How Much of a Theist or Atheist are You?

How Much of a Theist or Atheist are You?

  • Strong Theist

    Votes: 21 25.9%
  • De-facto Theist

    Votes: 3 3.7%
  • Weak Theist

    Votes: 3 3.7%
  • Pure Agnostic

    Votes: 14 17.3%
  • Weak Atheist

    Votes: 4 4.9%
  • De-facto Atheist

    Votes: 8 9.9%
  • Strong Atheist

    Votes: 16 19.8%
  • Other

    Votes: 12 14.8%

  • Total voters
So what does that even mean? I'm doing something wrong? What?

I cannot judge what is right or wrong for you. I can only say that those who presume to put conditions on how or when or in what form that God must make himself know to them before they will believe will have a much more difficult time finding God. I don't know if that pertains to you so I offer it as a truth I believe. If it is useful, good. If not, then no harm, no foul.
Then God will find us when we die.
And you can ask Him why He didn't do a better job of making Himself known to you, right? I think that is a brilliant plan. You should explain to the Creator of existence where He went wrong.
He already knows
Knows what?
Where he went wrong
I cannot judge what is right or wrong for you. I can only say that those who presume to put conditions on how or when or in what form that God must make himself know to them before they will believe will have a much more difficult time finding God. I don't know if that pertains to you so I offer it as a truth I believe. If it is useful, good. If not, then no harm, no foul.
I'm open to god contacting me, no conditions.
Looks like a judgement to me huh mudda?
That he is lying? Yes. That is a judgement of his action. Do you understand the distinction or is that beyond your ability to grasp?
ThatI believe that's called "moving the goalposts". Dingbat's fave move.
I cannot judge what is right or wrong for you. I can only say that those who presume to put conditions on how or when or in what form that God must make himself know to them before they will believe will have a much more difficult time finding God. I don't know if that pertains to you so I offer it as a truth I believe. If it is useful, good. If not, then no harm, no foul.
I'm open to god contacting me, no conditions.
What's your dude doing, making hot dogs?

But it does show that your upset with my answer, why is that? Can't handle it? Why?
You mean you couldn't figure out that it showed I don't believe you?
I figured that you like big hotdogs.

But I'm open to god contacting me, no conditions. Lump it, princess.
God is not very convincing when he speaks to us through dings religion. Not buying it! Sounds like bullshit to me. And that's not rejecting God. I'm rejecting ding.

That's like if Halle Berry told ding to invite me to a party. I'm not rejecting Halle Berry I just don't believe dings ever met her
I'm open to god contacting me, no conditions.
Looks like a judgement to me huh mudda?
That he is lying? Yes. That is a judgement of his action. Do you understand the distinction or is that beyond your ability to grasp?
ThatI believe that's called "moving the goalposts". Dingbat's fave move.
I'm open to god contacting me, no conditions.
What's your dude doing, making hot dogs?

But it does show that your upset with my answer, why is that? Can't handle it? Why?
You mean you couldn't figure out that it showed I don't believe you?
I figured that you like big hotdogs.

But I'm open to god contacting me, no conditions. Lump it, princess.
I love hot dogs. The fatter the better. With lot's of chili and cheese and onions and a little bit of ketchup. Yum, yum. You don't like hot dogs?
I don't like the super size hot dogs. I prefer the classic size. But I bet you can take a big one real deep
I'm open to god contacting me, no conditions.
Looks like a judgement to me huh mudda?
That he is lying? Yes. That is a judgement of his action. Do you understand the distinction or is that beyond your ability to grasp?
ThatI believe that's called "moving the goalposts". Dingbat's fave move.
I'm open to god contacting me, no conditions.
What's your dude doing, making hot dogs?

But it does show that your upset with my answer, why is that? Can't handle it? Why?
You mean you couldn't figure out that it showed I don't believe you?
I figured that you like big hotdogs.

But I'm open to god contacting me, no conditions. Lump it, princess.
I love hot dogs. The fatter the better. With lot's of chili and cheese and onions and a little bit of ketchup. Yum, yum. You don't like hot dogs?
Tofu dogs for me, I'm vegetarian.

And I'm open to god contacting me, no conditions. Lump it, princess.
Looks like a judgement to me huh mudda?
That he is lying? Yes. That is a judgement of his action. Do you understand the distinction or is that beyond your ability to grasp?
ThatI believe that's called "moving the goalposts". Dingbat's fave move.
What's your dude doing, making hot dogs?

