How many time the US has until China becomes capable to defear America?

By all estimates by 2028 China will overpass the US as the World biggest economy in nominal figures. China already is bigger than the US as economy if measured in purchasing power capability.

According to Chinese plans China will overcome the US militarily by 2035.



But taking in account that China can concentrate all its Navy and other forces in one place (around Taiwan) while the US has to disperse its forces worldwide - even American allies (probably reluctant to fight China at all) will fail to compensate American weakness.

To defeat China the US must attack it within 5 coming years.
In 5 up to 10 years the fight will be devastating for the US even if it wins.
Later the US will be defeated.

In 10 years the US will be removed from its place in food chain, its Debt pyramid will collapse, Dollar will be annihilated.

Do you really think China wants a nuclear war?

of course not.
what for? China has jymust tosit and wair, time is on its side, in 10 years if nothing extraordinary happens China will quietly surpass the US and the US will collapse from within, like USSR did.

The vodka was on sale last night, huh?
By all estimates by 2028 China will overpass the US as the World biggest economy in nominal figures. China already is bigger than the US as economy if measured in purchasing power capability.

According to Chinese plans China will overcome the US militarily by 2035.



But taking in account that China can concentrate all its Navy and other forces in one place (around Taiwan) while the US has to disperse its forces worldwide - even American allies (probably reluctant to fight China at all) will fail to compensate American weakness.

To defeat China the US must attack it within 5 coming years.
In 5 up to 10 years the fight will be devastating for the US even if it wins.
Later the US will be defeated.

In 10 years the US will be removed from its place in food chain, its Debt pyramid will collapse, Dollar will be annihilated.
What makes you think we're going to war over taiwan?

Taiwan is a separatist territory of China, an integral part of China, not recognized as a separate state even by the US.

if not artificial encouragement/prevention by the US Taiwan would have reunited with China long ago.

So, we can't talk about invasion, it's just restoration of territorial integrity of China.

If US removes its pupet regime from Taiwan reunification will be peaceful.
The Brits should have kept it.
kept what? the US? probably yes, then Americans might have been more educated :)
Taiwan was not a British colony :)
Taiwan. Try to keep up.
They have surpassed us in many ways. Western society is weak and soft now and wouldn't stand a chance going head to head with china.
By all estimates by 2028 China will overpass the US as the World biggest economy in nominal figures. China already is bigger than the US as economy if measured in purchasing power capability.

According to Chinese plans China will overcome the US militarily by 2035.



But taking in account that China can concentrate all its Navy and other forces in one place (around Taiwan) while the US has to disperse its forces worldwide - even American allies (probably reluctant to fight China at all) will fail to compensate American weakness.

To defeat China the US must attack it within 5 coming years.
In 5 up to 10 years the fight will be devastating for the US even if it wins.
Later the US will be defeated.

In 10 years the US will be removed from its place in food chain, its Debt pyramid will collapse, Dollar will be annihilated.

China bought our political party's. They don't have to fight us now.
By all estimates by 2028 China will overpass the US as the World biggest economy in nominal figures. China already is bigger than the US as economy if measured in purchasing power capability.

According to Chinese plans China will overcome the US militarily by 2035.



But taking in account that China can concentrate all its Navy and other forces in one place (around Taiwan) while the US has to disperse its forces worldwide - even American allies (probably reluctant to fight China at all) will fail to compensate American weakness.

To defeat China the US must attack it within 5 coming years.
In 5 up to 10 years the fight will be devastating for the US even if it wins.
Later the US will be defeated.

In 10 years the US will be removed from its place in food chain, its Debt pyramid will collapse, Dollar will be annihilated.
Why do we need to fight them, again? Because their economy is getting bigger than ours?
no, because when Chinese economy becomes bigger then yours and Yuan replaces Dollar as the World trade and reserve currency - the US will not be able to print money out of air to finance its debt, interest rate on loans will also grow to let's say minimum 15%, if you by some miracle survive or prevent hyperinflation.
US will face double Grearest depression, several times worse than Great Depression of 1929
The Brits should have kept it.
kept what? the US? probably yes, then Americans might have been more educated :)
Taiwan was not a British colony :)
And Taiwan never had been a part of China.
it has always been a part of China, though some time it was occupied by Japan
Source? It lived nearly no Chinese on Formosa (=Taiwan) when "we" (=the Portugese) found it in 1583. It lived nearly exclusively only Austronesian people there up to the 17th century. Aha ... got it: In 1683 the Chinese Qing dynasty had conquered the island after Koxinga - an enemy of the Qing, as far as I see - had thrown out the Netherlanders. ... Hmmm ... strange ...
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The Brits should have kept it.
kept what? the US? probably yes, then Americans might have been more educated :)
Taiwan was not a British colony :)
And Taiwan never had been a part of China.
Not as Taiwan, but under other names.

