How many time the US has until China becomes capable to defear America?

By all estimates by 2028 China will overpass the US as the World biggest economy in nominal figures. China already is bigger than the US as economy if measured in purchasing power capability.

According to Chinese plans China will overcome the US militarily by 2035.



But taking in account that China can concentrate all its Navy and other forces in one place (around Taiwan) while the US has to disperse its forces worldwide - even American allies (probably reluctant to fight China at all) will fail to compensate American weakness.

To defeat China the US must attack it within 5 coming years.
In 5 up to 10 years the fight will be devastating for the US even if it wins.
Later the US will be defeated.

In 10 years the US will be removed from its place in food chain, its Debt pyramid will collapse, Dollar will be annihilated.
Its a more quiet version of the Cold War. When Russian communism fell the Cold War was only half over.
the US is a declining power which is in permanent war with the World.
without the US the World will be a safer place.
Taiwan is China. Its official name is the Republic of China. The Communist party of China has no more legacy over the island than a socialist East Germany had over the West Germany.
or vice versa, as West Germany had over Eastern Germany.

But if the bigger part of Germany, the Western one absorbed the smaller part of it (Thanks to the USSR, Anglo-Saxons again opposed reunification of Germany) - China has full right to do the same.
It is a lame argument. Eastern Germany joined the Western part not because it was bigger. But because the socialist bloc collapsed economically and politically.

The similar collapse of Taiwan seems quite impossible.

Taiwan is an integral part of the World economy.
Very, very specialized one.
If World economic system collapses - only big countries with diversified economies will be able to keep most industries going...

Exporters will starve without foreign markets.
Small countries which produce some small number of parts in international technological and industrial chains will die the first.

Like some Estonia, with survivors returning to stone age in a month.
In Ukraine - everybody living from "подножный корм", medieval type of economy, not stretching farer than own village.
Even Russia will be hit hard, it's not self-sufficiant USSR any more.
The EU will disintegrate of course.
The US could survive if not the burden of political problems, which combined with economic collapse will most probably lead to civil war.

So, China is the best prepared to survive Global Hyperinflation. And Taiwan will be in ruins...

So, yes, it is quite natural for China to absorb it..
China is also an integral part of the world's economy. And it utterly depends on the West, just look at what its main trading partners are and what structure of its economy is. And China is among the ones who are the least interested in collapse of the current financial system.

I don't exclude that it may change in the future. But if you think that China will be the only hegemony in the world, then I think you expectations are in vain. I think in the future we will see a bipolar model similar to the one which was during the Cold war. With the collective West and its allies on one side and China with its allies on the other.

export constitutes about 16% of Chinese GDP. Or 13%? I don't remember exact figures.

in the US it's ~26% (and big trade dedicite)
in Germany about 40%

if International trade stops China will be the least affected


Just heard a joke

FSB is listening to Kiev's mayor Klichko's phone just for a laugh тупо поржать
About China you are right in this case. The share of export is 17%. It has been steadily decreasing over the last decade. The Chinese government can be congratulated for this, it seems.

In the US this share is less than 13%, btw.
not really, but you know what I mean.-skye

I have no idea what you mean, like...ever. You're kind of weird. Regarding the US though, China will never take us down. We would annihilate them in a war.
indeed, how could it happen that I calculated the US export/gdp in wrong way.. :(

anyway, the US is extremely vulnerable due to this simple fact that most of volue of its currency circulstes abroad.

pre 2008, in blessed times the balance sheet of the Federal reserve was only 800 bln dollars, only 300 of them circulated in proper USA.

the US prints money in absolutely insane manner, there is no hyperinflation yet only becayse most Dollars are consumed abroad,

the US is a giant Lebabon, whose banking system was in the same manner much bigger than its economy required (Lebanon was a regional financial hub), but every such insanity has its end.

when Dollar inflation accelerates ( it is already about 4% unofficially) - Dollars will start flowing back, very fast leading to hyperinflation.

