, I move up slots on the peg board
Ok....but then, so what? Why even have this forum if it is such a slam dunk?

The fact that we have post glacial warming is a slam dunk. Nobody disagrees with that. That is a scientific fact. The earth has been warming since the end of the last ice age and will probably continue to do so.

However, AGW is not a slam dunk. It has not been proven that man made activities have contributed to any significant degree to the climate of the earth. We have contributed significant pollution but there is no real evidence of AGW.

There are some unscientific correlations and a lot of computer modeling using ridiculous data but no real data.

That is why that the Climate Scientists have been caught red handed on many occasions fudging data. If they use real data that have nothing so they make up data. They also ignore valid historical data and nothing they ever predict comes true. They are batting zero.

Why do they do it? The obvious answer is that they are simply Moon Bats that are confused about everything. However, it more likely tied to funding sources. It could be a Ted Kaczynski type mentality that is rebelling against technology and human progress; "If we all just have wind mills and solar panels we can all just sit around Walden Pond and be groovey". We saw that kind of mentality in the Climategate emails.

The fact is that this silly AGW scam has turned into a religion of the Left. A religion that is not based on anything real and it is both silly and destructive at the same time.

You and others have claimed that NASA, NOAA. Hadley, Berkeley Earth, JAXA and others have been caught fabricating temperature data. Yet there has been no change in their historical data products, the data from all climate agencies around the world match each other very closely and no one outside the fringe right doubts their conclusions. Do you actually believe that everyone outside of your political fringe is in on a conspiracy to push a falsehood? Is EVERYONE outside of the fringe right heavily invested and growing rich with green technology? Does EVERYONE outside of the fringe right have the moral turpitude to maintain such a lie for years and years just for a slightly higher return on their investments? Are ALL the world's governments, with ALL their various political positions willing members of this conspiracy you're claiming? I'm sorry, but your charges just don't pass the most basic of sanity tests. They do not. And if you would look at them with an unbiased view you would conclude the same. AGW is real and is a real threat.
WRONG!!! Adjusted data appears frequently; Berkeley Earth showed that years ago.

That we no longer trust you alarmist nuts is NOT irrational!!!


You're attempting to provide an alternate reality. Berkeley Earth THOUGHT they were going to find that the historical record had not been accurately and objectively assembled, but the end result of their study was data that virtually matched everyone else's data. Such as:
View attachment 486399

1. Temperature change is the result of post glacial warming. It has been happening to various degrees for eons. Nothing in that chart proves AGW.

2. At least two of those filthy ass organization have been found to blatantly lie about data.

3. You are confused about things like this being a stupid uneducated Moon Bat.

Funny how all these smart people can’t explain why people are building on the coast. Why there’s still ice? We were told by these geniuses poles would be wide open water. Has anyone told them there’s still ice?
Ok....but then, so what? Why even have this forum if it is such a slam dunk?

The fact that we have post glacial warming is a slam dunk. Nobody disagrees with that. That is a scientific fact. The earth has been warming since the end of the last ice age and will probably continue to do so.

However, AGW is not a slam dunk. It has not been proven that man made activities have contributed to any significant degree to the climate of the earth. We have contributed significant pollution but there is no real evidence of AGW.

There are some unscientific correlations and a lot of computer modeling using ridiculous data but no real data.

That is why that the Climate Scientists have been caught red handed on many occasions fudging data. If they use real data that have nothing so they make up data. They also ignore valid historical data and nothing they ever predict comes true. They are batting zero.

Why do they do it? The obvious answer is that they are simply Moon Bats that are confused about everything. However, it more likely tied to funding sources. It could be a Ted Kaczynski type mentality that is rebelling against technology and human progress; "If we all just have wind mills and solar panels we can all just sit around Walden Pond and be groovey". We saw that kind of mentality in the Climategate emails.

The fact is that this silly AGW scam has turned into a religion of the Left. A religion that is not based on anything real and it is both silly and destructive at the same time.

