How many white supremacists are there?

How is holding your feet to the fire and sticking to the truth "Trying to save Confederate Culture"?

You just lie a lot and are totally ignorant of both history and constitutional law so you spend most of the time spewing hate and ignorance out of your ass pretending they are facts.

Here's a fact for you, your party is going to get demolished in November setting up a complete wipeout by 2024.

Till them we'll just continue laughing at you and calling our your lies.
Even Democratic defeat in November won't stop Confederate culture from going extinct...

Stagecoach bans Confederate flags on 2022 Festival Grounds

So you agree with me that article 1 section 9 clause 4 clearly states that - No bill of attainder, ex post facto law, or law denying or impairing the right of property in negro slaves shall be passed.- cool beans. 😄
I think I know who you are. I worked with you. Are you that racist black who wanted Human Resources to require all job applications REQUIRE the applicant to fill in their race, and then select people for interviews from ONLY the black ones? You were told it was illegal.
Being elected mayor of DC is a very low bar. Marion Berry managed it for the third through fifth times AFTER being convicted of Cocaine possession while mayor.
I know, and that’s what scares me.

And it’s not only that we will have a blatant antisemite as mayor. It’s the message it sends: you too can say disgusting things about the Jews, and you can still be elected mayor of a major East Coast City. It’s just another way the Dems are transmitting that while even the perception of bigotry against blacks will kill your career, over-the-top antisemitic comments are completely acceptable.
I don’t like that look at all, but he’s peaceful.
Yeah, the 140 injured cops he and his other confederates trampled over to bring an enemy flag into the Capitol may disagree with you on that one.

Your turn. How will you downplay the massive assault on the police this time? My bet is that you'll repeat your rationalization strategy...but I'm open to surprises. So lets hear it...minimize the insurrection. The floor is yours...GO!
All you're explaining is how much I get under your skin you cuck. 😄

My arguments against slaver idolatry are intellectual, not emotional. In fact it amuses me that you morons keep caping up for old dead slavers even though all that does is allow us to effectively paint you as deplorable mutants. I actually want you to keep fighting for them. It's those types of openly deplorable beliefs that help us push your culture further and further from the mainstream, out towards the fringes and eventually towards extinction. So by all means, keep it up. 😁

Sure, they are "intellectual". Which is why they are laced with such clever terms like "cuck" and "morons" and "mutants", and "deplorable".

So, once again we see a leftard act like a complete asshole and then trying to pretend that someone giving them a little of that back to them, is that person being somehow unreasonable or that it means something.

What it means is that you are a fucking asshole, and a coward, who likes to talk a lot of shit online.

Meanwhile, in the real world, w.s., the topic of this thread, are an insignificant fringe, numbering is the several thousands.
Yeah, the 140 injured cops he and his other confederates trampled over to bring an enemy flag into the Capitol may disagree with you on that one.

Your turn. How will you downplay the massive assault on the police this time? My bet is that you'll repeat your rationalization strategy...but I'm open to surprises. So lets hear it...minimize the insurrection. The floor is yours...GO!
Which 140 cops did he injure? And how does that compare to the thousands injured by your BLM savages?

Liberals have a special type of arrogance in condemning an action when they did the same thing, multiplied by 100.

Here’s an example:

Democrat: How dare you let the little plant in your front yard die! You are awful for not watering it!

Republican: But you intentionally set an entire forest on fire, killing thousands of trees!

Democrat: we are not talking about that. We are talking about what YOU did, you neglectful piece of crap.
Which 140 cops did he injure? And how does that compare to the thousands injured by your BLM savages?

Liberals have a special type of arrogance in condemning an action when they did the same thing, multiplied by 100.

Here’s an example:

Democrat: How dare you let the little plant in your front yard die! You are awful for not watering it!

Republican: But you intentionally set an entire forest on fire, killing thousands of trees!

