How many white supremacists are there?

Why isn't the Attorney General and FBI rounding up and arresting those who protest at Justices homes? It is a clear violation of the law.

Why aren't the politicians like Schumer being Censored and Impeached for openly calling for threats against the Justices?

Are you for Packing the Court that your beloved party is now calling for and if so is FDR YOUR HERO? LOL
Ah. Actual questions. Okay.

1. I don't know. They should be. Giving out their home addresses should be examined too, for illegality. It's a stupid, counterproductive thing to do. Ideologues just don't seem to consider the negative consequences of their actions.

2. Because the Dems control Congress for the moment and that would look bad politically. The parties avoid that, you know, because political advantage is their top priority.

3. No. Elections have consequences. We'd end up with a SC of 200 eventually. 9 is fine.

Thanks for asking. Anything else?
Why isn't the Attorney General and FBI rounding up and arresting those who protest at Justices homes? It is a clear violation of the law.

Why aren't the politicians like Schumer being Censored and Impeached for openly calling for threats against the Justices?

Are you for Packing the Court that your beloved party is now calling for and if so is FDR YOUR HERO? LOL
We are all in REAL trouble in this country when the government applies two standards of justice to those committing crimes, based solely on their political party.

This place looks more like Communist China every day. I don’t even recognize my own country. The best we can hope for when the Congress turns over next January is to get a whole set of impeachments going.

Talking about Schumer, impeachment is too lenient. He should be in jail.
1. I don't know. They should be. Giving out their home addresses should be examined too, for illegality. It's a stupid, counterproductive thing to do. Ideologues just don't seem to consider the negative consequences of their actions.
Where are your posts and threads calling for them to stop this. To call for their arrests?

BTW. My other posts were questions on didn't counter them for a reason. lol

2. Because the Dems control Congress for the moment and that would look bad politically. The parties avoid that, you know, because political advantage is their top priority.
Dodge. Complete dodge. They are above the law. Follow up. Had this been Republicans doing this would the Dems be using their media and calling hearings on it?

Answer that.............lmao

3. No. Elections have consequences. We'd end up with a SC of 200 eventually. 9 is fine.
Decent answer. Yet the DNC is yelling for it now.......

Anything else..........Yeah me all the violence from the right versus the left.......
We are all in REAL trouble in this country when the government applies two standards of justice to those committing crimes, based solely on their political party.

This place looks more like Communist China every day. I don’t even recognize my own country. The best we can hope for when the Congress turns over next January is to get a whole set of impeachments going.

Talking about Schumer, impeachment is too lenient. He should be in jail.
They own the DOJ and the courts. In the current Civil Trial testimony shows Hillary pushed out the information that Trump was innocent of to the media and their people in law enforcement.........which are Federal Crimes.......

Testimony just yesterday. She will NEVER BE CHARGED...........Nor the ones who abused FISA. The FISA court itself documented what they did already. There is enough evidence there to need to build new prisons............NOTHING WILL HAPPEN to the law breakers..

Yes.......our country is screwed ..........Why the lines are in the sand now.....2 sides against each other.
Where are your posts and threads calling for them to stop this. To call for their arrests?

BTW. My other posts were questions on didn't counter them for a reason. lol

Dodge. Complete dodge. They are above the law. Follow up. Had this been Republicans doing this would the Dems be using their media and calling hearings on it?

Answer that.............lmao

Decent answer. Yet the DNC is yelling for it now.......

Anything else..........Yeah me all the violence from the right versus the left.......
I'm not doing any work for you.

If you can manage to ask direct, concise, adult questions, I'll continue to answer them.

Or, you can continue to make up things in your mind about me. Whatever makes you happy.

And by the way, the search engine here works just fine. Look it up.
I'm not doing any work for you.

If you can manage to ask direct, concise, adult questions, I'll continue to answer them.

Or, you can continue to make up things in your mind about me. Whatever makes you happy.

And by the way, the search engine here works just fine. Look it up.
Run away coward..........Like always.........You know your side are violent as hell......That is why you do the full back stroke crawfish on it.

With a few simple questions there it showed the Dems corrupt as fuck.........I accept your surrender again.
Run away coward..........Like always.........You know your side are violent as hell......That is why you do the full back stroke crawfish on it.

With a few simple questions there it showed the Dems corrupt as fuck.........I accept your surrender again.
Well, I'm right here.

I understand why you don't want to ask direct, adult questions.

Let me know!
They own the DOJ and the courts. In the current Civil Trial testimony shows Hillary pushed out the information that Trump was innocent of to the media and their people in law enforcement.........which are Federal Crimes.......

Testimony just yesterday. She will NEVER BE CHARGED...........Nor the ones who abused FISA. The FISA court itself documented what they did already. There is enough evidence there to need to build new prisons............NOTHING WILL HAPPEN to the law breakers..

