How much am to blame for being unfriended on this FB page because of my sociopolitical views?

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Jul 4, 2017
The below attachment are several of my posts on a former FB friend’s personal page. BTW, she does voices for Eng. dubs of anime (the file name refers to the fact she played Aquarius in the Funimation dub of "Fairy Tail"). Since Jessica unfriended me (understandably so), the times are mere guesses unless explicitly shown. The extremely-opinionated or outrageous posts of mine, for lack of a better description, have caused me to be unfriended/blocked by at least 7 other Eng. Dub VA, but 2 of those were temp and I have been re-friended by them.

The blocks are from the standard racist/sexist/homophobic/trans-phobic/anti-Semitic cards being pulled (that last one had some validity, in retrospect). However, I consider the statements that I said to them there to be on par with the statements I have said here.

My apologies for the blurry screenshots as getting them more easily viewable was hard. For the pics that are hard to see, you will to really zoom in on them as best as you can.

So, am I totally at fault with the statements I said in these screenshots or are some of the responses perhaps overreacting? I believe the entry was deleted, but I call her on saying "As a movement, BLM never condones violence, so they aren't responsible for that". Really? Sure, not all BLM may condone violence, but there are definitely many news stories where it appears that there are members that do. .

-The following is a FB PM exchange I had with her between 9:15 AM-11:30 AM today.

@9:19AM, I said, "This is most likely not going to happen, but suppose I were to re-click your "Add Friend" tab on your page 6 weeks from now and you decide to accept it. Would me not giving my opinion at all keep me friended? As you can see through some of my posts, not all of my posts ("most" is very different than "all") were sociopolitical posts that were of opposing viewpoints to yours. Also, when it comes to Person A posting a sociopolitical posts on Person B's wall, what would Jessica say are some points to make sure Person A doesn't get unfriended/blocked? That is, while Person A indeed has to make sure they are being compliant with what Person B would allow, how does Person A state their possible opposing view and not get removed from that page?*

Despite it being their page, there are some occasions where it is possible Person B might be overreacting to an opposing viewpoint. I see this happening more when Person A says their opposing viewpoint in as respectful of a manner as possible (objectively speaking). By "respectful", I mean no name-calling or adult language was used."

-She said 5 minutes later: "I don’t feel that unfriending someone who openly claims to be a racist and a sexist is an overreaction, and that’s all I’ll say about that.

I’m going to start a fan page for anime fans which will never have anything but anime related things posted so I won’t have to mix my personal and professional lives. Once that happens, feel free to friend that page."

-7 minutes later, I said, "Would you be opposed if I added you to FB group called 'Liberals & Conservatives'? The viewpoints of mine or similar ones that got me axed from your personal page are also expressed on that group. There are plenty of DNC and GOP-bashing posts there. Heck, some of the mods or admins there start such posts. While name-calling (on members) is not allowed in the group, profanity is used."

-44 minutes later, she said, " Please don’t. I have forums and pages that I’m already very active on and would prefer not to add any more.
What you need to understand is that stating that you’re a racist and a sexist goes far beyond being just a political position. You are fundamentally opposed to what I believe and I have many, many friends of color and female friends whom I respect too deeply to expose them to the kinds of things you were saying on my page. Honestly, I respect myself too much as a woman to welcome someone who considers themselves a sexist on my page. That’s the reason for the unfriending. Not the conservative beliefs. I have friends who are conservatives. I do not have friends who are racists and sexists."

-At 11:10 AM, I said "When I said Trump's racist/sexist remarks are similar to what I say, what I meant was I say similar things to people I regularly see in social settings who are more tolerant of hearing it. For example, some of those racist jokes against Blacks that you might see on a Comedy Central segment are similar to what I might say in said settings. I have also said similar jokes to random people while at a bus spot. However, I think I have sometimes asked them something along the lines of "can I tell you an off-color joke?" Whether or not some is racist/sexist if they say those type of jokes is a valid debate for another discussion.

Curious about something: the ADV dub of the anime 'Ghost Stories' (which you can find on Crunchyroll) uses a lot of racist/sexist humor. That is, the type of dialogue that Trump might say or allegedly has said. Fellow VA [name removed] was in 'Ghost Stories'. How is saying racist/sexist statements for an acting project not necessarily get someone unfriended from your Wall but what such things that I said did?"

-At 11:17AM, she said "Because that person is scripted to say those things. As an actor, I’m asked to say things all the time which don’t reflect who I actually am. That’s part of the job. It’s not representative of my personal beliefs. I personally don’t watch things that promote that type of thinking, myself. I do my job, but my personal life is a whole different thing. That’s the difference. That’s why my FB page is not the place for those kinds of comments or beliefs. That’s my personal space.

Frankly, the fact that you see no problem making racist or sexist jokes as long as someone is cool with it regardless of the fact that those jokes are hurtful to half of the population says a lot to me about who you are. FB is a place for me to interact with my friends. I don’t have friends who are sexist or racist because those things are hurtful to me and to others in my life, and that matters to me. That’s why you’ll be welcome to follow the fan page, but not my personal page.

And with that, I’ll ask you to please stop messaging me. I feel like I’ve made myself clear here. Take care."