Democrat: we are not talking about that. We are talking about what YOU did, you neglectful piece of crap.
I think we're going to need a lot more prisons. Or mental institutions.
I love how you guys think it is ok to force others to believe the way you've decided they must. You have the humanity of a machete and the soul of a thug. I find you the most contemptible kind of person, but, even so, unlike you, I don't advocate throwing you in prison for believing the junk you believe.

Maybe that's why we are losing. We need to be as ruthless as the left.
Perhaps you can provide an example of me doing that.

Obviously you don't know my politics.

Not everyone is a sheep. Really. True story.
I think we're going to need a lot more prisons. Or mental institutions.
I think we need both.

Let’s take the $160 billion we are paying IN ONE YEAR to support illegal aliens (educating their kids, feeding them, providing pro-rated subsidized housing if there’s an anchor baby, etc.) and use it to build them.

Just think: Assuming $500,000 for each facility, we could build 160 prisons and 160 mental institutions. Let’s put at least one prison every 50 miles near the border, and we could round up the illegals and out them there, instead of flying them in the middle of the night to….wherever.

Then the extra prisons we would situate in the outer suburbs of the most crime-ridden cities: Chicago, New York, Los Angeles, St. Louis, Baltimore, and Detroit. That would go a long way to discouraging crime.

As far as thr mental institutions, they should all be in California.
See. This fucking moron tries to minimize the slavery that the slavers themselves were keen to tell everyone and Congress about when they peaced out. They made it pretty clear they were doing so specifically to preserve slavery. So much for statue education. This deplorable mutant wants to continue to venerate people who were the equivalent of Nazis.
As your party ignores slavery in the world today. As your party looks the other way to sex trafficking on our Southern border of little girls. Both exist today. BOTH.......But your side wants to turn them into votes for POWER..........That is SADISTIC...........and that has been seen throughout history.

Lincoln with his PROCLOMATION decided he was a KING in this country. Which led to War.......Many in the South were ready to end Slavery. Some were vicious slave owners. Nathan Bedford Forrest was one. But instead of dealing with those who wanted it ended in the South Too...........he aimed a gun and said OBEY ME.


Pun intended.........The South as a whole when they were being told Obey me or die...........Said bring it the fuck on. Afterwards the NORTH developed a great term. Ghettoes......Where they used Freed Slaves to work in the factories that made so little money they could barely eat.

Another point.........The children worked in the factories during the civil war in the North. To the point of slave labor.

Perhaps you can provide an example of me doing that.

Obviously you don't know my politics.

Not everyone is a sheep. Really. True story.
You are a blame shifter............Yelling like the other trolls about the GREAT INSURRECTION. So did you piss yourself that day when you found out they had a Viking and were taking SELFIE PICTURES IN THE CAPITAL...........Scary stuff.

Now let's look at the PEACEFUL DEMONSTRATIONS OF BLM....or even today as they try to terrorize the Justices.

You are a blame shifter............Yelling like the other trolls about the GREAT INSURRECTION. So did you piss yourself that day when you found out they had a Viking and were taking SELFIE PICTURES IN THE CAPITAL...........Scary stuff.

Now let's look at the PEACEFUL DEMONSTRATIONS OF BLM....or even today as they try to terrorize the Justices.

I think we need both.

Let’s take the $160 billion we are paying IN ONE YEAR to support illegal aliens (educating their kids, feeding them, providing pro-rated subsidized housing if there’s an anchor baby, etc.) and use it to build them.

Just think: Assuming $500,000 for each facility, we could build 160 prisons and 160 mental institutions. Let’s put at least one prison every 50 miles near the border, and we could round up the illegals and out them there, instead of flying them in the middle of the night to….wherever.

Then the extra prisons we would situate in the outer suburbs of the most crime-ridden cities: Chicago, New York, Los Angeles, St. Louis, Baltimore, and Detroit. That would go a long way to discouraging crime.

As far as thr mental institutions, they should all be in California.

Just an FYI... nearly every state correctional institution cannot currently staff the prisons they have now.... Same goes for federal pens.

Your idea isn't just terrible, it's unworkable.

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