How may your life be impacted by the Wall? Why haven’t Democrats been able to explain this?

There is always another perspective. You don’t have to agree with it but it would give you a much more credible stance if you actually displayed an understanding about it instead of continuously misrepresenting it’s position. That’s where the lies and misinformation comes from. You are part of the problem
I do understand it. That's why I say it's all lies.
You might think you understand it but I don’t think you do. So why don’t you prove that you get it right now. We have had plenty of discussion about immigration. What is my position as you understand it?
#1 The wall won't work. That's pure bullshit, and you know it.
That’s all you’ve got? The wall won’t work? I absolutely think that walls and barriers are effective, I’ve said so many times. The issue of Trumps wall is a much bigger thing. Do you know why I don’t support it?

Hint: It not working is not the correct answer

bripat9643 Slades like to keep his position complex in of those "I kinda do, but I kind don't but I kind do, but I kinda don't" sort of things...its plain weird.
In short, he believes all in world should have the right and opportunity to try their luck here for a piece of the American Dream...he does not believe the Americans who fund and run this nation should be able to decide who gets a shot...he also believes that those 12-40 million here now should not be deported and should be rewarded some some weird form of citizenship since they've been clever enough to be able to allude law enforcement for so long while fucking good Americans over.
Take it away Slade.....spin, spin, spin!
He also claims he's not for open borders. Yeah, I've heard it all. Whenever they start whining that you don't understand their position, it means that you do.
I do understand it. That's why I say it's all lies.
You might think you understand it but I don’t think you do. So why don’t you prove that you get it right now. We have had plenty of discussion about immigration. What is my position as you understand it?
#1 The wall won't work. That's pure bullshit, and you know it.
That’s all you’ve got? The wall won’t work? I absolutely think that walls and barriers are effective, I’ve said so many times. The issue of Trumps wall is a much bigger thing. Do you know why I don’t support it?

Hint: It not working is not the correct answer

bripat9643 Slades like to keep his position complex in of those "I kinda do, but I kind don't but I kind do, but I kinda don't" sort of things...its plain weird.
In short, he believes all in world should have the right and opportunity to try their luck here for a piece of the American Dream...he does not believe the Americans who fund and run this nation should be able to decide who gets a shot...he also believes that those 12-40 million here now should not be deported and should be rewarded some some weird form of citizenship since they've been clever enough to be able to allude law enforcement for so long while fucking good Americans over.
Take it away Slade.....spin, spin, spin!
He also claims he's not for open borders. Yeah, I've heard it all. Whenever they start whining that you don't understand their position, it means that you do.
No I actually mean what I say, mind blowing concept isn’t it?!. When you try and state my positions you just sound like an off base idiot. If you took the time to try and understand then maybe we could debate the substance but you’re to stupid or lazy to get down to that layer
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You might think you understand it but I don’t think you do. So why don’t you prove that you get it right now. We have had plenty of discussion about immigration. What is my position as you understand it?
#1 The wall won't work. That's pure bullshit, and you know it.
That’s all you’ve got? The wall won’t work? I absolutely think that walls and barriers are effective, I’ve said so many times. The issue of Trumps wall is a much bigger thing. Do you know why I don’t support it?

Hint: It not working is not the correct answer

bripat9643 Slades like to keep his position complex in of those "I kinda do, but I kind don't but I kind do, but I kinda don't" sort of things...its plain weird.
In short, he believes all in world should have the right and opportunity to try their luck here for a piece of the American Dream...he does not believe the Americans who fund and run this nation should be able to decide who gets a shot...he also believes that those 12-40 million here now should not be deported and should be rewarded some some weird form of citizenship since they've been clever enough to be able to allude law enforcement for so long while fucking good Americans over.
Take it away Slade.....spin, spin, spin!
He also claims he's not for open borders. Yeah, I've heard it all. Whenever they start whining that you don't understand their position, it means that you do.
No I actually mean what I say, mind blowing concept isn’t it?!. When you try and state my positions you just sound like an off base idiot. If you took the time to try and understand then maybe we could debate the substance but you’re to stupid or lazy to get down to that layer
You talk out of both sides of your mouth. You don't believe in open borders, but you don't want a wall and you want everyone to have a path to citizenship. How can anyone take you seriously?
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#1 The wall won't work. That's pure bullshit, and you know it.
That’s all you’ve got? The wall won’t work? I absolutely think that walls and barriers are effective, I’ve said so many times. The issue of Trumps wall is a much bigger thing. Do you know why I don’t support it?