  • Aquarius.pdf
    903.2 KB · Views: 46
The below attachment are several of my posts on a former FB friend’s personal page. BTW, she does voices for Eng. dubs of anime (the file name refers to the fact she played Aquarius in the Funimation dub of "Fairy Tail"). Since Jessica unfriended me (understandably so), the times are mere guesses unless explicitly shown. The extremely-opinionated or outrageous posts of mine, for lack of a better description, have caused me to be unfriended/blocked by at least 7 other Eng. Dub VA, but 2 of those were temp and I have been re-friended by them.

The blocks are from the standard racist/sexist/homophobic/trans-phobic/anti-Semitic cards being pulled (that last one had some validity, in retrospect). However, I consider the statements that I said to them there to be on par with the statements I have said here.

My apologies for the blurry screenshots as getting them more easily viewable was hard. For the pics that are hard to see, you will to really zoom in on them as best as you can.

So, am I totally at fault with the statements I said in these screenshots or are some of the responses perhaps overreacting? I believe the entry was deleted, but I call her on saying "As a movement, BLM never condones violence, so they aren't responsible for that". Really? Sure, not all BLM may condone violence, but there are definitely many news stories where it appears that there are members that do. .

-The following is a FB PM exchange I had with her between 9:15 AM-11:30 AM today.

@9:19AM, I said, "This is most likely not going to happen, but suppose I were to re-click your "Add Friend" tab on your page 6 weeks from now and you decide to accept it. Would me not giving my opinion at all keep me friended? As you can see through some of my posts, not all of my posts ("most" is very different than "all") were sociopolitical posts that were of opposing viewpoints to yours. Also, when it comes to Person A posting a sociopolitical posts on Person B's wall, what would Jessica say are some points to make sure Person A doesn't get unfriended/blocked? That is, while Person A indeed has to make sure they are being compliant with what Person B would allow, how does Person A state their possible opposing view and not get removed from that page?*

Despite it being their page, there are some occasions where it is possible Person B might be overreacting to an opposing viewpoint. I see this happening more when Person A says their opposing viewpoint in as respectful of a manner as possible (objectively speaking). By "respectful", I mean no name-calling or adult language was used."

-She said 5 minutes later: "I don’t feel that unfriending someone who openly claims to be a racist and a sexist is an overreaction, and that’s all I’ll say about that.

I’m going to start a fan page for anime fans which will never have anything but anime related things posted so I won’t have to mix my personal and professional lives. Once that happens, feel free to friend that page."

-7 minutes later, I said, "Would you be opposed if I added you to FB group called 'Liberals & Conservatives'? The viewpoints of mine or similar ones that got me axed from your personal page are also expressed on that group. There are plenty of DNC and GOP-bashing posts there. Heck, some of the mods or admins there start such posts. While name-calling (on members) is not allowed in the group, profanity is used."

-44 minutes later, she said, " Please don’t. I have forums and pages that I’m already very active on and would prefer not to add any more.
What you need to understand is that stating that you’re a racist and a sexist goes far beyond being just a political position. You are fundamentally opposed to what I believe and I have many, many friends of color and female friends whom I respect too deeply to expose them to the kinds of things you were saying on my page. Honestly, I respect myself too much as a woman to welcome someone who considers themselves a sexist on my page. That’s the reason for the unfriending. Not the conservative beliefs. I have friends who are conservatives. I do not have friends who are racists and sexists."

-At 11:10 AM, I said "When I said Trump's racist/sexist remarks are similar to what I say, what I meant was I say similar things to people I regularly see in social settings who are more tolerant of hearing it. For example, some of those racist jokes against Blacks that you might see on a Comedy Central segment are similar to what I might say in said settings. I have also said similar jokes to random people while at a bus spot. However, I think I have sometimes asked them something along the lines of "can I tell you an off-color joke?" Whether or not some is racist/sexist if they say those type of jokes is a valid debate for another discussion.

Curious about something: the ADV dub of the anime 'Ghost Stories' (which you can find on Crunchyroll) uses a lot of racist/sexist humor. That is, the type of dialogue that Trump might say or allegedly has said. Fellow VA [name removed] was in 'Ghost Stories'. How is saying racist/sexist statements for an acting project not necessarily get someone unfriended from your Wall but what such things that I said did?"

-At 11:17AM, she said "Because that person is scripted to say those things. As an actor, I’m asked to say things all the time which don’t reflect who I actually am. That’s part of the job. It’s not representative of my personal beliefs. I personally don’t watch things that promote that type of thinking, myself. I do my job, but my personal life is a whole different thing. That’s the difference. That’s why my FB page is not the place for those kinds of comments or beliefs. That’s my personal space.

Frankly, the fact that you see no problem making racist or sexist jokes as long as someone is cool with it regardless of the fact that those jokes are hurtful to half of the population says a lot to me about who you are. FB is a place for me to interact with my friends. I don’t have friends who are sexist or racist because those things are hurtful to me and to others in my life, and that matters to me. That’s why you’ll be welcome to follow the fan page, but not my personal page.

And with that, I’ll ask you to please stop messaging me. I feel like I’ve made myself clear here. Take care."

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