How many white supremacists are there?

As your party ignores slavery in the world today. As your party looks the other way to sex trafficking on our Southern border of little girls. Both exist today. BOTH.......But your side wants to turn them into votes for POWER..........That is SADISTIC...........and that has been seen throughout history.

Lincoln with his PROCLOMATION decided he was a KING in this country. Which led to War.......Many in the South were ready to end Slavery. Some were vicious slave owners. Nathan Bedford Forrest was one. But instead of dealing with those who wanted it ended in the South Too...........he aimed a gun and said OBEY ME.


Pun intended.........The South as a whole when they were being told Obey me or die...........Said bring it the fuck on. Afterwards the NORTH developed a great term. Ghettoes......Where they used Freed Slaves to work in the factories that made so little money they could barely eat.

Another point.........The children worked in the factories during the civil war in the North. To the point of slave labor.

Why in the world are we now talking about slavery, as if it’s a current and pressing issue? That was two centuries ago.

In the two centuries since slavery in America, my great-great grandparents were born into poor Jewish villages in Europe, brought up my great-grandparents with no money at at all, my great-grandparents (with my young grandparents in tow) made the arduous trek to this country, witnessed as their remaining relatives were murdered by Hitler, while their children - the first generation to be born here - went to college and became professionals. And THEIR children, my generation, are doctors and lawyers.

So answer me..why after all these generations since slavery, and while we haven’t had any systemic-type racism for 50 years, are blacks making a big deal over slavery? It’s been taught in schools forever, and it still is, so why all of a sudden is it front and center again?
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Most white people are white nationalists/hold white nationalist views. Most white people are racists.
And most black people are turning on you because they think you are an idiot.

Pushing Critical Race Theory makes a ton of them look at you and say STFU GANG BANGER........
Why in the world are we now talking about slavery, as if it’s a current and pressing issue? That was two centuries ago.
I responded to posts in the thread. They use it for their pravda........I responded to their HYPOCRISY.

In the two centuries since slavery in America, my great-great grandparents were born into poor Jewish villages, brought up my great-grandparents with no money at at all, my great-grandparents (with my young grandparents in tow) made the arduous trek to this country, witnessed as their remaining relatives were murdered by Hitler, while their children - the first generation to be born here - went to college and became professionals. And THEIR children, my generation, are doctors and lawyers.
I'm glad to hear that they escaped Hitler and his INSANITY........I'm addressing the current problems in our country. Southern Border and the human trafficking that the left IGNORE.........All the while pushing CRT which is just throwing fuel on their CLASS WARFARE strategy.

They do this every election cycle.........Every one.
Well, I've tried to get you to explain this "fraud" stuff in detail, but you won't.

I guess it's a secret.

So just keep doing what you do. Dismissed.
BS...........You always ended up admitting your side is VIOLENT AS HELL........January 6th set up gave you just a little ammo and you ran with it.

Tell me how BLM was so freaking Peaceful.

Tell me how protesting outside Justices homes is PEACEFUL.....That is against the law BTW.

Tell me how using the Federal Agencies to attack the other side is RIGHTEOUS......

Documented crimes from FISA. Good example.

Tell me back in the day of Romney......RINO......that SEIU didn't get violent with rallies.

Tell me Rodney King days where a man was pulled out from his truck and nearly beaten to death because he was white.

Tell me about the Softball shootings from a deranged leftist.

I can do this all day.

Do you want me to show the violence from the left here today...........Then you show me the GREAT VIKING REBELIION IN RESPONSE.

Most white people are white nationalists/hold white nationalist views. Most white people are racists.
Most black people are black supremacists. Most black people are racists.

(To others: why are blacks spewing their racism and hate towards whites, trying to make them disgusted with them? Do they really think that DRIVING racist attitudes toward blacks will get them closer to reparations? This whole thing makes no sense.)
BS...........You always ended up admitting your side is VIOLENT AS HELL........January 6th set up gave you just a little ammo and you ran with it.

Tell me how BLM was so freaking Peaceful.

Tell me how protesting outside Justices homes is PEACEFUL.....That is against the law BTW.

Tell me how using the Federal Agencies to attack the other side is RIGHTEOUS......

Documented crimes from FISA. Good example.

Tell me back in the day of Romney......RINO......that SEIU didn't get violent with rallies.

Tell me Rodney King days where a man was pulled out from his truck and nearly beaten to death because he was white.

Tell me about the Softball shootings from a deranged leftist.

I can do this all day.

Do you want me to show the violence from the left here today...........Then you show me the GREAT VIKING REBELIION IN RESPONSE.

Perhaps you can calm down and be concise.

If you have a question, I'll answer it. Clearly you don't have any examples to provide, which proves my point. You're just making things up.

Calm down and ask a question. I will answer it. Concise, please.
Well, I've tried to get you to explain this "fraud" stuff in detail, but you won't.

I guess it's a secret.

So just keep doing what you do. Dismissed.
Oh…..the King has said “Dismissed” again?

News flash: you and your hateful ilk are about to be dismissed, bigly. November is coming.
Perhaps you can calm down and be concise.

If you have a question, I'll answer it. Clearly you don't have any examples to provide, which proves my point. You're just making things up.

Calm down and ask a question. I will answer it. Concise, please.
STFU TROLL.........

Which part of my examples aren't true........There is your question.......lmao
Another one who doesn't know my politics.

Absolutely fascinating, how binary their thought processes are.
Why isn't the Attorney General and FBI rounding up and arresting those who protest at Justices homes? It is a clear violation of the law.

Why aren't the politicians like Schumer being Censored and Impeached for openly calling for threats against the Justices?

Are you for Packing the Court that your beloved party is now calling for and if so is FDR YOUR HERO? LOL

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