Do you want a Democracy or a Dictatorship?

Do you want a Democracy or a Dictatorship?

  • Democracy?

    Votes: 11 78.6%
  • Dictatorship?

    Votes: 3 21.4%

  • Total voters
Society at large, led by the Traditional morals and values of Western Society.

No. Societal Notms are a far more important measure than the laws; though they are important as well.

Mental Health and Happinrs are highly overrated; especially when compared to the betterment of Society at large.

My defects are simply the result of the mistake of my birth, worsened by my treatment at the hands of this disgusting mess you call Society.

were you flogged as a child?
You said "everything". Is that "everything"?

BAck your shit up, kid. You said it, now you prove it.

Every man made thing is created by man. Only heterosexuality creates man.

You deny this?

Let’s hear the idiocy.
Every man made thing is created by man. Only heterosexuality creates man.

You deny this?

Let’s hear the idiocy.
So, Alan Turing was gay. He pretty much created modern computing.

Just one example.
Do you want to live in a Democracy or a Dictatorship? Those are the only two questions voters need to ask themselves this November.

If you vote for Biden, we have a democracy.

If you vote for Trump, we have a dictatorship.
Bullshit. Biden is much more an autocrat than Trump ever was. Biden governs by Executive Order, Trump at least tried to work with a hostile congress.
Anyone who has even taken a political science course (and not slept through it) knows that the BEST form of government is the benevolent dictatorship, and "democracy" is just another name for mob rule, which always ends in anarchy.

A good compromise is to be ruled (governed) by people who are elected to keep themselves informed about the important issues of the day, and to vote in accordance with the best interests of the overall society, or the specific constituency, whichever is more pressing.

It boggles the mind even to imagine - let alone see - someone claiming that another Trump Presidency would devolve into some sort of dictatorship. Maybe someone who was kept isolated on an island (or comparable) between the years 2017 and 2021, but certainly no one who was alive and conscious during those years could make such a claim.

Did they not notice that Donald Trump peacefully left office when he was required to do so? Did they notice that even though he was still Commander in Chief, he made no attempt whatsoever to use that power to increase or lengthen his time in office?

Seriously, how fucking stupid are you?
A benevolent dictatorship only works as long as the dictator is benevolent. No one controls him. For Russians Putin is a benevolent dictator but he has gotten hundreds of thousands of Russians killed in his “special operation” in Ukraine trying to exterminate nazis.
Not quite. I got a very rugged hand and a belt on more occasions than I care to remember. All well deserved. The last time was at age 15 and I went “lights out” for a couple seconds when my father’s open hand hit my face. 100% deserved. I never made that mistake again.

hopefully you were the only one he raised a hand to.
sperm ...

.... meet egg.

that has zero to do with heterosexuality.

& everything to do with biology. & don't forget test tube babies.
lol, sure, and like we said during the same sex marriage debate, gays could always, and often did marry, as long as one was male and the other female. Cuz that’s how babies are made.

Did you know (obviously you didn’t) that even IVF requires the product from 1 male and 1 female? Interesting aye?

Oh, if you combine the product from 1 female and another female, or from 1 male and a second male, all you get is a tube that require a good washing.

Glad I could catch you up on modern science. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

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