How many Republicans think the Iraq debacle was Hillary's fault?

Did Mrs. Clinton vote FOR war absolutely. Did she support the war after she voted for war absolutely.

I take it you believe the Iraq war was worth the cost.
So why aren't you a Hillary supporter? She voted along with the republicans. And you sure are a republican supporter. No matter what you will now claim.
I find it hilarious that Trump says Hillary is unfit because she voted for going in to Iraq.

Iraq, the GOP's war. They started it. They own it.

No, what you and other Liberals like you HATE is anyone who bursts your 'Bush Hating / Blaming Bubble', pointing out that - unlike Barry and Hillary who drug the country into the middle of a civil war between a dictator and terrorists to help the perpetrators of 9/11/01 kill Qadaffi and take over their own country ON THEIR OWN WITHOUT CONGRESSIONAL APPROVAL TO DO SO - Bush sent troops of to fight a war with full Congressional approval to do so - to include the approval of Hillary Clinton.

Hillary, John Kerry, Bill Clinton, and other Liberals did not just VOTE to give Bush the authority to go to war, they took to the podium / stage to advocate going to war, calling it a 'must' / an 'imperative'.

Iraq was NOT ' The GOP's War' as you claim - the nation went to war with the full approval of Republicans and Democrats.

Libya, however, is OBAMA'S / HILLARY'S PERSONAL WAR.
Did Mrs. Clinton vote FOR war absolutely. Did she support the war after she voted for war absolutely.

I take it you believe the Iraq war was worth the cost.
So why aren't you a Hillary supporter? She voted along with the republicans. And you sure are a republican supporter. No matter what you will now claim.

I don't think that the Iraq war was worth one life. Vietnam wasn't either. NK is questionable. But I also think that we tax payers shouldn't fund abortion. That the way gay marriage came about is a huge joke. That opening a repressive regime like Cuba to normalized relations is wrong.

There are lots of things I think that the government does that I don't think is right nor do I agree. But living in a Republic our elected officials vote for our interests as did Mrs. Clinton when she voted FOR WAR.

Our government voted for war, we went, we won, and that victory is being taken by the left wing and sullied. It is a shame.

But the fact is, it doesn't matter if I think it was worth it, what the question is, if you don't think it worth it or if you think it was illegal then why would you support Mrs. Tuzla Clinton?
Typically, serial liars confuse their lies and can't keep track of them. Trump seems to be going through one of those situations with criticizing Secretary Clinton for having a similar position as his own at the time.
Yeah, those serial liars Bill Cosby Clinton and Hitlery Clinton about sexual affairs and Benghazi videos causing riots along with deleting email secrets are confusing for demoRATS to keep track of what's the truth. Cover ups.

I guess that you are one of those serial liars, aren't you Couch Protester?

You might want to do some research on Beghazi, because it was a failure on many different levels.

Not only was it a failure of policy, but it was also a failure of Congress (which was controlled by the GOP).

Congress (which was asked several times by Hillary) was told that we needed more security.

They passed a bill that asked for more building and less security.

Hillary didn't cause those people to die at Benghazi, the GOP Congress (which hates a black man in the White House) who refused to increase the security budged did. was also the fault of the ambassidor who didn't want to appear weak.
Sounds like you're saying Congress is to blame for Benghazi because they were in charge of funding security, but Hillary is blameless for Iraq even though she was in Congress at the time and voted for the war and to fund it. Is that about the size of it?
I find it hilarious that Trump says Hillary is unfit because she voted for going in to Iraq.

Iraq, the GOP's war. They started it. They own it.

And she voted on it with made up "intelligence".

I love this one.... Hillary the genius got duped by Bush the idiot. So apparently she ain't all that bright then is she?


This wasn't just Bush, you know that right? And intelligence is about making the right choices with the available knowledge. Lacking knowledge is ignorance, seeing how many languages there are in the world, and someone who speaks like 8 is considered a linguistic genius, I'd say we're all ignorant of most things.
How was Iraq a "debacle"? Korea was a debacle and Truman and MacArthur received a tickertape parade from the fawning liberal media. Vietnam was a debacle because LBJ set the rules so that we could win every battle and still lose the war and then democrats blamed Nixon. Afghanistan continues to be a debacle because Barry Hussein refuses to win it. About 35% of democrats voted for a measure that allowed the president to use combat troops in Iraq and then the freaking traitors undermined the mission. Cindy Sheehan's wacky anti-war protesters were all over the place until Obama was elected and then they disappeared.
And 90 died in embassy attacks under Reagan. How many investigation were there? Why none? Because it wasn't a "failure" on any level?

