How Many Times Can You Sell Them The Brooklyn Bridge??


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. Contemporary history proves that, seemingly due to reproduction, it can be sold in perpetuity...

"There's a sucker born every minute" ...P.T.Barnum

Hence we have Occupy Wall Street, the Obama constituency, Hillary voters, Global Warming advocates, etc., etc.
Now....the title...'selling Liberals the Brooklyn Bridge...over and over....they never learn. The very same designs that the Soviets had planned are echoed in Democrat/Liberal policies....and they are lies and frauds.
Liberalism is the American version of Soviet Communism, so let's examine that fraudulent political snow job, just to prove it a fraud.

2. Here's the selling point:
From each according to his ability, to each according to his need (or needs)
Karl Marx

Here we see the promise of big government to take care of you, cradle to grave....if you line up and vote correctly. They actually imagine that government can create wealth, prosperity, entitlements...and pay for 'em!!!
Wanna buy a bridge in Brooklyn?

Equality....everyone gets everything....nice Bridge, huh?
Astounding how many dolts actually believe the Party line.

3. Equality? Here's the reality, right from ground zero of the scam:

“The Kremlin ration, a special allocation of normally unobtainable products, is paid for by the top echelon at half its normal price, and it consists of the highest-quality foods. In Moscow, a total of 40,000 people enjoy the privilege of these special rations, in various categories of quantities and quality. There are whole sections of GUM – the huge department store that faces the Kremlin across Red Square – closed to the public and specially reserved for the highest of the elite, while for officials a rung or two lower on the ladder there are other special shops. All are called ‘special’: special workshops, special dry cleaners, special polyclinics, special hospitals, special houses, and special services. What a cynical use of the world!”
Boris Yeltsin, in his book, Against the Grain (1990),

Look closely for that 'equality' thing they promise.

Ever hear the stories about John Kerry cutting a line, bellowing 'do you know who I am????'
That's Liberal equality.

4. "The promised “classless society” of material and social equality was, in fact, the most granulated system of hierarchical privilege and power. Bribery, corruption, connections and favoritism permeated the entire fabric of Soviet socialist society.

And overlaid on this entire socialist system of power, privilege and Communist Party-led plunder was the Soviet secret police, the KGB, spying, surveilling and threatening anyone and everyone who challenged or questioned the propaganda or workings of the “workers’ paradise.”
How Communism became the disease it tried to cure

Anything there sound familiar????
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harm Moonbattery: Psychiatrist Confirms: Liberalism Is a Mental Disorder
Based on strikingly irrational beliefs and emotions, modern liberals relentlessly undermine the most important principles on which our freedoms were founded. Like spoiled, angry children, they rebel against the normal responsibilities of adulthood and demand that a parental government meet their needs from cradle to grave.A social scientist who understands human nature will not dismiss the vital roles of free choice, voluntary cooperation and moral integrity — as liberals do. A political leader who understands human nature will not ignore individual differences in talent, drive, personal appeal and work ethic, and then try to impose economic and social equality on the population — as liberals do. And a legislator who understands human nature will not create an environment of rules which over-regulates and over-taxes the nation's citizens, corrupts their character and reduces them to wards of the state — as liberals do.The roots of liberalism — and its associated madness — can be clearly identified by understanding how children develop from infancy to adulthood and how distorted development produces the irrational beliefs of the liberal mind. When the modern liberal mind whines about imaginary victims, rages against imaginary villains and seeks above all else to run the lives of persons competent to run their own lives, the neurosis of the liberal mind becomes painfully obvious.
Back when Jimmy Carter was in the presidency, he decided it was inhumane to keep insane people from being kept in asylums. So they(asylums) ended up closed, and now those who were prevented from procreating have increased the mentally challenged by the millions(about 10% of the US population). We see them in inner cities committing crimes against humanity, we see them in political power, making immoral actions legal now. In the 2016 elections, the US population woke up, voted against the insane ones, now we just have to get laws back on the books, making moral decisions that will protect everyone. Then put away those mentally challenged so they wont anyone even themselves...
A better question would be "How many times are right wingers going to buy the Brooklyn bridge?" They already fell for Trump. If they are dumb enough to do that, they will fall for anything.
A better question would be "How many times are right wingers going to buy the Brooklyn bridge?" They already fell for Trump. If they are dumb enough to do that, they will fall for anything.
A poem for political chic
Winter in America, a cold wind blows
Sending shivers down our bodies from our scalp to our toes

