How much longer should Pelosi keep it shut down to punish Trump?

How much longer should Pelosi use the shutdown to punish Trump?

  • 3 weeks

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 6 weeks

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 3 months

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 6 months

    Votes: 1 5.6%
  • 12 months

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 18 months

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • November 2020

    Votes: 4 22.2%
  • Forever, to hell with FedZilla

    Votes: 13 72.2%

  • Total voters

You will never get Trump supporters to believe news polls anymore...they always come out in just the right time to sway public opinion but because they lie and fudge they are not to be believed....Notice how they neglect to include the question used in the poll?....we will wait for 2020 if that is okay with you and CBS.....

We know you don't believe them. When they're shown to be true, you'll just cry about some Q-tard, deep state something or other conspiracy.
You will never get Trump supporters to believe news polls anymore...they always come out in just the right time to sway public opinion but because they lie and fudge they are not to be believed....Notice how they neglect to include the question used in the poll?....we will wait for 2020 if that is okay with you and CBS.....

We know you don't believe them. When they're shown to be true, you'll just cry about some Q-tard, deep state something or other conspiracy.
then why isn't hitlery president?
You will never get Trump supporters to believe news polls anymore...they always come out in just the right time to sway public opinion but because they lie and fudge they are not to be believed....Notice how they neglect to include the question used in the poll?....we will wait for 2020 if that is okay with you and CBS.....

We know you don't believe them. When they're shown to be true, you'll just cry about some Q-tard, deep state something or other conspiracy.
then why isn't hitlery president?

You're losing and don't even know it.

See you in the deep state threads when this doesn't work out for ya.
Yes...the only poll worth believing is on election day...we don't know how the poll question was worded or where it was asked...what age group or what time of day it was asked....if the poll question was only asked in CA for example its a joke don't you think? if a poll you didn't like was asked on a Marine base only or in Kentucky....
That's the point....
CBS news poll....:21::71::auiqs.jpg::badgrin::happy-1::hyper::laugh::laugh2::laughing0301::lmao::lol:
CBS polls have A- rating from 538, with very little bias.

Trump disapproval is at 57 percent, according to morning consult poll.
You will never get Trump supporters to believe news polls anymore...they always come out in just the right time to sway public opinion but because they lie and fudge they are not to be believed....Notice how they neglect to include the question used in the poll?....we will wait for 2020 if that is okay with you and CBS.....

We know you don't believe them. When they're shown to be true, you'll just cry about some Q-tard, deep state something or other conspiracy.
then why isn't hitlery president?

You're losing and don't even know it.

See you in the deep state threads when this doesn't work out for ya.
then how did trump win? come on tell us russia russia one more time.
Yes...the only poll worth believing is on election day...we don't know how the poll question was worded or where it was asked...what age group or what time of day it was asked....if the poll question was only asked in CA for example its a joke don't you think? if a poll you didn't like was asked on a Marine base only or in Kentucky....
That's the point....

And where did they apprehend them?
And how many millions of pounds of fentanyl are there?
What does that have to do with it?....they caught them crossing the border at night....why do you libs keep it up when you have been shown how wrong you are?....just admit you made a CNN mistake....

Just trying to get you to read.
300000 lbs came through border points and you whine about 35 pounds?
Of course they make mistakes.
Thousands of articles and you pick on two?
And have you ever googled knees news mistakes? (And woman abuse)
It's hard for me to read cartoon name pics posts when you have no idea of the def of liberal.
Liber, Latin ,free, for the individual and small gov.
No Latin in college?
No college?
Trump U?
And where did they apprehend them?
And how many millions of pounds of fentanyl are there?
What does that have to do with it?....they caught them crossing the border at night....why do you libs keep it up when you have been shown how wrong you are?....just admit you made a CNN mistake....

Just trying to get you to read.
300000 lbs came through border points and you whine about 35 pounds?
Of course they make mistakes.
Thousands of articles and you pick on two?
And have you ever googled knees news mistakes? (And woman abuse)
It's hard for me to read cartoon name pics posts when you have no idea of the def of liberal.
Liber, Latin ,free, for the individual and small gov.
No Latin in college?
No college?
Trump U?
so you're saying you know how much comes over the open border where no one is at? how did you get those figures? who has them?
We do know how the nazis got started?
Complaining about immigrants coming in from the east?
Sound familiar?
they didn't want their own citizens to have guns. sound familiar?

More garbage..
Among other things.
Nazi party members had plenty of guns, sort of like dems and repubs these days.
Seen the doc on geobellsbellesd and verna Von Braun ? NO?
Another garbage claim that Dems don't want citizens to have guns.
Do you have One example?
Interesting that the gun deal was only passed 5/4
Anti was that it should be the national guard, not every white boy who had never been hand to hand or in an air raid shelter in his life.
Such cowards, they would be fleeing for the hills if a real army attacked us here
We do know how the nazis got started?
Complaining about immigrants coming in from the east?
Sound familiar?
they didn't want their own citizens to have guns. sound familiar?

