How many Republicans think the Iraq debacle was Hillary's fault?

thank you for iraq war .bush is iranian hero .
iraq is our state now .thank you very much
Liberals are never man enough to stand up to own anything you do

You mean like how every time it's mentioned that Bush and his neocon cabal who are responsible for Iraq, neocons like yourself don't go "well, yes he is", you somehow blame the 111 Dems in the house and senate as being responsible. Man up yourself. Post right here and now that Bush et al are just as responsible.

I'm a neocon???? You're a stupid cvnt of a moron. You don't know what "neocon" means ...

Man up and take responsibility. How come you cvnty NEOCON whackjobs always miss the meat of a post that owns you and reply with the least interesting aspect of it? You guys are all turning into Trump clones - say nothing of substance and when queried on lack of said substance move off on a totally unrelated tangent.

I'm a neocon? Your'e butt stupid, Holmes. I'm a libertarian. We're the opposite of neocons. It's classic that you say I missed the point of a post and you don't even know what words mean. Probably why you can't say what you mean in posts ...

Get back to me when you buy a dictionary and know what you're talking about
Typically, serial liars confuse their lies and can't keep track of them. Trump seems to be going through one of those situations with criticizing Secretary Clinton for having a similar position as his own at the time.
Yeah, those serial liars Bill Cosby Clinton and Hitlery Clinton about sexual affairs and Benghazi videos causing riots along with deleting email secrets are confusing for demoRATS to keep track of what's the truth. Cover ups.

I guess that you are one of those serial liars, aren't you Couch Protester?

You might want to do some research on Beghazi, because it was a failure on many different levels.

Not only was it a failure of policy, but it was also a failure of Congress (which was controlled by the GOP).

Congress (which was asked several times by Hillary) was told that we needed more security.

They passed a bill that asked for more building and less security.

Hillary didn't cause those people to die at Benghazi, the GOP Congress (which hates a black man in the White House) who refused to increase the security budged did. was also the fault of the ambassidor who didn't want to appear weak.
And 90 died in embassy attacks under Reagan. How many investigation were there? Why none? Because it wasn't a "failure" on any level?

60 died in embassy attacks under Bush. It also wasn't a failure?

4 under Hillary and she wasn't even president. But wow, she should be staked out on a hot day.

For Republicans, Democrats are held to such a higher standard. Either that or everything is political to them. Even innocent Americans who died serving their country.
Typically, serial liars confuse their lies and can't keep track of them. Trump seems to be going through one of those situations with criticizing Secretary Clinton for having a similar position as his own at the time.
Yeah, those serial liars Bill Cosby Clinton and Hitlery Clinton about sexual affairs and Benghazi videos causing riots along with deleting email secrets are confusing for demoRATS to keep track of what's the truth. Cover ups.

I guess that you are one of those serial liars, aren't you Couch Protester?

You might want to do some research on Beghazi, because it was a failure on many different levels.

Not only was it a failure of policy, but it was also a failure of Congress (which was controlled by the GOP).

Congress (which was asked several times by Hillary) was told that we needed more security.

They passed a bill that asked for more building and less security.

Hillary didn't cause those people to die at Benghazi, the GOP Congress (which hates a black man in the White House) who refused to increase the security budged did. was also the fault of the ambassidor who didn't want to appear weak.
And 90 died in embassy attacks under Reagan. How many investigation were there? Why none? Because it wasn't a "failure" on any level?

60 died in embassy attacks under Bush. It also wasn't a failure?

4 under Hillary and she wasn't even president. But wow, she should be staked out on a hot day.

For Republicans, Democrats are held to such a higher standard. Either that or everything is political to them. Even innocent Americans who died serving their country.

Again, the issue is the cover up. No one covered up those. Democrats covered up their handling of Benghazi. For some reason, when Nixon covered up a crime, you people suddenly got it ...
Trump was in favor of the war too. He got caught lying about being against it when a recording of a Howard Stern interview popped up and he was saying the opposite of what he claimed. Caught red handed lying. Typically, serial liars confuse their lies and can't keep track of them. Trump seems to be going through one of those situations with criticizing Secretary Clinton for having a similar position as his own at the time.

