How much do extremely wealthy people owe to the society that gave them the chance to prosper so much?

Yes, seriously.

I don't believe that you believe raising levels of education isn't useful to society.

It depends on what sort of education the person is getting. Studying the aformentioned dung beetle serves no one but the professor who taught the greater fool, the university which hoovered up the student loan, and the government which has now created a useless mouth that will forever need government assistance so must vote for those people who will provide that assistance.

See how that works?
Education does not need to be raised it just needs to be legitimately pursued
Math and word comprehension with ability to deal face to face with people(big problem for liberal hiders) is All you need to succeed.
Fluidity in gender studies, Muslim Acceptance, homosexual embracement, and government dependency is mostly what is being taught instead of what can actually cause you to succeed.
The fact is that everyone can't be a competent, successful brain surgeon. The left likes to think that anyone can do anything if just given the chance. That would be like saying that if given the training, everyone could run a 4.3 forty and dunk a basketball. It simply isn't the case. People have limitations both physically and mentally. Many jobs surpass the mental capacity of the masses, just as some surpass the physical capacity of the masses. We should all be treated equally, but that doesn't mean everyone is equivalently equipped. That is a pipe dream. Those who are endowed with certain innate abilities are typically rewarded. NFL guys do pretty well I would say. Brain surgeons do well. IMO, neither owes society more than the average as they aren't any more of a drag than the average and in fact, they are typically less dependent.

How many more people with potential would go to college if they could do it without paying for it themselves?
Then you have no point here!

I have gotten to the point where I recognize that at an intellectual level right vs left is just a disagreement about values and morality. That's why none of us ever really change minds here. We're all just barking at the moon.

Oh? I think it is very clear. You either value the work ethic, and support those who are willing to work to get ahead. Or you don't. I have a kid i was tutoring in geology. He's smart, likes learning, but didn't know what he wanted to do with his life. We talked and I suggested he look into a trade school. He found one in Idaho for a electrical lineman. It cost 17,000 and he didn't have the cash for that, though he could have taken out a loan. I told him I would cover it, and he could pay me back at zero interest when he got a job.

We made a handshake agreement and off he went. He had a job before he graduated, and had me paid back before 6 months had passed. Now, he's moved up to a higher paying job and at the ripe old age of 24 he's pulling down 150,000 per year. When he gets his journeyman certificate, he will up that to over 200,000 per year. I have done that several times over the years, and not once has the agreement been not paid back.

There are nephews and nieces that I won't do that for because I know they are not interested in work. They just want to keep going to school so that they don't have to work. one of them is quite the educated little idiot. He has three bachelors degrees, and mountain of debt he will never pay off, and he works at as a bartender.
Bullshit. The average Journeyman makes $55k. Yes there is a bell curve around that but to sell it like $200k is his earnings is likely an exaggeration. At $25 an hour (the going rate) he’d have to work 152 hours a week to earn that. Shit, working 80 hours a week he’s have to be pulling down $48 an hour. Bull shit.

You might want to look up what California High voltage grid specialists make. He pulls in 3,000 a week after taxes. Before he got the california gig he was in pennsylvania and yes, he was making 28 ish an hour out there.
The fact is that everyone can't be a competent, successful brain surgeon. The left likes to think that anyone can do anything if just given the chance. That would be like saying that if given the training, everyone could run a 4.3 forty and dunk a basketball. It simply isn't the case. People have limitations both physically and mentally. Many jobs surpass the mental capacity of the masses, just as some surpass the physical capacity of the masses. We should all be treated equally, but that doesn't mean everyone is equivalently equipped. That is a pipe dream. Those who are endowed with certain innate abilities are typically rewarded. NFL guys do pretty well I would say. Brain surgeons do well. IMO, neither owes society more than the average as they aren't any more of a drag than the average and in fact, they are typically less dependent.

How many more people with potential would go to college if they could do it without paying for it themselves?
if they arent paying for it who would teach them??? it takes money to pay teachers and heat buildings,,,
It depends on what sort of education the person is getting. Studying the aformentioned dung beetle serves no one but the professor who taught the greater fool, the university which hoovered up the student loan, and the government which has now created a useless mouth that will forever need government assistance so must vote for those people who will provide that assistance.

See how that works?

I'm not advocating for us to pay for useless degrees. I thought I made that clear.
Surely something, right? I see a lot of people talk like taxes are theft. Is it not just our obligation?

The distribution of wealth is ultimately determined by the dominant military force.

The economic system is created by the government according to the laws of that government.

Without the U.S. government there would be nothing to protect the wealthy and guarantee their wealth.

So the more you have, the more you are obliged to contribute to the existence of the U.S. government.

I don't really disagree, but the founders never wanted a mercenary military force because people working for pay can never be trusted.
They wanted a volunteer military only, and that does not have to cost anything.

And when you write, "The economic system is created by the government according to the laws of that government", you have to be careful, and remember that WE are supposed to be the government, and laws are only supposed to be according to what is necessary to defend individual rights, or popularly agreed upon to enhance the lives of all.
There is not supposed to be a separate party that is government, and it certainly is not supposed to be above us.
Of, by, and for the People.

My first 2 statements are general principles that apply to every society - not just the U.S.

Here in the U.S. the general rule regarding economics has been "when in doubt - government stay out"

However, there are some basic principles that have to be enforced by law for anything close to a free market economy to exist.

Three of these principles that I can think of are:

- Transactions must be peaceful
- Transactions must be willful
- Contracts must be honored

Never say "free market".
Free market means no regulations or rules at all, which means abuses ranging from monoplies, to holdup at gunpoint.
The correct term for a business friendly environment is "fair market".
That is where everyone has reasonable protection.
No holdups, no scams, no monopolies, etc.
Free market means anything goes.

