How much time before Sessions resigns?

....and after Session.....Priebus will be soon gone (the proverbial rats abandoning the sinking ship)....Of course, there will soon be others.
Sessions worked to desegregate schools in the democratic south along with prosecuting a grand wizard of the kkk.

Robert Byrd? Darling of the demofascists?
Of West Virginia. Makes sense...they voted for trump.

They also voted for manchin.....oops.

Come on bo, lol, current senator of wv. You're killing me.
I backed up everything I said with attribution. That's verifiable facts. You DEPLORABLES just lie out of ignorance or habit..
You're easy marks.
Lol. You;ve been proven wrong on every other post. I suggest that you read actual transcripts from credible sources and historians.

Yeah, but gutter trash hate site Truthout spewed all kinds of hate, so that PROVES IT....

Coming from the nincompoop who's never even read Truth Out. It's written above a 5th grade level and it's beyond your comprehension.
They have award winning journalists on their staff.
To Trumpies that means fake news.
Ha ha ha.
You're just way too easy..
Robert Byrd? Darling of the demofascists?

Uh huh. Libs were the party of slavery and segregation. They still do it today when they divide and separate people into different little groups. Its no wonder that they're always trying to whitewash history. Its something to be ashamed of.

You do realize that the political parties of today are no where near the same as they used to be right?

Im very aware that both parties are worthless today.

If you were so aware you would understand that neither party is the same as it was in the early 20th Century, but then again that would kill your speaking point wouldn't it?

So now you're apologizing for the democrats past indescretions.

No... because the Democrats of today aren't the same Democrats of that time... just the same as the Republicans of today aren't the same as they were when Lincoln was in office.
You don't have evidence, but you have slander, libel, and innuendo. And let's face it, for a democrat today and the Little Goebbels of the leftist press, that's really all you need. :thup:

Now don't aim your butthurt at us. We didn't tell you to sign on with crooks and traitors. You chose to walk that path yourself, and you're still free to choose a different path.

Butthurt? From losing in November?


Hey, fascist democrats figure if they fling enough shit reality will change.
20 undisclosed secret meetings by Trump's staff with Russians.

Notice deplorables never really want to talk about it. Lol
Really? Stop wetting your pants. WARNING TOO MUCH KOOL AID can destroy what remains of your brain cells.
The question, at this point, is not IF Session will resign, but if he will resign (or be fired) quietly...
perhaps he will share with the rest of us WHY he secretly colluded with the Russians.

There's no reason form him to resign.

Sessions worked to desegregate schools in the democratic south along with prosecuting a grand wizard of the kkk.

Robert Byrd? Darling of the demofascists?

Uh huh. Libs were the party of slavery and segregation. They still do it today when they divide and separate people into different little groups. Its no wonder that they're always trying to whitewash history. Its something to be ashamed of.
"Were" Who's crying most over the removal of the con-federate flag and con-federate traitor monuments, eh?

You demofascists were the confederates, though as a Nazi we expect you lie, it's your nature.
Third undisclosed secret contact with the Russians. He should resign.
HE should have resign the moment he declare he was bringing back the war on drugs and mandatory minimums. But that's exactly what Trump wants. HE has no idea it was a failure for decades.
Everything Trump does is wrong.

No. Trump should have fired the corrupt comey immediately after he was sworn in.
There is no more corrupt man in America than Trump. Comey has served with dignity his whole life.
You just have to attack him because he crushed the liar in Chief by telling the truth.
Same ole with you DEPLORABLES. Anyone who attacks trump with the truth is immediately attacked. You nazis have no sense of right or wrong.

No he hasnt. Hes a govt insider who is now facing a lawsuit on illegal spying, just admitted leaking memos, and had ties to the clinton foundation.
Illegal spying? Lol.
Clinton Foundation, you mean the foundation that received charity's highest rating?
Charity Navigator - Rating for The Clinton Foundation

You have no idea the great work they have done.

Thats hilarious.
It's true. Did you read the link? Charity's highest honor.
It so sucks to be you because you can't back up your lies.
....and after Session.....Priebus will be soon gone (the proverbial rats abandoning the sinking ship)....Of course, there will soon be others.

You're jerking off with both hands now, huh gnat?
I've frequented many political forums since 2001. You have to be the most worthless I've ever come across.
Congrats. You're the bottom of the barrel.

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