How Much Freedom Are You Willing To Give Up To Fight Terrorism?

Vietnam was LBJ's war. Walter Cronkite convinced the crooked idiot to quit just when America needed leadership and the idiot left blamed the whole thing on Nixon.
The war began with Eisenhower and ended with Nixon.
How many civilians have to be murdered by radical Muslim terrorist before you will fight them like we are at war with them?
Are you saying we are not? Be clear, give examples, suggest options, and stop the whining.
We fly minimal airstrikes against ISIS many of which return with no bombs dropped we rule out putting ground troops in the fight we spend millions of dollars to train five to ten moderate Syrians to fight none of which will turn the tide. What you do is build a real coalition like the one George H. W. Bush built when Sadam invaded Kuwait which would include Middle Eastern nations like Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Turkey you use that force combined with NATO nations to launch a combined ground and air assault against Raqqah ISIS main base of power in Syria that should destroy ISIS in Syria you leave an occupying force in Raqqah which is Sunni from the countries of Egypt, Jordan, and Saudi Arabia which are also Sunni that eliminates any Sunni Shiite conforntation and you have no U.S. or western presence to be used as a call for an uprising against the infidels. In Iraq we already have an army there to fight ISIS the Kurds all they lack are weapons and ammunation provide them directly with the weapons and ammo they need and provide them with air support and they can handle ISIS there.
We are not 'minimal' airstrikes no matter what the idiots in the media falsely report. I know because I launched those jets daily with full bomb bays and they returned empty. I have no idea where this false narrative of 'minimal' comes from but we drop an obscene amount of ordnance over there.
You been through airport security recently?

yes but loss of freedom during screening is better than loss of freedom and life in air.
Loss of freedom is loss of freedom.
And TSA had uncovered exactly zero plots.

...and misses about 90% of the "contraband" they are supposed to find.
But they sure as hell find every damn water bottle and shampoo bottle that passes the check point.

Some of these regs are asinine.
If we had a Congressional declaration of war, the posts about "minimal" air strikes would be actionable.
ISIS goes fishing for Big Mouth Bass.............

Our country lost its collective mind after 9/11 and jumped on board the Patriot Act train. Torture; imprisoning US citizens without habeas corpus; flag pin blacklists; wiretapping US citizens by the millions; three wars (Iraq, Afghanistan, Terror), including the pre-emptive invasion of another country; the creation of a massive new Cabinet level police agency; the militarization of state, county, and local police; and so forth.

I have said a few times that in the basement of the US Capitol there is a shrink-wrapped Patriot Act II: This Time We REALLY Mean Business.™

Meter maids will be shooting double-parkers. The FBI will be doing "drop-ins" to ask why there has been a sudden spike in the amount of milk you put in your cereal. Armbands will be the new black. Sean Hannity will be denying bamboo shoots under your fingernails is torture.

Someone has put the idea in a lot of pointy heads that there would be no casualties of the good guys during the War on Terror™. But it has been an inevitable fact there would be, and will be more.

So when our turn comes around again, how much more of your freedoms will you be willing to give up?

Hint: If you go along with the forthcoming argument after the next attack that Muslims are not protected by the First Amendment, that counts as giving up some of your rights.

I believe increasing freedoms will help in the fight against terror.

unarmed people have 2 choices during a terror attack; flee or be a victim.

armed people have more choices.

let people speak freely, that way we can learn who is nuts or dangerous.
You called the prez a terrorist sympathizer ..

if so I'll pay you $10,000. Bet? or run away with your liberal tail between your legs once again.

What are u talking about ?
if so I'll pay you $10,000. Bet? or run away with your liberal tail between your legs once again.
You lost bets on Jefferson, the Civil War, and economics, and you did not pay up. You are a fraud and a liar, Edward.

No,Timmy is just a moron who cant keep his posts straight.
You called the prez a terrorist sympathizer ..

if so I'll pay you $10,000. Bet? or run away with your liberal tail between your legs once again.

What are u talking about ?
if so I'll pay you $10,000. Bet? or run away with your liberal tail between your legs once again.

What's the bet? That Obama is a terrorist?? I don't get what u are saying .

Of course you dont.
HWGA and Edward a poorly read on the subject, and they both place ideology before context and nuance.
So when our turn comes around again, how much more of your freedoms will you be willing to give up?

I'm not willing to give up anything, but most Americans are sissies so when the time comes, and it will, most will acquiesce to the police/surveillance state. Watch the movie "Southland Tales." A bit of an exaggeration, but that's the road we're headed down.

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