How many white supremacists are there?

Oh, I'm not at all confused. They aren't lone wolves...they are operatives.

Oh, so we are just talking shit?

Cool. I can play that game.

The shooters, they are all employees of seawytch. He trains them in his volcano lair and dispatches them based on astrological signs.
Start here

Save it asshole. Give me a number with a supporting link, or at least a firm reasoned argument.
You mean how many Trump supporters?

Lakhota. Seriously. Think about it. A thread discussing how many w.s. there are, and you attack me for that.

Why do you not want to discuss how many w.s. there actually are?

I don't know any

true, i don't get out much, but I am no spring chicken and i am racking my brain trying to remember one from my past..

maybe they are good at keeping it hidden?


i found numbers with a link on how many people are sexually attracted to children.

What you just posted in a cop out.

Ask yourself, why do I not want to know or have it know, how many w.s. there really are?
And another leftard that doesn't want to discuss how big the problem actually is, but does want to smear his enemies with that brush.

And this is probably why there is no number published. Because leftards know if they publish a number and people see how small it is, that calling everyone a w.s. will make people like g5000 look like the stupid fags they are.
It’s the same lie that BLM put out about cops hunting down to kill unarmed black men. Out of 50 million police encounters per year, there were only (something like) 19 such occurrences, and all but two were being threatening and defiant.

Same thing here. Out of 100 million Republicans, approximately, there might be a few thousand white supremacists. There are at least half a million anti-white and anti-Jew Farrakhan supporters on the left.
David Bowie married a Super Model. Donald Trump married a raunchy nude model

I’ve been censored abs banned on social media for posting g her raunchy images. I’m no prude. Just like being honest

And how many "real" nude images are there of her? One maybe two? She's a professional model. Models do nudes from time to time, especially when they are first starting out. What do you have against a beautiful nude woman anyway? Jennifer Aniston did nudes and even a movie where she was nude. The former Price is Right model Diane Parkison did a centerfold for Playboy. Are they all raunchy nude models in your opinion too?
It’s the same lie that BLM put out about cops hunting down to kill unarmed black men. Out of 50 million police encounters per year, there were only (something like) 19 such occurrences, and all but two were being threatening and defiant.

Same thing here. Out of 100 million Republicans, approximately, there might be a few thousand white supremacists. There are at least half a million anti-white and anti-Jew Farrakhan supporters on the left.
even a demofk White supremist won't vote for a demofk, is that what you're saying?
And how many "real" nude images are there of her? One maybe two? She's a professional model. Models do nudes from time to time, especially when they are first starting out. What do you have against a beautiful nude woman anyway? Jennifer Aniston did nudes and even a movie where she was nude. The former Price is Right model Diane Parkison did a centerfold for Playboy. Are they all raunchy nude models in your opinion too?
He's just raunchy. Got the word stuck in his throat.
Well that shows us how the right counts white supremacists...

Meanwhile they see brown people and think they are illegal aliens until proven otherwise...

The thread is an open invitation to you to give me the number you have, and any supporting links or even arguments.

Those of you that are fighting that, you should ask yourself why you are hostile to the idea of people knowing how many w.s. there really are.
How many marxists are there? I guess there aren’t any.

Looks like about 1%. It is odd that this can't be done with w.s.

"The Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian University, which published the results last week, found in a representative poll of 2,000 U.S. adults that one-third or more endorsed a dozen elements of Marxist theory, including those on racism and God.

Pollster George Barna, the center’s founder and research director, said the results indicate that 10% of Americans have internalized Marxist ideology and now draw from it in their daily decisions, even though only 1% of Americans adopt Marxism as their primary worldview."


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