Christians elevated Satan thinking he was Christ.
But the whole administration is nothing but a heist

Children and the elderly will miss their meals
Millions of afflicted go without the care that heals

Bomb threats to the synagogue and burning down the mosque
Every public chicken coop is guarded by a fox

Climate change is a hoax they want us to believe
While we wait for ice to melt and rising of the seas

The plutocratic oligarchs are counting up their money
Knowing what our Congress does will swell their coffers plenty

Our leader kneels upon the ground to kiss the feet of Putin
While appointing Steve Bannon to be his Rasputin

What have we wrought my friends and how can we undo it?
There must be some solution if we put our minds to it.
A better question would be "How many times are right wingers going to buy the Brooklyn bridge?" They already fell for Trump. If they are dumb enough to do that, they will fall for anything.
A poem for political chic
Winter in America, a cold wind blows
Sending shivers down our bodies from our scalp to our toes

Christians elevated Satan thinking he was Christ.
But the whole administration is nothing but a heist

Children and the elderly will miss their meals
Millions of afflicted go without the care that heals

Bomb threats to the synagogue and burning down the mosque
Every public chicken coop is guarded by a fox

Climate change is a hoax they want us to believe
While we wait for ice to melt and rising of the seas

The plutocratic oligarchs are counting up their money
Knowing what our Congress does will swell their coffers plenty

Our leader kneels upon the ground to kiss the feet of Putin
While appointing Steve Bannon to be his Rasputin

What have we wrought my friends and how can we undo it?
There must be some solution if we put our minds to it.

A reality check for you:

1. "In a stunning Tuesday report, Gallup CEO and Chairman Jim Clifton revealed that “for the first time in 35 years, American business deaths now outnumber business births.”Clifton says for the past six years since 2008, employer business startups have fallen below the business failure rate, spurring what he calls “an underground earthquake” that only stands to worsen as lagging U.S. Census data becomes available.
“Let’s get one thing clear: This economy is never truly coming back unless we reverse the birth and death trends of American businesses,” writes Clifton." Economic Death Spiral: More American Businesses Dying Than Starting - Breitbart

2. "Record 95,102,000 Americans Not in Labor Force; Number Grew 18% Since Obama Took Office in 2009"
Record 95,102,000 Americans Not in Labor Force; Number Grew 18% Since Obama Took Office in 2009

3. "Obama is the first President never to have had a year of 3% or better economic growth: "... annual growth during Obama’s “recovery” has never topped 3%. By comparison, it never fell below 3% during the Reagan recovery. And in the nine years following the 1990-91 recession, GDP grew faster than 3% in all but two. Heck, even Jimmy Carter had some strong growth years."

a. "The years since 2007 have been a macroeconomic disaster for the United States of a magnitude unprecedented since the Great Depression." Obama: Always Wrong, Never In Doubt

b. ".... first president since Hoover to never have a single year above 3% GDP growth."Obama economy is 'amazing,' says hedge fund billionaire

It appears that, under Trump, competence is back.
harm Moonbattery: Psychiatrist Confirms: Liberalism Is a Mental Disorder
Based on strikingly irrational beliefs and emotions, modern liberals relentlessly undermine the most important principles on which our freedoms were founded. Like spoiled, angry children, they rebel against the normal responsibilities of adulthood and demand that a parental government meet their needs from cradle to grave.A social scientist who understands human nature will not dismiss the vital roles of free choice, voluntary cooperation and moral integrity — as liberals do. A political leader who understands human nature will not ignore individual differences in talent, drive, personal appeal and work ethic, and then try to impose economic and social equality on the population — as liberals do. And a legislator who understands human nature will not create an environment of rules which over-regulates and over-taxes the nation's citizens, corrupts their character and reduces them to wards of the state — as liberals do.The roots of liberalism — and its associated madness — can be clearly identified by understanding how children develop from infancy to adulthood and how distorted development produces the irrational beliefs of the liberal mind. When the modern liberal mind whines about imaginary victims, rages against imaginary villains and seeks above all else to run the lives of persons competent to run their own lives, the neurosis of the liberal mind becomes painfully obvious.
Back when Jimmy Carter was in the presidency, he decided it was inhumane to keep insane people from being kept in asylums. So they(asylums) ended up closed, and now those who were prevented from procreating have increased the mentally challenged by the millions(about 10% of the US population). We see them in inner cities committing crimes against humanity, we see them in political power, making immoral actions legal now. In the 2016 elections, the US population woke up, voted against the insane ones, now we just have to get laws back on the books, making moral decisions that will protect everyone. Then put away those mentally challenged so they wont anyone even themselves...

