How Much of a Theist or Atheist are You?

How Much of a Theist or Atheist are You?

  • Strong Theist

    Votes: 21 25.9%
  • De-facto Theist

    Votes: 3 3.7%
  • Weak Theist

    Votes: 3 3.7%
  • Pure Agnostic

    Votes: 14 17.3%
  • Weak Atheist

    Votes: 4 4.9%
  • De-facto Atheist

    Votes: 8 9.9%
  • Strong Atheist

    Votes: 16 19.8%
  • Other

    Votes: 12 14.8%

  • Total voters
And is rising at an un-natural way. Science tells us that.
No. It isn't rising in an unnatural way. How do you define rising in an unnatural way?
Man-made rise faster than it would normally. Science tells us this.
How fast would that be in terms of degrees C per year?
Look it up, I don't know the exact numbers, but science has told us that human activity is causing the temp to rise faster than it would normally.
If you don't know the exact numbers, I'll accept a ball park estimate. So what is it?
Look up the proper science of it, if you even know how to do that, which is seriously doubtful.
The science is already in, so stop being such a science cherry picker.
I believe they are the cherry pickers. The world we live in is an ice house world with bipolar glaciation. Many consider this to be normal, but it is not. In fact, it is geologically rare and possibly distinct. For most of earth's history it has been a greenhouse world.
So you don't deny global warming, but you embrace it. Me too. :biggrin:
lol, we are in an interglacial cycle. Warming has been occurring for the last 22,000 years. What is happening today is quite natural. Relax, the sky isn't falling.
Funny bible thumpers think the end of the world is coming too but they don't think pollution is the sin doing it they think butt sex is what we're doing wrong
Don't worry.... I don't judge you.
But someone from your religion will, right?
The science is already in, so stop being such a science cherry picker.
I believe they are the cherry pickers. The world we live in is an ice house world with bipolar glaciation. Many consider this to be normal, but it is not. In fact, it is geologically rare and possibly distinct. For most of earth's history it has been a greenhouse world.
So you don't deny global warming, but you embrace it. Me too. :biggrin:
lol, we are in an interglacial cycle. Warming has been occurring for the last 22,000 years. What is happening today is quite natural. Relax, the sky isn't falling.
Funny bible thumpers think the end of the world is coming too but they don't think pollution is the sin doing it they think butt sex is what we're doing wrong
I don't believe the end of the world is coming, but I do see a major correction headed our way. I hope you are ready for it.
Bigger than the housing crash? :ack-1:
WTF does that have to do with god contacting me? Are you lost? :lol:
It has to do with what you say you do not matching with what you actually have done.
What have I done that I'm not open to a god contacting me? Anything?

Only you can answer that one. But I do know that just as it is difficult for the rich man focused on his possession to know God, so it is difficult for him who cannot put aside his intellectual prejudices and who sets conditions for what he requires of God.
So what does that even mean? I'm doing something wrong? What?

I cannot judge what is right or wrong for you. I can only say that those who presume to put conditions on how or when or in what form that God must make himself know to them before they will believe will have a much more difficult time finding God. I don't know if that pertains to you so I offer it as a truth I believe. If it is useful, good. If not, then no harm, no foul.
I'm open to god contacting me, no conditions.
I believe they are the cherry pickers. The world we live in is an ice house world with bipolar glaciation. Many consider this to be normal, but it is not. In fact, it is geologically rare and possibly distinct. For most of earth's history it has been a greenhouse world.
So you don't deny global warming, but you embrace it. Me too. :biggrin:
lol, we are in an interglacial cycle. Warming has been occurring for the last 22,000 years. What is happening today is quite natural. Relax, the sky isn't falling.
Funny bible thumpers think the end of the world is coming too but they don't think pollution is the sin doing it they think butt sex is what we're doing wrong
I don't believe the end of the world is coming, but I do see a major correction headed our way. I hope you are ready for it.
Bigger than the housing crash? :ack-1:
We should be so lucky.
So you don't deny global warming, but you embrace it. Me too. :biggrin:
lol, we are in an interglacial cycle. Warming has been occurring for the last 22,000 years. What is happening today is quite natural. Relax, the sky isn't falling.
Funny bible thumpers think the end of the world is coming too but they don't think pollution is the sin doing it they think butt sex is what we're doing wrong
Don't worry.... I don't judge you.
I don't care. I laugh at people like you.