I really don't know if what you said was true but even so it wouldn't necessarily discount what Trump said. It might have been true that Trump was in favor of the war and I think a lot of people were because they believed that Iraq had WMDs. Even famous communist trolls like Colin Powell thought it was a good idea and might even still think it. However, the lack of WMDs and the instability in the region might have made a lot of people change their minds about it. I happen to be one of those people who thinks it would have been better to leave Saddam in power but we can't change the past. Perhaps a lot of people like Trump came to the same conclusion and choose to learn from it which isn't a bad quality to have to be president. He didn't lie because I don't think he said he was always against the war from the beginning.
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thank you for iraq war .bush is iranian hero .
iraq is our state now .thank you very much
we know

khomeini and khamenei pictures (iran leaders) in sadam hossein palace in iraq .
It's partly her fault. But don't forget, the Clintons are incredibly corrupt dirty folks. I mean, her husband's a serial pervert rapist for God's sake. She rode the wave of overwhelming public support for the war. She's a dirty politician, what do ya expect?

The dimwitted American public wanted war, and they got it. She gave em what they wanted. But now, most regret her Iraq War blunder. So she's changed her position on it. It's what sleazy politicians do. It is what it is.
Trump was in favor of the war too. He got caught lying about being against it when a recording of a Howard Stern interview popped up and he was saying the opposite of what he claimed. Caught red handed lying. Typically, serial liars confuse their lies and can't keep track of them. Trump seems to be going through one of those situations with criticizing Secretary Clinton for having a similar position as his own at the time.

I really don't know if what you said was true but even so it wouldn't necessarily discount what Trump said. It might have been true that Trump was in favor of the war and I think a lot of people were because they believed that Iraq had WMDs. Even famous communist trolls like Colin Powell thought it was a good idea and might even still think it. However, the lack of WMDs and the instability in the region might have made a lot of people change their minds about it. I happen to be one of those people who thinks it would have been better to leave Saddam in power but we can't change the past. Perhaps a lot of people like Trump came to the same conclusion and choose to learn from it which isn't a bad quality to have to be president. He didn't lie because I don't think he said he was always against the war from the beginning.
Your lack of knowledge makes your spin less than credible. The basic and fundamental fact is that Trump claimed he was actively against the war in Iraq before it began and that was proven to be a total lie. The man was adamant that he opposed the war in Iraq, even during a nationally televised debate. No matter how many lies he gets caught telling his supported just bury their heads in the sand and ignore the truth. Trump is a serial liar.

Here he is telling his whopper of untruth and misinformation for which he was later exposed for.
I'm a neocon? Your'e butt stupid, Holmes. I'm a libertarian. We're the opposite of neocons. It's classic that you say I missed the point of a post and you don't even know what words mean. Probably why you can't say what you mean in posts ...

Get back to me when you buy a dictionary and know what you're talking about

A libertarian is nothing more than neocon're worse than a neocon..
I'm a neocon? Your'e butt stupid, Holmes. I'm a libertarian. We're the opposite of neocons. It's classic that you say I missed the point of a post and you don't even know what words mean. Probably why you can't say what you mean in posts ...

Get back to me when you buy a dictionary and know what you're talking about

A libertarian is nothing more than neocon're worse than a neocon..

Buy a dictionary, retard
Typically, serial liars confuse their lies and can't keep track of them. Trump seems to be going through one of those situations with criticizing Secretary Clinton for having a similar position as his own at the time.
Yeah, those serial liars Bill Cosby Clinton and Hitlery Clinton about sexual affairs and Benghazi videos causing riots along with deleting email secrets are confusing for demoRATS to keep track of what's the truth. Cover ups.

I guess that you are one of those serial liars, aren't you Couch Protester?

You might want to do some research on Beghazi, because it was a failure on many different levels.

Not only was it a failure of policy, but it was also a failure of Congress (which was controlled by the GOP).