You and others have claimed that NASA, NOAA. Hadley, Berkeley Earth, JAXA and others have been caught fabricating temperature data. Yet there has been no change in their historical data products, the data from all climate agencies around the world match each other very closely and no one outside the fringe right doubts their conclusions. Do you actually believe that everyone outside of your political fringe is in on a conspiracy to push a falsehood? Is EVERYONE outside of the fringe right heavily invested and growing rich with green technology? Does EVERYONE outside of the fringe right have the moral turpitude to maintain such a lie for years and years just for a slightly higher return on their investments? Are ALL the world's governments, with ALL their various political positions willing members of this conspiracy you're claiming? I'm sorry, but your charges just don't pass the most basic of sanity tests. They do not. And if you would look at them with an unbiased view you would conclude the same. AGW is real and is a real threat.
WRONG!!! Adjusted data appears frequently; Berkeley Earth showed that years ago.

That we no longer trust you alarmist nuts is NOT irrational!!!


You're attempting to provide an alternate reality. Berkeley Earth THOUGHT they were going to find that the historical record had not been accurately and objectively assembled, but the end result of their study was data that virtually matched everyone else's data. Such as:
View attachment 486399

1. Temperature change is the result of post glacial warming. It has been happening to various degrees for eons. Nothing in that chart proves AGW.

2. At least two of those filthy ass organization have been found to blatantly lie about data.

3. You are confused about things like this being a stupid uneducated Moon Bat.

Funny how all these smart people can’t explain why people are building on the coast. Why there’s still ice? We were told by these geniuses poles would be wide open water. Has anyone told them there’s still ice?

Ok....but then, so what? Why even have this forum if it is such a slam dunk?

The fact that we have post glacial warming is a slam dunk. Nobody disagrees with that. That is a scientific fact. The earth has been warming since the end of the last ice age and will probably continue to do so.

However, AGW is not a slam dunk. It has not been proven that man made activities have contributed to any significant degree to the climate of the earth. We have contributed significant pollution but there is no real evidence of AGW.

There are some unscientific correlations and a lot of computer modeling using ridiculous data but no real data.

That is why that the Climate Scientists have been caught red handed on many occasions fudging data. If they use real data that have nothing so they make up data. They also ignore valid historical data and nothing they ever predict comes true. They are batting zero.

Why do they do it? The obvious answer is that they are simply Moon Bats that are confused about everything. However, it more likely tied to funding sources. It could be a Ted Kaczynski type mentality that is rebelling against technology and human progress; "If we all just have wind mills and solar panels we can all just sit around Walden Pond and be groovey". We saw that kind of mentality in the Climategate emails.

The fact is that this silly AGW scam has turned into a religion of the Left. A religion that is not based on anything real and it is both silly and destructive at the same time.

You and others have claimed that NASA, NOAA. Hadley, Berkeley Earth, JAXA and others have been caught fabricating temperature data. Yet there has been no change in their historical data products, the data from all climate agencies around the world match each other very closely and no one outside the fringe right doubts their conclusions. Do you actually believe that everyone outside of your political fringe is in on a conspiracy to push a falsehood? Is EVERYONE outside of the fringe right heavily invested and growing rich with green technology? Does EVERYONE outside of the fringe right have the moral turpitude to maintain such a lie for years and years just for a slightly higher return on their investments? Are ALL the world's governments, with ALL their various political positions willing members of this conspiracy you're claiming? I'm sorry, but your charges just don't pass the most basic of sanity tests. They do not. And if you would look at them with an unbiased view you would conclude the same. AGW is real and is a real threat.
WRONG!!! Adjusted data appears frequently; Berkeley Earth showed that years ago.

That we no longer trust you alarmist nuts is NOT irrational!!!


You're attempting to provide an alternate reality. Berkeley Earth THOUGHT they were going to find that the historical record had not been accurately and objectively assembled, but the end result of their study was data that virtually matched everyone else's data. Such as:
View attachment 486399

1. Temperature change is the result of post glacial warming. It has been happening to various degrees for eons. Nothing in that chart proves AGW.

2. At least two of those filthy ass organization have been found to blatantly lie about data.

3. You are confused about things like this being a stupid uneducated Moon Bat.

Funny how all these smart people can’t explain why people are building on the coast. Why there’s still ice? We were told by these geniuses poles would be wide open water. Has anyone told them there’s still ice?

View attachment 486416


Where do they get their funding?

From agencies that have been caught red handed fabricating data you fucking moron.

Most of the funding for PSC’s research comes from grants and contracts with U.S. Federal agencies such as NSF, NASA, NOAA and ONR.

Besides, even if it is true that does not prove AGW. Not in a period of post glacial warming. Do you even know the difference between AGW and natural post glacial warming?
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