Yea, when you die you become a god that lives forever because a religion you were born into says so. And anyone who doesn't believe your ridiculous story burns in hell. Lol.

For the record you're a liar. You judge.
I've never felt the need to laugh at people. That would be a sign of judging them. Actions and behaviors are a different matter all together though. As for your belief of my belief, it's wrong, but I don't care, go ahead and see it that way. But I am curious though now, are you having a lot of butt sex? That would explain a lot. Mind you, I'm not judging you.
I do sex my girl in the butt but wouldn't say I have "a lot"
It has to do with what you say you do not matching with what you actually have done.
What have I done that I'm not open to a god contacting me? Anything?

Only you can answer that one. But I do know that just as it is difficult for the rich man focused on his possession to know God, so it is difficult for him who cannot put aside his intellectual prejudices and who sets conditions for what he requires of God.
So what does that even mean? I'm doing something wrong? What?

I cannot judge what is right or wrong for you. I can only say that those who presume to put conditions on how or when or in what form that God must make himself know to them before they will believe will have a much more difficult time finding God. I don't know if that pertains to you so I offer it as a truth I believe. If it is useful, good. If not, then no harm, no foul.
I'm open to god contacting me, no conditions.
WTF does that have to do with god contacting me? Are you lost? :lol:
It has to do with what you say you do not matching with what you actually have done.
What have I done that I'm not open to a god contacting me? Anything?

Only you can answer that one. But I do know that just as it is difficult for the rich man focused on his possession to know God, so it is difficult for him who cannot put aside his intellectual prejudices and who sets conditions for what he requires of God.
So what does that even mean? I'm doing something wrong? What?

I cannot judge what is right or wrong for you. I can only say that those who presume to put conditions on how or when or in what form that God must make himself know to them before they will believe will have a much more difficult time finding God. I don't know if that pertains to you so I offer it as a truth I believe. If it is useful, good. If not, then no harm, no foul.
Then God will find us when we die.
I believe they are the cherry pickers. The world we live in is an ice house world with bipolar glaciation. Many consider this to be normal, but it is not. In fact, it is geologically rare and possibly distinct. For most of earth's history it has been a greenhouse world.
So you don't deny global warming, but you embrace it. Me too. :biggrin:
lol, we are in an interglacial cycle. Warming has been occurring for the last 22,000 years. What is happening today is quite natural. Relax, the sky isn't falling.
Funny bible thumpers think the end of the world is coming too but they don't think pollution is the sin doing it they think butt sex is what we're doing wrong
I don't believe the end of the world is coming, but I do see a major correction headed our way. I hope you are ready for it.
Bigger than the housing crash? :ack-1:
Yes. Trumps going to get rid of our debt by filing bankruptcy. That's why I don't worry about all the money he's spending flying back to Mars largo. They cried about how much the Obama spent in 8 years and in 100 days trump has spent more.

That's what CEOs do right before they file bankruptcy. Might as well right?
It has to do with what you say you do not matching with what you actually have done.
What have I done that I'm not open to a god contacting me? Anything?

Only you can answer that one. But I do know that just as it is difficult for the rich man focused on his possession to know God, so it is difficult for him who cannot put aside his intellectual prejudices and who sets conditions for what he requires of God.
So what does that even mean? I'm doing something wrong? What?

I cannot judge what is right or wrong for you. I can only say that those who presume to put conditions on how or when or in what form that God must make himself know to them before they will believe will have a much more difficult time finding God. I don't know if that pertains to you so I offer it as a truth I believe. If it is useful, good. If not, then no harm, no foul.
Then God will find us when we die.
And you can ask Him why He didn't do a better job of making Himself known to you, right? I think that is a brilliant plan. You should explain to the Creator of existence where He went wrong.
What have I done that I'm not open to a god contacting me? Anything?