Ya gotta love the left Chic. One of them jumps in there to refute your similarities between the and Marxism with...........are you ready.........are you sure, lol.......a freaking poem. Least they could have done was cite John Lennon, then link to the song; not that it carries more weight in the grand scheme of things than the poem, but at least we would have had something to listen to while we laughed like hell!

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A better question would be "How many times are right wingers going to buy the Brooklyn bridge?" They already fell for Trump. If they are dumb enough to do that, they will fall for anything.

And to think we were shocked when they elected W a second time.
A better question would be "How many times are right wingers going to buy the Brooklyn bridge?" They already fell for Trump. If they are dumb enough to do that, they will fall for anything.

And to think we were shocked when they elected W a second time.

Just curious.....something in the OP brought you out from under the rock......was there anything in same that you could dispute? your silence about the revelations an admission that everything in the OP is accurate, correct and true?

We both know the answer....don't we.
5. A well accepted axiom is that to know what the Left is doing, take note of what they are accusing the other side of doing.

It is not an exaggeration to say that everything that the Marxists said was the nature of the capitalist system – exploitation of the many by a privileged few; a gross inequality of wealth and opportunity simply due to an artificial arrangement of control over the means of production; a manipulation of reality to make slavery seem as if it meant freedom – was, in fact, the nature and essence, of Soviet socialism.
How Communism became the disease it tried to cure

“The Kremlin ration, a special allocation of normally unobtainable products, is paid for by the top echelon at half its normal price, and it consists of the highest-quality foods. In Moscow, a total of 40,000 people enjoy the privilege of these special rations, in various categories of quantities and quality. There are whole sections of GUM – the huge department store that faces the Kremlin across Red Square – closed to the public and specially reserved for the highest of the elite, while for officials a rung or two lower on the ladder there are other special shops. All are called ‘special’: special workshops, special dry cleaners, special polyclinics, special hospitals, special houses, and special services. What a cynical use of the world!”
Boris Yeltsin, in his book, Against the Grain (1990),

See any 'classless society' in this????

Yet dopes are lining up for their chance to buy this Brooklyn Bridge.
A better question would be "How many times are right wingers going to buy the Brooklyn bridge?" They already fell for Trump. If they are dumb enough to do that, they will fall for anything.

And to think we were shocked when they elected W a second time.

Just curious.....something in the OP brought you out from under the rock......was there anything in same that you could dispute? your silence about the revelations an admission that everything in the OP is accurate, correct and true?

We both know the answer....don't we.

Your OP is horseshit. Happy now?
A better question would be "How many times are right wingers going to buy the Brooklyn bridge?" They already fell for Trump. If they are dumb enough to do that, they will fall for anything.

And to think we were shocked when they elected W a second time.

Just curious.....something in the OP brought you out from under the rock......was there anything in same that you could dispute? your silence about the revelations an admission that everything in the OP is accurate, correct and true?

We both know the answer....don't we.

Your OP is horseshit. Happy now?
Why are you liberals still here, if you are so unhappy? There is an island retreat with the Socialist Utopian Paradise, that was Opened by Obama, take the cruse of a lifetime, just make sure to leave your passport at the border, as the US citizens have voted and We the People don't like you and don't want you here anymore..
Cuba before Castro.........Capitalist...........Cuba after Castro...........Communism...........
A better question would be "How many times are right wingers going to buy the Brooklyn bridge?" They already fell for Trump. If they are dumb enough to do that, they will fall for anything.

And to think we were shocked when they elected W a second time.

Just curious.....something in the OP brought you out from under the rock......was there anything in same that you could dispute? your silence about the revelations an admission that everything in the OP is accurate, correct and true?

