How Many Towns In California Have to Burn to The Ground Before Voters There Wake The Hell Up?

It just hit me like a ton of rocks as I watched all the fires in California, how long before people there realize that their government is failing at its job?

Their power providers are expert at identifying how many LGBTQXREYZ they have on their payroll, but cannot manage to update and maintain their power grid? WTF?

They have people shitting in the middle of the streets, open gang warfare that their state government and city government protects with sanctuary laws, and they are seeing a return of diseases we have not seen since the Middle ages like Bubonic Plague!

OMG, how bad does it have to get before people start to vote the bastards out?

Instead, they keep voting for Dimocrats that make the problems worse and worse till they give up and move to another state and then start voting Dimocrat there too.

How many states have to be ruined before we all finally decide to ban the Dimocratic Party ion the interest of national security?

I do think the USA can survive a nuclear war, but I dont think it can survive another 20 years of Dimocratic stupidity.
California has had wildfires every year forever. The only difference is the introduction of people with no brains who have somehow managed to turn it into Democrats' fault. They have had wildfires when Republicans were in charge, as well. The Santa Anna winds cause wildfires.

The environmentalists has stopped vegetation management for 40 years.

When a 2013 environmental impact report advocated the benefits of large-scale vegetation management in San Diego County, activists violently rejected its conclusions. As in the decades before, concerns over wildlife and environmental impacts were ultimately more important than the safety of fellow citizens, with the result that brush and dead vegetation were allowed to accumulate unimpeded for more than forty years.
Allow PG&E and other utilities to cut down forest around power lines. They've been sued by communities to stop doing that, now they are being sued for causing the fires and are in CH. 11 bankruptcy. So they can't win. Stop letting Far Left Progressive Democrats RUN YOUR STATE!

PGE was directly responsible for the Camp/Paradise fire almost exactly a year ago exactly because they didn't do their due diligent maintenance. A transmission tower that was sixty-eight years old started it. That tower was already there when we were BORN.

But hey, don't let facts get in the way of your drool, ya knuckledragging retard.
Don't you love how on one hand they cry and whine about "socialist" California and on the other hand they cry and whine about a big profit-making corporation?

I love the irony of how they drool on and on and on and on and on about how "climate change is a scam waaaah" and then as soon as the climate changes they're all like "the Libs did this".

It's gotta be frickin' lead in the water.
#Itsacult. Their orange god stays something incredibly stupid...something so stupid that any semi-intelligent adult would recognize it as stupid.....and all the cultists swallow it ans take it as canon.

Cult of Personality (the term is used loosely) is exactly what it is. That's why they wet their pants at any hint of criticizing the motherfucker. Oh noes, can't do that. But when He does that, it's holy revelation or some shit. Watching people act this way gives me the urge to regurge. :puke:
What's wrong here is PG&E is a public utility, which means they need to make a profit for their stock holders, they have not updated, repaired or replaced their electrical and natural gas transmission lines.

Wry Catcher

Are you getting addled in your old age and retirement?

You are FLAT OUT LYING blaming PG&E.

Let's put some sugar on this ...

Wry Catcher What percentage of your CalPERS retirement you recieve is based on PG&E stock?

Let me answer that for you .... 19.5%

Are you willing to give up 19.5% of your retirement income?

Ya know, 'You got yours'...

I have no idea how much of my retirement is received by PG&E. However, my retirement system, safety, is not CalPers. I contributed to my county retirement system, which does invest in stocks and bonds, but I never bothered to see which ones. My final year of work I was contributing to my retirement system $1,500 each month.

Other's who are still active employees in the Safety Retirement System in the County, par paying into our Ret. Sys., some paying more than the $1,500 I did 15 years ago.

Yep, I earned what I have now, and contributed it; yet I don't seek to fuck over those who are not as fortunate.
It just hit me like a ton of rocks as I watched all the fires in California, how long before people there realize that their government is failing at its job?

Their power providers are expert at identifying how many LGBTQXREYZ they have on their payroll, but cannot manage to update and maintain their power grid? WTF?

