How much do extremely wealthy people owe to the society that gave them the chance to prosper so much?

we are well educated and as for healthy,, thats what you get from a welfare country that allows people to sit on their ass and not work for their own existence,,

Americans bust their asses, especially the working poor.
I wasnt talking about the working poor,, I'm talking about the 50% that doesnt work and depends on the government for handouts that allow them to eat bad things and sit on their ass's
having been there doesnt mean shit,, and reading studies only confirms you believe what youre told not what youve seen,,,

Not understanding the value of outside insight is a good way to stay ignorant. By reading a study I can learn the perspective and reasoning of somebody that understands the subject far better than I ever will.
No it wouldn't. When has government ever been cheaper than a private company?

It could be for poor people. There are still millions of uninsured people in the United States.

Ah, so finally we get some honesty. Your real interest is not whether or not the system is cheaper or more cost-efficient; your interest is in playing Lord Bountiful with other people's money, so you can feel "compassionate" because you "care" so much about some abstract idea of people you don't actually know.

Glad we're clear on that. Now, are YOU clear on why the people whose money you want to take and give away to your theoretical poor are unwilling to cooperate with your plans?

Also, are you aware that health insurance is not the only means by which one can get healthcare?

I will never understand poor people that support the Republicans.

You might if you ever stooped to actually talking to them.
Poor people who support the Republican Party don’t realize all the things democrats do for them. I know two people on disability who voted for trump. Even when I told them he would make cuts to Medicaid. Or my neighbor who has $100,000 in student loan debt. She liked trumps anti immigrant position.

And don’t forget trump gave them a very small tax break so in their minds they are doing better under Trump.
IOW, they don't let money concerns drive every decision they make. Some people are like that, you know.
Poor people who support the Republican Party don’t realize all the things democrats do for them. I know two people on disability who voted for trump. Even when I told them he would make cuts to Medicaid. Or my neighbor who has $100,000 in student loan debt. She liked trumps anti immigrant position.

And don’t forget trump gave them a very small tax break so in their minds they are doing better under Trump.

I'll also never understand Republicans that call themselves nationalists. It's very clear that the good of the nation doesn't take priority in their universe.
You need to get out more and meet real people.
Also, are you aware that health insurance is not the only means by which one can get healthcare?

Most people that don't have insurance can only go to the ER after something becomes a disaster. They don't have a regular medical routine. Routine and preventative care are very important to good health and longevity.
having been there doesnt mean shit,, and reading studies only confirms you believe what youre told not what youve seen,,,

Not understanding the value of outside insight is a good way to stay ignorant. By reading a study I can learn the perspective and reasoning of somebody that understands the subject far better than I ever will.
not when its a skewed view of everyday life,, I am sure they are happy,, but what doess that really mean??
not when its a skewed view of everyday life,, I am sure they are happy,, but what doess that really mean??

It means life doesn't suck over there. It means a lot of the horror stories you hear are just anecdotal propaganda to keep you believing what you believe.
human labor will never be obsolete

You're a short-sighted old timer that doesn't understand what's about to happen to the world. It may take a long time for human labor to become completely obsolete, but once huge amounts of jobs start to go away there will be too many people without employment options. Society would collapse if we didn't address that somehow.

Oh, THIS line again. I swear to God, every generation of snot-noses that comes up wants to tell us how the world is massively changing in ways we "old timers" couldn't possibly comprehend and which will completely transcend all our old-fashioned notions of human nature and sociology. And it's never true. The world changes, certainly, but human nature and the nature of human society never really does.

While I'm asking God to save me from things, God save me from know-it-all children who think they can daydream their way to wisdom without all that pesky time and experience stuff.
Also, are you aware that health insurance is not the only means by which one can get healthcare?

Most people that don't have insurance can only go to the ER after something becomes a disaster. They don't have a regular medical routine. Routine and preventative care are very important to good health and longevity.
Try this. Go to a local doctor and offer him a deal. Offer to pay him $150 cash for each member of your family to get one routine physical exam per year. You would save thousands. Then take the money you just saved and buy a catastrophic care health insurance plan. Here's a hint: Doctors don't like dealing with insurance companies, in fact they usually have to hire a full time employee just to deal with them. Offer him cash with no insurance company involvement and you'd probably get a steep discount.
not when its a skewed view of everyday life,, I am sure they are happy,, but what doess that really mean??

It means life doesn't suck over there. It means a lot of the horror stories you hear are just anecdotal propaganda to keep you believing what you believe.
it doesnt suck here,, only for those that dont want to contribute and want the rich to provide for them,,,

are you ever going to address how your system will work when the highest wage earner decide to quit working and live off the government or their own nest eggs and quit paying taxs for your socialist programs???

right now 50% of the population dont contribute, what happens when that jumps to 75% and the 25% that entered it are high wage earners,,, thats gonna have a big effect on revenue isnt it??
it doesnt suck here

No, but I think we could make it better. We should always seek to do that.
we always do and better is a matter of perspective,,, to you better is having others provide for you and for me is me providing for me
and if you didnt edit my comment out of context you would be able to explain how your system/idea would work when 75% arent contributing to the system
we always do,,, and if you didnt edit my comment out of context you would be able to explain how your system/idea would work when 75% arent contributing to the system

If machines are producing everything for us the source of production to care for people seems obvious.
How can people who were born into a family and lived with others have such a contemptible attitude toward others?
we always do,,, and if you didnt edit my comment out of context you would be able to explain how your system/idea would work when 75% arent contributing to the system

If machines are producing everything for us the source of production to care for people seems obvious.
why do you keep editing out the part of my comments that proves your ideas wrong??
Explain where you got the information that 50% of the population doesn't contribute? Are you counting children under 18 in that figure?
machines cant produce everything

Not yet old timer. If we actually manage to make a sentient AI capable of doing human intellectual work do you have any idea what that will do to our rate of growth? Imagine an AI doing 5,000 years of human intellectual work over the weekend. That might have a profound impact on society.

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