How much is a fair share?

Ame®icano;4165591 said:
Obama keep talking about rich not paying their "fair share" but I never heard what that "fair share" really is. There is an argument on both sides, but I would like hear your opinion, how much exactly is the "fair share" rich and/or others should pay? Give me exact number.

fair share is when the largest part of wealth for rich people (which is passive investment income) is taxed at the same rate as income.

don't you think that's fair?

fair share is when exxon/mobil pays the same percentage on it's PROFITS as I would pay on my income... certainly not less.

in reality, it isn't really that complicated. fair is getting rid of the bush tax cuts. we did fine with them when clinton was president... and it's been disasterous for us since they were imposed.

you don't think that's unfair, do you?

also, when people post graphs, i think it's important to say where the graphs came from. not all source material is equal.

And don't forget the part of ALL CITIZENS paying... I would whole heartedly agree to removing loopholes (corporate and personal), counting capital gains as income etc... as long as every dollar is taxed the exact same rate, no matter if it is dollar 1 or dollar 100000001
Do you believe that they pay a significant portion of their income to the federal government?

In most cases, yes.

If they pay $1000 in taxes and get back $4000 they are making $3000. They must be paying another $3000 in taxes to even be just a zero liability voter.

If you're claiming that these figures describe 47% of U.S. households, I need some documentation.

Well it is documented that 47% don't pay income tax. Other than a Tax on energy what else do you think people are paying? The tax on gasoline is probably between two to three hundred a year per car. No idea per house. If you pay zero income tax it is hard to believe that you are paying a significant amount of money in capital gains taxes.

Why don't you tell me what you believe the number is? Is it 20%? 30%? 10%? And how do you make your estimate?

Ame®icano;4165591 said:
Obama keep talking about rich not paying their "fair share" but I never heard what that "fair share" really is. There is an argument on both sides, but I would like hear your opinion, how much exactly is the "fair share" rich and/or others should pay? Give me exact number.

fair share is when the largest part of wealth for rich people (which is passive investment income) is taxed at the same rate as income.

don't you think that's fair?

fair share is when exxon/mobil pays the same percentage on it's PROFITS as I would pay on my income... certainly not less.

in reality, it isn't really that complicated. fair is getting rid of the bush tax cuts. we did fine with them when clinton was president... and it's been disasterous for us since they were imposed.

you don't think that's unfair, do you?

also, when people post graphs, i think it's important to say where the graphs came from. not all source material is equal.

Yes, I think it is unfair to tax capital gains at the same rate as income. Capital gains taxes are a tax on an investment. There is significant risk involved with capital gains and everyone benefits from capital gains.

fair share is when the largest part of wealth for rich people (which is passive investment income) is taxed at the same rate as income.

don't you think that's fair?

Money they invested was already taxed once. Do you think it's fair to be taxed again?

fair share is when exxon/mobil pays the same percentage on it's PROFITS as I would pay on my income... certainly not less.

I'm surprised you didn't mention GE.

General Electric, the nation’s largest corporation, had a very good year in 2010.

The company reported worldwide profits of $14.2 billion, and said $5.1 billion of the total came from its operations in the United States.

Its American tax bill? None. In fact, G.E. claimed a tax benefit of $3.2 billion.


But lets stay on Exxon/Mobile, shall we?

Exxon doled out more than $15 billion in income tax payments to foreign countries last year. U.S. tax codes allow companies to take massive deductions in light of those international charges, which knocked Exxon's federal income-tax bill down into negative territory.

That said, Uncle Sam gets his money in other ways. Including sales taxes and duties, Exxon recorded $7.7 billion in U.S. tax costs last year, and paid even more overseas. - Link

in reality, it isn't really that complicated. fair is getting rid of the bush tax cuts. we did fine with them when clinton was president... and it's been disasterous for us since they were imposed.

you don't think that's unfair, do you?

I'm not one claiming something is fair or unfair, Obama is. I'm asking what is the "fair share" he keep talking about, and lefties support without clarifying.