A brief history:

A very good summary. Thank you. So from 1683 - 1895 Taiwan was indirectly ruled from China. Then it was Japanese. The allies of world war 2 gave Taiwan in 1945 again to China - and in 1949 the old government of China overtook the Island, after they had to flee the Commies.
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The Brits should have kept it.
kept what? the US? probably yes, then Americans might have been more educated :)
Taiwan was not a British colony :)
And Taiwan never had been a part of China.
Not as Taiwan, but under other names.

A brief history:

A very good summary. Thank you. So from 1683 - 1895 Taiwan was indirectly ruled from China. Then it was Japanese. The allies of world war 2 gave Taiwan in 1945 again to China - and in 1949 the old government of China overtook the Island, after they had to flee the Commies.

1883-1895 - almost entire US History :) , more than enough to consider it Chinese.
Japanese occupation was imperian and illegal, Japanese occupied other countries too.

As for Chan Kai Shi government separaiting Taiwan from China - nobody in the World recognizes it, even the US.

So, the US is fanning war there due to its imperial strategy of "divide and rule".
The Brits should have kept it.
kept what? the US? probably yes, then Americans might have been more educated :)
Taiwan was not a British colony :)
And Taiwan never had been a part of China.
Not as Taiwan, but under other names.

A brief history:

A very good summary. Thank you. So from 1683 - 1895 Taiwan was indirectly ruled from China. Then it was Japanese. The allies of world war 2 gave Taiwan in 1945 again to China - and in 1949 the old government of China overtook the Island, after they had to flee the Commies.

1883-1895 - almost entire US History :) , more than enough to consider it Chinese.

1683-1895 it was indirectly governed from China.

Japanese occupation was imperian and illegal, Japanese occupied other countries too.

In 1919 existed in Formosa about 3 million Han-Taiwanese (=Han-Chinese) 100,000 Japanese and 120,000 members of indigen people. If you remeber had lived in 1583 only indigen people there. So we have to see this, what had happened in Taiwan more in direction genocide, which was made made from the Chinese empire. A sad chapter of history.

As for Chan Kai Shi government separaiting Taiwan from China - nobody in the World recognizes it, even the US.

So, the US is fanning war there due to its imperial strategy of "divide and rule".

Trump was an extremist idiot, who had an immense lack of education. That's why he propagated this strategy for idiots.

As far as I know the USA had nothing to do with the history of Taiwan - except that they made the heavy mistake to give "back" Taiwan to China after wordl war 2, which had been a "colony" (with very very few colonists) from Japan for 50 years. To make Taiwan indpendent would had been a much better idea - but only 4 years later practically the independence of Taiwan had started.

So this plays not really a big role any longer. Taiwan is an independent nation since world war 2. It's not wise to try to change the results of this (and other) wars any longer - otherwise peace on planet Earth will never get a real chance. And without peace we (= all mankind) will never have a chance to "conquer" the universe.

By the way: Let me say here and now "Thank you" to all Chinese people, who had sent food and letters to John Rabe after world war 2, when he had sufferred hunger and misrespect in his own beloved country Germany.
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lol, it was genocide what Americans did, there it was really extermination of indigenious people. So, if we start fighting genocide we should start with the EU - which expelled hundreds of thousands of Serbs from Serbian Krainas in Croatia, and from the US, sending all Whites back to Europe.

As for China, 3 mln Chinese just setlled there, without genocide.

And it was not the US, which "gave" Taiwan back to China. :) So, it can't take it back...
Besides, Taiwan was Chinese by 1945 whatever it was in Middle ages, it's not up to the US too decide at all.
Who is the US after all? :)
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Taiwan is China. Its official name is the Republic of China. The Communist party of China has no more legacy over the island than a socialist East Germany had over the West Germany.
Taiwan is China. Its official name is the Republic of China. The Communist party of China has no more legacy over the island than a socialist East Germany had over the West Germany.
or vice versa, as West Germany had over Eastern Germany.

