How many time the US has until China becomes capable to defear America?

Taiwan is China. Its official name is the Republic of China. The Communist party of China has no more legacy over the island than a socialist East Germany had over the West Germany.
or vice versa, as West Germany had over Eastern Germany.

But if the bigger part of Germany, the Western one absorbed the smaller part of it (Thanks to the USSR, Anglo-Saxons again opposed reunification of Germany) - China has full right to do the same.

Or the smaller part of Germany absorbed the bigger part of Germany. That's totally unclear. And in your form of logic Germany had the right to occupy Czechia and big parts of Poland - and to "absorbe" many many other regions all around Germany. Such ideas make not a big sense.

if it was concensual and with good will, with refedendum - why not?

by the way, Western Germany absorbed Eastern Germany in 1989 not in a democratic way, without any referendum, by force :)

in this sence it is not different from Anshlus or partition of Czechoslovamia or Silezia :)

Present FRG is not different from Hitler's Reuch in this sence :)

though, to put Historic context here - Russia/USSR has always advocated united and strong Germany, while Anglo-Saxons have always opposed it, viewing Russo-German alliance as ths biggest threat to Anglo-Saxon dominance in the World.
So, every time Anglo-Saxons succeeded in directing Germany against Russia it ended with World WR and major catastrophe for the continent and human kind.
You have known better, this genocide and blood is not only on American, but on German (EU) hands. Maybe even more on German ones, since it was Germany which equipped and trained Croats.

Nice people the Croats.


Republic of Serbian Krajina

Following the rejection by both sides of the Z-4 plan for reintegration, the RSK's end came in 1995, when Croatian forces gained control of SAO Western Slavonia in Operation Flash (May) followed by the biggest part of occupied Croatia in Operation Storm (August).

The RSK was disbanded and most of its Serb population (from 150,000 to 200,000 people) fled.[23][38] Only 5,000 to 6,000 people remained, mostly the elderly.
Most of the refugees fled to todays Serbia, Bosnia, and eastern Slavonia. Some of those who refused to leave were murdered, tortured and forcibly expelled by the Croatian Army and police.

I have absolutelly not any idea, what you try to tell me here. I never understood what had happened in the area of the former Yugoslavia. When I was a very little child - I remember I was 6 or 8 years - an old German, who had been a soldier druing world war 2 in this region of the world, told me what will happen in this region of the world, when Tito will die. I forgot it. One of the war stories. Not very interesting. Later I saw Yugoslavia was a wonderful nice country. When the disaster there started I rembered what this old man had said to me - and what happened now in front of the pages of the newpapers, where I read about. I never understood the details. But I still ask myselve: Why knew this simple old man what will happen - and why did no one take care before it had happened?

The best fight will be the fight, which will not have to happen.
Wisdom from the Samurai
Our Commander in Chief has the military focused on maternity flight suits and updating requirements for women's hair styles, so China knows not to mess with us.
By all estimates by 2028 China will overpass the US as the World biggest economy in nominal figures. China already is bigger than the US as economy if measured in purchasing power capability.

According to Chinese plans China will overcome the US militarily by 2035.



But taking in account that China can concentrate all its Navy and other forces in one place (around Taiwan) while the US has to disperse its forces worldwide - even American allies (probably reluctant to fight China at all) will fail to compensate American weakness.

To defeat China the US must attack it within 5 coming years.
In 5 up to 10 years the fight will be devastating for the US even if it wins.
Later the US will be defeated.

In 10 years the US will be removed from its place in food chain, its Debt pyramid will collapse, Dollar will be annihilated.

I really wish you would learn English.
By all estimates by 2028 China will overpass the US as the World biggest economy in nominal figures. China already is bigger than the US as economy if measured in purchasing power capability.

According to Chinese plans China will overcome the US militarily by 2035.



But taking in account that China can concentrate all its Navy and other forces in one place (around Taiwan) while the US has to disperse its forces worldwide - even American allies (probably reluctant to fight China at all) will fail to compensate American weakness.