Bush tax cut cost us so far $400 billion less then stimulus.

We were doing fine under Clinton due to the industry. Now, if you get the idea that he deserve the credit for it, then you're mistaken. He just happen to be president at the time, I would say lucky one.

also, when people post graphs, i think it's important to say where the graphs came from. not all source material is equal.

If you look at the bottom of the graph, you might find a clue...
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Do you believe that they pay a significant portion of their income to the federal government?

In most cases, yes.

If they pay $1000 in taxes and get back $4000 they are making $3000. They must be paying another $3000 in taxes to even be just a zero liability voter.

If you're claiming that these figures describe 47% of U.S. households, I need some documentation.

Well it is documented that 47% don't pay income tax. Other than a Tax on energy what else do you think people are paying? The tax on gasoline is probably between two to three hundred a year per car. No idea per house. If you pay zero income tax it is hard to believe that you are paying a significant amount of money in capital gains taxes.

Why don't you tell me what you believe the number is? Is it 20%? 30%? 10%? And how do you make your estimate?


Roughly 47% of households, or 71 million, will not owe any federal income tax, according to estimates by the nonpartisan Tax Policy Center.

Some in that group will even get additional money from the government because they qualify for refundable tax breaks.

47% will pay no federal income tax - CNN Money

Now if you look at the data from CBO, you'll notice that the bottom quintile actual has an effective rate of -6.6% on income taxes meaning they make 6.6% off the tax system primarily due to the EITC and child credits. That reimburses their FICA taxes.

So, what is their fair share?
Personally I think the rich pay their "fair share" in Fed taxes especially when you consider 47% of the population pay nothing in Fed taxes.

This is a lie. Either you are lying, or you are passing on a lie told to you by another.

You do understand that the 47% figure is from the IRS on federal income tax right?

You keep denying and we keep repeating.

DO A FUCKING SEARCH DAMN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ame®icano;4165591 said:
Obama keep talking about rich not paying their "fair share" but I never heard what that "fair share" really is. There is an argument on both sides, but I would like hear your opinion, how much exactly is the "fair share" rich and/or others should pay? Give me exact number.

fair share is when the largest part of wealth for rich people (which is passive investment income) is taxed at the same rate as income.

don't you think that's fair?

fair share is when exxon/mobil pays the same percentage on it's PROFITS as I would pay on my income... certainly not less.

in reality, it isn't really that complicated. fair is getting rid of the bush tax cuts. we did fine with them when clinton was president... and it's been disasterous for us since they were imposed.

you don't think that's unfair, do you?

also, when people post graphs, i think it's important to say where the graphs came from. not all source material is equal.

Yes, I think it is unfair to tax capital gains at the same rate as income. Capital gains taxes are a tax on an investment. There is significant risk involved with capital gains and everyone benefits from capital gains.


Not if you had everyone paying their share, more coming in because of the elimination of loopholes, and you wrangle in government spending.... the income tax rate would probably be able to be lowered
Well it is documented that 47% don't pay income tax.

That's not what I asked. The Earned Income Tax Credit is the mechanism whereby a few families can have a refund higher than the amount of taxes they pay in; I'm not exactly certain of the requirements because I don't qualify myself, but if you are claiming that 47% of taxpayers not only pay no federal income tax but get a refund higher than their withholding, that claim requires documentation. I don't believe it, frankly.

Why don't you tell me what you believe the number is?

Because I've never researched the matter and don't know; what I do know is that you don't know, either.
Ame®icano;4193122 said:
In most cases, yes.

If you're claiming that these figures describe 47% of U.S. households, I need some documentation.

Well it is documented that 47% don't pay income tax. Other than a Tax on energy what else do you think people are paying? The tax on gasoline is probably between two to three hundred a year per car. No idea per house. If you pay zero income tax it is hard to believe that you are paying a significant amount of money in capital gains taxes.

Why don't you tell me what you believe the number is? Is it 20%? 30%? 10%? And how do you make your estimate?


