How many white supremacists are there?

such as what? demofks don't believe in school vouchers for choice to better educate black children. Why?

You answer that one question and we can continue, don't want to confuse the thread.
Vouchers taking money away from the public school, and giving it to a private school, would be like Ford giving it's employees vouchers to buy a Chevy, or a Toyota, or a Kia.

If you want better schools, there are elections for school boards.
Spend effort in teaching RRR's and not waste resources battling CRT that is only taught at the college level.
By stacking the court (which they talked about) and putting enough commie judges in there to rule that the 2nd doesn't apply to the average citizen, only militia members.
Why do you always leave out the first clause of the 2nd amendment. The rule of contracts is that you don't put "dicta" into contracts.
Vouchers taking money away from the public school, and giving it to a private school, would be like Ford giving it's employees vouchers to buy a Chevy, or a Toyota, or a Kia.

If you want better schools, there are elections for school boards.
Spend effort in teaching RRR's and not waste resources battling CRT that is only taught at the college level.
see, you don't care for blacks to get the same chance at an education. I get it. you hate em. kkking forever huh?

BTW, I don't have anyone in school, they can use my money to give to a black student to get an equal opportunity learning and get away from the demofk's brainwashing.
Vouchers taking money away from the public school, and giving it to a private school, would be like Ford giving it's employees vouchers to buy a Chevy, or a Toyota, or a Kia.

If you want better schools, there are elections for school boards.
Spend effort in teaching RRR's and not waste resources battling CRT that is only taught at the college level.
there are better schools, you just don't want blacks to attend them. I get it.
Individuals or families earning 50 thousand a year are now worth 45 thousand a year with the most insidious tax of all.

Actually the most insidious tax, was when Trumps unemployment went up to 10.3%, and you had 1/10th of the US work force earning much much less.

Take Alabama, if you were making $50K and got laid off, you were now making $14K
see, you don't care for blacks to get the same chance at an education. I get it. you hate em. kkking forever huh?
That's as stupid as saying out soldiers should get vouchers to buy their gear. Or they wouldn't get the same chance as soldiers from other countries,.
there are better schools, you just don't want blacks to attend them. I get it.
There are better weapons and gear that our soldiers could have if you gave them vouchers. But that would only drain from the pentagon budget, and it wouldn't actually work.
That's as stupid as saying out soldiers should get vouchers to buy their gear. Or they wouldn't get the same chance as soldiers from other countries,.
no, no it's not. It's public schools who don't teach, pure and simple. Better schools are there and the same money spent at the public school could be spent for the better school to allow the student to attend since it is their money. Why do you feel that only public teachers can teach with our money? That's a racist view.
There are better weapons and gear that our soldiers could have if you gave them vouchers. But that would only drain from the pentagon budget, and it wouldn't actually work.
based on what?
That's fine. We're just not going to settle for what you tell us to. The consequence of rising black and brown success is that, people like my family, who own businesses, who are professional doctors and surgeons and lawyers, and are wealthy enough to send their children to private school and ivy league colleges... we see no reason to concede to the demands of poor, ignorant white racists like yourself. 😄
then give the black students school vouchers. or you need to maintain that kkking.
The 2nd amendment exists for all Americans dumbass, even the brown and black ones. We have guns too.

We know, you always shooting each other.

The Nazi press melted down because so dumbfuck shot 8 black and 2 white people in Buffalo - meanwhile blacks shot 33 blacks in Chicago and not a peep.

You hypocritical clowns are a joke. The ONLY person you shame is yourself.
We know, you always shooting each other.

The Nazi press melted down because so dumbfuck shot 8 black and 2 white people in Buffalo - meanwhile blacks shot 33 blacks in Chicago and not a peep.

You hypocritical clowns are a joke. The ONLY person you shame is yourself.
Uncensored, I've posted that stat at least five times in the forum, still crickets. hahahaahahahhahaahahahaha still showing they hate blacks. the kkking demofks still hate blacks, Can't give them a good education either. confirmed in here. hahahhaahahhaaha they can't help their kkking self's.

BTW, the issue isn't that blacks died in that shooting in Buffalo, NY, it was the gun that was the real issue. so fking sad.

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