Congress (which was asked several times by Hillary) was told that we needed more security.

They passed a bill that asked for more building and less security.

Hillary didn't cause those people to die at Benghazi, the GOP Congress (which hates a black man in the White House) who refused to increase the security budged did. was also the fault of the ambassidor who didn't want to appear weak.
And 90 died in embassy attacks under Reagan. How many investigation were there? Why none? Because it wasn't a "failure" on any level?

60 died in embassy attacks under Bush. It also wasn't a failure?

4 under Hillary and she wasn't even president. But wow, she should be staked out on a hot day.

For Republicans, Democrats are held to such a higher standard. Either that or everything is political to them. Even innocent Americans who died serving their country.

Again, the issue is the cover up. No one covered up those. Democrats covered up their handling of Benghazi. For some reason, when Nixon covered up a crime, you people suddenly got it ...
Covered up their handling of Benghazi? When it's been under endless investigation for years?

You do know that 90 died at US embassies under Reagan and 60 under Bush? Do you remember what Republicans found out when all those 150 deaths were investigated?
Wait a second. Republicans did investigate them, didn't they?
Typically, serial liars confuse their lies and can't keep track of them. Trump seems to be going through one of those situations with criticizing Secretary Clinton for having a similar position as his own at the time.
Yeah, those serial liars Bill Cosby Clinton and Hitlery Clinton about sexual affairs and Benghazi videos causing riots along with deleting email secrets are confusing for demoRATS to keep track of what's the truth. Cover ups.

I guess that you are one of those serial liars, aren't you Couch Protester?

You might want to do some research on Beghazi, because it was a failure on many different levels.

Not only was it a failure of policy, but it was also a failure of Congress (which was controlled by the GOP).

Congress (which was asked several times by Hillary) was told that we needed more security.

They passed a bill that asked for more building and less security.

Hillary didn't cause those people to die at Benghazi, the GOP Congress (which hates a black man in the White House) who refused to increase the security budged did. was also the fault of the ambassidor who didn't want to appear weak.
And 90 died in embassy attacks under Reagan. How many investigation were there? Why none? Because it wasn't a "failure" on any level?

60 died in embassy attacks under Bush. It also wasn't a failure?

4 under Hillary and she wasn't even president. But wow, she should be staked out on a hot day.

For Republicans, Democrats are held to such a higher standard. Either that or everything is political to them. Even innocent Americans who died serving their country.

Again, the issue is the cover up. No one covered up those. Democrats covered up their handling of Benghazi. For some reason, when Nixon covered up a crime, you people suddenly got it ...

You do know that 90 died at US embassies under Reagan and 60 under Bush? Do you remember what Republicans found out when all those 150 deaths were investigated?
Wait a second. Republicans did investigate them, didn't they?

How many of them were Americans, Derp?
Typically, serial liars confuse their lies and can't keep track of them. Trump seems to be going through one of those situations with criticizing Secretary Clinton for having a similar position as his own at the time.
Yeah, those serial liars Bill Cosby Clinton and Hitlery Clinton about sexual affairs and Benghazi videos causing riots along with deleting email secrets are confusing for demoRATS to keep track of what's the truth. Cover ups.

I guess that you are one of those serial liars, aren't you Couch Protester?

You might want to do some research on Beghazi, because it was a failure on many different levels.

Not only was it a failure of policy, but it was also a failure of Congress (which was controlled by the GOP).

Congress (which was asked several times by Hillary) was told that we needed more security.

They passed a bill that asked for more building and less security.

Hillary didn't cause those people to die at Benghazi, the GOP Congress (which hates a black man in the White House) who refused to increase the security budged did. was also the fault of the ambassidor who didn't want to appear weak.
And 90 died in embassy attacks under Reagan. How many investigation were there? Why none? Because it wasn't a "failure" on any level?

60 died in embassy attacks under Bush. It also wasn't a failure?

4 under Hillary and she wasn't even president. But wow, she should be staked out on a hot day.

For Republicans, Democrats are held to such a higher standard. Either that or everything is political to them. Even innocent Americans who died serving their country.

