How many white supremacists are there?

He was a piece of shit who went to war with America in order to protect his right to own slaves. Do none of you morons know basic history?
Lee went to war to defend his home state. Back then states were more important to people than the United States. In those days the United States was a plural term, not a singular one.
Most of the Confederate Generals were Union officers who left the Army to defend their home states. Slavery was an important cause of the rise of the Confederacy, but so was the loss of the control of the Federal Government that the south had exercised since the founding of the USA.
What is with you retarded fucktards?

What is this "legacy" bullshit?

You can't change history by tearing down statues.

Who cares what anyone's "legacy" is? Legacy is all about popular opinion, which is worth less than the sweat on a penny.

Why do you clowns get so bent out of shape about other peoples' opinions? Leave them alone! You can't change them. And hurling accusations is just going to piss those people off.

I just DO NOT CARE about other peoples' personal lives. I only care what they do in public. You can't control whether someone's a racist, you can't even stop them from acting on it, all you can do is punish them for doing so.

Is that what you're trying to do? Punish people? Get revenge?
naw, he's projecting his own inner kkk self.
Lee went to war to defend his home state. Back then states were more important to people than the United States. In those days the United States was a plural term, not a singular one.
Most of the Confederate Generals were Union officers who left the Army to defend their home states. Slavery was an important cause of the rise of the Confederacy, but so was the loss of the control of the Federal Government that the south had exercised since the founding of the USA.
these demofk fkwads don't know shit about shitola.
He did you ignorant twat. Educate yourself.

Myths and Misunderstandings: Lee as a slave holder

Yes, Lee inherited slaves - that he instantly freed.

The FACT is that Lee never owned slaves. Lee was a military man, not a plantation owner.

From an actual legitimate source;

Yes, Lee inherited slaves - that he instantly freed.

The FACT is that Lee never owned slaves. Lee was a military man, not a plantation owner.

From an actual legitimate source;

Keep clowning yourself moron. 😄
Yes, Lee inherited slaves - that he instantly freed.

The FACT is that Lee never owned slaves. Lee was a military man, not a plantation owner.

From an actual legitimate source;

Goats still projecting his ignorance of slave owners.
Forrest was a piece of shit and looked down upon even by his contemporaries in the Confederacy. Davis and Lee were gentlemen and though being rebels against the Union were considered decent men by their contemporaries on BOTH sides of the war. By modern standards there wasn’t a person alive in 1860 that wasn’t a racist. Even diehard abolitionists thought blacks were inferior to whites. They just objected to them being enslaved. If you notice, the Underground Railway moved escaped slaves up into Canada, NOT into free states. Lincoln established Liberia as a place to move freed slaves, even a radical abolitionist like him didn’t want them in the USA. It’s not fair to judge historical figures by modern standards.
What confused bullshit. First you call Forrest a piece of shit and Lee and Davis gentlemen and then end with it's unfair to judge them by modern standards. Guess what, judging them to be gentlemen is a judgement. Your real issue is that I judge them to be pieces of shit. And if clowns like jc456 want to try to call today's Democrats deplorable for Democratic history then you can't logically do that without also calling those historical Democrats like Lee and Davis deplorable pieces of shit as well.
Lefties don't know much about much

But... who cares about slave owners?

I don't know any. Do you?
I know of them currently, Demofk mayors of cities like LA, Detroit, Ferguson, Baltimore and Chicago.
You really need to start reading your own links you fool, it agrees with me.

CLAIM: Gen. Robert E. Lee, who led the Confederate States Army in the Civil War, “opposed both secession and slavery.” He did not own slaves.

AP’S ASSESSMENT: False. According to historians, not only did Lee own slaves, but he also fought in court to keep working slaves from his father-in-law’s estate. Claims casting Lee as an anti-slavery figure are tied to a false narrative known as the Lost Cause, which says the Confederate experience in the Civil War was not about slavery, but state’s rights.

Why do you fail so much... 🤣
No one believes that shit.

Not even you

Why should I not believe what I read and heard? Nobody on the left can defend what he's said in the past not even you.

I don't want to send my kinds into a racial jungle.
Poor kids can be just as bright as white kids.
They want to put ya'all back in chains.

The list goes on and on. That's not to mention how he praised ex-klansmen in his party along with saying they were the best people he's worked with in the past.

Even now, by his own admission, he's not nominating or hiring people on their merits, he's doing so because they fit his color scheme to try and erase his racial past, not to mention the Communist party is slowly losing black voters.
Why should I not believe what I read and heard? Nobody on the left can defend what he's said in the past not even you.

I don't want to send my kinds into a racial jungle.
Poor kids can be just as bright as white kids.
They want to put ya'all back in chains.

The list goes on and on. That's not to mention how he praised ex-klansmen in his party along with saying they were the best people he's worked with in the past.

Even now, by his own admission, he's not nominating or hiring people on their merits, he's doing so because they fit his color scheme to try and erase his racial past, not to mention the Communist party is slowly losing black voters.
and the 94 crime bill.

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