I tend to agree that what people call a 'free market' is not really a free market. It's a reasonably regulated market to insure some degree of civilized transactions.

However, there are quite a lot of people who'd like to have an anything goes free market. As long as it benefits themselves.

Most anti-tax people refuse to recognize the importance of Government to ensure that the market is not an "anything goes free market".
The fact is that everyone can't be a competent, successful brain surgeon. The left likes to think that anyone can do anything if just given the chance. That would be like saying that if given the training, everyone could run a 4.3 forty and dunk a basketball. It simply isn't the case. People have limitations both physically and mentally. Many jobs surpass the mental capacity of the masses, just as some surpass the physical capacity of the masses. We should all be treated equally, but that doesn't mean everyone is equivalently equipped. That is a pipe dream. Those who are endowed with certain innate abilities are typically rewarded. NFL guys do pretty well I would say. Brain surgeons do well. IMO, neither owes society more than the average as they aren't any more of a drag than the average and in fact, they are typically less dependent.

How many more people with potential would go to college if they could do it without paying for it themselves?

You do realize that in germany, who the progressives love to point out as paying for everyones college, that they actually don't. You do realize that don't you? In grade school you take a test. If you score good enough you get put on the college track, if you don't you will never go to college in germany. Go to middle school, and once again, you are tested. Fail it, and you are off the college track. Now go to high school, once again, at the end you test, if you pass you get to go to college for free. If you don't you might get to go to a trade school for free. If you fail, you're out the door looking for work.

So even in the country you all love to point to there is no free college for all.
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they would need to violate their oath of office to do that,, along with taking fascist actions to force them,,,

Universal healthcare and universal government covered education opportunities are an inevitability. Prosperity will win. You're just in the way.
Trump fans’ moronic reasoning in this thread:
  • Paying taxes isn’t patriotic it’s theft
  • Rich people paying no taxes is ok, poor people paying no taxes is screwed up
  • College is a grift for suckers
  • They have no idea how to calculate taxes
  • They have no idea where budgeted money goes
  • They have underpaid the spending authorized by their elected officials by nearly $30T and think it went to poor people :auiqs.jpg:
  • They underpaid spending by $30T and think that paying more to address the gap is Marxism
  • They could care less about the deficit under Trump but have a colonoscopy ready for Democratic budgets
  • They make no sense

What is "rich"? The "rich" aren't getting any stimulus money and yet the "rich" will have to pay more taxes to pay for the money they didn't get.

When someone goes to college they must take into account the cost relative to their employment potential. I have no sympathy for someone who has a large college debt and majored in something that pays less than an average job that does not require a degree. That is a bad life decision. I shouldn't have to pay for those 4 years of fun by forgiving their debt. If they aren't capable of succeeding in a major that pays off with gainful employment, they need to forego college and learn a skill. It is as simple as that.
Then you have no point here!

I have gotten to the point where I recognize that at an intellectual level right vs left is just a disagreement about values and morality. That's why none of us ever really change minds here. We're all just barking at the moon.

Oh? I think it is very clear. You either value the work ethic, and support those who are willing to work to get ahead. Or you don't. I have a kid i was tutoring in geology. He's smart, likes learning, but didn't know what he wanted to do with his life. We talked and I suggested he look into a trade school. He found one in Idaho for a electrical lineman. It cost 17,000 and he didn't have the cash for that, though he could have taken out a loan. I told him I would cover it, and he could pay me back at zero interest when he got a job.

We made a handshake agreement and off he went. He had a job before he graduated, and had me paid back before 6 months had passed. Now, he's moved up to a higher paying job and at the ripe old age of 24 he's pulling down 150,000 per year. When he gets his journeyman certificate, he will up that to over 200,000 per year. I have done that several times over the years, and not once has the agreement been not paid back.

There are nephews and nieces that I won't do that for because I know they are not interested in work. They just want to keep going to school so that they don't have to work. one of them is quite the educated little idiot. He has three bachelors degrees, and mountain of debt he will never pay off, and he works at as a bartender.
Bullshit. The average Journeyman makes $55k. Yes there is a bell curve around that but to sell it like $200k is his earnings is likely an exaggeration. At $25 an hour (the going rate) he’d have to work 152 hours a week to earn that. Shit, working 80 hours a week he’s have to be pulling down $48 an hour. Bull shit.

You might want to look up what California High voltage grid specialists make. He pulls in 3,000 a week after taxes. Before he got the california gig he was in pennsylvania and yes, he was making 28 ish an hour out there.
View attachment 434800

Like i said, look up california. he joined the union about 2 months ago. And that is a ground worker, not a tower builder, just so you know.
So even in the country you all love to point to there is no free college for all.

I prefer to point at Scandinavian countries. There's no doubt that they have a very different and very successful approach to education.
No job that requires thinking is going to go away. Jobs that require rote memorization are already being replaced by robots. Minimum wage jobs in the service industry are on the way out. That IS a fact. However, most people are incapable of learning advanced concepts in robotics, computer coding etc. There's a reason why computer coders get paid what they do. At least good ones. There is an army of crappy ones that don't make much because they aren't very good at it. Your problem is there is a vast ocean of average people. Average people do average things. They can't be trained to do high level work no matter how hard you try.
Interesting post, got me to thinking, I am not especially good at advanced robotics, programming, etc. however I do profit from the use of robotics and programming every day. I have an IPhone that does lots of things, a desktop workstation that has programs I use to run my business at a very high level as compared to the past.

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