Again, the issue is the cover up. No one covered up those. Democrats covered up their handling of Benghazi. For some reason, when Nixon covered up a crime, you people suddenly got it ...
Covered up their handling of Benghazi? When it's been under endless investigation for years?

You do know that 90 died at US embassies under Reagan and 60 under Bush? Do you remember what Republicans found out when all those 150 deaths were investigated?
Wait a second. Republicans did investigate them, didn't they?

Yes, they kept investigating Benghazi because Obama and his administration kept covering up their actions. What about that did you not understand, Deanie Baby?
I find it hilarious that Trump says Hillary is unfit because she voted for going in to Iraq.

Iraq, the GOP's war. They started it. They own it.

Maybe we can apply the same standard to GOP Congressmen up for reelection
I find it hilarious that Trump says Hillary is unfit because she voted for going in to Iraq.

Iraq, the GOP's war. They started it. They own it.

Off the rail again I see.

OK the Republicans own Iraq. All objectives were met with a far less lost of life than the liberals ever predicted. 10 years later the government still stands and is voted for by the people even the Iraqi people.

Costly yes but so is anything else.

Did Mrs. Clinton vote FOR war absolutely. Did she support the war after she voted for war absolutely.

Do the liberals still lie about the war, absolutely.

ISIS Be Damned—Iraqi Kurds Still Love America

Mrs. Tuzla Clinton voted for war, get over it.
Yeah, those serial liars Bill Cosby Clinton and Hitlery Clinton about sexual affairs and Benghazi videos causing riots along with deleting email secrets are confusing for demoRATS to keep track of what's the truth. Cover ups.

I guess that you are one of those serial liars, aren't you Couch Protester?

You might want to do some research on Beghazi, because it was a failure on many different levels.

Not only was it a failure of policy, but it was also a failure of Congress (which was controlled by the GOP).

Congress (which was asked several times by Hillary) was told that we needed more security.

They passed a bill that asked for more building and less security.

Hillary didn't cause those people to die at Benghazi, the GOP Congress (which hates a black man in the White House) who refused to increase the security budged did. was also the fault of the ambassidor who didn't want to appear weak.
And 90 died in embassy attacks under Reagan. How many investigation were there? Why none? Because it wasn't a "failure" on any level?

60 died in embassy attacks under Bush. It also wasn't a failure?

4 under Hillary and she wasn't even president. But wow, she should be staked out on a hot day.

For Republicans, Democrats are held to such a higher standard. Either that or everything is political to them. Even innocent Americans who died serving their country.

Again, the issue is the cover up. No one covered up those. Democrats covered up their handling of Benghazi. For some reason, when Nixon covered up a crime, you people suddenly got it ...

You do know that 90 died at US embassies under Reagan and 60 under Bush? Do you remember what Republicans found out when all those 150 deaths were investigated?
Wait a second. Republicans did investigate them, didn't they?

How many of them were Americans, Derp?
Don't you know?

1. The US embassy in Athens, Greece, was attacked in 2007.

2. The US embassy in Serbia was burned down early in 2008?

3. The US embassy in Sanaa, Yemen, were attacked in September 2008

4. A suicide bombing at the US consulate in Karachi, Pakistan, in 2006 killed a US diplomat.

5. In 2006, a car bomb was set off outside the US embassy in Damascus.

6. Assailants set off bombs outside the US embassy in Tashkent, Uzbekistan, in 2004, at a time when the Uzbek government was allied with Bush in the ‘war on terror’ and was trying 15 persons it accused of al-Qaeda ties. Bush should have known.

7. The US consulate in Jiddah, Saudi Arabia, was attacked in 2004.

8. Anti-American Iraqis were regularly shelling the Green Zone in Baghdad where the US embassy is, in 2008.

9. In April 1983, radical Shiite suicide bombers blew up the US embassy in Beirut, killing 63. Reagan did nothing to prevent this attack, and his ultimate response to it and a later deadly attack on US Marines in Beirut was to quietly withdraw from Lebanon (he called it “redeploying offshore”). Democrats at the time controlled Congress but they didn’t have endless hearings on how Reagan failed our diplomats by not being prepared, not about whether it was wise for Reagan to shell Lebanese villages from the sea and kill 1,000 people.