Yes.......our country is screwed ..........Why the lines are in the sand now.....2 sides against each other.
My sister thinks the country is so divided that we will ultimately end up split into two. It’s that bad. It will be a long time coming, though, and I probably won’t live to see it.

What I do fear is that the two systems of justice, depending on political party, will be extended to all walks of life. In 20 years, when I am ready to move into an assisted living facility, I will be assigned the one for ”dissenters” - a basic, minimal level facility. All money I’ve saved for a comfortable old age will be long gone - either eroded by liberal policies or stolen outright by liberals to give to the tens of millions of “new” uneducated, unskilled citizens who don’t speak English.
My sister thinks the country is so divided that we will ultimately end up split into two. It’s that bad. It will be a long time coming, though, and I probably won’t live to see it.
There is no negotiating with the left. I used to be polite to more....Watched them change over time to what they are today. We used to laugh at them but they brain washed their kids and moved into every place they could to get their way. And now they openly show what they are today.

Half the nation is saying up yours.......other half is saying OBEY ME........Never ends well.
Did he mention they were all democrats? Just like the racists of today are also democrats?

This nonsense sailed in about 1935 when those type of "Democrats" changed their support from the Dems to the Reps. By the 1970s, the change had been made. YOU were once a hard crore democrat.
As your party ignores slavery in the world today. As your party looks the other way to sex trafficking on our Southern border of little girls. Both exist today. BOTH.......But your side wants to turn them into votes for POWER..........That is SADISTIC...........and that has been seen throughout history.

Lincoln with his PROCLOMATION decided he was a KING in this country. Which led to War.......Many in the South were ready to end Slavery. Some were vicious slave owners. Nathan Bedford Forrest was one. But instead of dealing with those who wanted it ended in the South Too...........he aimed a gun and said OBEY ME.


Pun intended.........The South as a whole when they were being told Obey me or die...........Said bring it the fuck on. Afterwards the NORTH developed a great term. Ghettoes......Where they used Freed Slaves to work in the factories that made so little money they could barely eat.

Another point.........The children worked in the factories during the civil war in the North. To the point of slave labor.

Sounds like your admitting America was a deeply racist country where one side (the south) fought for slavery and the other, (the north) segregated blacks into ghettos after they fled from former slave masters in the south. Careful, you might start sounding like a sjw. 😄
Why in the world are we now talking about slavery, as if it’s a current and pressing issue? That was two centuries ago.

In the two centuries since slavery in America, my great-great grandparents were born into poor Jewish villages in Europe, brought up my great-grandparents with no money at at all, my great-grandparents (with my young grandparents in tow) made the arduous trek to this country, witnessed as their remaining relatives were murdered by Hitler, while their children - the first generation to be born here - went to college and became professionals. And THEIR children, my generation, are doctors and lawyers.

So answer me..why after all these generations since slavery, and while we haven’t had any systemic-type racism for 50 years, are blacks making a big deal over slavery? It’s been taught in schools forever, and it still is, so why all of a sudden is it front and center again?
Because white people in this country put up statues to American Hitler's all over the country in order to venerate them.
Sounds like your admitting America was a deeply racist country where one side (the south) fought for slavery and the other, (the north) segregated blacks into ghettos after they fled from former slave masters in the south. Careful, you might start sounding like a sjw. 😄
I understand people today don't take into account what was normal in history and today.

Like ignoring the child trafficking at the southern border. The drugs that our killing our people.

Just as we ignore the buying and selling of little girls and women in Asia to the Middle East and other places.

Slavery is alive and well today...........No one gives a's about class warfare and look what whitey did to us.......I never owned slaves and you never were one.

Unless you have a time travel machine and went back to the future.
Because white people in this country put up statues to American Hitler's all over the country in order to venerate them.
They didn’t put them up yesterday. Those are statues from generations ago. Also, it was the Southern Democrats who were the bigots.
I understand people today don't take into account what was normal in history and today.

Like ignoring the child trafficking at the southern border. The drugs that our killing our people.

Just as we ignore the buying and selling of little girls and women in Asia to the Middle East and other places.

Slavery is alive and well today...........No one gives a's about class warfare and look what whitey did to us.......I never owned slaves and you never were one.

Unless you have a time travel machine and went back to the future.
Then why do so many of your brethren get bent out of shape when we suggest removing the statues put up to venerate there's American Hitler's and intimidate black Americans?
They didn’t put them up yesterday. Those are statues from generations ago. Also, it was the Southern Democrats who were the bigots.
I don't care if you call them southern Democrats I'm more interested in your acknowledgement that they were bigots. Why are so many on the right so insistent that we keep honoring these bigots?
Then why do so many of your brethren get bent out of shape when we suggest removing the statues put up to venerate there's American Hitler's and intimidate black Americans?
Because we hate stupid people. This is part of our history whether you like it or not. You can't erase it. And you are stupid for doing it.

This is called GASLIGHTING.............look at these evil statues and WHITEY DID IT.........those that have watched too much MSDNC lose their dang minds over it......which was why it was pushed to begin with.

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