How Much Freedom Are You Willing To Give Up To Fight Terrorism?

Hell, after Katrina I was kept from my home for weeks by armed military. Then once able to return, threatened with arrest if out past a certain hour.
HWGA and Edward are poorly read on the subject, and they both place ideology before context and nuance.

And you cant put together a coherent sentence.
See, you caught it. But that was the only thing you caught.

You place ideology before context, and that is why you end up in hidden byways trying to find your way out.

LOL....I love it when some clown tries to use big words when they have zero meaning in the context of the discussion,desperately trying to sound intelligent is a sad way to go through life fakey.
You have nothing, then, which we all knew.
HWGA and Edward are poorly read on the subject, and they both place ideology before context and nuance.

And you cant put together a coherent sentence.
See, you caught it. But that was the only thing you caught.

You place ideology before context, and that is why you end up in hidden byways trying to find your way out.

LOL....I love it when some clown tries to use big words when they have zero meaning in the context of the discussion,desperately trying to sound intelligent is a sad way to go through life fakey.
You have nothing, then, which we all knew.

What was I supposed to have?
Timmy cant keep his shit together and you act like it's my fault,go pound sand fakey.
We're already being dulled toward acceptance of further encroachments on our liberties.

The push for everyone to carry national identity papers under the guise of voter security, for example. Even though those papers are completely ineffective against they types of voter fraud which occur.

They are very good for controlling the movements of a population, though.

Department of Fatherland Homeland Security:

Secure driver's licenses and identification documents are a vital component of a holistic national security strategy. Law enforcement must be able to rely on government-issued identification documents and know that the bearer of such a document is who he or she claims to be.

Papers! Papers, please!
HWGA and Edward are poorly read on the subject, and they both place ideology before context and nuance.

And you cant put together a coherent sentence.
See, you caught it. But that was the only thing you caught.

You place ideology before context, and that is why you end up in hidden byways trying to find your way out.

LOL....I love it when some clown tries to use big words when they have zero meaning in the context of the discussion,desperately trying to sound intelligent is a sad way to go through life fakey.
You have nothing, then, which we all knew.

What was I supposed to have?
Timmy cant keep his shit together and you act like it's my fault,go pound sand fakey.
HGWA translation: I got nothing, jakey, so fuck you. :lol:
And you cant put together a coherent sentence.
See, you caught it. But that was the only thing you caught.

You place ideology before context, and that is why you end up in hidden byways trying to find your way out.

LOL....I love it when some clown tries to use big words when they have zero meaning in the context of the discussion,desperately trying to sound intelligent is a sad way to go through life fakey.
You have nothing, then, which we all knew.

What was I supposed to have?
Timmy cant keep his shit together and you act like it's my fault,go pound sand fakey.
HGWA translation: I got nothing, jakey, so fuck you. :lol:

Yet you cant seem to name what it is I supposedly dont have.
Your shit is weak fakey.
We're already being dulled toward acceptance of further encroachments on our liberties.

The push for everyone to carry national identity papers under the guise of voter security, for example. Even though those papers are completely ineffective against they types of voter fraud which occur.

They are very good for controlling the movements of a population, though.

Department of Fatherland Homeland Security:

Secure driver's licenses and identification documents are a vital component of a holistic national security strategy. Law enforcement must be able to rely on government-issued identification documents and know that the bearer of such a document is who he or she claims to be.

Papers! Papers, please!
There's no legal problem with the cops asking the phone company to "follow you" from cell phone tower to tower.

That's why I find the uproar of Obamacare taking away freedom not to buy something. Hell, the founders had states requiring people to buy specific makes and models of muskets, and mandating how they were stored. LOL

But the notion of being free to just walk away and be left alone is lonnnnng gone.
My name is HereWeGoAgain, and "I am just so far right wing."

You and Timmy dating or something?
You both seem to have a habit of being disingenuous pricks.
I'm okay with birth control and abortion if done early.
And I believe pot should be legalized.
I dont go to church,although I respect religion.

Does that sound far right to you,you disingenuous prick?
We're already being dulled toward acceptance of further encroachments on our liberties.

biggest encroachment is liberal govt making us work 65% of the time just to pay them taxes which they largely use to create an underclass of dependent voters that is taught to scream about class warfare.
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The OP is about our freedoms and we are willing to give up to protect ourselves.

I would get rid of the Patriot Act and go with a Congressional Declaration of War against ISIS. Such an action would allow the US to go after ISIS and its allies, while suppressing our domestic enemies here at home until the war is over.

