How may your life be impacted by the Wall? Why haven’t Democrats been able to explain this?

I’m certain Democrats and the Left can enlighten us on this...they must have a laundry list of reasons their life will suck as a result of the Wall....I mean, if I opposed the Wall and was as hostile as the Left is about it I’d easily be able to tell you how it would affect me personally.
Had we a functional wall all along....
Would Mollie Tibbetts still be alive?
Would our healthcare system be such a joke?
Would our public education have gone to shit?
Would communities look like South American super shitholes?
Would wages be stagnant for low to middle earners?
Would we have as many drunk and or uninsured drivers on our roadways?
Would foreign minded voters determine American elections?
Would 12-40 million illegal aliens be here?

Lay it on us Lefties.

I don't wanna live in a fucking fascist gulag. Tear down the wall.

“I’ve got a free ride on the backs of good real Americans, I would hate to deprive others of the same opportunity.”
There you go with the dishonest spin again. You like making yourself sound ignorant don’t you?
Seriously, he's not "making himself sound ignorant."
I’m certain Democrats and the Left can enlighten us on this...they must have a laundry list of reasons their life will suck as a result of the Wall....I mean, if I opposed the Wall and was as hostile as the Left is about it I’d easily be able to tell you how it would affect me personally.
Had we a functional wall all along....
Would Mollie Tibbetts still be alive?
Would our healthcare system be such a joke?
Would our public education have gone to shit?
Would communities look like South American super shitholes?
Would wages be stagnant for low to middle earners?
Would we have as many drunk and or uninsured drivers on our roadways?
Would foreign minded voters determine American elections?
Would 12-40 million illegal aliens be here?

Lay it on us Lefties.

I don't wanna live in a fucking fascist gulag. Tear down the wall.

“I’ve got a free ride on the backs of good real Americans, I would hate to deprive others of the same opportunity.”

No. My post was in standard English. I don't want to let a bunch of authoritarian chickenshits turn our nation into a police state.
might as well call the wall, the court for the next few years - aside from the congressional issue Trump has to deal with, Texas land owners are already filing law suits to protect their land.

TOLD YA !!!!!!!!!!
Land owners have already lost numerous such suits.
I’m certain Democrats and the Left can enlighten us on this...they must have a laundry list of reasons their life will suck as a result of the Wall....I mean, if I opposed the Wall and was as hostile as the Left is about it I’d easily be able to tell you how it would affect me personally.
Had we a functional wall all along....
Would Mollie Tibbetts still be alive?
Would our healthcare system be such a joke?
Would our public education have gone to shit?
Would communities look like South American super shitholes?
Would wages be stagnant for low to middle earners?
Would we have as many drunk and or uninsured drivers on our roadways?
Would foreign minded voters determine American elections?
Would 12-40 million illegal aliens be here?

Lay it on us Lefties.
You post about this every day and you still don’t understand the other side of the argument? That means you either aren’t listening or you don’t care. Either way, why are you wasting everybodies time with the broken record?
There is no other side to the argument. There are only lies.
There is always another perspective. You don’t have to agree with it but it would give you a much more credible stance if you actually displayed an understanding about it instead of continuously misrepresenting it’s position. That’s where the lies and misinformation comes from. You are part of the problem
I do understand it. That's why I say it's all lies.
I’m certain Democrats and the Left can enlighten us on this...they must have a laundry list of reasons their life will suck as a result of the Wall....I mean, if I opposed the Wall and was as hostile as the Left is about it I’d easily be able to tell you how it would affect me personally.
Had we a functional wall all along....
Would Mollie Tibbetts still be alive?
Would our healthcare system be such a joke?
Would our public education have gone to shit?
Would communities look like South American super shitholes?
Would wages be stagnant for low to middle earners?
Would we have as many drunk and or uninsured drivers on our roadways?
Would foreign minded voters determine American elections?
Would 12-40 million illegal aliens be here?

