How many posters here are smarter than all the world's scientists?

Ok....but then, so what? Why even have this forum if it is such a slam dunk?

The fact that we have post glacial warming is a slam dunk. Nobody disagrees with that. That is a scientific fact. The earth has been warming since the end of the last ice age and will probably continue to do so.

However, AGW is not a slam dunk. It has not been proven that man made activities have contributed to any significant degree to the climate of the earth. We have contributed significant pollution but there is no real evidence of AGW.

There are some unscientific correlations and a lot of computer modeling using ridiculous data but no real data.

That is why that the Climate Scientists have been caught red handed on many occasions fudging data. If they use real data that have nothing so they make up data. They also ignore valid historical data and nothing they ever predict comes true. They are batting zero.

Why do they do it? The obvious answer is that they are simply Moon Bats that are confused about everything. However, it more likely tied to funding sources. It could be a Ted Kaczynski type mentality that is rebelling against technology and human progress; "If we all just have wind mills and solar panels we can all just sit around Walden Pond and be groovey". We saw that kind of mentality in the Climategate emails.

The fact is that this silly AGW scam has turned into a religion of the Left. A religion that is not based on anything real and it is both silly and destructive at the same time.

You and others have claimed that NASA, NOAA. Hadley, Berkeley Earth, JAXA and others have been caught fabricating temperature data. Yet there has been no change in their historical data products, the data from all climate agencies around the world match each other very closely and no one outside the fringe right doubts their conclusions. Do you actually believe that everyone outside of your political fringe is in on a conspiracy to push a falsehood? Is EVERYONE outside of the fringe right heavily invested and growing rich with green technology? Does EVERYONE outside of the fringe right have the moral turpitude to maintain such a lie for years and years just for a slightly higher return on their investments? Are ALL the world's governments, with ALL their various political positions willing members of this conspiracy you're claiming? I'm sorry, but your charges just don't pass the most basic of sanity tests. They do not. And if you would look at them with an unbiased view you would conclude the same. AGW is real and is a real threat.
WRONG!!! Adjusted data appears frequently; Berkeley Earth showed that years ago.

That we no longer trust you alarmist nuts is NOT irrational!!!


You're attempting to provide an alternate reality. Berkeley Earth THOUGHT they were going to find that the historical record had not been accurately and objectively assembled, but the end result of their study was data that virtually matched everyone else's data. Such as:
View attachment 486399

1. Temperature change is the result of post glacial warming. It has been happening to various degrees for eons. Nothing in that chart proves AGW.

2. At least two of those filthy ass organization have been found to blatantly lie about data.

3. You are confused about things like this being a stupid uneducated Moon Bat.

Funny how all these smart people can’t explain why people are building on the coast. Why there’s still ice? We were told by these geniuses poles would be wide open water. Has anyone told them there’s still ice?

View attachment 486416

Is it gone? They, those smarter than me goofs said it would be gone in 2000. 2021 still there. Hmmm your argument failed
Ok....but then, so what? Why even have this forum if it is such a slam dunk?

The fact that we have post glacial warming is a slam dunk. Nobody disagrees with that. That is a scientific fact. The earth has been warming since the end of the last ice age and will probably continue to do so.

However, AGW is not a slam dunk. It has not been proven that man made activities have contributed to any significant degree to the climate of the earth. We have contributed significant pollution but there is no real evidence of AGW.

There are some unscientific correlations and a lot of computer modeling using ridiculous data but no real data.

That is why that the Climate Scientists have been caught red handed on many occasions fudging data. If they use real data that have nothing so they make up data. They also ignore valid historical data and nothing they ever predict comes true. They are batting zero.

Why do they do it? The obvious answer is that they are simply Moon Bats that are confused about everything. However, it more likely tied to funding sources. It could be a Ted Kaczynski type mentality that is rebelling against technology and human progress; "If we all just have wind mills and solar panels we can all just sit around Walden Pond and be groovey". We saw that kind of mentality in the Climategate emails.

The fact is that this silly AGW scam has turned into a religion of the Left. A religion that is not based on anything real and it is both silly and destructive at the same time.

You and others have claimed that NASA, NOAA. Hadley, Berkeley Earth, JAXA and others have been caught fabricating temperature data. Yet there has been no change in their historical data products, the data from all climate agencies around the world match each other very closely and no one outside the fringe right doubts their conclusions. Do you actually believe that everyone outside of your political fringe is in on a conspiracy to push a falsehood? Is EVERYONE outside of the fringe right heavily invested and growing rich with green technology? Does EVERYONE outside of the fringe right have the moral turpitude to maintain such a lie for years and years just for a slightly higher return on their investments? Are ALL the world's governments, with ALL their various political positions willing members of this conspiracy you're claiming? I'm sorry, but your charges just don't pass the most basic of sanity tests. They do not. And if you would look at them with an unbiased view you would conclude the same. AGW is real and is a real threat.
WRONG!!! Adjusted data appears frequently; Berkeley Earth showed that years ago.

