How much do extremely wealthy people owe to the society that gave them the chance to prosper so much?

We don't want the money taken from us, moron. A patriot doesn't support organized plunder.

That's why I don't think conservatives are actually nationalists. They put themselves before the nation. They're greedy social Darwinists.

Conservatives literally want everyone to be the best that they can be.
That's our mantra.
Liberals gauge success by how many people the Govt. is able to help barely get by.
Conservatives gauge success by how many don't need govt help to be wildly successful.

A strong prosperous citizenry makes a strong nation.
Trumpsters are nationalists.

If you say so...

I do. Conservatives in the mold of Buckley, Goldwater, etc... were primarily interested in limited government and individual rights - the sort of people you'd likely label "social darwinists". Trump, on the other hand, doesn't care much about those concerns and is far more interested in propping up the nation-state with active legal intervention (tariffs, subsidies, attacking media critics with legal threats, rewarding supportive business with special perks and tax breaks, etc...).
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What is the government that you believe in? Third time I've asked and you have either not answered or deflected.
One has to think that you're a communist with your answers that you've given.

Communists want the government to completely take over production. That's not what I want.
What I'm saying is that your answers have a communist tilt.
You may not even know that your leaning in that direction.
What I'm saying is that your answers have a communist tilt.
You may not even know that your leaning in that direction.

I won't slip; don't worry.
No, you won't slip, you just keep face planting.

Okay, apparently you're one of the "geniuses" who feels you know far more about other people than they do about themselves, because of . . . whatever superiority you're imagining for yourself.

Noted, and I will make sure to adjust my expectations of you accordingly.

No. I just understand the perspective. I still don't see it the way you do.
What exactly is that perspective?
Surely something, right? I see a lot of people talk like taxes are theft. Is it not just our obligation?
They owe nothing. Take Steve Jobs, for instance. He created a product that improved the lives of billions of people. Furthermore he provided jobs for hundreds of thousands of people. If anything, society owed him, not the other way around.

Not only did he provide jobs for people directly, but he also created markets for other companies to be started in support of his (or in competition), which then also provided jobs.
They actually open up contracting companies that expand the knowledge.

demofks don’t get it ever
Fine sounding propaganda, but no real ideas. Here's one. Stop government student loans. Stop ALL worthless degrees. The vast majority of college students SHOULDN'T be in college. I do agree that with the amount of wealth we have that health care should be better managed. However, government fucks up everything they touch. The government should have NO say in how health care is managed other than these are the regulations that govern licensure.

As long as education is a private money making scheme you won't get rid of bullshit degrees. Educating our nation shouldn't be profit motivated in my opinion.

Why not? For something to be worth learning, time wise I am speaking of, it must be worth something monetarily. Otherwise why create a degree around it?

I learn all of the time for pleasure. My learning costs no one a dime. Why should I pay for someone to sit on their butt and learn about the sex life of the Saharan dung beetle? That has no value to anyone. Not even the dung beetle.
I'm getting bored of this thread. Feel free to declare victory.
so why are you trying to promote it then??

I'm not. I want us as a nation to collectively recognize the benefit of educating our people and setting them on good career paths as much as possible. It shouldn't be about how much money can be made off of it.
People today are not that educated in worldly wise ways. Nationalism is Americans for Americans and that is what made us great. People come here. Not complicated.
Why should I pay for someone to sit on their butt and learn about the sex life of the Saharan dung beetle? That has no value to anyone. Not even the dung beetle.

Education benefits our nation immensely. We're not going to stay ahead of China for long at this rate.
Oh bullshit you asshat! Companies will pay for that training. You really show off your ignorance well

Not always I believe.
almost always,,,
One must be willing to sacrifice for it
depends on what training means,, if they hire you for on the job training, you get the training along with the pay for working,,,

as opposed to them paying for you to go through outside training,,
Why should I pay for someone to sit on their butt and learn about the sex life of the Saharan dung beetle? That has no value to anyone. Not even the dung beetle.

Education benefits our nation immensely. We're not going to stay ahead of China for long at this rate.
china doesnt educate their people,, they indoctrinate them to be good little workers because they are communist,,,

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