We both know the answer....don't we.

Your OP is horseshit. Happy now?
Why are you liberals still here, if you are so unhappy? There is an island retreat with the Socialist Utopian Paradise, that was Opened by Obama, take the cruse of a lifetime, just make sure to leave your passport at the border, as the US citizens have voted and We the People don't like you and don't want you here anymore..
Cuba before Castro.........Capitalist...........Cuba after Castro...........Communism...........
View attachment 117621

"Why are you liberals still here, if you are so unhappy? "

Maybe this is the reason:

"No Food, No Medicine, No Respite: A Starving Boy’s Death in Venezuela"

Time and again, this is the result of socialist, communist, Liberal regimes.....

...yet they continue to buy that bridge.
6. Instead of equal recipients of the world's benefits, the promise of Marxism, communism, whatever,...

..... here are three actual beliefs of the flimflam....

a. The elites believe that the masses are as dumb as dogs....and should be treated like they were dogs, to be trained.

b. no sanctity of life: the populace is cannon fodder, to be dealt with in any way the government sees fit, including put to death as examples

c. Religion is the greatest bar to Marxism's success, and so must be eradicated from the public arena and the public's psyche.

Goes without saying that these must be dishonesty is their hallmark of the movement.

4. Here's Lenins claiming that the masses are like dogs:

"In October 1919, Lenin paid a secret visit to the laboratory of the great physiologist
I. P. Pavlov, a Russian physiologist known chiefly for the concept of the conditioned reflex. In his classic experiment, he found that a hungry dog can be trained to associate the sound of a bell with food and will salivate at the sound even in the absence of food.

Lenin wanted to find out if his work on the conditional reflexes of the brain might help the Bolsheviks control European behaviour. “I want the masses of Russia to follow a Communistic pattern of thinking and reacting,” Lenin explained. Pavlov was astounded. It seemed that Lenin wanted him to do for humans what he had already done for dogs. “Do you mean that you would like to standardise the population of Russia? Make them all behave in the same way?” he asked. “Exactly” replied Lenin. Man can be corrected. Man can be made what we want him to be.”…
Orlando Figes, "A People's Tragedy," p.732-733

And here is Lenin sentencing millions to death, as examples, and with the hope of ending belief in religion:

" As one of his friends later recalled, "Vladimir Ilych Ulyanov (Lenin) had the courage to come out and say openly that famine would have numerous positive results...Famine, he explained....would bring about the next stage more rapidly, and usher in socialism, the stage that necessarily followed capitalism. Famine would also destroy faith, not only in the tsar, but in God, too."
The Black Book of Communism, p.123-124.
7. In the great German sociologist, Max Weber's analysis we see the outline of the historical process by which a band of Marxist revolutionaries, convinced that they saw the dictates of history in a way that other mere mortals did not, took upon themselves to be the midwives of that history through violent revolution.

.... in Russia after the Revolution of 1917 and the bloody three-year civil war that followed, the revolutionaries had to turn to the mundane affairs of “building socialism.” Building socialism meant the transformation of society, and the transforming of society meant watching, overseeing, controlling and commanding everything. It is exactly the same view we see in the contemporary Liberal and Democrat Party.
[See How Communism became the disease it tried to cure]

a. Some totalitarians are arrogant enough to admit it: Obama's statement in October 2008 that “we are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.” Those who love America don't have a desire to 'fundamentally transform' this nation.

b. The 'transformation' was from an America based on individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government, to this......

.......everyone bowing to the collective, command and control regulation of private industry, and overarching government that can order every aspect of the private citizen's life....right down to control of his thoughts and speech.

All six of these endorse the transformation: Communism, Socialism, Liberalism, Progressivism, Nazism, and Fascism
PoliticalChic eviscerating the lefty liberal loons once again!! .... :thup:

Lol! You are joking right? All she does is cut n paste from some hack righty site.

"Look out for the commies!" Lol! The 1950s called. They want their paranoia back.
A better question would be "How many times are right wingers going to buy the Brooklyn bridge?" They already fell for Trump. If they are dumb enough to do that, they will fall for anything.

And to think we were shocked when they elected W a second time.