10. The American embassy in Kuwait was attacked under Reagan in 1983 by radical members of the Da`wa (Islamic Mission) Party. George W. Bush later presided over the election of one of the bombers to the Iraqi parliament. The Da`wa Party, which has since given up terrorism and become a democratic party, has ruled Iraq since 2005, courtesy of Bush.

That's only ten.

Top Attacks on US Embassies in Republican Administrations that Lindsey Graham doesn't Care about

Six months earlier, militants had bombed the U.S. embassy in Beirut, too, killing sixty-three more people, including seventeen Americans.

Ronald Reagan’s Benghazi - The New Yorker

How many Americans died? Apparently lots.
Now apologize.
I guess that you are one of those serial liars, aren't you Couch Protester?

You might want to do some research on Beghazi, because it was a failure on many different levels.

Not only was it a failure of policy, but it was also a failure of Congress (which was controlled by the GOP).

Congress (which was asked several times by Hillary) was told that we needed more security.

They passed a bill that asked for more building and less security.

Hillary didn't cause those people to die at Benghazi, the GOP Congress (which hates a black man in the White House) who refused to increase the security budged did. was also the fault of the ambassidor who didn't want to appear weak.
And 90 died in embassy attacks under Reagan. How many investigation were there? Why none? Because it wasn't a "failure" on any level?

60 died in embassy attacks under Bush. It also wasn't a failure?

4 under Hillary and she wasn't even president. But wow, she should be staked out on a hot day.

For Republicans, Democrats are held to such a higher standard. Either that or everything is political to them. Even innocent Americans who died serving their country.

Again, the issue is the cover up. No one covered up those. Democrats covered up their handling of Benghazi. For some reason, when Nixon covered up a crime, you people suddenly got it ...

You do know that 90 died at US embassies under Reagan and 60 under Bush? Do you remember what Republicans found out when all those 150 deaths were investigated?
Wait a second. Republicans did investigate them, didn't they?

How many of them were Americans, Derp?
Don't you know?

1. The US embassy in Athens, Greece, was attacked in 2007.

2. The US embassy in Serbia was burned down early in 2008?

3. The US embassy in Sanaa, Yemen, were attacked in September 2008

4. A suicide bombing at the US consulate in Karachi, Pakistan, in 2006 killed a US diplomat.

5. In 2006, a car bomb was set off outside the US embassy in Damascus.

6. Assailants set off bombs outside the US embassy in Tashkent, Uzbekistan, in 2004, at a time when the Uzbek government was allied with Bush in the ‘war on terror’ and was trying 15 persons it accused of al-Qaeda ties. Bush should have known.

7. The US consulate in Jiddah, Saudi Arabia, was attacked in 2004.

8. Anti-American Iraqis were regularly shelling the Green Zone in Baghdad where the US embassy is, in 2008.

9. In April 1983, radical Shiite suicide bombers blew up the US embassy in Beirut, killing 63. Reagan did nothing to prevent this attack, and his ultimate response to it and a later deadly attack on US Marines in Beirut was to quietly withdraw from Lebanon (he called it “redeploying offshore”). Democrats at the time controlled Congress but they didn’t have endless hearings on how Reagan failed our diplomats by not being prepared, not about whether it was wise for Reagan to shell Lebanese villages from the sea and kill 1,000 people.

10. The American embassy in Kuwait was attacked under Reagan in 1983 by radical members of the Da`wa (Islamic Mission) Party. George W. Bush later presided over the election of one of the bombers to the Iraqi parliament. The Da`wa Party, which has since given up terrorism and become a democratic party, has ruled Iraq since 2005, courtesy of Bush.

That's only ten.

Top Attacks on US Embassies in Republican Administrations that Lindsey Graham doesn't Care about

Six months earlier, militants had bombed the U.S. embassy in Beirut, too, killing sixty-three more people, including seventeen Americans.