But it does show that your upset with my answer, why is that? Can't handle it? Why?
You mean you couldn't figure out that it showed I don't believe you?
I figured that you like big hotdogs.

But I'm open to god contacting me, no conditions. Lump it, princess.
I love hot dogs. The fatter the better. With lot's of chili and cheese and onions and a little bit of ketchup. Yum, yum. You don't like hot dogs?
Tofu dogs for me, I'm vegetarian.

And I'm open to god contacting me, no conditions. Lump it, princess.
So you say.
Looks like a judgement to me huh mudda?
That he is lying? Yes. That is a judgement of his action. Do you understand the distinction or is that beyond your ability to grasp?
ThatI believe that's called "moving the goalposts". Dingbat's fave move.
What's your dude doing, making hot dogs?

But it does show that your upset with my answer, why is that? Can't handle it? Why?
You mean you couldn't figure out that it showed I don't believe you?
I figured that you like big hotdogs.

But I'm open to god contacting me, no conditions. Lump it, princess.
I love hot dogs. The fatter the better. With lot's of chili and cheese and onions and a little bit of ketchup. Yum, yum. You don't like hot dogs?
Tofu dogs for me, I'm vegetarian.

And I'm open to god contacting me, no conditions. Lump it, princess.
So you say.
Good, you're lumping it. :biggrin:
4. Pure agnostic. It's the thinking person's position.

I agree, as a former pure agnostic I can tell you that you'll eventually realize there is some sort of higher power, assuming you're indeed a committed thinking man.
I'm very open to a higher power, of which there could very well be one. But as of right now, I see no actual proof. And neither do you.

First, if you're indeed a thinking man, stop the silly talk of proof of god. We are discussing spirituality, not science.

My reasoning is somewhat of an "I think therefore I am" analogy. Man is a spiritually being. All thru history we see evidence of mankinds spirituality. It is apparent in all societies/civilizations. So is it possible for spirituality to exist if there is no spirit? My answer is no. That answer doesn't define god, but for me it does conclude there is spiritual existence.
4. Pure agnostic. It's the thinking person's position.

I agree, as a former pure agnostic I can tell you that you'll eventually realize there is some sort of higher power, assuming you're indeed a committed thinking man.

And how exactly did you come to "realize" this? Lol.

My reasoning is somewhat of an "I think therefore I am" analogy. Man is a spiritually being. All thru history we see evidence of mankinds spirituality. It is apparent in all societies/civilizations. So is it possible for spirituality to exist if there is no spirit? My answer is no. That answer doesn't define god, but for me it does conclude there is spiritual existence or a higher power.
4. Pure agnostic. It's the thinking person's position.

I agree, as a former pure agnostic I can tell you that you'll eventually realize there is some sort of higher power, assuming you're indeed a committed thinking man.

And how exactly did you come to "realize" this? Lol.

My reasoning is somewhat of an "I think therefore I am" analogy. Man is a spiritually being. All thru history we see evidence of mankinds spirituality. It is apparent in all societies/civilizations. So is it possible for spirituality to exist if there is no spirit? My answer is no. That answer doesn't define god, but for me it does conclude there is spiritual existence or a higher power.

The way I see it, everything that a person thinks feels sees and hears, everything they remember and foresee and anything they can imagine whether real or pure fantasy is perceived through and within the conscious mind.

When scripture speaks about the heart of man, it is just speaking about the brain of man. When it speaks of an unclean spirit the subject is just a dirty mind.

It used to be the belief that the seat of consciousness was the human heart.

"The human heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it?" Jeremiah 17:9

Now it is known that the seat of consciousness is the human brain, not the organ of the heart.. This should clear up many difficult to understand sayings and subjects in scripture.

The truth is that what many people have concluded to be spirituality, as if it was some separate function of existence apart from what goes on in the brain, in reality, is just the unrestrained imagination of an unclean and self deluded mind.

So instead of saying that human beings are spiritual beings you can just be real and say that human beings are pretentious liars.
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4. Pure agnostic. It's the thinking person's position.

I agree, as a former pure agnostic I can tell you that you'll eventually realize there is some sort of higher power, assuming you're indeed a committed thinking man.
I'm very open to a higher power, of which there could very well be one. But as of right now, I see no actual proof. And neither do you.

First, if you're indeed a thinking man, stop the silly talk of proof of god. We are discussing spirituality, not science.