China has no such risk. At all.

Ukraine's only dream and a chance to survive is based in blind hope that Russia will disintegrate :)

instead the US will fall within next 10 years for sure, quite possible in next 5 years and probably even in coming a year or two.

Stock exchange is on historic peak, also a crazy stuff, this year may be a turning point after stock exchange collapses again, the Fed prints another 100 trillion dollars and the World starts getting rid of dollar.
By all estimates by 2028 China will overpass the US as the World biggest economy in nominal figures. China already is bigger than the US as economy if measured in purchasing power capability.

According to Chinese plans China will overcome the US militarily by 2035.



But taking in account that China can concentrate all its Navy and other forces in one place (around Taiwan) while the US has to disperse its forces worldwide - even American allies (probably reluctant to fight China at all) will fail to compensate American weakness.

To defeat China the US must attack it within 5 coming years.
In 5 up to 10 years the fight will be devastating for the US even if it wins.
Later the US will be defeated.

In 10 years the US will be removed from its place in food chain, its Debt pyramid will collapse, Dollar will be annihilated.

An amusing aside; I used to see charts very similar to these back in the Carter years showing the vast superiority of Soviet military might as Carter was urging our surrender to the USSR.
By all estimates by 2028 China will overpass the US as the World biggest economy in nominal figures. China already is bigger than the US as economy if measured in purchasing power capability.

According to Chinese plans China will overcome the US militarily by 2035.



But taking in account that China can concentrate all its Navy and other forces in one place (around Taiwan) while the US has to disperse its forces worldwide - even American allies (probably reluctant to fight China at all) will fail to compensate American weakness.

To defeat China the US must attack it within 5 coming years.
In 5 up to 10 years the fight will be devastating for the US even if it wins.
Later the US will be defeated.

In 10 years the US will be removed from its place in food chain, its Debt pyramid will collapse, Dollar will be annihilated.

An amusing aside; I used to see charts very similar to these back in the Carter years showing the vast superiority of Soviet military might as Carter was urging our surrender to the USSR.

Agreed, I said already many times that USA resembles USSR prior to its collapse :)

Military might is the only thing in which the US is still superior, and it is evaporating fast
So you believe that story?

no, this article contains a major flaw.

it thinks that collapse of the USSR was a result of some American action.

it takes a small American effort and ties it to a huge effect in Russia.


"Carter also imposed an embargo on U.S. grain sales to the Soviets in 1980. Agriculture was the USSR’s greatest economic weakness since the 1960s."

you know of course that now Russia is the biggest wheat exporter in the World. Bigger than the US or the EU. Bigger producer of wheat than whole USSR (including Ukraine, Kazakhstan and other grain producers) was

so, of course USA might undertake some actions, it might contribute a little, like a bug which sucks blood of an elaphant, but elphant dies of old age.
And USSR collapsed, Gorby initiated reforms, USSR withdrew troops from Afghanistan etc - due to absolute ineffectiveness of Socialist economy.

the, West and the US particularly thinks it won the Cold war.

It did not, USSR collapsed from within due to its domestic problems.

Just like the US now is collapsing from within due to its long developing domestic problems.

you are now in 1980 or even later, in Soviet calendar, USSR collapsed in 1991.

You even pass the same stages, after Altzheimer Brezhnev we had a short period when old Soviet leaders were dying one after another.

You have the same period yourself now.

I can give you multiple examples of similarity between the late USSR and present USA.

disbelief in mass media, in mainstrean propaganda, for example.

I can really go on long...
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And I was simply pointing out that this statement:
An amusing aside; I used to see charts very similar to these back in the Carter years showing the vast superiority of Soviet military might as Carter was urging our surrender to the USSR.
which you said "Agreed" about immediately afterword.. was complete bullshit. You can't trust anything that idiot says. Yeah, I used to see pink monkeys fly out my ass every time I farted too.

