How many white supremacists are there?

You just keep deflecting. You don't see a thing from your end. THAT'S my point.

Lost as you are in your ideology, you don't see it. I can't help that. You are what you are. Dismissed.
And YOU don‘t even realize that how pervasive bigotry is on the left.

And I’m not deflecting. You repeated the nonsense the libs are peddling - that bigotry is more prominent on the right - and I gave you an example of a MASSIVE following of bigots on the left. It’s so bad that a blatant antisemite, who happens to be black and a fan of a Farrakhan, is running for DC mayor. And because he’s black, and his target of bigotry is against the Jews, it doesn’t matter.

You don’t even see what friggen’ hypocrites you all are. You yourself have negative attitudes toward Jews, as evidenced by a previous statement of yours that “Jews control the media.”
And in many cases they suffer a hate crime by blacks, just like Asians in this country.
Remember that rash of attacks in NY by blacks? One black went after a rabbi with a machete. But the libs are so soft on crime, because it is disproportionately committed by blacks, that they let them out on bail right away. One black girl who assaulted a Jew was arrested in the morning, bailed out in the afternoon, and assaulted another Jew the same day.

But no…..let’s all go back to pretending that blacks are all the oppressed victims, and Jews? eh.
Remember that rash of attacks in NY by blacks? One black went after a rabbi with a machete. But the libs are so soft on crime, because it is disproportionately committed by blacks, that they let them out on bail right away. One black girl who assaulted a Jew was arrested in the morning, bailed out in the afternoon, and assaulted another Jew the same day.

But no…..let’s all go back to pretending that blacks are all the oppressed victims, and Jews? eh.
what about the black homeless dude who pushed the asian woman in front of a subway train?

Covered up!!!!

Naw, there is enough evidences out there to show the lack of consistency with demofks own beliefs making them far more likely to kill than any fking white person. Far more evidences.

Just look up black on white crime.
what about the black homeless dude who pushed the asian woman in front of a subway train?

Covered up!!!!

Naw, there is enough evidences out there to show the lack of consistency with demofks own beliefs making them far more likely to kill than any fking white person. Far more evidences.

Just look up black on white crime.
Shhhh….doesn’t fit the Democrats’ narrative.
Well, if your family were slaughtered on farms throughout your homeland you'd be a little racist too. Of course, I am imagining you as white. If you're black then you're already part of the most racist people on this planet. Piss off.
No cuck. I'll think I'll stay and help take your country away from you soft fucks. 😄
Why are you even judging ANYONE in history?

Why? To what end?
To shame and ridicule your culture in a way that pushes it towards extinction. I've told you this already. Think of white people getting fired for being racist, statues of slavers being taken down and popular events like NASCAR or country music festivals telling you to leave your Confederate flag at home. All this reinforces the idea in your children's mind that those things are shameful and unpopular and because we're a country that is obsessed with popularity it makes them want to be on the side doing the shaming instead of being shamed.
You can't change history, it's done, it's over, done deal.
No but I can change your country. 😁
You know what you sound like?

You sound like the guy who's still yelling at the person who cut him off on the freeway, half an hour later when he's already on a whole different freeway.
That's because you're the moron looking back instead of looking forward. These moves serve a purpose.
In case you haven't noticed, your political painting has run up against a brick wall
It's been working great. Confederate culture is getting shit on by everyone and then we'll move on to the Founders.
That's not the way it works, idiot leftard fool.

I told you asshole, my daughter will get reparations before you will.
Doubtful. Your daughter will probably be paying for it. As this country browns the fight to force reparations down the throats of white racists will get easier and easier. 😁
YOUR job is to start from nothing and work your lazy ass off so you can get ahead. Like I did. Like everyone else did. You're nothing special, you have to do it like everyone else. If you don't want to do that, you can fuck off. No one's going to pay you for being alive.
That's fine. We're just not going to settle for what you tell us to. The consequence of rising black and brown success is that, people like my family, who own businesses, who are professional doctors and surgeons and lawyers, and are wealthy enough to send their children to private school and ivy league colleges... we see no reason to concede to the demands of poor, ignorant white racists like yourself. 😄
need to get rid of that thing called the 2nd amendment. naw, just more demofk spewing his hate on an internet forum because the internet makes him tough!!!
The 2nd amendment exists for all Americans dumbass, even the brown and black ones. We have guns too.
To shame and ridicule your culture in a way that pushes it towards extinction. I've told you this already. Think of white people getting fired for being racist, statues of slavers being taken down and popular events like NASCAR or country music festivals telling you to leave your Confederate flag at home. All this reinforces the idea in your children's mind that those things are shameful and unpopular and because we're a country that is obsessed with popularity it makes them want to be on the side doing the shaming instead of being shamed.
You promote hate, we know. It is your demofk mentality. You should be shaming all demofks since they are the owners of the sick fk kkk vile. Yet you vote for them. So your self loathing is well distributed in here.
wow, you know that? I'm amazed. I thought you all were working to get rid of the 2nd amendment. You aren't for that then? Why do you vote with those who do?
Because very few on left are actually trying to eliminate the 2nd amendment which would require another amendment anyway which is highly unlikely to happen. I support sensible gun laws and owning guns for self defense because I've known quite a few people who've been the victims of gun violence.
You promote hate, we know. It is your demofk mentality. You should be shaming all demofks since they are the owners of the sick fk kkk vile. Yet you vote for them. So your self loathing is well distributed in here.
There's nothing wrong with hating slavers and the people and cultures who idolize them and we've been over this. I'm all for teaching little white children to hate piece of shit slaving and KKK Democrats like Robert E Lee, Jefferson Davis and Nathan Bedford Forrest. It's Republicans and southern conservatives who insist on idolizing them.
Because very few on left are actually trying to eliminate the 2nd amendment which would require another amendment anyway which is highly unlikely to happen. I support sensible gun laws and owning guns for self defense because I've known quite a few people who've been the victims of gun violence.
but the demofks are for getting rid of the 2nd amendment. they even claimed it again after the fkwad who shot up the store in Buffalo, because those bad old guns kill people. hhahaahahahahahaha

BTW, when one of you can show a gun shoot by itself you might have a point.
There's nothing wrong with hating slavers and the people and cultures who idolize them and we've been over this. I'm all for teaching little white children to hate piece of shit slaving and KKK Democrats like Robert E Lee, Jefferson Davis and Nathan Bedford Forrest. It's Republicans and southern conservatives who insist on idolizing them.
so you hate the world? Finally stepping out and admitting you hate.
but the demofks are for getting rid of the 2nd amendment. they even claimed it again after the fkwad who shot up the store in Buffalo, because those bad old guns kill people. hhahaahahahahahaha

BTW, when one of you can show a gun shoot by itself you might have a point.
You're a moron who doesn't know how government actually works. Tell me how the Dems would eliminate the 2nd amendment without another amendment.
You're a moron who doesn't know how government actually works. Tell me how the Dems would eliminate the 2nd amendment without another amendment.
it's been the thing we've been asking for years now. But nothing, yet the voices never silence about the 2nd amendment and mean old GOP's and the NRA and all of that. So, we're waiting. And, you keep voting for those nutjobs.

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