Roughly 47% of households, or 71 million, will not owe any federal income tax, according to estimates by the nonpartisan Tax Policy Center.

Some in that group will even get additional money from the government because they qualify for refundable tax breaks.

47% will pay no federal income tax - CNN Money

Now if you look at the data from CBO, you'll notice that the bottom quintile actual has an effective rate of -6.6% on income taxes meaning they make 6.6% off the tax system primarily due to the EITC and child credits. That reimburses their FICA taxes.

So, what is their fair share?

I get that. I have those numbers available too. I'd like to see how they come up with "efficteve tax rate" to be honest because I have no idea where that number comes from. I'm asking him because if the bottom quintile has an effective rate of 6.6% then between the quintile and the half there is a large number of people and somewhere in there it goes from -6.6 to Zero. At what point does that happen?

Ame®icano;4165591 said:
Obama keep talking about rich not paying their "fair share" but I never heard what that "fair share" really is. There is an argument on both sides, but I would like hear your opinion, how much exactly is the "fair share" rich and/or others should pay? Give me exact number.

fair share is when the largest part of wealth for rich people (which is passive investment income) is taxed at the same rate as income.

don't you think that's fair?

fair share is when exxon/mobil pays the same percentage on it's PROFITS as I would pay on my income... certainly not less.

in reality, it isn't really that complicated. fair is getting rid of the bush tax cuts. we did fine with them when clinton was president... and it's been disasterous for us since they were imposed.

you don't think that's unfair, do you?

also, when people post graphs, i think it's important to say where the graphs came from. not all source material is equal.
What gives you the right to say they don't deserve their money? Shouldn't I then have the same right to say you don't deserve YOUR money? Should I be able to decide YOU don't make enough and therefore I have the right to steal it from you by dint of law?

Why is it alright to discriminate against the successful? Are they the new 'fat'?
Well it is documented that 47% don't pay income tax.

That's not what I asked. The Earned Income Tax Credit is the mechanism whereby a few families can have a refund higher than the amount of taxes they pay in; I'm not exactly certain of the requirements because I don't qualify myself, but if you are claiming that 47% of taxpayers not only pay no federal income tax but get a refund higher than their withholding, that claim requires documentation. I don't believe it, frankly.

Why don't you tell me what you believe the number is?

Because I've never researched the matter and don't know; what I do know is that you don't know, either.

The Tax policy center made the claim that 47% of tax payers don't pay income tax. Just search for it on google any of the top 10-15 on the topic will reference it.

Also 27.3 million families claimed the EITC. That is out of roughly 138 million individual tax forms filed.

A LOT of people don't pay taxes.

Ame®icano;4165591 said:
Obama keep talking about rich not paying their "fair share" but I never heard what that "fair share" really is. There is an argument on both sides, but I would like hear your opinion, how much exactly is the "fair share" rich and/or others should pay? Give me exact number.

fair share is when the largest part of wealth for rich people (which is passive investment income) is taxed at the same rate as income.

don't you think that's fair?

fair share is when exxon/mobil pays the same percentage on it's PROFITS as I would pay on my income... certainly not less.

in reality, it isn't really that complicated. fair is getting rid of the bush tax cuts. we did fine with them when clinton was president... and it's been disasterous for us since they were imposed.

you don't think that's unfair, do you?

also, when people post graphs, i think it's important to say where the graphs came from. not all source material is equal.
What gives you the right to say they don't deserve their money? Shouldn't I then have the same right to say you don't deserve YOUR money? Should I be able to decide YOU don't make enough and therefore I have the right to steal it from you by dint of law?

Why is it alright to discriminate against the successful? Are they the new 'fat'?

Jillian cannot deal in anything that is not a generalized statement. She cannot back up anything. She simply emotes.
In fact I do not think the rich derive most of their income from investment income. I have never seen anything to that effect.
In any case, investment income is traditionally favored over labor income because in investment income one has is own property at risk. I would favor zero tax on investment income, a flat tax on all other income.
Ame®icano;4165591 said:
I asked this question on another thread but here we go again.


