How much do extremely wealthy people owe to the society that gave them the chance to prosper so much?

machines cant produce everything

Not yet old timer. If we actually manage to make a sentient AI capable of doing human intellectual work do you have any idea what that will do to our rate of growth? Imagine an AI doing 5,000 years of human intellectual work over the weekend. That might have a profound impact on society.
then that AI would exterminate humans as the parasites they are,,,

havnt you seen I robot???
why do you keep editing out the part of my comments that proves your ideas wrong??

I respond to the parts that I want to respond to. If you want to take that as meaning you proved me wrong then be my guest.
you respond to the ones you can make ignorant responses to while avoiding the ones that prove you wrong,,

typical snot nosed child reaction,,,

I will never understand poor people that support the Republicans.

You might if you ever stooped to actually talking to them.
Poor people who support the Republican Party don’t realize all the things democrats do for them. I know two people on disability who voted for trump. Even when I told them he would make cuts to Medicaid. Or my neighbor who has $100,000 in student loan debt. She liked trumps anti immigrant position.

And don’t forget trump gave them a very small tax break so in their minds they are doing better under Trump.
IOW, they don't let money concerns drive every decision they make. Some people are like that, you know.
They don’t realize the gop is screwing them financially. Trickle down since the 80s has failed the middle class.

Poor republicans have been duped by social wedge issues. God, guns, gays and racism.
then that AI would exterminate humans as the parasites they are,,,

What would be its motivation for that? We created it and we're no threat to it. I think you're afraid of nothing. Anything that intelligent would have long moved beyond our barbaric bullshit.
then that AI would exterminate humans as the parasites they are,,,

What would be its motivation for that? We created it and we're no threat to it. I think you're afraid of nothing. Anything that intelligent would have long moved beyond our barbaric bullshit.
because its an intelligence without morals and we are parasites,,, its the only logical step it could take,,
because its an intelligence without morals and we are parasites,,, its the only logical step it could take,,

I don't think you're being logical. There is no reason to assume it would want to kill us. Maybe caring for us would give it a sense of purpose.
Also, are you aware that health insurance is not the only means by which one can get healthcare?

Most people that don't have insurance can only go to the ER after something becomes a disaster. They don't have a regular medical routine. Routine and preventative care are very important to good health and longevity.
Can you provide an example of such a procedure?
because its an intelligence without morals and we are parasites,,, its the only logical step it could take,,

I don't think you're being logical. There is no reason to assume it would want to kill us. Maybe caring for us would give it a sense of purpose.
I never said they would want to,, they cant want they can only do whats logical,,
because its an intelligence without morals and we are parasites,,, its the only logical step it could take,,

I don't think you're being logical. There is no reason to assume it would want to kill us. Maybe caring for us would give it a sense of purpose.
There are lots of reason it may kill us. It would have as much regard for us as we have for an ant hill. Do you know anyone who hesitates about mowing over an anthill?

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