That we no longer trust you alarmist nuts is NOT irrational!!!


You're attempting to provide an alternate reality. Berkeley Earth THOUGHT they were going to find that the historical record had not been accurately and objectively assembled, but the end result of their study was data that virtually matched everyone else's data. Such as:
View attachment 486399

1. Temperature change is the result of post glacial warming. It has been happening to various degrees for eons. Nothing in that chart proves AGW.

2. At least two of those filthy ass organization have been found to blatantly lie about data.

3. You are confused about things like this being a stupid uneducated Moon Bat.

Funny how all these smart people can’t explain why people are building on the coast. Why there’s still ice? We were told by these geniuses poles would be wide open water. Has anyone told them there’s still ice?

View attachment 486416

Is it gone? They, those smarter than me goofs said it would be gone in 2000. 2021 still there. Hmmm your argument failed

These Environmental Wacko morons are not smart enough to question the validity of the data. They just accept it without any question. Even though the data have been proven time and again to be falsified by various scientists and agencies.

They are not very bright.
The climate is changing all the time. Seasons come and go and sometimes we experience severe winters and sometimes they are mild. Modern weather technicians have better ways to determine temperatures than the "scientists" who used to swing a thermometer on a string and technology allows the weather channel to name hurricanes that nobody would have known about in the old days before satellites and then they claim that the number of hurricanes are increasing. The concept of MMGW is an invention by a failed politician who wanted to make a buck off "carbon credits" and has evolved into a global extortion racket aimed at good old Uncle Sam.
Since 1850 the climate has been doing this:


This is more than seasons coming and going.

Modern weather technicians are just that: technicians. They do NOT have better tools to determine global temperatures. As is typical for deniers, you vastly oversimplify the actual practice of science.

If you think the idea that hurricane counts are up because storms are now identified without coming ashore is something no one ever thought of - you're just being stupid.

AGW is not an invention of Al Gore for christ's sake.

Generally speaking, you haven't a clue what you're talking about. Read some good books about global warming. Go to and find the Summary for Policymakers inside "The Physical Science Basis". It's written to be understood by layfolks. Give it an honest look and I am quite certain you will find it is very objectively written. The right wing has been spewing so many lies the last ten years, its no surprise you don't know what's real and what isn't.
Since 1850 the climate has been doing this:

View attachment 486482

This is more than seasons coming and going.

Modern weather technicians are just that: technicians. They do NOT have better tools to determine global temperatures. As is typical for deniers, you vastly oversimplify the actual practice of science.

If you think the idea that hurricane counts are up because storms are now identified without coming ashore is something no one ever thought of - you're just being stupid.

AGW is not an invention of Al Gore for christ's sake.

Generally speaking, you haven't a clue what you're talking about. Read some good books about global warming. Go to and find the Summary for Policymakers inside "The Physical Science Basis". It's written to be understood by layfolks. Give it an honest look and I am quite certain you will find it is very objectively written. The right wing has been spewing so many lies the last ten years, its no surprise you don't know what's real and what isn't.


The temperature has never done that over any 170 year period in the history of the Earth!!!

Quick, $76 trillion.

And let's give a bunch of power to's the only way to save us.
I don't see the tools with which we used to post up polls but we can ad lib.

Just tell us in the comments. How many people believe they are more intelligent than all the world's active climate scientists. In case you were unsure, if you have EVER put up a post that accused all those scientists of lying, of being biased by "donations and bribes", of claiming that they put out results to please whoever pays for their grants, you should post "ME!". Got it? Okay. Can't wait to see the results!
Every single poster who identifies as conservative, right wing, republican, or tRump supporter.
I suspect many of these denier posters won‘t have the conjones to come out and join this discussion, though we know who most of these posters are.
Every scientist in the world admits the on going climate crisis. Not one scientist in the world has ever come out against it. That’s enough to tell you that we’re all fucked unless we make drastic changes like banning meat, air travel, the gas industry and so much more.

For some reason Trumptards don’t believe science and are becoming a threat to the existence of life in earth
No, "every scientist in the world" doesn't admit that there's an "on going (sic) climate crisis", and over 30 thousand have signed the Oregon Declaration stating as much, numbskull.
Actually no. Tracking a large portion of the signatures down probed they either weren't scientists or weren't even real people. The few that actually did have jobs working in "science" turned out to be chemists for the oil industry and such.
"The Party is always right"
Since 1850 the climate has been doing this:

View attachment 486482

This is more than seasons coming and going.

Modern weather technicians are just that: technicians. They do NOT have better tools to determine global temperatures. As is typical for deniers, you vastly oversimplify the actual practice of science.

If you think the idea that hurricane counts are up because storms are now identified without coming ashore is something no one ever thought of - you're just being stupid.

AGW is not an invention of Al Gore for christ's sake.