They have people shitting in the middle of the streets, open gang warfare that their state government and city government protects with sanctuary laws, and they are seeing a return of diseases we have not seen since the Middle ages like Bubonic Plague!

OMG, how bad does it have to get before people start to vote the bastards out?

Instead, they keep voting for Dimocrats that make the problems worse and worse till they give up and move to another state and then start voting Dimocrat there too.

How many states have to be ruined before we all finally decide to ban the Dimocratic Party ion the interest of national security?

I do think the USA can survive a nuclear war, but I dont think it can survive another 20 years of Dimocratic stupidity.
California has had wildfires every year forever. The only difference is the introduction of people with no brains who have somehow managed to turn it into Democrats' fault. They have had wildfires when Republicans were in charge, as well. The Santa Anna winds cause wildfires.

The environmentalists has stopped vegetation management for 40 years.

When a 2013 environmental impact report advocated the benefits of large-scale vegetation management in San Diego County, activists violently rejected its conclusions. As in the decades before, concerns over wildlife and environmental impacts were ultimately more important than the safety of fellow citizens, with the result that brush and dead vegetation were allowed to accumulate unimpeded for more than forty years.

Bears are people too. Sorry for the sarcasm, but my point is environmentalists can be out on the idiot fringe; as can developers and the anti green and anti renewable distractors.
What's wrong here is PG&E is a public utility, which means they need to make a profit for their stock holders, they have not updated, repaired or replaced their electrical and natural gas transmission lines.

Wry Catcher

Are you getting addled in your old age and retirement?

You are FLAT OUT LYING blaming PG&E.

Let's put some sugar on this ...

Wry Catcher What percentage of your CalPERS retirement you recieve is based on PG&E stock?

Let me answer that for you .... 19.5%

Are you willing to give up 19.5% of your retirement income?

Ya know, 'You got yours'...

FACT: PG&E's sixty-eight year old 115kV transmission line blew up in the early morning of November 8 2018 in a canyon below Camp Creek Road (hence the name "Camp Fire") which then spread with the wind and its own firestorm-generated wind and destroyed the town of Paradise before that afternoon That's already on the record and admitted by PG&E.

That's got zero to do with frickin' "Democrats", frickin' "Liburruls", frickin' "treehuggers", frickin' "wetbacks", frickin' "uppity negroes", frickin' "commies", frickin' "raking" or whatever else you cockamamie partisan hack yahoos choose to name as Emmanuel Goldstein of the Week this week, K?? Fer FUCK'S SAKE GET A GRIP. :banghead:
It just hit me like a ton of rocks as I watched all the fires in California, how long before people there realize that their government is failing at its job?

Their power providers are expert at identifying how many LGBTQXREYZ they have on their payroll, but cannot manage to update and maintain their power grid? WTF?

They have people shitting in the middle of the streets, open gang warfare that their state government and city government protects with sanctuary laws, and they are seeing a return of diseases we have not seen since the Middle ages like Bubonic Plague!

OMG, how bad does it have to get before people start to vote the bastards out?

Instead, they keep voting for Dimocrats that make the problems worse and worse till they give up and move to another state and then start voting Dimocrat there too.

How many states have to be ruined before we all finally decide to ban the Dimocratic Party ion the interest of national security?

I do think the USA can survive a nuclear war, but I dont think it can survive another 20 years of Dimocratic stupidity.
So you don't think the market will handle this huh?
California has had wildfires every year forever. The only difference is the introduction of people with no brains who have somehow managed to turn it into Democrats' fault. They have had wildfires when Republicans were in charge, as well. The Santa Anna winds cause wildfires.

The wind causes wildfires.

Republicans have never been in charge in California.

Tight EPA controls that won't allow the Forest Service,
PG&E and other utilities to cut down forest around power lines,

It IS the Democrats fault.

Prove me wrong.
So...Reagan, Deukmajian, and Schwartzenagger were never Governors of California?

Being a Republican Governor doesn't mean one has a
a Republican Senate and House.