60 died in embassy attacks under Bush. It also wasn't a failure?

4 under Hillary and she wasn't even president. But wow, she should be staked out on a hot day.

For Republicans, Democrats are held to such a higher standard. Either that or everything is political to them. Even innocent Americans who died serving their country.

Again, the issue is the cover up. No one covered up those. Democrats covered up their handling of Benghazi. For some reason, when Nixon covered up a crime, you people suddenly got it ...

You do know that 90 died at US embassies under Reagan and 60 under Bush? Do you remember what Republicans found out when all those 150 deaths were investigated?
Wait a second. Republicans did investigate them, didn't they?

How many of them were Americans, Derp?
Don't you know?

1. The US embassy in Athens, Greece, was attacked in 2007.

2. The US embassy in Serbia was burned down early in 2008?

3. The US embassy in Sanaa, Yemen, were attacked in September 2008

4. A suicide bombing at the US consulate in Karachi, Pakistan, in 2006 killed a US diplomat.

5. In 2006, a car bomb was set off outside the US embassy in Damascus.

6. Assailants set off bombs outside the US embassy in Tashkent, Uzbekistan, in 2004, at a time when the Uzbek government was allied with Bush in the ‘war on terror’ and was trying 15 persons it accused of al-Qaeda ties. Bush should have known.

7. The US consulate in Jiddah, Saudi Arabia, was attacked in 2004.

8. Anti-American Iraqis were regularly shelling the Green Zone in Baghdad where the US embassy is, in 2008.

9. In April 1983, radical Shiite suicide bombers blew up the US embassy in Beirut, killing 63. Reagan did nothing to prevent this attack, and his ultimate response to it and a later deadly attack on US Marines in Beirut was to quietly withdraw from Lebanon (he called it “redeploying offshore”). Democrats at the time controlled Congress but they didn’t have endless hearings on how Reagan failed our diplomats by not being prepared, not about whether it was wise for Reagan to shell Lebanese villages from the sea and kill 1,000 people.

10. The American embassy in Kuwait was attacked under Reagan in 1983 by radical members of the Da`wa (Islamic Mission) Party. George W. Bush later presided over the election of one of the bombers to the Iraqi parliament. The Da`wa Party, which has since given up terrorism and become a democratic party, has ruled Iraq since 2005, courtesy of Bush.

That's only ten.

Top Attacks on US Embassies in Republican Administrations that Lindsey Graham doesn't Care about

Six months earlier, militants had bombed the U.S. embassy in Beirut, too, killing sixty-three more people, including seventeen Americans.

Ronald Reagan’s Benghazi - The New Yorker

How many Americans died? Apparently lots.
Now apologize.

Post the number, Derp. I'll wait

(from my post), including seventeen Americans.

At least 17. 4 times more than Benghazi.

You want more? You go find them dipshit.
I find it hilarious that Trump says Hillary is unfit because she voted for going in to Iraq.

Iraq, the GOP's war. They started it. They own it.

No, what you and other Liberals like you HATE is anyone who bursts your 'Bush Hating / Blaming Bubble', pointing out that - unlike Barry and Hillary who drug the country into the middle of a civil war between a dictator and terrorists to help the perpetrators of 9/11/01 kill Qadaffi and take over their own country ON THEIR OWN WITHOUT CONGRESSIONAL APPROVAL TO DO SO - Bush sent troops of to fight a war with full Congressional approval to do so - to include the approval of Hillary Clinton.

Hillary, John Kerry, Bill Clinton, and other Liberals did not just VOTE to give Bush the authority to go to war, they took to the podium / stage to advocate going to war, calling it a 'must' / an 'imperative'.

Iraq was NOT ' The GOP's War' as you claim - the nation went to war with the full approval of Republicans and Democrats.

Libya, however, is OBAMA'S / HILLARY'S PERSONAL WAR.
American soldiers never went in to Libya.

And Bush tricked America into Iraq. There is no way around it.
Again, the issue is the cover up. No one covered up those. Democrats covered up their handling of Benghazi. For some reason, when Nixon covered up a crime, you people suddenly got it ...

You do know that 90 died at US embassies under Reagan and 60 under Bush? Do you remember what Republicans found out when all those 150 deaths were investigated?
Wait a second. Republicans did investigate them, didn't they?

How many of them were Americans, Derp?
Don't you know?