Lay it on us Lefties.
You post about this every day and you still don’t understand the other side of the argument? That means you either aren’t listening or you don’t care. Either way, why are you wasting everybodies time with the broken record?
There is no other side to the argument. There are only lies.
There is always another perspective. You don’t have to agree with it but it would give you a much more credible stance if you actually displayed an understanding about it instead of continuously misrepresenting it’s position. That’s where the lies and misinformation comes from. You are part of the problem
I do understand it. That's why I say it's all lies.
You might think you understand it but I don’t think you do. So why don’t you prove that you get it right now. We have had plenty of discussion about immigration. What is my position as you understand it?
Think what our country could have accomplished if we didn't fall for "diversity" and the 1965 Immigration Act. The conquest of space, cures for terrible diseases, incredible infrastructure and wonders... all of this abandoned just to subsidize people who hate us.
Think what our country could have accomplished if we didn't fall for "diversity" and the 1965 Immigration Act. The conquest of space, cures for terrible diseases, incredible infrastructure and wonders... all of this abandoned just to subsidize people who hate us.
If that were the case then wouldn’t we be pretty close to China? Is that what you’d prefer we be more like?
I’m certain Democrats and the Left can enlighten us on this...they must have a laundry list of reasons their life will suck as a result of the Wall....I mean, if I opposed the Wall and was as hostile as the Left is about it I’d easily be able to tell you how it would affect me personally.
Had we a functional wall all along....
Would Mollie Tibbetts still be alive?
Would our healthcare system be such a joke?
Would our public education have gone to shit?
Would communities look like South American super shitholes?
Would wages be stagnant for low to middle earners?
Would we have as many drunk and or uninsured drivers on our roadways?
Would foreign minded voters determine American elections?
Would 12-40 million illegal aliens be here?

Lay it on us Lefties.
You post about this every day and you still don’t understand the other side of the argument? That means you either aren’t listening or you don’t care. Either way, why are you wasting everybodies time with the broken record?

It is not a mandatory requirement that you open and post in this know that...right?
“The other side of the argument”?
Do you mean your side that goes like this?
“it feels good to help foreign degenerates with other people’s money and we need brown slaves”
I enjoy engaging with you some of the time. It is just super interesting to me that you ask the same questions all the time and dont seem to absorb any understanding of the other side despite the several conversations you engage in. Let’s be honest, you aren’t really looking to understand the other side are you?
That's because we're immune to bullshit.
I’m certain Democrats and the Left can enlighten us on this...they must have a laundry list of reasons their life will suck as a result of the Wall....I mean, if I opposed the Wall and was as hostile as the Left is about it I’d easily be able to tell you how it would affect me personally.
Had we a functional wall all along....
Would Mollie Tibbetts still be alive?
Would our healthcare system be such a joke?
Would our public education have gone to shit?
Would communities look like South American super shitholes?
Would wages be stagnant for low to middle earners?
Would we have as many drunk and or uninsured drivers on our roadways?
Would foreign minded voters determine American elections?
Would 12-40 million illegal aliens be here?

Lay it on us Lefties.

I don't wanna live in a fucking fascist gulag. Tear down the wall.

“I’ve got a free ride on the backs of good real Americans, I would hate to deprive others of the same opportunity.”

No. My post was in standard English. I don't want to let a bunch of authoritarian chickenshits turn our nation into a police state.

LefTard Logic:
“Those who believe a nation funded by the people should take real action to defend their right to sovereignty are authoritarian chickenshits”.
I’m certain Democrats and the Left can enlighten us on this...they must have a laundry list of reasons their life will suck as a result of the Wall....I mean, if I opposed the Wall and was as hostile as the Left is about it I’d easily be able to tell you how it would affect me personally.
Had we a functional wall all along....
Would Mollie Tibbetts still be alive?
Would our healthcare system be such a joke?
Would our public education have gone to shit?
Would communities look like South American super shitholes?
Would wages be stagnant for low to middle earners?
Would we have as many drunk and or uninsured drivers on our roadways?
Would foreign minded voters determine American elections?
Would 12-40 million illegal aliens be here?

Lay it on us Lefties.
You post about this every day and you still don’t understand the other side of the argument? That means you either aren’t listening or you don’t care. Either way, why are you wasting everybodies time with the broken record?
There is no other side to the argument. There are only lies.
There is always another perspective. You don’t have to agree with it but it would give you a much more credible stance if you actually displayed an understanding about it instead of continuously misrepresenting it’s position. That’s where the lies and misinformation comes from. You are part of the problem
I do understand it. That's why I say it's all lies.
You might think you understand it but I don’t think you do. So why don’t you prove that you get it right now. We have had plenty of discussion about immigration. What is my position as you understand it?
#1 The wall won't work. That's pure bullshit, and you know it.
From the looks of things, I'm not worried that Putin has kompromat on Trump. I'm worried that the Koch brothers have kompromat on Trump.
A wall would do none of what you claim. All a wall might do is cost a lot of money and make our nation a bigger laughing stock for the world as we claim to be "free" and invite the immigrant to come here. The words are inscribed on our most prominent apostle of greetings.