To defeat China the US must attack it within 5 coming years.
In 5 up to 10 years the fight will be devastating for the US even if it wins.
Later the US will be defeated.

In 10 years the US will be removed from its place in food chain, its Debt pyramid will collapse, Dollar will be annihilated.

Do you really think China wants a nuclear war?

of course not.
what for? China has jymust tosit and wair, time is on its side, in 10 years if nothing extraordinary happens China will quietly surpass the US and the US will collapse from within, like USSR did.

WTF is that supposed to mean?
Taiwan is China. Its official name is the Republic of China. The Communist party of China has no more legacy over the island than a socialist East Germany had over the West Germany.
or vice versa, as West Germany had over Eastern Germany.

But if the bigger part of Germany, the Western one absorbed the smaller part of it (Thanks to the USSR, Anglo-Saxons again opposed reunification of Germany) - China has full right to do the same.

Or the smaller part of Germany absorbed the bigger part of Germany. That's totally unclear. And in your form of logic Germany had the right to occupy Czechia and big parts of Poland - and to "absorbe" many many other regions all around Germany. Such ideas make not a big sense.

if it was concensual and with good will, with refedendum - why not?

by the way, Western Germany absorbed Eastern Germany in 1989 not in a democratic way, without any referendum, by force :)

There was no need for a referendum. The people voted with their feet.

in this sence it is not different from Anshlus or partition of Czechoslovamia or Silezia :)

I'm sure you don't understand what you try to speak about now. A real answer would be too long now.

Present FRG is not different from Hitler's Reuch in this sence :)

The federal republik of Germany is very different from Hitlers Rauch.

though, to put Historic context here - Russia/USSR has always advocated united and strong Germany, while Anglo-axons have always opposed it, viewing Russo-German alliance as ths biggest threat to Anglo-Saxon dominance in the World.
So, every time Anglo-Saxons succeeded in directing Germany against Russia it ended with World WR and major catastrophe for the continent and human kind.

The Anglo-Saxons are Germans. And the area Russia had always good relations and trades with our area. All the war nonsense between Russia and Germany started with Napoleon Bonaparte and the revolution in France ("France" is by the way also a German word). And somehow I fear the Prussians, who came from Köniogsberg, were "only" a German speaking part of the Russians. About them we say the Prussians were an army, which owned a country. I see in the Prussians the main problem of the German history. If this damned idiots had agreed in 1849 to overtake the crown of Germany from peoples grace (and not from gods grace) then we could perhaps miss today three god damned wars in the German history.
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Taiwan is China. Its official name is the Republic of China. The Communist party of China has no more legacy over the island than a socialist East Germany had over the West Germany.
or vice versa, as West Germany had over Eastern Germany.

But if the bigger part of Germany, the Western one absorbed the smaller part of it (Thanks to the USSR, Anglo-Saxons again opposed reunification of Germany) - China has full right to do the same.
It is a lame argument. Eastern Germany joined the Western part not because it was bigger. But because the socialist bloc collapsed economically and politically.

The similar collapse of Taiwan seems quite impossible.
China has jymust tosit and wair, time is on its side, in 10 years if nothing extraordinary happens China will quietly surpass the US in...

WTF is that supposed to mean?

lol, my fault.
it means you are doomed whatever China does.
China has just to sit on the bank of the river and wait till the corpse of the enemy floats by, time is on its side...
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Taiwan is China. Its official name is the Republic of China. The Communist party of China has no more legacy over the island than a socialist East Germany had over the West Germany.
or vice versa, as West Germany had over Eastern Germany.

But if the bigger part of Germany, the Western one absorbed the smaller part of it (Thanks to the USSR, Anglo-Saxons again opposed reunification of Germany) - China has full right to do the same.
It is a lame argument. Eastern Germany joined the Western part not because it was bigger. But because the socialist bloc collapsed economically and politically.

The similar collapse of Taiwan seems quite impossible.