My reasoning is somewhat of an "I think therefore I am" analogy. Man is a spiritually being. All thru history we see evidence of mankinds spirituality. It is apparent in all societies/civilizations. So is it possible for spirituality to exist if there is no spirit? My answer is no. That answer doesn't define god, but for me it does conclude there is spiritual existence.
So all you have is suppositions. Got it.
4. Pure agnostic. It's the thinking person's position.

I agree, as a former pure agnostic I can tell you that you'll eventually realize there is some sort of higher power, assuming you're indeed a committed thinking man.
I'm very open to a higher power, of which there could very well be one. But as of right now, I see no actual proof. And neither do you.

First, if you're indeed a thinking man, stop the silly talk of proof of god. We are discussing spirituality, not science.

My reasoning is somewhat of an "I think therefore I am" analogy. Man is a spiritually being. All thru history we see evidence of mankinds spirituality. It is apparent in all societies/civilizations. So is it possible for spirituality to exist if there is no spirit? My answer is no. That answer doesn't define god, but for me it does conclude there is spiritual existence.
You have a big enough brain to think and wonder and be superstitious. We understand it makes humans uncomfortable not knowing all the answers. So we come up with wild theories. Can't even call them theories because those require evidence.

We got nothing. Other than 1000 holy books all claiming it visited. Do you believe any of them?

Everything dies including your thinking soul. No heaven awaits. Come on now wake up to reality man.

You are such a speck of sand in the universe. Just be grateful you were born and relax. Be a good person. Laugh and vote
4. Pure agnostic. It's the thinking person's position.

I agree, as a former pure agnostic I can tell you that you'll eventually realize there is some sort of higher power, assuming you're indeed a committed thinking man.

And how exactly did you come to "realize" this? Lol.

My reasoning is somewhat of an "I think therefore I am" analogy. Man is a spiritually being. All thru history we see evidence of mankinds spirituality. It is apparent in all societies/civilizations. So is it possible for spirituality to exist if there is no spirit? My answer is no. That answer doesn't define god, but for me it does conclude there is spiritual existence or a higher power.

The way I see it, everything that a person thinks feels sees and hears, everything they remember and foresee and anything they can imagine whether real or pure fantasy is perceived through and within the conscious mind.

When scripture speaks about the heart of man, it is just speaking about the brain of man. When it speaks of an unclean spirit the subject is just a dirty mind.

It used to be the belief that the seat of consciousness was the human heart.

"The human heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it?" Jeremiah 17:9

Now it is known that the seat of consciousness is the human brain, not the organ of the heart.. This should clear up many difficult to understand sayings and subjects in scripture.

The truth is that what many people have concluded to be spirituality, as if it was some separate function of existence apart from what goes on in the brain, in reality, is just the unrestrained imagination of an unclean and self deluded mind.

So instead of saying that human beings are spiritual beings you can just be real and say that human beings are pretentious liars.
The truth is that what many people have concluded to be spirituality, as if it was some separate function of existence apart from what goes on in the brain, in reality, is just the unrestrained imagination of an unclean and self deluded mind.

I shouldn't bother, it is brain people that are deluded and simply are displaying their resignation from Spirituality ...


who came first, Flora or Fauna - .... few make the connection so much so it is distressing. among the primary failings of the desert religions, turning their backs against the Almighty.

at anyrate the Spiritualist sees spiritualism as all living beings - half do not have a CNS (central nervous system) to deny their spiritualism is a certain deathnail for an individual attempting admission to the Everlasting. but then just completing documents as the 10,000 pg 4th century book has the same affect so it is understandable the vast propensity for failure in the dialogue of religion.
4. Pure agnostic. It's the thinking person's position.

I agree, as a former pure agnostic I can tell you that you'll eventually realize there is some sort of higher power, assuming you're indeed a committed thinking man.
I'm very open to a higher power, of which there could very well be one. But as of right now, I see no actual proof. And neither do you.

First, if you're indeed a thinking man, stop the silly talk of proof of god. We are discussing spirituality, not science.

My reasoning is somewhat of an "I think therefore I am" analogy. Man is a spiritually being. All thru history we see evidence of mankinds spirituality. It is apparent in all societies/civilizations. So is it possible for spirituality to exist if there is no spirit? My answer is no. That answer doesn't define god, but for me it does conclude there is spiritual existence.
You have a big enough brain to think and wonder and be superstitious. We understand it makes humans uncomfortable not knowing all the answers. So we come up with wild theories. Can't even call them theories because those require evidence.

