How Many Republicans Are Pro Choice

I hear liberals Democrats claim that there are tons of pro-choice Republicans ready to leave the party if Roe V. Wade is overturned. I like to talk politics and I don't ever recall talking to a Republican who was pro-choice. I think these numbers are made up. It sounds like more bogus polling to me.

---How Many Republicans Are Pro Choice---

I think the Xians aborted them.
The reason I can't go along with that line is because of today's serial murderers. They take liberties with their freedoms of movement to do evil murders to unsuspecting and innocent people whom they intentionally harm for satisfying a sick yen thought up in their own mind with help from people as credible as Planned Parenthood, who intentionally sideskirt their own approved system of killing off newborns from having a life of liberty and the pursuit of happiness. They push, push, push young women to commit their unborn to a trash heap of infantile body parts ripped apart for the comfort of the mother who agrees to kill the baby instead of go to the trouble of carrying it, birthing it, raising it to adulthood, which requires loving it more than self.
I'd like to add something to this post about serial killers, of whom there are 9 still at large this very day as described the link below:

Abortion is being used as a way of life that is very convenient.
Women act like dirty W and need to take responsibility and use contraceptions instead of murder
Abortion has become, "retroactive contraception".

Killing a baby because it's inconvenient or because you're afraid you won't be pretty anymore is as sick and disgusting as it gets.
If there is any truth to this leak and that's how they rule, then it's up to those 90% to make sure their state politicians understand their position. The problem of course is everybody has different standards. Some will say abortion should only be allowed in rape and incest cases. Others will say abortion is okay up to the second month, the fourth month, the six month. Some will say abortion should only be allowed if a serious physical defect in the fetus is detected.
Yep, freedom is messy, so is democracy and if you want either to work for you, you must work for them.

If we aren't willing to put forth the effort to make sure our rep's hear our views and act on them we don't deserve to complain if we don't like the outcome.
I know a very conservative (R) Christian Family, Pharmacist Father, Government employee wife, with 3 children.

The son fell in love and married a beautiful girl.
She cheated, got pregnant with another mans spawn, and Guess What DGS49
They supported her having the abortion, because "to save the marriage."

Then they moved to TX to be around "the morally correct Christian members of society."

Were they correct to support that abortion?
You can't erase a sin with another sin so no.

To be morally correct they should have carried the baby to term and given the sperm donor's family a chance to adopt the child or to then just put the baby up for public adoption if they could not raise it themselves.

It isn't the baby's fault how it was conceiver and she wasn't raped so there's no real way to square this up as being anything other than killing for convenience sake.
Im pro choice, but im not leaving my party over it. That would be crazy.
To your credit, you fully acknowledge that abortion or lack thereof is likely not a political decision. Unfortunately, it didn't take long for gungho supporters of abortion to make it free for some, and picking taxpayer pockets to make up for the difference became the lynchpin of raised eyebrows to the whole schmucky practice.
The current definition of "choice" means Pro-Choice or Pro-Abortion
No. Here is the definition of "choice"

  1. an act of selecting or making a decision when faced with two or more possibilities.
    "the choice between good and evil"
Do you support mask mandates?
Do you support vaccine mandates?
Do you support my right to send people I disagree with to the gas chambers?
Mask mandates are okay when the virus is deadly
Vaccine mandates are similarly okay, but some exceptions are okay too (its their life, my cousin made the wrong choice and regretted it)
Duh, there are no gas chambers, slap leather any time you like...
Mask mandates are okay when the virus is deadly
Vaccine mandates are similarly okay, but some exceptions are okay too (its their life, my cousin made the wrong choice and regretted it)
Duh, there are no gas chambers, slap leather any time you like...
So you're anti-choice. Thanks. I knew I could drag it out of you
No. Here is the definition of "choice"

  1. an act of selecting or making a decision when faced with two or more possibilities.
    "the choice between good and evil"
When we're debating abortion, the simple definitions are:
1. Pro-choice means Pro-abortion, i.e.: : favoring the legalization of abortion

2. Pro-life means: opposed to abortion

Of course, you could just be stupid and not understand the debate terms??
I hear liberals Democrats claim that there are tons of pro-choice Republicans ready to leave the party if Roe V. Wade is overturned. I like to talk politics and I don't ever recall talking to a Republican who was pro-choice. I think these numbers are made up. It sounds like more bogus polling to me.

---How Many Republicans Are Pro Choice---

well, there's trump who has had his mistresses have at least seven abortions.
I hear liberals Democrats claim that there are tons of pro-choice Republicans ready to leave the party if Roe V. Wade is overturned. I like to talk politics and I don't ever recall talking to a Republican who was pro-choice. I think these numbers are made up. It sounds like more bogus polling to me.

---How Many Republicans Are Pro Choice---

Pennsylvania GOP Senate hopeful Kathy Barnett mother was raped at 12 her grand mother believed all life is sacred and her mother carried her to term. Kathy went on to have a very productive life. How many lives has she touched.

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