Generally speaking, you haven't a clue what you're talking about. Read some good books about global warming. Go to and find the Summary for Policymakers inside "The Physical Science Basis". It's written to be understood by layfolks. Give it an honest look and I am quite certain you will find it is very objectively written. The right wing has been spewing so many lies the last ten years, its no surprise you don't know what's real and what isn't.
You can measure accurately to a tenth of a degree back in 1890?

Are you sure?
Since 1850 the climate has been doing this:

View attachment 486482

This is more than seasons coming and going.

Modern weather technicians are just that: technicians. They do NOT have better tools to determine global temperatures. As is typical for deniers, you vastly oversimplify the actual practice of science.

If you think the idea that hurricane counts are up because storms are now identified without coming ashore is something no one ever thought of - you're just being stupid.

AGW is not an invention of Al Gore for christ's sake.

Generally speaking, you haven't a clue what you're talking about. Read some good books about global warming. Go to and find the Summary for Policymakers inside "The Physical Science Basis". It's written to be understood by layfolks. Give it an honest look and I am quite certain you will find it is very objectively written. The right wing has been spewing so many lies the last ten years, its no surprise you don't know what's real and what isn't.
See Post 204 and admit you know zero about the subject.
Graphs that show "global temperatures" in the mid 19th century? Surely y'all scientists and pseudo scientists jest. They swung freaking thermometers around on a freaking string in the 19th and early 20th century. Even on a nice warm day in spring, global warmers never have a good day unless they are picking your pocket or making a political point about doomsday.
A thermometer that you swing around on a string is a sling psychrometer and is used to determine relative humidity and dew point.
For some reason Trumptards don’t believe science and are becoming a threat to the existence of life in earth
AIDS is pretty bad. Just sayin....:rolleyes:
Doesn't that make gays a threat to existence ?
Are gays trying to stop work to defeat AIDS? Are gays demanding to have unprotected sex with you? No. YOU are the threat to existence.
Since 1850 the climate has been doing this:

View attachment 486482

This is more than seasons coming and going.

Modern weather technicians are just that: technicians. They do NOT have better tools to determine global temperatures. As is typical for deniers, you vastly oversimplify the actual practice of science.

If you think the idea that hurricane counts are up because storms are now identified without coming ashore is something no one ever thought of - you're just being stupid.

AGW is not an invention of Al Gore for christ's sake.

Generally speaking, you haven't a clue what you're talking about. Read some good books about global warming. Go to and find the Summary for Policymakers inside "The Physical Science Basis". It's written to be understood by layfolks. Give it an honest look and I am quite certain you will find it is very objectively written. The right wing has been spewing so many lies the last ten years, its no surprise you don't know what's real and what isn't.
See Post 204 and admit you know zero about the subject.

What populations do you believe appear in The Physical Science Basis?
Since 1850 the climate has been doing this:

View attachment 486482

This is more than seasons coming and going.

Modern weather technicians are just that: technicians. They do NOT have better tools to determine global temperatures. As is typical for deniers, you vastly oversimplify the actual practice of science.

If you think the idea that hurricane counts are up because storms are now identified without coming ashore is something no one ever thought of - you're just being stupid.

AGW is not an invention of Al Gore for christ's sake.

Generally speaking, you haven't a clue what you're talking about. Read some good books about global warming. Go to and find the Summary for Policymakers inside "The Physical Science Basis". It's written to be understood by layfolks. Give it an honest look and I am quite certain you will find it is very objectively written. The right wing has been spewing so many lies the last ten years, its no surprise you don't know what's real and what isn't.
See Post 204 and admit you know zero about the subject.

What populations do you believe appear in The Physical Science Basis?
Like yourself, I have no expertise in the subject and thus I refrain from commenting.
You, being emotionally disturbed cannot help yourself and thus offer emotionally charged input.
I know 2 Ecological Engineers who have studied the subject and say that there is no threat due to constant scientifically applied standards.
You refrain yet you do not.

My input is emotionally charged because I have two daughters who are going to have to raise their children in a world gone to shit because of idiots that think their "commons sense" is better than the work of ten thousand scientists.

And if you think the opinions of two environmental engineers ought to be respected, why, apparently, do you give no respect to the thousands of PhD scientists researching this very topic for decades now?
You refrain yet you do not.

My input is emotionally charged because I have two daughters who are going to have to raise their children in a world gone to shit because of idiots that think their "commons sense" is better than the work of ten thousand scientists.

And if you think the opinions of two environmental engineers ought to be respected, why, apparently, do you give no respect to the thousands of PhD scientists researching this very topic for decades now?
Because the guys I know actually build structures that conform to very strict standards.
I know lots of university professors who literally have zero contact with the real world.
That's a very stupid bit of reasoning. Climate scientists have all manner of "contact with the real world". That is, after all, what they spend their lives studying. And to assume that you know a large enough sample of university professors to actually be representative of anything is just nonsense. You are attempting to justify beliefs that have no factual basis.
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I'm astounded that you are allowed to remain on this forum.

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