Reagan was a Democrat until 1962 when he switched to the Republican Party.
In 1964, Reagan's speech, "A Time for Choosing", supported Barry Goldwater's foundering presidential campaign and earned him national attention as a new conservative spokesman.
Building a network of supporters, Reagan was elected governor of California in 1966. As governor, Reagan raised taxes, turned a state budget deficit to a surplus, challenged the protesters at the University of California, ordered in National Guard troops during a period of protest movements in 1969, and was re-elected in 1970.

Ahnold was led around by a democrat house and senate.

George Deukmejian was before my time.

None of these Guvs have one dam thing to do with TODAY's laws.

Tight EPA controls that won't allow the Forest Service,
PG&E and other utilities to cut down forest around power lines,
It IS the Democrats fault.
Prove me wrong
What's wrong here is PG&E is a public utility, which means they need to make a profit for their stock holders, they have not updated, repaired or replaced their electrical and natural gas transmission lines.

Wry Catcher

Are you getting addled in your old age and retirement?

You are FLAT OUT LYING blaming PG&E.

Let's put some sugar on this ...

Wry Catcher What percentage of your CalPERS retirement you recieve is based on PG&E stock?

Let me answer that for you .... 19.5%

Are you willing to give up 19.5% of your retirement income?

Ya know, 'You got yours'...

FACT: PG&E's sixty-eight year old 115kV transmission line blew up in the early morning of November 8 2018 in a canyon below Camp Creek Road (hence the name "Camp Fire") which then spread with the wind and its own firestorm-generated wind and destroyed the town of Paradise before that afternoon That's already on the record and admitted by PG&E.

That's got zero to do with frickin' "Democrats", frickin' "Liburruls", frickin' "treehuggers", frickin' "wetbacks", frickin' "uppity negroes", frickin' "commies", frickin' "raking" or whatever else you cockamamie partisan hack yahoos choose to name as Emmanuel Goldstein of the Week this week, K?? Fer FUCK'S SAKE GET A GRIP. :banghead:

Pogo - get a grip and stop acting like a know it all @ss!

And don't you fkn DARE tell ME what happened a mere 60 miles from where I reside.
I'm still fostering cats from the Paradise Fire.

You're having a meltdown!
California has had wildfires every year forever. The only difference is the introduction of people with no brains who have somehow managed to turn it into Democrats' fault. They have had wildfires when Republicans were in charge, as well. The Santa Anna winds cause wildfires.
That is like saying 'People get killed every year for the last million years, so whats the big deal about the Holocaust?'
What's wrong here is PG&E is a public utility, which means they need to make a profit for their stock holders, they have not updated, repaired or replaced their electrical and natural gas transmission lines.

Wry Catcher

Are you getting addled in your old age and retirement?

You are FLAT OUT LYING blaming PG&E.

Let's put some sugar on this ...

Wry Catcher What percentage of your CalPERS retirement you recieve is based on PG&E stock?

Let me answer that for you .... 19.5%

Are you willing to give up 19.5% of your retirement income?

Ya know, 'You got yours'...

I have no idea how much of my retirement is received by PG&E. However, my retirement system, safety, is not CalPers. I contributed to my county retirement system, which does invest in stocks and bonds, but I never bothered to see which ones. My final year of work I was contributing to my retirement system $1,500 each month.

Other's who are still active employees in the Safety Retirement System in the County, par paying into our Ret. Sys., some paying more than the $1,500 I did 15 years ago.

Yep, I earned what I have now, and contributed it; yet I don't seek to fuck over those who are not as fortunate.

IDGAF how much you 'contributed'

hmmm ...ranting about PG&E which is part of your retirement portfolio makes you a bigot.

