How many whites, mid-50's and older, benefited from government sanctioned segregation

Salt Jones

Mar 22, 2011
We always here talk of how blacks are benefiting, unfairly, from Affirmative Action. Well, how many whites, mid-50's and older, benefited from government sanctioned racial segregation? Redlining, separate schools, misapplication of the GI Bill, etc.

How much did that benefit white Americans?
Time to move on in life, Mr. Jones. Let's make the most of it and get along best we can.
We always here talk of how blacks are benefiting, unfairly, from Affirmative Action. Well, how many whites, mid-50's and older, benefited from government sanctioned racial segregation? Redlining, separate schools, misapplication of the GI Bill, etc.

How much did that benefit white Americans?
all of them but not the poor whites.
The democrat party's ongoing war against Christianity indirectly benefits from the opinion written by a former member of the KKK. Justice Black, appointed by FDR, was a former member of the KKK and he wrote the majority opinion that established the modern version of separation of church and state.
The democrat party's ongoing war against Christianity indirectly benefits from the opinion written by a former member of the KKK. Justice Black, appointed by FDR, was a former member of the KKK and he wrote the majority opinion that established the modern version of separation of church and state.

And he and Ronald Reagan both benefited from government sanctioned segregation.
The democrat party's ongoing war against Christianity indirectly benefits from the opinion written by a former member of the KKK. Justice Black, appointed by FDR, was a former member of the KKK and he wrote the majority opinion that established the modern version of separation of church and state.

And he and Ronald Reagan both benefited from government sanctioned segregation.

Can you be this ignorant?
We always here talk of how blacks are benefiting, unfairly, from Affirmative Action. Well, how many whites, mid-50's and older, benefited from government sanctioned racial segregation? Redlining, separate schools, misapplication of the GI Bill, etc.

How much did that benefit white Americans?

I'm white, mid-50's and don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

So if you will, let me tell you what I am talking about...

Understand that all town America is not big town America:

Born 1955, small town Illinois. Population 5,000.

To the best of my recollection there were maybe a half-dozen black families- at most, living here.

Sure, some of the town people were redneck racists, but in large part no one else payed heed to color. And neither did I, thanks to my parents who embraced everyone.

But I will confess to you this- I remember my dad sitting me on his lap and lecturing me about the black community... mind you this was before MLK spoke his famous words.

He said "son, you can recognise a good person by only two traits... his heart and his mind, not his color".

I was 8 fucking years old back then in 1963 and I remember it like it was yesterday.

Yeah, there was a semblence of segregation as I recall, but there were also people like my parents who ignored it. And as a result, my dad lost many friends because he embraced all people... regardless. And he passed that philosophy on to me and my six siblings.

Heart and mind.

So, Mr. Salt Jones do you and your bretheren have any semblence of this same "heart and mind" as regards my lilly white ass?
1974. I'm sharing a college dorm room with another white like me.

Knock on door... I open it up- there stands one mean looking black SOB. "Hey you got any rolling papers?"
I size up the guy and say "what makes you think we smoke weed?"

He says "man, we can smell it down the hall".

Into my life walked Michael Sharp from St. Louis. And into his life walked I.

Over the next two years we collaborated, commiserated, and coagulated. He called me his "corn fed mark", I called him my "oreo". Black meets honky on a grand scale.

One night we went to a basketball game, me and my roommate- along with Mike and his roommate plus a few homeys. When the National Anthem played there sat Mike and his black brothers, clenched fists in the air chanting "NOT 'TILL WE'RE FREE". I and my my roommate stood in silent respect with hands on heart.

And that was that.

Not a word was said among us during or after the game. There was no need for words because we all understood. And we respected each other.
Here's what Mike told me- in 1975. He said "the reason why blacks fuck like there's no tomorrow is so that one day we will be in the majority".
So, one night Micheal Sharp the black guy next door invited us over to watch a movie. We got stoned and watched this documentary about lynchings in the old south. A fucking white kill black movie.

I was sweating bullets but kept cool. I don't remember much more than that. But goddamnit these guys kept their shit wits about them. And so did we.

And that's what I think is a big difference between the 70's and now. Respect, patience, acknowledgement.

These days it's all about disrespect, impatience, and ignorance.
[ame=]Billy Paul - Me & Mrs. Jones - YouTube[/ame]
Here's some irony... Mr. H. white man living breathing suffering as only a black can.
Shit on the floor poor. Literally.

Saltyballz, I feel your putz.
I am really tired of the cutsy pseudo-intellectual innuendo that so many people hide behind instead of clearly stating their position and backing it up with facts and logic. What the hell is this thread supposed to be about?

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