How many white supremacists are there?


Regardless of how it happened, Candace Owens left the plantation, and you hate her for it.

Now she's rich and you're not, and you hate her for that too.
I'm pretty well off myself. I actually don't mind Candice Owens at all I was just pointing out a fact. The reason I don't mind Candance Owens is because the people she's grifting are you clowns. 😄
I want investment in the neighborhoods they live in and public schools in those neighborhoods. Vouchers are nothing more than a back door for the privatization of public education.

To my knowledge all communities have had that power for generations. If you want better schools, petition your city representative and ask for a property tax increase in which to fund those schools.

Vouchers gives people with little money the option to send their children to schools they believe are a better choice for their children. We all know how you Communists hate choice. Choice means freedom and we know you hate that.
I'm not exactly sure what a Trumpster is.

Hm. I saw a lot of European faggots when I was in Switzerland, they were all outside the clubs along the Limmat in Zurich.

No. Not at all.

Reagan was an actor. Personally he was principled but not political. He let the political operatives do the dirty work.

Bush is different, he's a corrupt member of a corrupt family. Not immoral, but amoral.

Neither are libertarian. Not even Rand Paul is really a libertarian.

I think the "right wing" will fix itself. They're on the path already.

The left... not so much.
Reagan and Bushes are libertarians, you just don't know what it is. Euro-queers are now called "liberals", but this has nothing to do with libertarianism.

Pro-British Euro-fagots including Trumpsters should leave America.
Reagan and Bushes are libertarians, you just don't know what it is. Euro-queers are now called "liberals", but this has nothing to do with libertarianism.

Pro-British Euro-fagots including Trumpsters should leave America.
And go where?
What confused bullshit. First you call Forrest a piece of shit and Lee and Davis gentlemen and then end with it's unfair to judge them by modern standards. Guess what, judging them to be gentlemen is a judgement. Your real issue is that I judge them to be pieces of shit. And if clowns like jc456 want to try to call today's Democrats deplorable for Democratic history then you can't logically do that without also calling those historical Democrats like Lee and Davis deplorable pieces of shit as well.
I don't judge them by modern standards you do. And by CONTEMPORARY standards Forrest was a piece of shit; a slaver. murderer and a man who ordered and committed what were considered war crimes even at the time.
Lee owned slaves. Uncensored2008 is just a fucking idiot.
Lee did own some slaves, but he was morally opposed to slavery. He never BOUGHT any slaves. he inherited them, mostly from his wife's family. From what I've read he was a very conflicted man when it came to slavery. The article linked to above is really good and brought some clarity to my thinking.
And go where?
go home

I don't judge them by modern standards you do. And by CONTEMPORARY standards Forrest was a piece of shit; a slaver. murderer and a man who ordered and committed what were considered war crimes even at the time.
The idea that there are modern standards is a silly one. Standards aren't relative to time, they are relative to people. I judge Lee and Davis by my standards, not time's. Who's standards in any given time should be considered the standard by which to judge that time? Why not Frederic Douglas's standard?
To my knowledge all communities have had that power for generations. If you want better schools, petition your city representative and ask for a property tax increase in which to fund those schools.

Vouchers gives people with little money the option to send their children to schools they believe are a better choice for their children. We all know how you Communists hate choice. Choice means freedom and we know you hate that.
But how will the Democrats brainwash our kids that we are a racist country and blacks are oppressed victims of horrible whites if parents can send their kids to non-public schools? That’s why they oppose vouchers.
That's because Trump really isn't a politician, he's a businessman.

Trump told his kids they are out of the will if they mess around with tobacco, drugs or alcohol; not that an occasional drink now and then isn't inappropriate. None of them involved in shady deals and certainly none ever getting rich selling access to their father like that finger panting crap druggy is selling for up to a half-million bucks each to anonymous buyers for.
He’s a politician if he ran for office. lol

And he’s been accused of rape and has paid off strippers and has a nickel chaser for a current wife. You know, the Rainchy Nude Model Trump tried passing off as a Super Model?
What the fuck are you talking about? The notion that black voters are living on a democratic plantation isn't a fact, it's your racist opinion you fucking moron. Do you not know the difference between facts and opinions?
name a republican mayor with the same crime statistics.
I want investment in the neighborhoods they live in and public schools in those neighborhoods. Vouchers are nothing more than a back door for the privatization of public education.
you think businesses want to exist in crime ridden neighborhoods? Go defund more police and allow the criminal behavior, but you won't see business. You have to figure out what the issue really is and solve it before all of that were to happen.

BTW, 33 shot and five killed last weekend in Chitowns black neighborhoods. And you think business would want to invest there. Even Boeing is leaving now.
But how will the Democrats brainwash our kids that we are a racist country and blacks are oppressed victims of horrible whites if parents can send their kids to non-public schools? That’s why they oppose vouchers.
ding ding ding. The blacks would learn about the plantation and want off.

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