Taiwan is an integral part of the World economy.
Very, very specialized one.
If World economic system collapses - only big countries with diversified economies will be able to keep most industries going...

Exporters will starve without foreign markets.
Small countries which produce some small number of parts in international technological and industrial chains will die the first.

Like some Estonia, with survivors returning to stone age in a month.
In Ukraine - everybody living from "подножный корм", medieval type of economy, not stretching farer than own village.
Even Russia will be hit hard, it's not self-sufficiant USSR any more.
The EU will disintegrate of course.
The US could survive if not the burden of political problems, which combined with economic collapse will most probably lead to civil war.

So, China is the best prepared to survive Global Hyperinflation. And Taiwan will be in ruins...

So, yes, it is quite natural for China to absorb it..
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Better watch it.. he'll squish your head!


this painting of a Russian artist Vasya Lozhkin is called " A Russian nightmare of an elderly American woman" :)

i. e. you must be fully used to portrait Russians this way, I used it because it must not scare you at all... :)
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nonsense to say so. China and Taiwan are independent countries
Independent, but the both countries have the word 'China' in their official name. And the legitimacy of their governments is equal.
I never will understand why everyone in the world makes problems where no problems exist. Taiwan is not China - China is not Taiwan. Both countries should take care not to try to make god angry.
Taiwan is China. Its official name is the Republic of China. The Communist party of China has no more legacy over the island than a socialist East Germany had over the West Germany.
or vice versa, as West Germany had over Eastern Germany.

But if the bigger part of Germany, the Western one absorbed the smaller part of it (Thanks to the USSR, Anglo-Saxons again opposed reunification of Germany) - China has full right to do the same.
It is a lame argument. Eastern Germany joined the Western part not because it was bigger. But because the socialist bloc collapsed economically and politically.

The similar collapse of Taiwan seems quite impossible.

Taiwan is an integral part of the World economy.
Very, very specialized one.
If World economic system collapses - only big countries with diversified economies will be able to keep most industries going...

Exporters will starve without foreign markets.
Small countries which produce some small number of parts in international technological and industrial chains will die the first.

Like some Estonia, with survivors returning to stone age in a month.
In Ukraine - everybody living from "подножный корм", medieval type of economy, not stretching farer than own village.
Even Russia will be hit hard, it's not self-sufficiant USSR any more.
The EU will disintegrate of course.
The US could survive if not the burden of political problems, which combined with economic collapse will most probably lead to civil war.

So, China is the best prepared to survive Global Hyperinflation. And Taiwan will be in ruins...

So, yes, it is quite natural for China to absorb it..

Says an "ecconomy" addict? The USA has absolutelly not any problem to feed everyone and to give everyone a safe and well temperatured home. All other problems are self-made.
Taiwan is China. Its official name is the Republic of China. The Communist party of China has no more legacy over the island than a socialist East Germany had over the West Germany.
or vice versa, as West Germany had over Eastern Germany.

But if the bigger part of Germany, the Western one absorbed the smaller part of it (Thanks to the USSR, Anglo-Saxons again opposed reunification of Germany) - China has full right to do the same.
It is a lame argument. Eastern Germany joined the Western part not because it was bigger. But because the socialist bloc collapsed economically and politically.

The similar collapse of Taiwan seems quite impossible.

Taiwan is an integral part of the World economy.
Very, very specialized one.
If World economic system collapses - only big countries with diversified economies will be able to keep most industries going...

Exporters will starve without foreign markets.
Small countries which produce some small number of parts in international technological and industrial chains will die the first.

Like some Estonia, with survivors returning to stone age in a month.
In Ukraine - everybody living from "подножный корм", medieval type of economy, not stretching farer than own village.
Even Russia will be hit hard, it's not self-sufficiant USSR any more.
The EU will disintegrate of course.
The US could survive if not the burden of political problems, which combined with economic collapse will most probably lead to civil war.

So, China is the best prepared to survive Global Hyperinflation. And Taiwan will be in ruins...