Carter left much to be desired but was far better than the pictures these clowns on the right like to paint. Reagan was a cheat and dickhead by comparison, but he's the one such fucks wish to credit with destroying the Soviet Union. Yes, we generally understand here now that the USSR mostly collapsed of its own weight.
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And I was simply pointing out that this statement:
An amusing aside; I used to see charts very similar to these back in the Carter years showing the vast superiority of Soviet military might as Carter was urging our surrender to the USSR.
which you said "Agreed" about immediately afterword.. was complete bullshit. You can't trust anything that idiot says. Yeah, I used to see pink monkeys fly out my ass every time I farted too.

Carter left much to be desired but was far better than the pictures these clowns on the right like to paint. Reagan was a cheat and dickhead by comparison, but he's the one such fucks wish to credit with destroying the Soviet Union. Yes, we generally understand here now that the USSR mostly collapsed of its own weight.

Agreed was an irony, which is clear from further comment after "agreed"
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To defeat China the US must attack it within 5 coming years.
Exactly WHY MUST the US attack China at all? China has the largest army in the World. However, the second-largest army in the World has been skirmishing with China along various reaches along the borders between India and China. China's vested interest for a first-fight to eliminate their greatest threat ON LAND is to eliminate the threat of India's very large army, and that is exactly what is planned, which has been no secret for decades now! Your five-year projection for the US to go on the offensive against China militarily lacks knowledge and vision!

Why did the People's Army create a Marine combat force 6-7 years ago projected to be ~250,000 in strength initially by taking forces from their army and training that branch for their new military responsibilities? And why at the same time make agreements for overseas naval bases in Gwadar, Pakistan, just ~400 Nm from the Strait of Hormuz and another naval base at Djibouti ~1300 Nm by the Red Sea from the Suez Canal and access to the Mediterranean Sea.

Now when one considers the choke points of the South China Sea China is creating with their "Island Building" and ignoring their signed commitment to the LOS Treaty, coupled with their desire to cripple India's commerce which competes with China's, China's increasing Naval strength to squeeze India's trade to nil, but that's not all. China could easily, with an expanded Naval force they have envisioned on paper, control the flow of maritime commerce in the Malacca Strait through which flows 70-80% WORTH of all trade each and every day. Now go to a map and connect the dots.

China will attack India long before the US would go begging for a war with China. It would be a fool's errand to even consider such an absurd proposition considering where all the chess pieces are on the board!
To defeat China the US must attack it within 5 coming years.
Exactly WHY MUST the US attack China at all? China has the largest army in the World. However, the second-largest army in the World has been skirmishing with China along various reaches along the borders between India and China. China's vested interest for a first-fight to eliminate their greatest threat ON LAND is to eliminate the threat of India's very large army, and that is exactly what is planned, which has been no secret for decades now! Your five-year projection for the US to go on the offensive against China militarily lacks knowledge and vision!

Why did the People's Army create a Marine combat force 6-7 years ago projected to be ~250,000 in strength initially by taking forces from their army and training that branch for their new military responsibilities? And why at the same time make agreements for overseas naval bases in Gwadar, Pakistan, just ~400 Nm from the Strait of Hormuz and another naval base at Djibouti ~1300 Nm by the Red Sea from the Suez Canal and access to the Mediterranean Sea.

Now when one considers the choke points of the South China Sea China is creating with their "Island Building" and ignoring their signed commitment to the LOS Treaty, coupled with their desire to cripple India's commerce which competes with China's, China's increasing Naval strength to squeeze India's trade to nil, but that's not all. China could easily, with an expanded Naval force they have envisioned on paper, control the flow of maritime commerce in the Malacca Strait through which flows 70-80% WORTH of all trade each and every day. Now go to a map and connect the dots.

China will attack India long before the US would go begging for a war with China. It would be a fool's errand to even consider such an absurd proposition considering where all the chess pieces are on the board!