Only you can answer that one. But I do know that just as it is difficult for the rich man focused on his possession to know God, so it is difficult for him who cannot put aside his intellectual prejudices and who sets conditions for what he requires of God.
So what does that even mean? I'm doing something wrong? What?

I cannot judge what is right or wrong for you. I can only say that those who presume to put conditions on how or when or in what form that God must make himself know to them before they will believe will have a much more difficult time finding God. I don't know if that pertains to you so I offer it as a truth I believe. If it is useful, good. If not, then no harm, no foul.
Then God will find us when we die.
And you can ask Him why He didn't do a better job of making Himself known to you, right? I think that is a brilliant plan. You should explain to the Creator of existence where He went wrong.
He already knows
So you don't deny global warming, but you embrace it. Me too. :biggrin:
lol, we are in an interglacial cycle. Warming has been occurring for the last 22,000 years. What is happening today is quite natural. Relax, the sky isn't falling.
Funny bible thumpers think the end of the world is coming too but they don't think pollution is the sin doing it they think butt sex is what we're doing wrong
I don't believe the end of the world is coming, but I do see a major correction headed our way. I hope you are ready for it.
Bigger than the housing crash? :ack-1:
Yes. Trumps going to get rid of our debt by filing bankruptcy. That's why I don't worry about all the money he's spending flying back to Mars largo. They cried about how much the Obama spent in 8 years and in 100 days trump has spent more.

That's what CEOs do right before they file bankruptcy. Might as well right?
Are you still crying about the election?
Only you can answer that one. But I do know that just as it is difficult for the rich man focused on his possession to know God, so it is difficult for him who cannot put aside his intellectual prejudices and who sets conditions for what he requires of God.
So what does that even mean? I'm doing something wrong? What?

I cannot judge what is right or wrong for you. I can only say that those who presume to put conditions on how or when or in what form that God must make himself know to them before they will believe will have a much more difficult time finding God. I don't know if that pertains to you so I offer it as a truth I believe. If it is useful, good. If not, then no harm, no foul.
Then God will find us when we die.
And you can ask Him why He didn't do a better job of making Himself known to you, right? I think that is a brilliant plan. You should explain to the Creator of existence where He went wrong.
He already knows
Knows what?
What have I done that I'm not open to a god contacting me? Anything?

Only you can answer that one. But I do know that just as it is difficult for the rich man focused on his possession to know God, so it is difficult for him who cannot put aside his intellectual prejudices and who sets conditions for what he requires of God.
So what does that even mean? I'm doing something wrong? What?

I cannot judge what is right or wrong for you. I can only say that those who presume to put conditions on how or when or in what form that God must make himself know to them before they will believe will have a much more difficult time finding God. I don't know if that pertains to you so I offer it as a truth I believe. If it is useful, good. If not, then no harm, no foul.
I'm open to god contacting me, no conditions.
Looks like a judgement to me huh mudda?
What have I done that I'm not open to a god contacting me? Anything?

Only you can answer that one. But I do know that just as it is difficult for the rich man focused on his possession to know God, so it is difficult for him who cannot put aside his intellectual prejudices and who sets conditions for what he requires of God.
So what does that even mean? I'm doing something wrong? What?

I cannot judge what is right or wrong for you. I can only say that those who presume to put conditions on how or when or in what form that God must make himself know to them before they will believe will have a much more difficult time finding God. I don't know if that pertains to you so I offer it as a truth I believe. If it is useful, good. If not, then no harm, no foul.
I'm open to god contacting me, no conditions.
What's your dude doing, making hot dogs?

But it does show that your upset with my answer, why is that? Can't handle it? Why?
Only you can answer that one. But I do know that just as it is difficult for the rich man focused on his possession to know God, so it is difficult for him who cannot put aside his intellectual prejudices and who sets conditions for what he requires of God.
So what does that even mean? I'm doing something wrong? What?

