How many time the US has until China becomes capable to defear America?

Power is absolutely useless to stop an enemy that's convinced you don't have the will to use it. The U.S. today is in a more dangerous situation than we've been in, in our entire history.
1812 says “Hi”!
1861 says “Hi”!
1939 says “Hi”!
1962 says “Hi”!
1969 says “Hi”!
By all estimates by 2028 China will overpass the US as the World biggest economy in nominal figures. China already is bigger than the US as economy if measured in purchasing power capability.

According to Chinese plans China will overcome the US militarily by 2035.



But taking in account that China can concentrate all its Navy and other forces in one place (around Taiwan) while the US has to disperse its forces worldwide - even American allies (probably reluctant to fight China at all) will fail to compensate American weakness.

To defeat China the US must attack it within 5 coming years.
In 5 up to 10 years the fight will be devastating for the US even if it wins.
Later the US will be defeated.

In 10 years the US will be removed from its place in food chain, its Debt pyramid will collapse, Dollar will be annihilated.

America will never defeat China no matter how much hype you belch about the greatest country on earth.
Big noises equate to nothing.
China could defeat America over Taiwan
With sailing a boat.

They crippled our economy when trump placed the tariffs on them and sent the economy into a dive. Yet here you are contemplating military defeat????
Are you kidding?
No military will ever be able to defeat the U.S. Our founders were brilliant. Every single civilian in the U.S. has the ability to fight as we all have the freedom to own guns.

So if China wants to destroy us, they will have to find another way (and they are quite capable of that unfortunately)
No military will ever be able to defeat the U.S. Our founders were brilliant. Every single civilian in the U.S. has the ability to fight as we all have the freedom to own guns.

Our founders were brilliant

They created a nation surrounded by oceans and peaceful neighbors.
Our founders were brilliant

They created a nation surrounded by oceans and peaceful neighbors.
They gave us a direction on a virginal conquered continent. You turned us into worrying about survival that gives us a break because of what you typed. Somehow you live a great life that ten more people overseas will do as soon as Progs take total control.
They gave us a direction on a virginal conquered continent. You turned us into worrying about survival that gives us a break because of what you typed. Somehow you live a great life that ten more people overseas will do as soon as Progs take total control.
As usual, your post makes no sense
No military will ever be able to defeat the U.S. Our founders were brilliant. Every single civilian in the U.S. has the ability to fight as we all have the freedom to own guns.

So if China wants to destroy us, they will have to find another way (and they are quite capable of that unfortunately)
China will just cut supply of its goods to the US in the moment when inflation is on the brink of turning into hyperinflation.
Then Americans will fight Americans with all weapons they have...
No Chinese invasion is required....
China will just cut supply of its goods to the US in the moment when inflation is on the brink of turning into hyperinflation.
Then Americans will fight Americans with all weapons they have...
No Chinese invasion is required....

Nah, the cities will burn, that is true, but that will just kill off the dumb progressives.

That will cure most of this countries problems
Nah, the cities will burn, that is true, but that will just kill off the dumb progressives.

That will cure most of this countries problems

indeed, but if you kill all liberals who is going to serve as live targets for shooting exercises of decent conservative citizens? :)
indeed, but if you kill all liberals who is going to serve as live targets for shooting exercises of decent conservative citizens? :)

Oh, true conservatives have zero desire to shoot people. We only kill in extreme need. Never for sport.

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