China doesn't need to attack India.
China needs to secure its foreign trade, which is a primary target of the US since nuclear all out war is hardly possible and naval military blocade is the only way to inflict lethal damage to Chinese economy.

Study history of British opium wars against China, when Brittain cracked domestic Chinese marked and forced China to consume Indian/British narcotics, since China had big trade surplus with the UK.
and war and imposition of unfair trade on China was the main British goal.

History repeats, just now it is the US.
By all estimates by 2028 China will overpass the US as the World biggest economy in nominal figures. China already is bigger than the US as economy if measured in purchasing power capability.

According to Chinese plans China will overcome the US militarily by 2035.



But taking in account that China can concentrate all its Navy and other forces in one place (around Taiwan) while the US has to disperse its forces worldwide - even American allies (probably reluctant to fight China at all) will fail to compensate American weakness.

To defeat China the US must attack it within 5 coming years.
In 5 up to 10 years the fight will be devastating for the US even if it wins.
Later the US will be defeated.

In 10 years the US will be removed from its place in food chain, its Debt pyramid will collapse, Dollar will be annihilated.
Jan 20, 2021. That's when Xi's puppet government was installed
To defeat China the US must attack it within 5 coming years.
Exactly WHY MUST the US attack China at all? China has the largest army in the World. However, the second-largest army in the World has been skirmishing with China along various reaches along the borders between India and China. China's vested interest for a first-fight to eliminate their greatest threat ON LAND is to eliminate the threat of India's very large army, and that is exactly what is planned, which has been no secret for decades now! Your five-year projection for the US to go on the offensive against China militarily lacks knowledge and vision!

Why did the People's Army create a Marine combat force 6-7 years ago projected to be ~250,000 in strength initially by taking forces from their army and training that branch for their new military responsibilities? And why at the same time make agreements for overseas naval bases in Gwadar, Pakistan, just ~400 Nm from the Strait of Hormuz and another naval base at Djibouti ~1300 Nm by the Red Sea from the Suez Canal and access to the Mediterranean Sea.

Now when one considers the choke points of the South China Sea China is creating with their "Island Building" and ignoring their signed commitment to the LOS Treaty, coupled with their desire to cripple India's commerce which competes with China's, China's increasing Naval strength to squeeze India's trade to nil, but that's not all. China could easily, with an expanded Naval force they have envisioned on paper, control the flow of maritime commerce in the Malacca Strait through which flows 70-80% WORTH of all trade each and every day. Now go to a map and connect the dots.

China will attack India long before the US would go begging for a war with China. It would be a fool's errand to even consider such an absurd proposition considering where all the chess pieces are on the board!

China doesn't need to attack India.
China needs to secure its foreign trade, which is a primary target of the US since nuclear all out war is hardly possible and naval military blocade is the only way to inflict lethal damage to Chinese economy.

Study history of British opium wars against China, when Brittain cracked domestic Chinese marked and forced China to consume Indian/British narcotics, since China had big trade surplus with the UK.
and war and imposition of unfair trade on China was the main British goal.

History repeats, just now it is the US.
You know nothing, Comrade, and your evasion of the very real facts I presented tell the tale! Your propaganda is baseless and dated! The Opium Wars and the British Raj, REALLY! The 19th Century colonial period is long over and not at all relevant to today's circumstances. And by the way, yes, China has plans to attack India for obvious reasons. India's Army is the second largest in the World and is snuggled up against the belly of China. China

Go pedal your lies and confusion elsewhere and say hello to Vlad for everyone, 'K?

Know thy self, know thy enemy. A thousand battles, a thousand victories.
Sun Tzu
They need a bigger economy
They have five times the population.
And they do not follow the guidelines of capitalisms.

You have an issue with capitalism

Communism has its benefits from a "moving forward" standpoint. But is it really worth the consequences?

You sure?
They need a bigger economy
They have five times the population.
And they do not follow the guidelines of capitalisms.

