How much did Michelle Obama's European vacation cost the US taxpaer

Reading the article cited here, I don't see any issue here. Michelle Obama can afford to take a vacation anywhere she wants without having to ask the government to pay for it. The thing is, the Secret Services, as pointed out in the article, is mandated to protect her.

Further, the Obama vacation will be paid for, as set out by the regulations. They will reimburse the cost for what it would have cost them had they not been required to travel with Secret Service protection.

This is simple, straight forward, partisan hackery.

A "con" hack????!!! Nooooooooooooooooooooooooo, say it isn't so. :lol:
So much for transparency, the Obamas' travel to Europe on your dime but won't tell us how much it costs. Also how much carbon did they produce by flying around in a private jet?

America may be in the midst of a deep recession, and the nation may be facing unprecedented deficit spending and debt, but the White House will not reveal the cost to taxpayers of the European vacation that first lady Michelle Obama and the president’s two daughters, Malia and Sasha, took last month. - White House Won’t Reveal How Much Michelle Obama’s European Vacation Cost Taxpayers

Psst...hey "Snooooooozie" -- They're not back yet.

How idiotic to think that Barack Obama is the first president to travel abroad with his family at taxpayer expense. Where were YOU, dearie, when Laura and Barbara toured Africa without the president? Do you think that came out of the "family vacation budget"??

Fucking unreal...
Seriously Grandma. Words mean things.

Words like transparency means something. (Well except for retarded sheep it does.)

No matter how much deflection you pour over it, it still has meaning.

Oh BULLSHIT. Why on earth should Obama not take the first lady to meet Russia's first lady? What the FUCK does "transparency" have to do with it? Should they be e-mailing each other instead? Jeezus, you assholes are beyond retarded.
No, he was available and in control of the Government the entire time he was in Texas and he was not flying jets around nor spending thousands of dollars either.
You were there?

But the POINT is that Obama promised us TRANSPARENCY and has done everything in his power to obscure everything about his and his wife's past and all of his actions since taking office. If you call this transparency you must be blind stupid and ignorant.

What is it you'd like to know about Michelle Obama? Something wrong with your Google menu? Or are you more interested in how many white guys she balled in college, that sort of thing...

Well that didn't take long for the race card. What is it with you libs and the color of people's skin?

:lol: It NEVER ceases to amaze me how you people can get away with the shit you spew on a daily basis.

Oh, gee, I dunno...could be a fucking year and a half of listening to it; reading about it; the totally disgusting photoshopped crap spread all over the internet; watching as the closet bigots thought they had a free ride finally; Obama's purple lips; Obama has no hair on his chest but he's an Afro? Correction: He's a jigaboo. Shall I go on?
The point my lefty friends are missing here is that two of Obama's biggest words he preaches is "change" and " transparency". When he does the same stupid shit Bush did, instead of blasting him for it, the lefties just cry out " Bush did it too" .......
Psst...hey "Snooooooozie" -- They're not back yet.

How idiotic to think that Barack Obama is the first president to travel abroad with his family at taxpayer expense. Where were YOU, dearie, when Laura and Barbara toured Africa without the president? Do you think that came out of the "family vacation budget"??

Fucking unreal...
Seriously Grandma. Words mean things.

Words like transparency means something. (Well except for retarded sheep it does.)

No matter how much deflection you pour over it, it still has meaning.

Oh BULLSHIT. Why on earth should Obama not take the first lady to meet Russia's first lady? What the FUCK does "transparency" have to do with it? Should they be e-mailing each other instead? Jeezus, you assholes are beyond retarded.

hmm, that's twice you've said it without even reading the article. They are referring to the trip she took with two kids last month, not the current one.

Not that I give a fuck, I consider it a perk of screwin' the president.:eusa_whistle:
So much for transparency, the Obamas' travel to Europe on your dime but won't tell us how much it costs. Also how much carbon did they produce by flying around in a private jet?

