How many white supremacists are there?

You were the one who brought up Democrats history of racism and the KKK you fucking moron.

No, that wasn't me, shit for brains leftie with zero reading comprehension.

Try growing a brain cell

That includes southern conservative heroes like Jefferson Davis, Robert E Lee and Nathan Bedford Forrest. Attacking old racist Democrats is attacking old southern conservative culture and I'm all for that. I want to push that culture towards extinction. I'm happy when moron whites like you don't know or understand that you're helping me. 😂
See? You're so stupid you think you're getting help

Do you have any actual education?
You were the one who brought up Democrats history of racism and the KKK you fucking moron. That includes southern conservative heroes like Jefferson Davis, Robert E Lee and Nathan Bedford Forrest. Attacking old racist Democrats is attacking old southern conservative culture and I'm all for that. I want to push that culture towards extinction. I'm happy when moron whites like you don't know or understand that you're helping me. 😂


In what way was the Antebellum South "conservative?"

Fucking moron clown..
1. I'm a man.

2. I'm not a commie. I'm a small business owner.

3. Seems we have the power to manipulate companies like NASCAR, the NFL, and Disney into shitting on white racist culture. 😄
And that lasts until white people stop spending money to support them. I believe attendance is down for all three despite the fact that the NFL has more black fans than white ones and has for a long time. Most average people of all races are tired of seeing entitled, multi-millionaire athletes complaining about being discriminated against. They get rich playing children’s games for Pete’s sake. In ten years what will they be remembered for? They add nothing to society and most waste their pay on lavish lifestyles rather that helping those in need. There are a few exceptions like a Magic Johnson who spend their money improving the communities they came from.
They were Democrats who quit in America after Abraham Lincoln got elected and started the Confederacy in order to protect their right to own black people as slaves. How fucking stupid and ignorant of history are you?

I get that you have very little education. You're an ignorant racist.

But do you know that nothing you posted above has any relationship to historical fact?
No, that wasn't me, shit for brains leftie with zero reading comprehension.

Try growing a brain cell

See? You're so stupid you think you're getting help

Do you have any actual education?
I'm getting lots of help. When morons like jc456 goes after the Democrats legacy of racism that legacy leads back to southern white conservative heroes. I don't care dipshits whites like him, who obviously doesn't know much history, helps me tear down their legacies. I told you before that's what I want to happen. 😁

Robert Byrd was also a piece of shit but not as big a piece of shit as Robert E Lee and Jefferson Davis who went to war against America to protect slavery. Ultimately you are tearing down the legacy of white southern racist heroes which I'm more than fine with. 😁

Goat Curious, I'm still waiting for you to provide your uninformed, ignorant and racist opinion on WHY you say Robert E. Lee was a "piece of shit."

Goat Curious, I'm still waiting for you to provide your uninformed, ignorant and racist opinion on WHY you say Robert E. Lee was a "piece of shit."

He was a piece of shit who went to war with America in order to protect his right to own slaves. Do none of you morons know basic history?
1. I'm a man.

2. I'm not a commie. I'm a small business owner.

3. Seems we have the power to manipulate companies like NASCAR, the NFL, and Disney into shitting on white racist culture. 😄
Okay, you're a man. My bad. Someone said otherwise. I'll try to use the proper pronoun lol :p

Hm... here's a hint, Mr Small Business Owner. If you push racial and cultural boundaries, you lose half your customers right out of the starting gate.

Disney... how's that working out for you? :p
I'm getting lots of help. When morons like jc456 goes after the Democrats legacy of racism that legacy leads back to southern white conservative heroes. I don't care dipshits whites like him, who obviously doesn't know much history, helps me tear down their legacies. I told you before that's what I want to happen. 😁

Why do you hate white people?

You have a chip on your shoulder, you keep bringing up stuff that happened a hundred years ago, before you were even born.
Funny, he's not being charged with murder. And please, never forget how far your cuck fantasies are from reality. 😄
He wasn’t charged with murder because there is no independent oversight of the Capital Police. I’m not sure a Capital Police Officer has ever been charged with wrongdoing. If the Capital Police had the sort of oversight most departments do, he would have been disciplined or fired. By the standards of other departments that was a bad shooting. He went directly to deadly force without trying other options. Hell he wasn’t even disciplined for leaving his service weapon unattended in a public bathroom. That’s a firing offense in real police departments.

Why do you hate white people?

You have a chip on your shoulder, you keep bringing up stuff that happened a hundred years ago, before you were even born.
It was jc456 who brought the deplorable history of southern Democrats, I was just agreeing with him that they were indeed pieces of shit. 😉
No one believes that shit.

Not even you
That is the truth. But by your Prog views they are doing great now. Things are so much better. Go forth to the inner cities and ask them. They will give you flowery responses. The Prog way. Watching that corrupted soulless evil cretin lying every day is painful for us all. Biden will be remembered as the worst installed leader in our history. By his own making.
He should be considered a hero for putting a criminal in his place.
Floyd, the man that held a gun on a pregnant woman. Served five years in jail after pleading guilty.



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