Obama keep talking about rich not paying their "fair share" but I never heard what that "fair share" really is. There is an argument on both sides, but I would like hear your opinion, how much exactly is the "fair share" rich and/or others should pay? Give me exact number.

One for you, two for me. Do you have a problem with that? :lol: Let me introduce you to our friend from the Fraternal Order of Police. :eek:
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Bullshit. You're lying. Again.

Oh. Really? One.of.them is sitting next to me driving a.truck.
plenty of.people make under 10k a.year. it depends where you live.also.

Like i said,you know.nothing of the real world..

and i forgot, South Carolina. You have tons of poor people living down there.
My boss works down there and tells us stories of people living in ten x ten slabs ( some with holes in the roof), living 5, 6, 10 people to a small house( thats maybe one to two rooms total.
They make shit for money.

so you dumb fuck people to live on 10k or less.

If theuy're living 10 to a house then obviously they are not the head of household.
Thanks for proving yourself a worthless fucking liar and general no-goodnik.
Ame®icano;4165591 said:
Obama keep talking about rich not paying their "fair share" but I never heard what that "fair share" really is. There is an argument on both sides, but I would like hear your opinion, how much exactly is the "fair share" rich and/or others should pay? Give me exact number.

fair share is when the largest part of wealth for rich people (which is passive investment income) is taxed at the same rate as income.

don't you think that's fair?

fair share is when exxon/mobil pays the same percentage on it's PROFITS as I would pay on my income... certainly not less.

in reality, it isn't really that complicated. fair is getting rid of the bush tax cuts. we did fine with them when clinton was president... and it's been disasterous for us since they were imposed.

you don't think that's unfair, do you?

also, when people post graphs, i think it's important to say where the graphs came from. not all source material is equal.

And don't forget the part of ALL CITIZENS paying... I would whole heartedly agree to removing loopholes (corporate and personal), counting capital gains as income etc... as long as every dollar is taxed the exact same rate, no matter if it is dollar 1 or dollar 100000001

really? you think people should be unable to eat or pay rent? :cool:

how about taxing estates from the first dollar?
and i forgot, South Carolina. You have tons of poor people living down there.
My boss works down there and tells us stories of people living in ten x ten slabs ( some with holes in the roof), living 5, 6, 10 people to a small house( thats maybe one to two rooms total.
They make shit for money.

so you dumb fuck people to live on 10k or less.

If theuy're living 10 to a house then obviously they are not the head of household.
Thanks for proving yourself a worthless fucking liar and general no-goodnik.

you seriously are a fucking moron. These are POOR families. Mothers and father who cant make enough to move up. They live in shacks. This is an actual fact.

these people live in 10x10 houses with holes in their roofs.

You want to live in your fantasy world where poor people dont exist in america? Fine, have a ball in La, la land. The rest of us will realize this is really true.
I live in a ghetto, but thankfully not for much longer. The only people who are living 10 to a single room here are illegal aliens you seek want to protect their right to live in such conditions. They are often not families either, but day laborers working sub minimum wage jobs or very low wage jobs compared to the market and cutting the legs out from legitimate Americans looking for honest wages. This 'crisis' which really doesn't exist in this nation anymore. I know people who have been homeless and in shelters and totally bankrupt. Three things I do know from them in this regard.

1. Those who are currently this impoverished do not STAY this impoverished UNLESS...

2. Those who stay impoverished have other bigger issues and often should be wards of the state.

3. They are incapable of getting charitable OR government help because of criminal past or previous fraud or exceeding their benefits.

You cry for the "babby mamas" all you want. I've met a few and most of them who last that way have problems with addiction or other mental issues that would exist and destroy any bit of wealth or job or socially responsible position they would have. They are money pits that may as well be wards of the state. Are they the majority of the poor? Not hardly. I've been poor for extended periods of time, and have been slowly improving all my life.

Poverty is almost NEVER a permanent state for anyone, especially children. That is not a fantasy. That is actuality.

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