So, yes, it is quite natural for China to absorb it..
China is also an integral part of the world's economy. And it utterly depends on the West, just look at what its main trading partners are and what structure of its economy is. And China is among the ones who are the least interested in collapse of the current financial system.

I don't exclude that it may change in the future. But if you think that China will be the only hegemony in the world, then I think you expectations are in vain. I think in the future we will see a bipolar model similar to the one which was during the Cold war. With the collective West and its allies on one side and China with its allies on the other.
nonsense to say so. China and Taiwan are independent countries
Independent, but the both countries have the word 'China' in their official name. And the legitimacy of their governments is equal.
I never will understand why everyone in the world makes problems where no problems exist. Taiwan is not China - China is not Taiwan. Both countries should take care not to try to make god angry.
My response was in line about claims of some people that China has any legitimate right on the island and that Taiwan is a separatist entity. It is not. The government of Taiwan is no less legitimate and no less 'Chinese' than the CCP.
China already owns the former United States of America.

The title passed January 20th, 2021.
Taiwan is China. Its official name is the Republic of China. The Communist party of China has no more legacy over the island than a socialist East Germany had over the West Germany.
or vice versa, as West Germany had over Eastern Germany.

But if the bigger part of Germany, the Western one absorbed the smaller part of it (Thanks to the USSR, Anglo-Saxons again opposed reunification of Germany) - China has full right to do the same.
It is a lame argument. Eastern Germany joined the Western part not because it was bigger. But because the socialist bloc collapsed economically and politically.

The similar collapse of Taiwan seems quite impossible.

Taiwan is an integral part of the World economy.
Very, very specialized one.
If World economic system collapses - only big countries with diversified economies will be able to keep most industries going...

Exporters will starve without foreign markets.
Small countries which produce some small number of parts in international technological and industrial chains will die the first.

Like some Estonia, with survivors returning to stone age in a month.
In Ukraine - everybody living from "подножный корм", medieval type of economy, not stretching farer than own village.
Even Russia will be hit hard, it's not self-sufficiant USSR any more.
The EU will disintegrate of course.
The US could survive if not the burden of political problems, which combined with economic collapse will most probably lead to civil war.

So, China is the best prepared to survive Global Hyperinflation. And Taiwan will be in ruins...

So, yes, it is quite natural for China to absorb it..
China is also an integral part of the world's economy. And it utterly depends on the West, just look at what its main trading partners are and what structure of its economy is. And China is among the ones who are the least interested in collapse of the current financial system.

I don't exclude that it may change in the future. But if you think that China will be the only hegemony in the world, then I think you expectations are in vain. I think in the future we will see a bipolar model similar to the one which was during the Cold war. With the collective West and its allies on one side and China with its allies on the other.

export constitutes about 16% of Chinese GDP. Or 13%? I don't remember exact figures.

in the US it's ~26% (and big trade dedicite)
in Germany about 40%

if International trade stops China will be the least affected


Just heard a joke

FSB is listening to Kiev's mayor Klichko's phone just for a laugh тупо поржать
Our Commander in Chief has the military focused on maternity flight suits and updating requirements for women's hair styles, so China knows not to mess with us.

Well said, LOL!

With a Military like that, nobody can lose a war! :rolleyes-41:

it's all win, win, win! :lmao:

not really, but you know what I mean.
By all estimates by 2028 China will overpass the US as the World biggest economy in nominal figures. China already is bigger than the US as economy if measured in purchasing power capability.

According to Chinese plans China will overcome the US militarily by 2035.



But taking in account that China can concentrate all its Navy and other forces in one place (around Taiwan) while the US has to disperse its forces worldwide - even American allies (probably reluctant to fight China at all) will fail to compensate American weakness.

To defeat China the US must attack it within 5 coming years.
In 5 up to 10 years the fight will be devastating for the US even if it wins.
Later the US will be defeated.

In 10 years the US will be removed from its place in food chain, its Debt pyramid will collapse, Dollar will be annihilated.
Its a more quiet version of the Cold War. When Russian communism fell the Cold War was only half over.

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