You have an issue with capitalism

Communism has its benefits from a "moving forward" standpoint. But is it really worth the consequences?

You sure?
No idea what you are babbling about or what it has to do with what I posted
To defeat China the US must attack it within 5 coming years.
Exactly WHY MUST the US attack China at all? China has the largest army in the World. However, the second-largest army in the World has been skirmishing with China along various reaches along the borders between India and China. China's vested interest for a first-fight to eliminate their greatest threat ON LAND is to eliminate the threat of India's very large army, and that is exactly what is planned, which has been no secret for decades now! Your five-year projection for the US to go on the offensive against China militarily lacks knowledge and vision!

Why did the People's Army create a Marine combat force 6-7 years ago projected to be ~250,000 in strength initially by taking forces from their army and training that branch for their new military responsibilities? And why at the same time make agreements for overseas naval bases in Gwadar, Pakistan, just ~400 Nm from the Strait of Hormuz and another naval base at Djibouti ~1300 Nm by the Red Sea from the Suez Canal and access to the Mediterranean Sea.

Now when one considers the choke points of the South China Sea China is creating with their "Island Building" and ignoring their signed commitment to the LOS Treaty, coupled with their desire to cripple India's commerce which competes with China's, China's increasing Naval strength to squeeze India's trade to nil, but that's not all. China could easily, with an expanded Naval force they have envisioned on paper, control the flow of maritime commerce in the Malacca Strait through which flows 70-80% WORTH of all trade each and every day. Now go to a map and connect the dots.

China will attack India long before the US would go begging for a war with China. It would be a fool's errand to even consider such an absurd proposition considering where all the chess pieces are on the board!

China doesn't need to attack India.
China needs to secure its foreign trade, which is a primary target of the US since nuclear all out war is hardly possible and naval military blocade is the only way to inflict lethal damage to Chinese economy.

Study history of British opium wars against China, when Brittain cracked domestic Chinese marked and forced China to consume Indian/British narcotics, since China had big trade surplus with the UK.
and war and imposition of unfair trade on China was the main British goal.

History repeats, just now it is the US.
You know nothing, Comrade, and your evasion of the very real facts I presented tell the tale! Your propaganda is baseless and dated! The Opium Wars and the British Raj, REALLY! The 19th Century colonial period is long over and not at all relevant to today's circumstances. And by the way, yes, China has plans to attack India for obvious reasons. India's Army is the second largest in the World and is snuggled up against the belly of China. China

Go pedal your lies and confusion elsewhere and say hello to Vlad for everyone, 'K?

Know thy self, know thy enemy. A thousand battles, a thousand victories.
Sun Tzu

unlike you I am not going to speak with empty slogans and will tell you what is similar.

Both in UK-China before opium wars and now in US-China case there was the same problem.
UK had giant trade deficite with China. Gold was flowing to China, China did not need anything from Britrain, but Brittain imported much from China.
Like in present US- China case.
Then the UK found something to illegally sell to China - Indian opium. But soon China banned it and it made the UK send cannon boats to China, which successfully imposed on China Trump-like unfair "trade deal".

Trump was trying to repeat British success with just threats - and failed, US deficite in trade with China keeps growing.
So, cannon boats are the next stage. Unsuccessful this time...
To defeat China the US must attack it within 5 coming years.
Exactly WHY MUST the US attack China at all? China has the largest army in the World. However, the second-largest army in the World has been skirmishing with China along various reaches along the borders between India and China. China's vested interest for a first-fight to eliminate their greatest threat ON LAND is to eliminate the threat of India's very large army, and that is exactly what is planned, which has been no secret for decades now! Your five-year projection for the US to go on the offensive against China militarily lacks knowledge and vision!

Why did the People's Army create a Marine combat force 6-7 years ago projected to be ~250,000 in strength initially by taking forces from their army and training that branch for their new military responsibilities? And why at the same time make agreements for overseas naval bases in Gwadar, Pakistan, just ~400 Nm from the Strait of Hormuz and another naval base at Djibouti ~1300 Nm by the Red Sea from the Suez Canal and access to the Mediterranean Sea.