The New Colossus

Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.
"Keep ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she
With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

Emma Lazarus (November 2, 1883)
A bronze plaque with the words of the poem "The New Colossus" raised on it. The 1903 bronze plaque located in the Statue of Liberty's museum.


That poem was written for a was written well before the welfare era and during a time when we needed "free White persons of good character". I'm thinking you don't want that applied in the 21st century...right?
You post about this every day and you still don’t understand the other side of the argument? That means you either aren’t listening or you don’t care. Either way, why are you wasting everybodies time with the broken record?
There is no other side to the argument. There are only lies.
There is always another perspective. You don’t have to agree with it but it would give you a much more credible stance if you actually displayed an understanding about it instead of continuously misrepresenting it’s position. That’s where the lies and misinformation comes from. You are part of the problem
I do understand it. That's why I say it's all lies.
You might think you understand it but I don’t think you do. So why don’t you prove that you get it right now. We have had plenty of discussion about immigration. What is my position as you understand it?
#1 The wall won't work. That's pure bullshit, and you know it.
That’s all you’ve got? The wall won’t work? I absolutely think that walls and barriers are effective, I’ve said so many times. The issue of Trumps wall is a much bigger thing. Do you know why I don’t support it?

Hint: It not working is not the correct answer
There is no other side to the argument. There are only lies.
There is always another perspective. You don’t have to agree with it but it would give you a much more credible stance if you actually displayed an understanding about it instead of continuously misrepresenting it’s position. That’s where the lies and misinformation comes from. You are part of the problem
I do understand it. That's why I say it's all lies.
You might think you understand it but I don’t think you do. So why don’t you prove that you get it right now. We have had plenty of discussion about immigration. What is my position as you understand it?
#1 The wall won't work. That's pure bullshit, and you know it.
That’s all you’ve got? The wall won’t work? I absolutely think that walls and barriers are effective, I’ve said so many times. The issue of Trumps wall is a much bigger thing. Do you know why I don’t support it?

Hint: It not working is not the correct answer
Yes, you don't support it because you want to import more Democrats into this country.
There is no other side to the argument. There are only lies.
There is always another perspective. You don’t have to agree with it but it would give you a much more credible stance if you actually displayed an understanding about it instead of continuously misrepresenting it’s position. That’s where the lies and misinformation comes from. You are part of the problem
I do understand it. That's why I say it's all lies.
You might think you understand it but I don’t think you do. So why don’t you prove that you get it right now. We have had plenty of discussion about immigration. What is my position as you understand it?
#1 The wall won't work. That's pure bullshit, and you know it.
That’s all you’ve got? The wall won’t work? I absolutely think that walls and barriers are effective, I’ve said so many times. The issue of Trumps wall is a much bigger thing. Do you know why I don’t support it?

Hint: It not working is not the correct answer

bripat9643 Slades like to keep his position complex in of those "I kinda do, but I kind don't but I kind do, but I kinda don't" sort of things...its plain weird.
In short, he believes all in world should have the right and opportunity to try their luck here for a piece of the American Dream...he does not believe the Americans who fund and run this nation should be able to decide who gets a shot...he also believes that those 12-40 million here now should not be deported and should be rewarded some some weird form of citizenship since they've been clever enough to be able to allude law enforcement for so long while fucking good Americans over.
Take it away Slade.....spin, spin, spin!
I’m certain Democrats and the Left can enlighten us on this...they must have a laundry list of reasons their life will suck as a result of the Wall....I mean, if I opposed the Wall and was as hostile as the Left is about it I’d easily be able to tell you how it would affect me personally.
Had we a functional wall all along....
Would Mollie Tibbetts still be alive?
Would our healthcare system be such a joke?
Would our public education have gone to shit?
Would communities look like South American super shitholes?
Would wages be stagnant for low to middle earners?
Would we have as many drunk and or uninsured drivers on our roadways?
Would foreign minded voters determine American elections?
Would 12-40 million illegal aliens be here?

Lay it on us Lefties.
I've said many times how I would like to see the wall built just so I can laugh my ass off at the ZERO impact it would have on the economy.

This wall thing has brought out the stupid on both sides.

The Democrats are denying Trump the wall just because they can't stand to see him fulfill a campaign promise. The Republicans are pretending they don't know what a wall is, and Trump is telling the rubes the wall is almost done when in fact not a single new mile has been built.