Just curious.....something in the OP brought you out from under the rock......was there anything in same that you could dispute? your silence about the revelations an admission that everything in the OP is accurate, correct and true?

We both know the answer....don't we.

Your OP is horseshit. Happy now?

So, is your silence about my revelation an admission that everything I said is accurate, correct, and true?

It's Ground Hog Day every day for Liberals, only with a twist.

They play Wheel of Misfortune every day, and every space on The Wheel is labeled "Moral Banktruptcy"

When they pick up the card from their losing spin, underneath is the "Manufactured Outrage Of The Day!" Then they go out in a pack like Coyotes to as many social media sites as they can and post their attacks in unison across the board on a wide variety of formats.

Look at this board carefully. The Trolling is Organized, and specific, and Not One Left Leaning Poster offers any solutions, or is even attempting to discuss any issues at all.
This is what Professional, For Profit Trolling looks like. There is no debate or discussion. Just flaming, trolling, and inciting responses. Disruption of dialogue is the goal, and spamming a Social Media site with "Negative Messaging" is the only agenda.

The DNC, Soros and other supporters are paying Internet Trolls large sums of money to post Negative Messaging on Social Media Sites.

This is why you cannot even have a rational discussion with them. They are paid to disrupt forums, discussion and debate.

USMB moderators should be made aware of this and nip it in the bud.

I left another forum where the moderators simply were clueless, and the forum eventually was overwhelmed by Professional Liberal Trolls until people started leaving the forums. I held on for a long time, but just got tired of it.

This place is better moderated, but imo, I think The Mods here need to pay closer attention to this.

1. Contemporary history proves that, seemingly due to reproduction, it can be sold in perpetuity...

"There's a sucker born every minute" ...P.T.Barnum

Hence we have Occupy Wall Street, the Obama constituency, Hillary voters, Global Warming advocates, etc., etc.
Now....the title...'selling Liberals the Brooklyn Bridge...over and over....they never learn. The very same designs that the Soviets had planned are echoed in Democrat/Liberal policies....and they are lies and frauds.
Liberalism is the American version of Soviet Communism, so let's examine that fraudulent political snow job, just to prove it a fraud.

2. Here's the selling point:
From each according to his ability, to each according to his need (or needs)
Karl Marx

Here we see the promise of big government to take care of you, cradle to grave....if you line up and vote correctly. They actually imagine that government can create wealth, prosperity, entitlements...and pay for 'em!!!
Wanna buy a bridge in Brooklyn?

Equality....everyone gets everything....nice Bridge, huh?
Astounding how many dolts actually believe the Party line.

3. Equality? Here's the reality, right from ground zero of the scam:

“The Kremlin ration, a special allocation of normally unobtainable products, is paid for by the top echelon at half its normal price, and it consists of the highest-quality foods. In Moscow, a total of 40,000 people enjoy the privilege of these special rations, in various categories of quantities and quality. There are whole sections of GUM – the huge department store that faces the Kremlin across Red Square – closed to the public and specially reserved for the highest of the elite, while for officials a rung or two lower on the ladder there are other special shops. All are called ‘special’: special workshops, special dry cleaners, special polyclinics, special hospitals, special houses, and special services. What a cynical use of the world!”
Boris Yeltsin, in his book, Against the Grain (1990),

Look closely for that 'equality' thing they promise.

Ever hear the stories about John Kerry cutting a line, bellowing 'do you know who I am????'
That's Liberal equality.

4. "The promised “classless society” of material and social equality was, in fact, the most granulated system of hierarchical privilege and power. Bribery, corruption, connections and favoritism permeated the entire fabric of Soviet socialist society.

And overlaid on this entire socialist system of power, privilege and Communist Party-led plunder was the Soviet secret police, the KGB, spying, surveilling and threatening anyone and everyone who challenged or questioned the propaganda or workings of the “workers’ paradise.”
How Communism became the disease it tried to cure

Anything there sound familiar????
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PoliticalChic eviscerating the lefty liberal loons once again!! .... :thup:

Lol! You are joking right? All she does is cut n paste from some hack righty site.

"Look out for the commies!" Lol! The 1950s called. They want their paranoia back.

Can you find anything I posted that isn't true, accurate, and correct?

Of course not. long have you owned the bridge?

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