How much do extremely wealthy people owe to the society that gave them the chance to prosper so much?

Nothing. How much to extremely poor people owe the society that subsidizes their existence by overtaxing the productive?

Extremely poor people are not really capable of giving more money.

That wasn't the question, though, was it? The question was "What do they OWE?" Just more evidence that you're not really interested in what's owed, but in what you can take and rationalize.
Surely something, right? I see a lot of people talk like taxes are theft. Is it not just our obligation?
They owe nothing. Take Steve Jobs, for instance. He created a product that improved the lives of billions of people. Furthermore he provided jobs for hundreds of thousands of people. If anything, society owed him, not the other way around.

Not only did he provide jobs for people directly, but he also created markets for other companies to be started in support of his (or in competition), which then also provided jobs.
its far cheaper than any college and in some case you get paid for training,,,

I don't understand why any patriot wouldn't want some of the money they will take from us either way to go towards empowering our nation through education.
How nice. We're familiar with how conservatives think because we're the conservatives in question. Hopefully, you'll agree that firsthand knowledge beats secondhand stories.

He didn't need to explain his point further. I understand the way he sees it.

Okay, apparently you're one of the "geniuses" who feels you know far more about other people than they do about themselves, because of . . . whatever superiority you're imagining for yourself.

Noted, and I will make sure to adjust my expectations of you accordingly.
Okay, apparently you're one of the "geniuses" who feels you know far more about other people than they do about themselves, because of . . . whatever superiority you're imagining for yourself.

Noted, and I will make sure to adjust my expectations of you accordingly.

No. I just understand the perspective. I still don't see it the way you do.

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