How many white supremacists are there?

I gave you evidence of Republicans celebrating the very people you try and accuse me of supporting. Fail harder you moron. 😄
I see them celebrating their state. If you are suggesting that things didn't happen that affected their state you're fked in the head. Again, is history not allowed for Mississippi? Still not clear your point.
The idea that there are modern standards is a silly one. Standards aren't relative to time, they are relative to people. I judge Lee and Davis by my standards, not time's. Who's standards in any given time should be considered the standard by which to judge that time? Why not Frederic Douglas's standard?
Standards ARE relative to time and culture. In Roman times it was acceptable to have people fight to the death against other people and beasts to entertain the population. It's unacceptable today. Slaughtering surrendered enemy civilians was considered OK in those days, it's not today. In the sixteen hundreds it was normal practice for armies to loot, rape and murder the citizens of conquered cities that didn't surrender fast enough when their walls were breached.
As far as I know Douglas never said anything bad about Lee or Davis as people.
What is a white supremacist? Is wanting to be a majority in your home country? Is it a love for your country? Is it a love for high standards? How is any of this wrong or negative to most people that love America and the culture that makes us great?. Why is it our job to allow billions of poor and backwards people into our land? Isn't that dumb. Isn't it treason against us to be for the destruction of our country and its standards.

If so I am glad I am one.
What is a white supremacist? Is wanting to be a majority in your home country? Is it a love for your country? Is it a love for high standards? How is any of this wrong or negative to most people that love America and the culture that makes us great?. Why is it our job to allow billions of poor and backwards people into our land? Isn't that dumb. Isn't it treason against us to be for the destruction of our country and its standards.

If so I am glad I am one.

It all comes down to the reality that it isn't our job to help raise up the entire world and solve their problems with them flooding our lands by the billions. They won't solve it in central America, they won't solve it in africa and they won't solve it in the middle east...Why should we be their damn slave in our own lands to do something they can never do for themselves.

This goes double when they start tarring down our founders, our flag and our beliefs. Should we bow and become slaves to the rest of the world mr.leftist?
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White supremacists are like nuclear weapons. There are only about 15,000 nukes in the entire world, but it only takes setting off one to cause a world of trouble.

So, all that talk about them being a political force, or getting a president elected, or God Forbid, American BEING a w.s. nation,

is bullshit?
What is a white supremacist? Is wanting to be a majority in your home country? Is it a love for your country? Is it a love for high standards? How is any of this wrong or negative to most people that love America and the culture that makes us great?. Why is it our job to allow billions of poor and backwards people into our land? Isn't that dumb. Isn't it treason against us to be for the destruction of our country and its standards.

If so I am glad I am one.
You are. Congrats!

So adorable...and stupid.

It's a pattern. They should just straight up call it "The Republican Replacement Theory".

You said "pack". That implies leadership and coordination and organization.

The moment I call you on it, you start walking your claims back, but you still keep smearing your enemies.

You are just talking shit, because you are a race baiting asshole.
What's with this obsession with counting assholes?

Clearly Buffalo points out that they exist and that ONE is too many

Because lots of people are making the case that they are a huge problem in our society to the point that they make up a significant political force and require massive government forces targeted at them.

If that is NOT true, then those that are painting significant portions of the country as w.s. are lying assholes,

and those that are mobilizing the government to fight them, are going to end up trampling innocent people.
Illustrating my post perfectly. Good stuff.

DO you have an answer for hte question or at least a comment on why we don't have a number?

The consensus seems to be dropping to very low numbers. Does that make you happy?
Emotional, reflexive reaction,as the facts undermine your simpleton, partisan narrative.

That's your fault for opting to turn off your brain and regurgitate what paid liars tell you to get you riled up.

There were record spikes in crossings during the Trump presidency.

Same for Obama.

Now, same for Biden.

So yes, things are getting worse for these people. Have been, for a while.

But if you want to blame democrats and Biden, I will leave you to it. Embarrass yourself all you like.

When you are done embarrassing yourself, go look up which presidents have instituted sweeping amnesty over the last 40 years, thereby giving the right to vote to illegal aliens here already.

Then come back here and embarrass yourself some more with the democrat replacement theory dog whistle.
I see them celebrating their state. If you are suggesting that things didn't happen that affected their state you're fked in the head. Again, is history not allowed for Mississippi? Still not clear your point.
They are specifically celebrating the very people you are here trying to smear today's Democrats with. Germany doesn't have to celebrate Hitler to celebrate Germany you stupid twat. Try a better argument.
Correll is really hung up on the number.

Why he is wasting his time is anyone's guess. His response to any number will be the same response.

He knows it. You know it. We all know it.
The game they've been playing for a long time with this WS stuff is that, if you don't declare out loud that you're an actual, literal white supremacist, if you don't know the secret handshake, then that ALSO means that you're not a regular, ignorant, paranoid racist or (worse, in my opinion), a willing enabler of racism.

Fourth grade-level thinking, but it is what it is.
Standards ARE relative to time and culture. In Roman times it was acceptable to have people fight to the death against other people and beasts to entertain the population. It's unacceptable today.
That's because the Romans found that acceptable, not time. There are cultures today that find it acceptable to stone gays to death and cultures that don't. In any given time there are going to be cultures and people with wildly varying values.
The game they've been playing for a long time with this WS stuff is that, if you don't declare out loud that you're an actual, literal white supremacist, if you don't know the secret handshake, then that ALSO means that you're not a regular, ignorant, paranoid racist or (worse, in my opinion), a willing enabler of racism.

Fourth grade-level thinking, but it is what it is.
That's their ethical and intellectual standard, now, in all things.

I saw it coming when Hillary called them deplorables. The amount of pearl clutching and fake sobbing from the most insulting pricks on the planet was truly a sight to behold.
That's their ethical and intellectual standard, now, in all things.

I saw it coming when Hillary called them deplorables. The amount of pearl clutching and fake sobbing from the most insulting pricks on the planet was truly a sight to behold.
I remember the first serious clue I saw about this: In 2016 when candidate Trump was being interviewed and said he didn't know who David Duke was. He had earlier called him "a racist and a problem". He was lying for his base.

What happened in here? They would completely lose their shit on you when you brought it up. That's when I started wondering if this was going a lot deeper than I had thought. He had really hit a chord, opened up Pandora's Box.

How many white supremacists are there?​

How many folks voted for Trump again? 73million or so?

There are 73 million white supremacists.
They are specifically celebrating the very people you are here trying to smear today's Democrats with. Germany doesn't have to celebrate Hitler to celebrate Germany you stupid twat. Try a better argument.
The family members who died? Again, they aren’t allowed?

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