1. The US embassy in Athens, Greece, was attacked in 2007.

2. The US embassy in Serbia was burned down early in 2008?

3. The US embassy in Sanaa, Yemen, were attacked in September 2008

4. A suicide bombing at the US consulate in Karachi, Pakistan, in 2006 killed a US diplomat.

5. In 2006, a car bomb was set off outside the US embassy in Damascus.

6. Assailants set off bombs outside the US embassy in Tashkent, Uzbekistan, in 2004, at a time when the Uzbek government was allied with Bush in the ‘war on terror’ and was trying 15 persons it accused of al-Qaeda ties. Bush should have known.

7. The US consulate in Jiddah, Saudi Arabia, was attacked in 2004.

8. Anti-American Iraqis were regularly shelling the Green Zone in Baghdad where the US embassy is, in 2008.

9. In April 1983, radical Shiite suicide bombers blew up the US embassy in Beirut, killing 63. Reagan did nothing to prevent this attack, and his ultimate response to it and a later deadly attack on US Marines in Beirut was to quietly withdraw from Lebanon (he called it “redeploying offshore”). Democrats at the time controlled Congress but they didn’t have endless hearings on how Reagan failed our diplomats by not being prepared, not about whether it was wise for Reagan to shell Lebanese villages from the sea and kill 1,000 people.

10. The American embassy in Kuwait was attacked under Reagan in 1983 by radical members of the Da`wa (Islamic Mission) Party. George W. Bush later presided over the election of one of the bombers to the Iraqi parliament. The Da`wa Party, which has since given up terrorism and become a democratic party, has ruled Iraq since 2005, courtesy of Bush.

That's only ten.

Top Attacks on US Embassies in Republican Administrations that Lindsey Graham doesn't Care about

Six months earlier, militants had bombed the U.S. embassy in Beirut, too, killing sixty-three more people, including seventeen Americans.

Ronald Reagan’s Benghazi - The New Yorker

How many Americans died? Apparently lots.
Now apologize.

Post the number, Derp. I'll wait

(from my post), including seventeen Americans.

At least 17. 4 times more than Benghazi.

You want more? You go find them dipshit.

Who tried to cover up their actions like the Obama administration did with Benghazi? Did the prior administrations say they were spontaneous attacks for a week and a half when they knew it wasn't like Obama and his administration (Rice, Clinton) did?

You really don't grasp the discussion, do you, Deanie Baby? You aren't making it up
Typically, serial liars confuse their lies and can't keep track of them. Trump seems to be going through one of those situations with criticizing Secretary Clinton for having a similar position as his own at the time.
Yeah, those serial liars Bill Cosby Clinton and Hitlery Clinton about sexual affairs and Benghazi videos causing riots along with deleting email secrets are confusing for demoRATS to keep track of what's the truth. Cover ups.

I guess that you are one of those serial liars, aren't you Couch Protester?

You might want to do some research on Beghazi, because it was a failure on many different levels.

Not only was it a failure of policy, but it was also a failure of Congress (which was controlled by the GOP).

Congress (which was asked several times by Hillary) was told that we needed more security.

They passed a bill that asked for more building and less security.

Hillary didn't cause those people to die at Benghazi, the GOP Congress (which hates a black man in the White House) who refused to increase the security budged did. was also the fault of the ambassidor who didn't want to appear weak.

"Not only was it a failure of policy, but it was also a failure of Congress (which was controlled by the GOP)."

Wrong. It was a Stat Dept failure.

"Congress (which was asked several times by Hillary) was told that we needed more security."

Wrong, for reasons unknown the Marines deployed there had their mission terminated in August. The State Dept was responsible for asking for them to continue on and it did not do so. General Ham asked Stevens directly if he wanted more security. Stevens replied that he did not have the authority to do so, it had to come from higher up.

"They passed a bill that asked for more building and less security.

Hillary didn't cause those people to die at Benghazi, the GOP Congress (which hates a black man in the White House) who refused to increase the security budged did."

Wrong. General Ham testified that his budget was never cut and would have been happy to extend the deployment if State asked him to. They did not. The fault lies with the administration. The buck stops with Obama and Hillary. You are quite stupid to try and pin this on Congress.

" was also the fault of the ambassidor who didn't want to appear weak"

Sure, blame the dead guy. Nope it was/is the fault of the State Dept and ultimately the administration. The Ambassador was forced into that situation because NOBODY requested the Marine's stay.
I find it hilarious that Trump says Hillary is unfit because she voted for going in to Iraq.

Iraq, the GOP's war. They started it. They own it.

No, what you and other Liberals like you HATE is anyone who bursts your 'Bush Hating / Blaming Bubble', pointing out that - unlike Barry and Hillary who drug the country into the middle of a civil war between a dictator and terrorists to help the perpetrators of 9/11/01 kill Qadaffi and take over their own country ON THEIR OWN WITHOUT CONGRESSIONAL APPROVAL TO DO SO - Bush sent troops of to fight a war with full Congressional approval to do so - to include the approval of Hillary Clinton.