Hint: It not working is not the correct answer

bripat9643 Slades like to keep his position complex in of those "I kinda do, but I kind don't but I kind do, but I kinda don't" sort of things...its plain weird.
In short, he believes all in world should have the right and opportunity to try their luck here for a piece of the American Dream...he does not believe the Americans who fund and run this nation should be able to decide who gets a shot...he also believes that those 12-40 million here now should not be deported and should be rewarded some some weird form of citizenship since they've been clever enough to be able to allude law enforcement for so long while fucking good Americans over.
Take it away Slade.....spin, spin, spin!
He also claims he's not for open borders. Yeah, I've heard it all. Whenever they start whining that you don't understand their position, it means that you do.
No I actually mean what I say, mind blowing concept isn’t it?!. When you try and state my positions you just sound like an off base idiot. If you took the time to try and understand then maybe we could debate the substance but you’re to stupid or lazy to get down to that layer
You talk out of both sides of your mouth. You don't believe in open borders, but you don't want a wall and you want everyone to have a path to citizenship. How can anyone take you seriously?
Very easily if you try and engage, ask questions, and seek understanding. Of course when your entire goal is to demonize, lie, and manipulate my statements you aren’t going to get anywhere.
I’m certain Democrats and the Left can enlighten us on this...they must have a laundry list of reasons their life will suck as a result of the Wall....I mean, if I opposed the Wall and was as hostile as the Left is about it I’d easily be able to tell you how it would affect me personally.
Had we a functional wall all along....
Would Mollie Tibbetts still be alive?
Would our healthcare system be such a joke?
Would our public education have gone to shit?
Would communities look like South American super shitholes?
Would wages be stagnant for low to middle earners?
Would we have as many drunk and or uninsured drivers on our roadways?
Would foreign minded voters determine American elections?
Would 12-40 million illegal aliens be here?

Lay it on us Lefties.
Here's what you do not understand about opposition to Trump's wall scheme.

1) I don't believe the crisis at our southern border is anything other than a humanitarian crisis. I don't buy the conspiracy theories about massive human trafficking. I think the majority of the drugs in this comtry are smuggled in through our ports of entry, not schleped across the desert by immigrants. If I were president, I would send doctors, supplies, food, water and shelter to the immigrants. I would send judges to hear asylum requests. And I would never break up families as a means of sisincentivizing immigrants to come to a land known as freedom.

2) The issue of the wall, for most suppporters of a wall, is cultural, not criminal. I think xenophobia has reared its ugly head prompted by divisive rhetoric from Trump himself. I don't want to be divided from my fellow Americans. I do not fear other people due to their different culture. I do not believe in superiority of culture, ethnicity or race.

3) As the crisis is one of Trump's own making and he is desperate to fulfill a campaign promise, I think hiss abuse of executive power in declaring a Nationl Emergency is wholly wrong. If he could not achieve his goal while he had both House of congress under his control, he should turn his attention to matters of real importance like infrastructure, funding medical research, improving our public school buildings and grounds and, providing incentives for higher education.
I’m certain Democrats and the Left can enlighten us on this...they must have a laundry list of reasons their life will suck as a result of the Wall....I mean, if I opposed the Wall and was as hostile as the Left is about it I’d easily be able to tell you how it would affect me personally.
Had we a functional wall all along....
Would Mollie Tibbetts still be alive?
Would our healthcare system be such a joke?
Would our public education have gone to shit?
Would communities look like South American super shitholes?
Would wages be stagnant for low to middle earners?
Would we have as many drunk and or uninsured drivers on our roadways?
Would foreign minded voters determine American elections?
Would 12-40 million illegal aliens be here?

Lay it on us Lefties.
Who the fuk is going to cut my grass?

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