If I was a Mexican who was trying to save my family from death by starvation, you think a puny wall would stop me?

If I was a drug cartel making BILLIONS in profits, you think a puny wall would stop me?

Get serious.
There is always another perspective. You don’t have to agree with it but it would give you a much more credible stance if you actually displayed an understanding about it instead of continuously misrepresenting it’s position. That’s where the lies and misinformation comes from. You are part of the problem
I do understand it. That's why I say it's all lies.
You might think you understand it but I don’t think you do. So why don’t you prove that you get it right now. We have had plenty of discussion about immigration. What is my position as you understand it?
#1 The wall won't work. That's pure bullshit, and you know it.
That’s all you’ve got? The wall won’t work? I absolutely think that walls and barriers are effective, I’ve said so many times. The issue of Trumps wall is a much bigger thing. Do you know why I don’t support it?

Hint: It not working is not the correct answer
Yes, you don't support it because you want to import more Democrats into this country.
Thank you. You perfectly display that you have no understanding of my position so you simply make false assumptions and spread lies. Thanks for proving my point.
I’m certain Democrats and the Left can enlighten us on this...they must have a laundry list of reasons their life will suck as a result of the Wall....I mean, if I opposed the Wall and was as hostile as the Left is about it I’d easily be able to tell you how it would affect me personally.
Had we a functional wall all along....
Would Mollie Tibbetts still be alive?
Would our healthcare system be such a joke?
Would our public education have gone to shit?
Would communities look like South American super shitholes?
Would wages be stagnant for low to middle earners?
Would we have as many drunk and or uninsured drivers on our roadways?
Would foreign minded voters determine American elections?
Would 12-40 million illegal aliens be here?

Lay it on us Lefties.
I've said many times how I would like to see the wall built just so I can laugh my ass off at the ZERO impact it would have on the economy.

This wall thing has brought out the stupid on both sides.

The Democrats are denying Trump the wall just because they can't stand to see him fulfill a campaign promise. The Republicans are pretending they don't know what a wall is, and Trump is telling the rubes the wall is almost done when in fact not a single new mile has been built.

If I was a Mexican who was trying to save my family from death by starvation, you think a puny wall would stop me?

If I was a drug cartel making BILLIONS in profits, you think a puny wall would stop me?

Get serious.

The problem is; ignorant fools think that DEFENDING our border will stop with the erection of the Wall.
There's a whole new mindset in D.C. now....we are no longer SECURING our border...we are DEFENDING it.
There is always another perspective. You don’t have to agree with it but it would give you a much more credible stance if you actually displayed an understanding about it instead of continuously misrepresenting it’s position. That’s where the lies and misinformation comes from. You are part of the problem
I do understand it. That's why I say it's all lies.
You might think you understand it but I don’t think you do. So why don’t you prove that you get it right now. We have had plenty of discussion about immigration. What is my position as you understand it?
#1 The wall won't work. That's pure bullshit, and you know it.
That’s all you’ve got? The wall won’t work? I absolutely think that walls and barriers are effective, I’ve said so many times. The issue of Trumps wall is a much bigger thing. Do you know why I don’t support it?

Hint: It not working is not the correct answer

bripat9643 Slades like to keep his position complex in of those "I kinda do, but I kind don't but I kind do, but I kinda don't" sort of things...its plain weird.
In short, he believes all in world should have the right and opportunity to try their luck here for a piece of the American Dream...he does not believe the Americans who fund and run this nation should be able to decide who gets a shot...he also believes that those 12-40 million here now should not be deported and should be rewarded some some weird form of citizenship since they've been clever enough to be able to allude law enforcement for so long while fucking good Americans over.
Take it away Slade.....spin, spin, spin!
I’ll give you kudos for trying... you got half of it right. I do believe anybody should have the opportunity to achieve the American Dream, but I don’t support doing it illegally and do think Americans should control the system we use for immigration.

As for the undocumented in this country I do think violent criminals should be deported but think the others should be given a pathway, not as a reward, there should be fines, community service or some other system so it doesn’t detract from the legal system, which I also think needs major reform. But all in all it is better to have millions of residents be part of the system rather than living in the shadows, and deportation is not a realistic solution.

I’m not sure if you understand my positions but can’t admit it. Or if you are so used to lying as a tactic to counterbalance good points because you can’t accept they might just make sense.

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