But if the bigger part of Germany, the Western one absorbed the smaller part of it (Thanks to the USSR, Anglo-Saxons again opposed reunification of Germany) - China has full right to do the same.
lol, it was genocide what Americans did, there it was really extermination of indigenious people.

And it was not a genocide but a fratricide what we Germans did do with the Jews during world war 2, who were only Germans like all other Germans, speaking German or the German language Yiddish.

So, if we start fighting genocide we should start with the EU - which expelled hundreds of thousands of Serbs from Serbian Krainas in Croatia, and from the US, sending all Whites back to Europe.

Serbs? ...

As for China, 3 mln Chinese just setlled there, without genocide.

What I doubt about.

And it was not the US, which "gave" Taiwan back to China.

Did I say USA? Normally I say "the allies of world war 2". For sure the USA and all others were able to make another decision. We know what had happened with this decision - but we never will know what had happened with another decision. History knows no experiments. I have the feeling there was room for a better decision.

:) So, it can't take it back...
Besides, Taiwan was Chinese by 1945 whatever it was in Middle ages, it's not up to the US too decide at all.
Who is the US after all? :)

Eh? The USA is the USA. And for me is everything important what had happened and happens with the descendents of the 1,000-10,000 human beings, who had lived about 70,000-80,000 years ago.
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Taiwan is China.

It's nonsense to say so. China and Taiwan are independent countries.

Its official name is the Republic of China. The Communist party of China has no more legacy over the island than a socialist East Germany had over the West Germany.

What a nonsense. The displacement of Germans and erasure of different German cultures (Silesians, Bohemians and others) and the separation of Germany into an Eastern part and a Western part shows only the will to do so of the allies of world war 2. This situation had absolutelly nothing to do with Germany on its own - except that we decided to reunite Germany, when a very small time window of history allowed us to do so. This had happened without any form of violence - even without any shot.
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You have known better, this genocide and blood is not only on American, but on German (EU) hands. Maybe even more on German ones, since it was Germany which equipped and trained Croats.


Republic of Serbian Krajina

Following the rejection by both sides of the Z-4 plan for reintegration, the RSK's end came in 1995, when Croatian forces gained control of SAO Western Slavonia in Operation Flash (May) followed by the biggest part of occupied Croatia in Operation Storm (August).

The RSK was disbanded and most of its Serb population (from 150,000 to 200,000 people) fled.[23][38] Only 5,000 to 6,000 people remained, mostly the elderly.
Most of the refugees fled to todays Serbia, Bosnia, and eastern Slavonia. Some of those who refused to leave were murdered, tortured and forcibly expelled by the Croatian Army and police.
Taiwan is China. Its official name is the Republic of China. The Communist party of China has no more legacy over the island than a socialist East Germany had over the West Germany.
or vice versa, as West Germany had over Eastern Germany.

But if the bigger part of Germany, the Western one absorbed the smaller part of it (Thanks to the USSR, Anglo-Saxons again opposed reunification of Germany) - China has full right to do the same.

Or the smaller part of Germany absorbed the bigger part of Germany. That's totally unclear. And in your form of logic Germany had the right to occupy Czechia and big parts of Poland - and to "absorbe" many many other regions all around Germany. Such ideas make not a big sense.
The Brits should have kept it.
kept what? the US? probably yes, then Americans might have been more educated :)
Taiwan was not a British colony :)
And Taiwan never had been a part of China.
Not as Taiwan, but under other names.

A brief history:

Love your link..


When the Dutch East India Company arrived in Taiwan in 1624, they found no traces of any administration by the Ming Dynasty, which ruled China from 1368 through 1644. In fact, the Dutch – who had established a small fortress in the Pescadores in 1622 – were told by the Ming Tianqi Emperor that they should “go beyond our territory,” so the Dutch moved to what was then called Formosa, and ruled the island for 38 years, establishing the first administrative structure on Taiwan. Thus, it certainly was never part of the Ming Dynasty.

Dutch rule ended in 1662, when Ming follower Koxinga – escaping from the newly-established Qing / Manchu Dynasty – sailed from the Fukien (Fujian) coast with some 400 ships and 25,000 men and laid siege around the Dutch fortress Zeelandia. After nine months, the Dutch surrendered, and Koxinga established his rule in the southwestern corner of Taiwan. This would only last for 21 years, until the surrender by his grandson to the forces of the Qing Dynasty in the Battle of Penghu in 1683. Koxinga and his family ruled Taiwan as the independent Kingdom of Tungning, not as part of the Ming Dynasty, which was gone by that time.

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