More garbage..
Among other things.
Nazi party members had plenty of guns, sort of like dems and repubs these days.
Seen the doc on geobellsbellesd and verna Von Braun ? NO?
Another garbage claim that Dems don't want citizens to have guns.
Do you have One example?
Interesting that the gun deal was only passed 5/4
Anti was that it should be the national guard, not every white boy who had never been hand to hand or in an air raid shelter in his life.
Such cowards, they would be fleeing for the hills if a real army attacked us here
it is truly fascinating how you all don't know about nazis and what they actually did. then again, since you don't know history at all, oh never mind, I guess I do understand how you don't get it.
Trump can end the shut down with he stroke of a pen. But, he has bone spurs in his wrist, which he developed in a fist fight with an illegal alien who was raping Stormy Daniels while impersonating him, and he can not sign the order to reopen it.
Pelosi can end it too.....she will be sorry in the end if she doesn't make a deal.....

Yeah, Trump really showed Nancy last Saturday!
Come on...the ground is crumbling under her feet...everyone can see that....

You really do live in an alternative universe, don't you, Ram?
Well I don't watch cable news or follow and swallow fake news....I never watch CNN or PBS or NBC or ABC or CBS or read the fake newspapers...two!...count them two! fake BS stories in one least you could have the guts to admit what you are about like Joy Behar did.....

Its you and the hate Trump people that are on a different planet pal....not me....

Well, now, Ram, I don't even have cable, and I don't even know who Joey Behar is, so I guess that means that I don't get my opinions from anyone else but my own, bad, self!
Pelosi can end it too.....she will be sorry in the end if she doesn't make a deal.....

Yeah, Trump really showed Nancy last Saturday!
Come on...the ground is crumbling under her feet...everyone can see that....

You really do live in an alternative universe, don't you, Ram?
Well I don't watch cable news or follow and swallow fake news....I never watch CNN or PBS or NBC or ABC or CBS or read the fake newspapers...two!...count them two! fake BS stories in one least you could have the guts to admit what you are about like Joy Behar did.....

Its you and the hate Trump people that are on a different planet pal....not me....

Well, now, Ram, I don't even have cable, and I don't even know who Joey Behar is, so I guess that means that I don't get my opinions from anyone else but my own, bad, self!

it's called talking points over the internet. you're here right? nough said.
Trumpsters seem to have the memories of Dory from Finding Nemo. So, to refresh ..The Senate, in December, passed a clean spending bill that Pence told them the Orange diaper baby would sign. Maan Coulter and Rush Limpballs didn't like that so they attacked Trump and Trump caved to radio hosts, refusing to sign a clean bill.

When the government reconvened, Trump told Pelosi he wanted a wall or he would be "proud" to shut down the government (also known as extortion or hostage taking). Pelosi refused to negotiate with a hostage taker...which is the official position of America.

Trump: Proud to shut down government over wall - CNN Video
Trumpsters seem to have the memories of Dory from Finding Nemo. So, to refresh ..The Senate, in December, passed a clean spending bill that Pence told them the Orange diaper baby would sign. Maan Coulter and Rush Limpballs didn't like that so they attacked Trump and Trump caved to radio hosts, refusing to sign a clean bill.

When the government reconvened, Trump told Pelosi he wanted a wall or he would be "proud" to shut down the government (also known as extortion or hostage taking). Pelosi refused to negotiate with a hostage taker...which is the official position of America.

Trump: Proud to shut down government over wall - CNN Video
Dems are beginning to crack and call for Pelosi to give in...they see the writing on the walls.....
Trumpsters seem to have the memories of Dory from Finding Nemo. So, to refresh ..The Senate, in December, passed a clean spending bill that Pence told them the Orange diaper baby would sign. Maan Coulter and Rush Limpballs didn't like that so they attacked Trump and Trump caved to radio hosts, refusing to sign a clean bill.

When the government reconvened, Trump told Pelosi he wanted a wall or he would be "proud" to shut down the government (also known as extortion or hostage taking). Pelosi refused to negotiate with a hostage taker...which is the official position of America.

Trump: Proud to shut down government over wall - CNN Video
Dems are beginning to crack and call for Pelosi to give in...they see the writing on the walls.....

The same can be said of Republicans and Mitch McChinless.

Do you really like the precedent this sets? A Republican won't always be in the Oval Office. You'll be cool with a Democratic President shutting down the government until they get some vanity project of theirs?

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