Are you willing to forgo the amount CalPERS has invested in your retirement?
California has had wildfires every year forever. The only difference is the introduction of people with no brains who have somehow managed to turn it into Democrats' fault. They have had wildfires when Republicans were in charge, as well. The Santa Anna winds cause wildfires.
That is like saying 'People get killed every year for the last million years, so whats the big deal about the Holocaust?'
The " Big deal' with the Holy-hoax is it's the only event in history (theirstory)heard about on a daily basis.
Sorry about the anti-arab slur.
California has had wildfires every year forever. The only difference is the introduction of people with no brains who have somehow managed to turn it into Democrats' fault. They have had wildfires when Republicans were in charge, as well. The Santa Anna winds cause wildfires.

The wind causes wildfires.

Republicans have never been in charge in California.

Tight EPA controls that won't allow the Forest Service,
PG&E and other utilities to cut down forest around power lines,

It IS the Democrats fault.

Prove me wrong.
From Wiki:
California was a Republican stronghold in presidential elections from 1952 until 1992. During this period, the Republicans won California in every election except the election of 1964.

I also seem to remember some guy named Reagan being governor?

We have the same EPA as California, don't we? Aren't they federal? Our power lines all have "haircuts" that keep their paths bald as a baby.

This shows the location of wildfires since 1950. This is a common tragedy in California.
Maps | Data Basin
Voters have no say in CA unless they are Democrat. Democrats have been fixing elections for decades that's how a cow like Pelosi keeps getting re-elected even though her very City (SF) lets vagrants poop in the streets.
What's wrong here is PG&E is a public utility, which means they need to make a profit for their stock holders, they have not updated, repaired or replaced their electrical and natural gas transmission lines.

Wry Catcher

Are you getting addled in your old age and retirement?

You are FLAT OUT LYING blaming PG&E.

Let's put some sugar on this ...

Wry Catcher What percentage of your CalPERS retirement you recieve is based on PG&E stock?

Let me answer that for you .... 19.5%

Are you willing to give up 19.5% of your retirement income?

Ya know, 'You got yours'...

FACT: PG&E's sixty-eight year old 115kV transmission line blew up in the early morning of November 8 2018 in a canyon below Camp Creek Road (hence the name "Camp Fire") which then spread with the wind and its own firestorm-generated wind and destroyed the town of Paradise before that afternoon That's already on the record and admitted by PG&E.

That's got zero to do with frickin' "Democrats", frickin' "Liburruls", frickin' "treehuggers", frickin' "wetbacks", frickin' "uppity negroes", frickin' "commies", frickin' "raking" or whatever else you cockamamie partisan hack yahoos choose to name as Emmanuel Goldstein of the Week this week, K?? Fer FUCK'S SAKE GET A GRIP. :banghead:
LOL I so missed you, Pogo. Glad you're back.
It just hit me like a ton of rocks as I watched all the fires in California, how long before people there realize that their government is failing at its job?

Their power providers are expert at identifying how many LGBTQXREYZ they have on their payroll, but cannot manage to update and maintain their power grid? WTF?

They have people shitting in the middle of the streets, open gang warfare that their state government and city government protects with sanctuary laws, and they are seeing a return of diseases we have not seen since the Middle ages like Bubonic Plague!

OMG, how bad does it have to get before people start to vote the bastards out?

Instead, they keep voting for Dimocrats that make the problems worse and worse till they give up and move to another state and then start voting Dimocrat there too.

How many states have to be ruined before we all finally decide to ban the Dimocratic Party ion the interest of national security?

I do think the USA can survive a nuclear war, but I dont think it can survive another 20 years of Dimocratic stupidity.

Sounds like you never lived in the Silicon Valley, Pleasanton, gorgeous place.
Stupid zero college insult.
Read no more
Voters have no say in CA unless they are Democrat. Democrats have been fixing elections for decades that's how a cow like Pelosi keeps getting re-elected even though her very City (SF) lets vagrants poop in the streets.
Love how our rubes seem to be preoccupied with poop and gay sex.
Dead giveaway for zero college.
You think homeless people don't poop in Mississippi??
Voters have no say in CA unless they are Democrat. Democrats have been fixing elections for decades that's how a cow like Pelosi keeps getting re-elected even though her very City (SF) lets vagrants poop in the streets.
90% of congress gets re elected year after matter how useless they may be.....
What's wrong here is PG&E is a public utility, which means they need to make a profit for their stock holders, they have not updated, repaired or replaced their electrical and natural gas transmission lines.