We got nothing. Other than 1000 holy books all claiming it visited. Do you believe any of them?

Everything dies including your thinking soul. No heaven awaits. Come on now wake up to reality man.

You are such a speck of sand in the universe. Just be grateful you were born and relax. Be a good person. Laugh and vote
Interesting theory, now prove it or just say it's your belief.
....So instead of saying that human beings are spiritual beings you can just be real and say that human beings are pretentious liars.
Interesting to see your true view of human beings.

"The human heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure." Jeremiah 17:9

It says so in the bible and I have seen the pretentious deceit with my own eyes and heard the lies with my own ears and so I believe.

If you don't believe peek inside any christian church that professes that Jesus was an edible triune mangod and you will see for yourself sweet little old ladies misleading children to openly engage in the insanity of pretending to be doing something holy by defying the commands of God.

What do you call it?


....So instead of saying that human beings are spiritual beings you can just be real and say that human beings are pretentious liars.
Interesting to see your true view of human beings.

"The human heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure." Jeremiah 17:9

It says so in the bible and I have seen the pretentious deceit with my own eyes and heard the lies with my own ears and so I believe.

If you don't believe peek inside any christian church that professes that Jesus was an edible triune mangod and you will see for yourself sweet little old ladies misleading children to openly engage in the insanity of pretending to be doing something holy by defying the commands of God.

What do you call it?


....So instead of saying that human beings are spiritual beings you can just be real and say that human beings are pretentious liars.
Interesting to see your true view of human beings.

"The human heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure." Jeremiah 17:9

It says so in the bible and I have seen the pretentious deceit with my own eyes and heard the lies with my own ears and so I believe.

If you don't believe peek inside any christian church that professes that Jesus was an edible triune mangod and you will see for yourself sweet little old ladies misleading children to openly engage in the insanity of pretending to be doing something holy by defying the commands of God.

What do you call it?


"The human heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure." Jeremiah 17:9

why would anyone read that awful book.
....So instead of saying that human beings are spiritual beings you can just be real and say that human beings are pretentious liars.
Interesting to see your true view of human beings.

"The human heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure." Jeremiah 17:9

It says so in the bible and I have seen the pretentious deceit with my own eyes and heard the lies with my own ears and so I believe.

If you don't believe peek inside any christian church that professes that Jesus was an edible triune mangod and you will see for yourself sweet little old ladies misleading children to openly engage in the insanity of pretending to be doing something holy by defying the commands of God.

What do you call it?


So the beliefs and practices of others offends you. Which church do you attend?
4. Pure agnostic. It's the thinking person's position.

I agree, as a former pure agnostic I can tell you that you'll eventually realize there is some sort of higher power, assuming you're indeed a committed thinking man.
I'm very open to a higher power, of which there could very well be one. But as of right now, I see no actual proof. And neither do you.

First, if you're indeed a thinking man, stop the silly talk of proof of god. We are discussing spirituality, not science.

My reasoning is somewhat of an "I think therefore I am" analogy. Man is a spiritually being. All thru history we see evidence of mankinds spirituality. It is apparent in all societies/civilizations. So is it possible for spirituality to exist if there is no spirit? My answer is no. That answer doesn't define god, but for me it does conclude there is spiritual existence.
You have a big enough brain to think and wonder and be superstitious. We understand it makes humans uncomfortable not knowing all the answers. So we come up with wild theories. Can't even call them theories because those require evidence.

We got nothing. Other than 1000 holy books all claiming it visited. Do you believe any of them?

Everything dies including your thinking soul. No heaven awaits. Come on now wake up to reality man.

You are such a speck of sand in the universe. Just be grateful you were born and relax. Be a good person. Laugh and vote
We are way more than a speck of sand in the universe. By any objective measure we are the pinnacle of Creation.
That he is lying? Yes. That is a judgement of his action. Do you understand the distinction or is that beyond your ability to grasp?
ThatI believe that's called "moving the goalposts". Dingbat's fave move.
You mean you couldn't figure out that it showed I don't believe you?
I figured that you like big hotdogs.

But I'm open to god contacting me, no conditions. Lump it, princess.
I love hot dogs. The fatter the better. With lot's of chili and cheese and onions and a little bit of ketchup. Yum, yum. You don't like hot dogs?
Tofu dogs for me, I'm vegetarian.

And I'm open to god contacting me, no conditions. Lump it, princess.
So you say.
Good, you're lumping it. :biggrin:
So you say.

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