How much do extremely wealthy people owe to the society that gave them the chance to prosper so much?

china doesnt educate their people,, they indoctrinate them to be good little workers because they are communist,,,

Either way we need to focus on getting people trained to do useful things if we want to stay ahead.
WE dont need to do anything,, it YOU want to help thats your right,,,

and dont forget there are already programs in place for the useful jobs,,,
Oh bullshit you asshat! Companies will pay for that training. You really show off your ignorance well

Not always I believe.

That is provably false. Every company i have ever dealt with pays for their employees to go to trade schools to make them better at their jobs. Some will even pay for college for the same deal.
I dont think people should be punished because they are more successful. IE much higher tax burden. They already pay most of the taxes anyway.
They also give a lot of money and time, to charity.

That is silly because taxes are not punishment in any way.
Taxes are the overhead of what the benefits of society costs.
Like roads, schools, defense, fire fighting, etc.
It is the wealthy who benefit from these improvements the most, so they have the greatest responsibility to pay for it.
A poor person who has no car, children, or house, isn't getting anything from these investments.

Taxes are the overhead of what the benefits of society costs.
Like roads, schools, defense, fire fighting, etc.

In Chicago the schools and the roads suck.
And let's not mention the crime.

It's interesting that some of the places with the highest taxes and most spending on the "benefits of society" also have the shittiest "benefits of society".

The brief time I spent as a truck driver, I HATED going to California, because I knew anything I had to buy while there was going to be way more expensive due to the taxes. They tax everything to death there. I was surprised they didn't have a tax on air and sunshine. I don't know what they were spending the taxes on, but it wasn't roads. I've seen goat tracks in better repair than some sections of I-5.

Arizona, by contrast, has much lower taxes than California, and somehow manages to have roads you can drive on without getting a wedgie that requires minor surgery to remove.

Mostly, taxes are the overhead of what it costs for politicians to buy the votes of idiots.
WE dont need to do anything,, it YOU want to help thats your right,,,

and dont forget there are already programs in place for the useful jobs,,,

It's also my right to vote for people that will use tax money to help.
youre forgetting they dont have that authority at the fed level,,,,

it requires them to steal and commit crimes to do want you want,,,
youre forgetting they dont have that authority at the fed level,,,,

it requires them to steal and commit crimes to do want you want,,,

I honestly don't really care how you rationalize things. I'm going to vote for the people I like.
some are,, its just that some are being lied to about getting a college degree for something that doesnt exist,,,

As long as college is about making money for the people that run it they'll continue to manipulate stupid people into pursuing useless degrees.

For once you got something correct. And who enables them to do that? THE GOVERNMENT!
WE dont need to do anything,, it YOU want to help thats your right,,,

and dont forget there are already programs in place for the useful jobs,,,

It's also my right to vote for people that will use tax money to help.

It's always interesting to me that the only rights left-leaners vociferously defend are the ones they want to use to violate the rights of others.
youre forgetting they dont have that authority at the fed level,,,,

it requires them to steal and commit crimes to do want you want,,,

I honestly don't really care how you rationalize things. I'm going to vote for the people I like.
who said you couldnt??

but if youre going to push for theft of my property could you please give me your name and address so I can return in kind???
youre forgetting they dont have that authority at the fed level,,,,

it requires them to steal and commit crimes to do want you want,,,

I honestly don't really care how you rationalize things. I'm going to vote for the people I like.

We honestly don't really care how YOU rationalize things. The people you like, and the policies you like them for, make you a thief.
Why should I pay for someone to sit on their butt and learn about the sex life of the Saharan dung beetle? That has no value to anyone. Not even the dung beetle.

Education benefits our nation immensely. We're not going to stay ahead of China for long at this rate.

It does? How? Be specific.

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