America may be in the midst of a deep recession, and the nation may be facing unprecedented deficit spending and debt, but the White House will not reveal the cost to taxpayers of the European vacation that first lady Michelle Obama and the president’s two daughters, Malia and Sasha, took last month. - White House Won’t Reveal How Much Michelle Obama’s European Vacation Cost Taxpayers

Just more hypocrisy from the Obama Administration. They will go down in history as the most corrupt Administration ever.
Seriously Grandma. Words mean things.

Words like transparency means something. (Well except for retarded sheep it does.)

No matter how much deflection you pour over it, it still has meaning.

Oh BULLSHIT. Why on earth should Obama not take the first lady to meet Russia's first lady? What the FUCK does "transparency" have to do with it? Should they be e-mailing each other instead? Jeezus, you assholes are beyond retarded.

hmm, that's twice you've said it without even reading the article. They are referring to the trip she took with two kids last month, not the current one.

Not that I give a fuck, I consider it a perk of screwin' the president.:eusa_whistle:

Thanks for the clarification. Forty wacks for misinterpreting since, um, they ARE also overseas as we speak. But I still take issue with the complaint. I suppose Michelle and the kids are supposed to stay closeted in the West Wing residence, all because the newcon party demands that they not spend a dime of taxpayer money on anything. It's retarded.
So much for transparency, the Obamas' travel to Europe on your dime but won't tell us how much it costs. Also how much carbon did they produce by flying around in a private jet?

America may be in the midst of a deep recession, and the nation may be facing unprecedented deficit spending and debt, but the White House will not reveal the cost to taxpayers of the European vacation that first lady Michelle Obama and the president’s two daughters, Malia and Sasha, took last month. - White House Won’t Reveal How Much Michelle Obama’s European Vacation Cost Taxpayers

Just more hypocrisy from the Obama Administration. They will go down in history as the most corrupt Administration ever.
Hope... Change... Simple mantras for simple minds.

Soooo, what do you people have to offer? No hope? No change? Oh, a revolution. I forgot. Onward Christian Soldiers!!! :eek:
So much for transparency, the Obamas' travel to Europe on your dime but won't tell us how much it costs. Also how much carbon did they produce by flying around in a private jet?

America may be in the midst of a deep recession, and the nation may be facing unprecedented deficit spending and debt, but the White House will not reveal the cost to taxpayers of the European vacation that first lady Michelle Obama and the president’s two daughters, Malia and Sasha, took last month. - White House Won’t Reveal How Much Michelle Obama’s European Vacation Cost Taxpayers

Just more hypocrisy from the Obama Administration. They will go down in history as the most corrupt Administration ever.
Hope... Change... Simple mantras for simple minds.

Soooo, what do you people have to offer? No hope? No change? Oh, a revolution. I forgot. Onward Christian Soldiers!!! :eek:

We offer the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
So much for transparency, the Obamas' travel to Europe on your dime but won't tell us how much it costs. Also how much carbon did they produce by flying around in a private jet?

America may be in the midst of a deep recession, and the nation may be facing unprecedented deficit spending and debt, but the White House will not reveal the cost to taxpayers of the European vacation that first lady Michelle Obama and the president’s two daughters, Malia and Sasha, took last month. - White House Won’t Reveal How Much Michelle Obama’s European Vacation Cost Taxpayers
CNS news? I didn't think anyone took them seriously. I guess wingnuts do.
The cost of the First Lady’s vacation could not possibly cure a fraction of the recession. So I don’t see this being a concern to the American people, when billions of dollars that can boast the U.S. economy is spent overseas on the U.S. military.

Spoken like a true liberal....Seeing that the liberals pointed out every time Bush would have down time and just go to Crawford. Which I'm sure didn't cost as much as the first lady's elaborate trip.

Trump’s Golf Costs: $102 Million And Counting, With Taxpayers Picking Up The Tab
Trump promised never to golf. Instead, he’s spent more than twice as many days golfing as Obama at the same point, costing taxpayers over three times as much.

You fucking hypocrites!!!

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