Wry Catcher

Are you getting addled in your old age and retirement?

You are FLAT OUT LYING blaming PG&E.

Let's put some sugar on this ...

Wry Catcher What percentage of your CalPERS retirement you recieve is based on PG&E stock?

Let me answer that for you .... 19.5%

Are you willing to give up 19.5% of your retirement income?

Ya know, 'You got yours'...

FACT: PG&E's sixty-eight year old 115kV transmission line blew up in the early morning of November 8 2018 in a canyon below Camp Creek Road (hence the name "Camp Fire") which then spread with the wind and its own firestorm-generated wind and destroyed the town of Paradise before that afternoon That's already on the record and admitted by PG&E.

That's got zero to do with frickin' "Democrats", frickin' "Liburruls", frickin' "treehuggers", frickin' "wetbacks", frickin' "uppity negroes", frickin' "commies", frickin' "raking" or whatever else you cockamamie partisan hack yahoos choose to name as Emmanuel Goldstein of the Week this week, K?? Fer FUCK'S SAKE GET A GRIP. :banghead:
LOL I so missed you, Pogo. Glad you're back.
what?....Pogo were you doing time in the corn field?....
California has had wildfires every year forever. The only difference is the introduction of people with no brains who have somehow managed to turn it into Democrats' fault. They have had wildfires when Republicans were in charge, as well. The Santa Anna winds cause wildfires.
That is like saying 'People get killed every year for the last million years, so whats the big deal about the Holocaust?'
Yeah, sure it is. At least you're admitting California wildfires have been happening regularly since at least 1950 and not just since 2013 when the environmentalists said not to clean out the power lines.
These are the 20 largest wildfires in California since 1932 (when accurate records started to be kept), according to the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE).[........look at how many this century compared to last.....

Name County Acres Hectares Start date Structures Deaths Notes
Matilija Ventura 220,000 89,030 September 1932 0 0
Laguna San Diego 175,425 70,992.0 September 1970 382 8
Marble Cone Monterey 177,866 71,979.8 July 1977 0 0
Stanislaus Complex Tuolumne 145,980 59,076.0 August 1987 28 1
Big Bar Complex Trinity 140,948 57,039.6 August 1999 0 0
McNally Tulare 150,696 60,984.5 July 2002 17 0
Cedar San Diego 273,246 110,578.7 October 2003 2,820 15
Day Ventura 162,702 65,843.2 September 2006 11 0
Zaca Santa Barbara 240,207 97,208.3 July 2007 1 0
Witch San Diego 197,990 80,123.7 October 2007 1,650 2
Klamath Theater Complex Siskiyou 192,038 77,715.0 June 2008 0 2
Basin Complex Monterey 162,818 65,890.1 June 2008 58 0
Station Los Angeles 160,557 64,975.1 August 2009 209 2
Rush Lassen 271,911 110,038.5 August 2012 1 0 This fire burned an additional 43,666 acres (17,671.0 ha) in Nevada, for a total of 315,577 acres (127,709.5 ha).[7][8]
Rim Tuolumne 257,314 104,131.3 August 2013 112 0
Rough Fresno 151,623 61,359.7 July 2015 4 0
Thomas Ventura, Santa Barbara 281,893 114,078.0 December 2017 1,063 23 (2 Direct, 21 Indirect) Fatalities attributed to the fire include 1 firefighter and 1 civilian directly, 21 deaths in later mudslides.[6]
Mendocino Complex Mendocino, Lake, Colusa, Glenn 459,123 185,800.5 July 2018 280 1 The Ranch Fire by itself, at 410,203 acres (100% contained) as of 19 September 2018, is the largest fire in California history. 1 firefighter died.[5]
Carr Shasta, Trinity 229,651 92,936.5 July 2018 1,604 8
Camp Butte 153,336 62,052.9 November 2018 18,804 86

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