Now when one considers the choke points of the South China Sea China is creating with their "Island Building" and ignoring their signed commitment to the LOS Treaty, coupled with their desire to cripple India's commerce which competes with China's, China's increasing Naval strength to squeeze India's trade to nil, but that's not all. China could easily, with an expanded Naval force they have envisioned on paper, control the flow of maritime commerce in the Malacca Strait through which flows 70-80% WORTH of all trade each and every day. Now go to a map and connect the dots.

China will attack India long before the US would go begging for a war with China. It would be a fool's errand to even consider such an absurd proposition considering where all the chess pieces are on the board!

China doesn't need to attack India.
China needs to secure its foreign trade, which is a primary target of the US since nuclear all out war is hardly possible and naval military blocade is the only way to inflict lethal damage to Chinese economy.

Study history of British opium wars against China, when Brittain cracked domestic Chinese marked and forced China to consume Indian/British narcotics, since China had big trade surplus with the UK.
and war and imposition of unfair trade on China was the main British goal.

History repeats, just now it is the US.
You know nothing, Comrade, and your evasion of the very real facts I presented tell the tale! Your propaganda is baseless and dated! The Opium Wars and the British Raj, REALLY! The 19th Century colonial period is long over and not at all relevant to today's circumstances. And by the way, yes, China has plans to attack India for obvious reasons. India's Army is the second largest in the World and is snuggled up against the belly of China. China

Go pedal your lies and confusion elsewhere and say hello to Vlad for everyone, 'K?

Know thy self, know thy enemy. A thousand battles, a thousand victories.
Sun Tzu

unlike you I am not going to speak with empty slogans and will tell you what is similar.

Both in UK-China before opium wars and now in US-China case there was the same problem.
UK had giant trade deficite with China. Gold was flowing to China, China did not need anything from Britrain, but Brittain imported much from China.
Like in present US- China case.
Then the UK found something to illegally sell to China - Indian opium. But soon China banned it and it made the UK send cannon boats to China, which successfully imposed on China Trump-like unfair "trade deal".

Trump was trying to repeat British success with just threats - and failed, US deficite in trade with China keeps growing.
So, cannon boats are the next stage. Unsuccessful this time...
unlike you I am not going to speak with empty slogans and will tell you what is similar.

Both in UK-China before opium wars and now in US-China case there was the same problem.
UK had giant trade deficite with China. Gold was flowing to China, China did not need anything from Britrain, but Brittain imported much from China.
Like in present US- China case.
Then the UK found something to illegally sell to China - Indian opium. But soon China banned it and it made the UK send cannon boats to China, which successfully imposed on China Trump-like unfair "trade deal".

Trump was trying to repeat British success with just threats - and failed, US deficite in trade with China keeps growing.
So, cannon boats are the next stage. Unsuccessful this time...
None of that jibberish directly above has anything to do with your single topic sentence, to which I responded initially. It has not a thing to do with England's difficulties in India in the 19th century nor with China during a portion of the same period. What you have fearfully avoided discussing YOUR SINGLE STATEMENT QUOTED DIRECTLY BELOW!
To defeat China the US must attack it within 5 coming years.
Are you capable of supporting and explaining how you could possibly come to that conclusion with what I outlined in post #91? Those are real-world facts. It's nothing to do with finance per se, or opium, or the damn 19th century Brits & SILVER, you dolt!

It's merely a number of years before China tries to decimate India's forces. China doesn't plan in years but in decades.
They need a bigger economy
They have five times the population.
And they do not follow the guidelines of capitalisms.

You have an issue with capitalism

Communism has its benefits from a "moving forward" standpoint. But is it really worth the consequences?

You sure?
No idea what you are babbling about or what it has to do with what I posted
Typical response from someone who has no idea how to respond to a counter argument.

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