Ronald Reagan’s Benghazi - The New Yorker

How many Americans died? Apparently lots.
Now apologize.

Post the number, Derp. I'll wait
I guess that you are one of those serial liars, aren't you Couch Protester?

You might want to do some research on Beghazi, because it was a failure on many different levels.

Not only was it a failure of policy, but it was also a failure of Congress (which was controlled by the GOP).

Congress (which was asked several times by Hillary) was told that we needed more security.

They passed a bill that asked for more building and less security.

Hillary didn't cause those people to die at Benghazi, the GOP Congress (which hates a black man in the White House) who refused to increase the security budged did. was also the fault of the ambassidor who didn't want to appear weak.
And 90 died in embassy attacks under Reagan. How many investigation were there? Why none? Because it wasn't a "failure" on any level?

60 died in embassy attacks under Bush. It also wasn't a failure?

4 under Hillary and she wasn't even president. But wow, she should be staked out on a hot day.

For Republicans, Democrats are held to such a higher standard. Either that or everything is political to them. Even innocent Americans who died serving their country.

Again, the issue is the cover up. No one covered up those. Democrats covered up their handling of Benghazi. For some reason, when Nixon covered up a crime, you people suddenly got it ...

You do know that 90 died at US embassies under Reagan and 60 under Bush? Do you remember what Republicans found out when all those 150 deaths were investigated?
Wait a second. Republicans did investigate them, didn't they?

How many of them were Americans, Derp?
Don't you know?

1. The US embassy in Athens, Greece, was attacked in 2007.

2. The US embassy in Serbia was burned down early in 2008?

3. The US embassy in Sanaa, Yemen, were attacked in September 2008

4. A suicide bombing at the US consulate in Karachi, Pakistan, in 2006 killed a US diplomat.

5. In 2006, a car bomb was set off outside the US embassy in Damascus.

6. Assailants set off bombs outside the US embassy in Tashkent, Uzbekistan, in 2004, at a time when the Uzbek government was allied with Bush in the ‘war on terror’ and was trying 15 persons it accused of al-Qaeda ties. Bush should have known.

7. The US consulate in Jiddah, Saudi Arabia, was attacked in 2004.

8. Anti-American Iraqis were regularly shelling the Green Zone in Baghdad where the US embassy is, in 2008.

9. In April 1983, radical Shiite suicide bombers blew up the US embassy in Beirut, killing 63. Reagan did nothing to prevent this attack, and his ultimate response to it and a later deadly attack on US Marines in Beirut was to quietly withdraw from Lebanon (he called it “redeploying offshore”). Democrats at the time controlled Congress but they didn’t have endless hearings on how Reagan failed our diplomats by not being prepared, not about whether it was wise for Reagan to shell Lebanese villages from the sea and kill 1,000 people.

10. The American embassy in Kuwait was attacked under Reagan in 1983 by radical members of the Da`wa (Islamic Mission) Party. George W. Bush later presided over the election of one of the bombers to the Iraqi parliament. The Da`wa Party, which has since given up terrorism and become a democratic party, has ruled Iraq since 2005, courtesy of Bush.

That's only ten.

Top Attacks on US Embassies in Republican Administrations that Lindsey Graham doesn't Care about

Six months earlier, militants had bombed the U.S. embassy in Beirut, too, killing sixty-three more people, including seventeen Americans.

Ronald Reagan’s Benghazi - The New Yorker

How many Americans died? Apparently lots.
Now apologize.

A bunch of links that don't address the point. None of those involved the administration covering up it's own role in the attack. By your argument, Nixon should never have been investigated. No one thought he broke into the Watergate hotel. So by your argument, end of discussion. No, it wasn't. Covering up Watergate was a crime too
I find it hilarious that Trump says Hillary is unfit because she voted for going in to Iraq.

Iraq, the GOP's war. They started it. They own it.

Oh. You must mean that war that Congress approved of. Congress that included HItlery who voted for it.

That war???

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