HWGA is not an enemy at home, but he and his ilk waste human and cultural band width. Reading HereWeGoAgain amazes and dismays the discerning soul.

You want to say when someone walks by with his shoe laces untied, "That's so HereWeGoAgain."

You want to say when someone drives by with a car door hanging open, "That's so HereWeGoAgain."

You want to say when someone says I rooted for the Mets, "That's so HereWeGoAgain."
And TSA had uncovered exactly zero plots.

TSA is not in the business of uncovering plots but rather in the business of preventing folks from even thinking of plots. Without TSA inhibiting your freedom every plane would be blown out of the sky and everybody who flew would lose their freedom and their lives.
The OP is about our freedoms and we are willing to give up to protect ourselves.

I would get rid of the Patriot Act and go with a Congressional Declaration of War against ISIS. Such an action would allow the US to go after ISIS and its allies, while suppressing our domestic enemies here at home until the war is over.

HWGA is not an enemy at home, but he and his ilk waste human and cultural band width. Reading HereWeGoAgain amazes and dismays the discerning soul.

You want to say when someone walks by with his shoe laces untied, "That's so HereWeGoAgain."

You want to say when someone drives by with a car door hanging open, "That's so HereWeGoAgain."

You want to say when someone says I rooted for the Mets, "That's so HereWeGoAgain."

Is that supposed to be clever fakey?
Anyone can do what you just did.

See a gay hooker sucking dicks for nickels? Thats fakey.

At least try and be a little bit inventive with your insults.
And TSA had uncovered exactly zero plots.

TSA is not in the business of uncovering plots but rather in the business of preventing folks from even thinking of plots. Without TSA inhibiting your freedom every plane would be blown out of the sky and everybody who flew would lose their freedom and their lives.
Uninformed Edward, yet again.

The TSA is the last line of defense, so, yes, it is in the business of making sure no plots are carried out.
The OP is about our freedoms and we are willing to give up to protect ourselves.

I would get rid of the Patriot Act and go with a Congressional Declaration of War against ISIS. Such an action would allow the US to go after ISIS and its allies, while suppressing our domestic enemies here at home until the war is over.

HWGA is not an enemy at home, but he and his ilk waste human and cultural band width. Reading HereWeGoAgain amazes and dismays the discerning soul.

You want to say when someone walks by with his shoe laces untied, "That's so HereWeGoAgain."

You want to say when someone drives by with a car door hanging open, "That's so HereWeGoAgain."

You want to say when someone says I rooted for the Mets, "That's so HereWeGoAgain."

Is that supposed to be clever fakey?
Anyone can do what you just did.

See a gay hooker sucking dicks for nickels? Thats fakey.

At least try and be a little bit inventive with your insults.
"That's so HereWeGoAgain."

All the silly jibes aside, HGWA, would you support a Congressional Declaration of War against ISIS?
And TSA had uncovered exactly zero plots.

TSA is not in the business of uncovering plots but rather in the business of preventing folks from even thinking of plots. Without TSA inhibiting your freedom every plane would be blown out of the sky and everybody who flew would lose their freedom and their lives.
Sure they would.
TSA has done nothing. There is some blogger who talks about all the prohibited crap he's smuggled on to planes over the years. The only reason terrorists havent blown up any planes is they dont want to.
TSA Stopped almost 5% of the test bombs and guns from getting through! (or is that thru?)

"A report leaked out of the Transportation Security Administration reveals that a team of investigators from the Department of Homeland Security managed to sneak weapons and fake bombs past airport screeners in 95% of their attempts to beat the system."

TSA's 95% failure rate shows airport security is a charade
This is for Frank

And TSA had uncovered exactly zero plots.

TSA is not in the business of uncovering plots but rather in the business of preventing folks from even thinking of plots. Without TSA inhibiting your freedom every plane would be blown out of the sky and everybody who flew would lose their freedom and their lives.
Sure they would.
TSA has done nothing. There is some blogger who talks about all the prohibited crap he's smuggled on to planes over the years. The only reason terrorists havent blown up any planes is they dont want to.

1) the underwear bomber did not want to?
2) they confiscate millions of dollars worth of stuff, some of it mine
3) I once had a saw blade 1/4'' by 4" that they xrayed and held up a plane for 20 minutes till they could get it out of my brief case. Passengers almost shot me when I finally got on board.
4) I'm sure nobody would get on plane after 9/11 and Russian bomb without TSA, though I admit they are govt monopoly so largely incompetent!

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