I cannot judge what is right or wrong for you. I can only say that those who presume to put conditions on how or when or in what form that God must make himself know to them before they will believe will have a much more difficult time finding God. I don't know if that pertains to you so I offer it as a truth I believe. If it is useful, good. If not, then no harm, no foul.
I'm open to god contacting me, no conditions.
Looks like a judgement to me huh mudda?
That he is lying? Yes. That is a judgement of his action. Do you understand the distinction or is that beyond your ability to grasp?
Only you can answer that one. But I do know that just as it is difficult for the rich man focused on his possession to know God, so it is difficult for him who cannot put aside his intellectual prejudices and who sets conditions for what he requires of God.
So what does that even mean? I'm doing something wrong? What?

I cannot judge what is right or wrong for you. I can only say that those who presume to put conditions on how or when or in what form that God must make himself know to them before they will believe will have a much more difficult time finding God. I don't know if that pertains to you so I offer it as a truth I believe. If it is useful, good. If not, then no harm, no foul.
I'm open to god contacting me, no conditions.
What's your dude doing, making hot dogs?

But it does show that your upset with my answer, why is that? Can't handle it? Why?
You mean you couldn't figure out that it showed I don't believe you?
So what does that even mean? I'm doing something wrong? What?

I cannot judge what is right or wrong for you. I can only say that those who presume to put conditions on how or when or in what form that God must make himself know to them before they will believe will have a much more difficult time finding God. I don't know if that pertains to you so I offer it as a truth I believe. If it is useful, good. If not, then no harm, no foul.
I'm open to god contacting me, no conditions.
Looks like a judgement to me huh mudda?
That he is lying? Yes. That is a judgement of his action. Do you understand the distinction or is that beyond your ability to grasp?
ThatI believe that's called "moving the goalposts". Dingbat's fave move.
So what does that even mean? I'm doing something wrong? What?

I cannot judge what is right or wrong for you. I can only say that those who presume to put conditions on how or when or in what form that God must make himself know to them before they will believe will have a much more difficult time finding God. I don't know if that pertains to you so I offer it as a truth I believe. If it is useful, good. If not, then no harm, no foul.
I'm open to god contacting me, no conditions.
What's your dude doing, making hot dogs?

But it does show that your upset with my answer, why is that? Can't handle it? Why?
You mean you couldn't figure out that it showed I don't believe you?
I figured that you like big hotdogs.

But I'm open to god contacting me, no conditions. Lump it, princess.
I cannot judge what is right or wrong for you. I can only say that those who presume to put conditions on how or when or in what form that God must make himself know to them before they will believe will have a much more difficult time finding God. I don't know if that pertains to you so I offer it as a truth I believe. If it is useful, good. If not, then no harm, no foul.
I'm open to god contacting me, no conditions.
Looks like a judgement to me huh mudda?
That he is lying? Yes. That is a judgement of his action. Do you understand the distinction or is that beyond your ability to grasp?
ThatI believe that's called "moving the goalposts". Dingbat's fave move.
I cannot judge what is right or wrong for you. I can only say that those who presume to put conditions on how or when or in what form that God must make himself know to them before they will believe will have a much more difficult time finding God. I don't know if that pertains to you so I offer it as a truth I believe. If it is useful, good. If not, then no harm, no foul.
I'm open to god contacting me, no conditions.
What's your dude doing, making hot dogs?

But it does show that your upset with my answer, why is that? Can't handle it? Why?
You mean you couldn't figure out that it showed I don't believe you?
I figured that you like big hotdogs.

But I'm open to god contacting me, no conditions. Lump it, princess.
I love hot dogs. The fatter the better. With lot's of chili and cheese and onions and a little bit of ketchup. Yum, yum. You don't like hot dogs?
Strong theist here because when you have a personal relationship with the living God, then you KNOW. I do appreciate the agnostics who do not have that personal experience yet but who keep an open mind. I agree that is the thinking person's position.
How can you have a personal relationship with a belief?

You don't. You have a personal relationship with a person. Once that person becomes real, tangible, experience, it is no longer a belief.
So Christianity is not a faith? You are inconsistent.

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