How much do extremely wealthy people owe to the society that gave them the chance to prosper so much?

not when its a skewed view of everyday life,, I am sure they are happy,, but what doess that really mean??

It means life doesn't suck over there. It means a lot of the horror stories you hear are just anecdotal propaganda to keep you believing what you believe.

No, it doesn't mean life doesn't suck over there. It means they've been talked into believing it doesn't, or that it's okay if it does because they're "superior" in some fashion. And the "horror stories" we hear are actually the statistics. This is also very hypocritical, since "they say they're happy" is as much anecdotal propaganda as one can possibly get, but you seem to believe THAT should be taken as hard fact.
Also, are you aware that health insurance is not the only means by which one can get healthcare?

Most people that don't have insurance can only go to the ER after something becomes a disaster. They don't have a regular medical routine. Routine and preventative care are very important to good health and longevity.

According to what source? I think we both know your assertion isn't coming from the vast numbers of poor people you interact with personally.
Why do you assume it will have good intentions?

Because I think humanity is good, and I think the mechanical God we build will be good too.
do you want to build a god or an AI?? you cant do both,,
Actually, that's what you're doing when you build a super AI.
when you build it its not a god,, you just think it is,,
It will have powers that make it indistinguishable from a God. It will have intelligence 10 million times what the entire human race has.
Why do you assume it will have good intentions?

Because I think humanity is good, and I think the mechanical God we build will be good too.
do you want to build a god or an AI?? you cant do both,,
Actually, that's what you're doing when you build a super AI.
when you build it its not a god,, you just think it is,,
It will have powers that make it indistinguishable from a God. It will have intelligence 10 million times what the entire human race has.
anything made by man can never be a god,,
Why do you assume it will have good intentions?

Because I think humanity is good, and I think the mechanical God we build will be good too.
do you want to build a god or an AI?? you cant do both,,
Actually, that's what you're doing when you build a super AI.
when you build it its not a god,, you just think it is,,
It will have powers that make it indistinguishable from a God. It will have intelligence 10 million times what the entire human race has.
anything made by man can never be a god,,
Says who?
Why do you assume it will have good intentions?

Because I think humanity is good, and I think the mechanical God we build will be good too.
do you want to build a god or an AI?? you cant do both,,
Actually, that's what you're doing when you build a super AI.
when you build it its not a god,, you just think it is,,
It will have powers that make it indistinguishable from a God. It will have intelligence 10 million times what the entire human race has.
anything made by man can never be a god,,
Says who?
logic and reality,,,

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