Hillary, John Kerry, Bill Clinton, and other Liberals did not just VOTE to give Bush the authority to go to war, they took to the podium / stage to advocate going to war, calling it a 'must' / an 'imperative'.

Iraq was NOT ' The GOP's War' as you claim - the nation went to war with the full approval of Republicans and Democrats.

Libya, however, is OBAMA'S / HILLARY'S PERSONAL WAR.
American soldiers never went in to Libya.

And Bush tricked America into Iraq. There is no way around it.

"U.S. establishes Libyan outposts with eye toward offensive against Islamic State"

U.S. establishes Libyan outposts with eye toward offensive against Islamic State

Try again Clarence
I find it hilarious that Trump says Hillary is unfit because she voted for going in to Iraq.

Iraq, the GOP's war. They started it. They own it.

And she voted on it with made up "intelligence".
Her hubby was claiming WMD's long before 9/11. Selective memories of the leftists amuse me.

Here is a video: Feb. 17, 1998
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I find it hilarious that Trump says Hillary is unfit because she voted for going in to Iraq.

Iraq, the GOP's war. They started it. They own it.

And she voted on it with made up "intelligence".
Her hubby was claiming WMD's long before 9/11. Selective memories of the leftists amuse me.

Here is a video: Feb. 17, 1998

Not at all. We know Saddam did have WMD, and Clinton put pressure on Saddam to get rid of them.

Your argument is basically this:

"If John has two cakes and John eats two cakes, how many cakes does John have?" Your answer is "two cakes".

When it's clearly no cakes.
I find it hilarious that Trump says Hillary is unfit because she voted for going in to Iraq.

Iraq, the GOP's war. They started it. They own it.

And she voted on it with made up "intelligence".
Her hubby was claiming WMD's long before 9/11. Selective memories of the leftists amuse me.

Here is a video: Feb. 17, 1998

Not at all. We know Saddam did have WMD, and Clinton put pressure on Saddam to get rid of them.

Your argument is basically this:

"If John has two cakes and John eats two cakes, how many cakes does John have?" Your answer is "two cakes".

When it's clearly no cakes.

Then why did Clinton think the WMDs were still there when we invaded?
I'm a neocon? Your'e butt stupid, Holmes. I'm a libertarian. We're the opposite of neocons. It's classic that you say I missed the point of a post and you don't even know what words mean. Probably why you can't say what you mean in posts ...

Get back to me when you buy a dictionary and know what you're talking about

A libertarian is nothing more than neocon're worse than a neocon..

Buy a dictionary, retard

Here - a nice read for you. Neoconservatism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A bunch of links that don't address the point. None of those involved the administration covering up it's own role in the attack. By your argument, Nixon should never have been investigated. No one thought he broke into the Watergate hotel. So by your argument, end of discussion. No, it wasn't. Covering up Watergate was a crime too

Really? what about the cover up over the lack of WMDs? Is Bush going to be held account for that little faux pas?
I'm a neocon? Your'e butt stupid, Holmes. I'm a libertarian. We're the opposite of neocons. It's classic that you say I missed the point of a post and you don't even know what words mean. Probably why you can't say what you mean in posts ...

Get back to me when you buy a dictionary and know what you're talking about

A libertarian is nothing more than neocon're worse than a neocon..

Buy a dictionary, retard

Here - a nice read for you. Neoconservatism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Right. Neocons are fiscal big government spending liberals. I am not, I'm an extremely small government fiscal conservative. Neocons are for using the military and activism to spread our form of government throughout the world. I am not, I want to slash our military by one half to one third and make it defensive focused and stop engaging in all these foreign wars that are not for defense. In fact I would ultimately close every US base on foreign soil.

You are an idiot, and you revel in it. Nothing in that link describes libertarianism. You don't know what you are talking about
A bunch of links that don't address the point. None of those involved the administration covering up it's own role in the attack. By your argument, Nixon should never have been investigated. No one thought he broke into the Watergate hotel. So by your argument, end of discussion. No, it wasn't. Covering up Watergate was a crime too

Really? what about the cover up over the lack of WMDs? Is Bush going to be held account for that little faux pas?

No, and neither are the Democrats who did it with him. Everyone who voted for that fiasco who are still there should be impeached and removed from office. Then again, you are going to vote for one of them. Obviously a serious integrity issue for you. Not.
Hilarious. Trump blames George Bush for Iraq. Republicans feel Bush was right. Republicans vote for Trump. Are they crazy?

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