How many times do "true conservatives" need to fail to see they don't have the numbers to win?


VIP Member
Jun 2, 2013
Boehner's victory is just another example that center-right is stronger than far-right. The far-right audience is going to gain zero traction in 2016 when Cruz, Huckabee, Santorum, and Perry are all fighting for that small voting group
You are right, except for including Huckabee.

The Tea Party has perverted the GOP with their perversion of true conservatism. Hate politics, vitriol, hyperbole, hypocrisy, hysteria, threats, obstruction, sabotage...the list goes on. The teapers have contributed nothing of value to the GOP.
Boehner's victory is just another example that center-right is stronger than far-right. The far-right audience is going to gain zero traction in 2016 when Cruz, Huckabee, Santorum, and Perry are all fighting for that small voting group

You're dealing with people that don't necessarily think that far ahead. Take Cruz and his government shut down. He declared it was going to be easy to defund Obamacare and pushed the shutdown.

Without an exit strategy. The rest is history.
You are right, except for including Huckabee.

The Tea Party has perverted the GOP with their perversion of true conservatism. Hate politics, vitriol, hyperbole, hypocrisy, hysteria, threats, obstruction, sabotage...the list goes on. The teapers have contributed nothing of value to the GOP.

Projection much?
Unfortunately, extremists, by their very nature, have more energy. This translates to their disproportionate turnout in primaries, and so the more oily candidates feel they have to appease the rabid psychos with anti-gay, anti-Mexican, anti-black, and anti-Muslim rhetoric as soon as they leave the gate.

For a number of years now, Republicans have had two shitty choices to select from within the party. On one side, you have your big spending, big borrowing, big government old Establishment types. On the other side, you have your maniacal, bigoted, retarded, nuke-em-all-and-let-God-sort-em-out, borrowed-bible thumpers.

Which is why I stopped voting.

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