how much warming from adding carbon dioxide to the atmosphere is what we

Rush Limbaugh has been prosecuting the case for almost 20 years now, in the court of public opinion, that he instinctively knows the science of climatology better than the IPCC and one of their influential disciples, Al Gore.

Nobody is surprised of the failure of his case. He's a no nothing political hack arguing science against the best in the world.

What is surprising though is the number of uneducated political cultists who would side with him, and the persistance of their delusion.

Can democracy survive ignorance?

The problem is that democracy depends on an informed electorate, that depends on all media reporting the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but, but they are businesses following the one rule of business, make more money regardless of the cost to others.

Undereducated people also prefer having their opinions reinforced over learning.

What's at stake now is the future of democracy. Can it be sustained?
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Rush Limbaugh has been prosecuting the case for almost 20 years now, in the court of public opinion, that he instinctively knows the science of climatology better than the IPCC and one of their influential disciples, Al Gore.

Nobody is surprised of the failure of his case. He's a no nothing political hack arguing science against the best in the world.

What is surprising though is the number of uneducated political cultists who would side with him, and the persistance of their delusion.

Can democracy survive ignorance?

The problem is that democracy depends on an informed electorate, that depends on all media reporting the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but, but they are businesses following the one rule of business, make more money regardless of the cost to others.

Undereducated people also prefer having their opinions reinforced over being informed.

What's at stake now is the future of democracy. Can it be sustained?

What if democracy proves unsustainable because of the above? Is there an alternative that also offers freedom? If there is, I haven't seen it demonstrated in the world. If the people aren't capable of making informed choices about government, who's left? Business? The Military? The oft rumored but never seen benevolent dictator? Computers?

Will we go down in history as the first generation of Americans who were not willing to pay the price of freedom?
OMG oreoman: This is hysterical stuff right here..

If I didn't know better ---- I'd have thought this was the the IPCC mission statement right here...

24. Problem-Solving Inadequacies
All critical and scientific thinking is, in a fashio, problem solving. There are numerous psychological disruptions that cause inadequacies in problem solving. Psychologist Barry Singer has demonstrated that whn people are given the task of selecting the right answer to a problem after being told whether particular guesses are right or wrong, they:

A. Immediately form a hypothesis and look only for examples to confirm it.

B. Do not seek evidence to disprove the hypothesis.

C. Are very slow to change the hypothesis even when it is obviously wrong.

D. If the information is too complex, adopt overly-simple hypothesis or strategies fro solutions.

E. If there is no solution, if the probllem is a trick and "right" and "wrong" is given at random, form hypothesis about coincidental relationships they observed. Causality is always found. (Singer and Abell 1981, p.18)

So --- if we ever catch you violating any of these faux pas that you eschew --- I suppose we're obligated to point it out to you so that you seek therapy??

You can certainly expect that I will point out yours when I see them.
When the founders were founding, they thought that allowing only those like them, wealthy, white, educated, Christian, men, to vote, would give them the influence that they craved.

Over many years and much sweat, blood and tears, we, the people expanded suffrage to universal.

Now that the Republican Party has been purchased by wealthy, white, educated, Christian, men, they would like to return to the founders plutocracy.

In other words, throw out democracy.

Many already claim that that has been already accomplished and we, in fact, are no longer a democracy. The NRA says that we need to become armed camps ready to defend ourselves from those "others".

We, the people, have fought tenaciously for the right to govern government and be free of others dictating who and what we are.

We are, IMO, in grave danger of losing what our predecessors worked so hard to bequeath us.

Freedom requires effort on our part. We use it or lose it. The informed electorate is critical to freedom.
When the founders were founding, they thought that allowing only those like them, wealthy, white, educated, Christian, men, to vote, would give them the influence that they craved.

Over many years and much sweat, blood and tears, we, the people expanded suffrage to universal.

Now that the Republican Party has been purchased by wealthy, white, educated, Christian, men, they would like to return to the founders plutocracy.

In other words, throw out democracy.

Many already claim that that has been already accomplished and we, in fact, are no longer a democracy. The NRA says that we need to become armed camps ready to defend ourselves from those "others".

We, the people, have fought tenaciously for the right to govern government and be free of others dictating who and what we are.

We are, IMO, in grave danger of losing what our predecessors worked so hard to bequeath us.

Freedom requires effort on our part. We use it or lose it. The informed electorate is critical to freedom.

When the United States was founded, a man could walk out into the wilderness, chop down trees, clear land, build a home, and build a life. The nature of the economy is no longer the same. Excpet for homesteading in Alaska, a now warming place, that simply isn't how the world works. The world is more like England of old, the country that the founding fathers broke away from, then it is like the original 13 colonies. With the exception of the warming tundra, there is no "new world" to go to. And, I tend to believe, the "new world" of old, wasn't as simple as some would like to believe.

This fantacy, of resurecting the "liberty and freedom" of the founding of the colonies is just that, an absurd fantacy. I'm all for it, except for that one little problem, it's a fantacy that has no bearing on reality.
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Rush Limbaugh has been prosecuting the case for almost 20 years now, in the court of public opinion, that he instinctively knows the science of climatology better than the IPCC and one of their influential disciples, Al Gore.

Nobody is surprised of the failure of his case. He's a no nothing political hack arguing science against the best in the world.

What is surprising though is the number of uneducated political cultists who would side with him, and the persistance of their delusion.

Can democracy survive ignorance?

The problem is that democracy depends on an informed electorate, that depends on all media reporting the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but, but they are businesses following the one rule of business, make more money regardless of the cost to others.

Undereducated people also prefer having their opinions reinforced over being informed.

What's at stake now is the future of democracy. Can it be sustained?

What if democracy proves unsustainable because of the above? Is there an alternative that also offers freedom? If there is, I haven't seen it demonstrated in the world. If the people aren't capable of making informed choices about government, who's left? Business? The Military? The oft rumored but never seen benevolent dictator? Computers?

Will we go down in history as the first generation of Americans who were not willing to pay the price of freedom?

That's because you aren't smart enough to have an imagination socko. Funny, before the industrial revolution the average life expectancy was around 40. After it the life expectancy went down for awhile till they figured out it was bad to work people to death. Since that little bit of enlightenment the workers lot has gotten progressively better, to the point that they outlive those who employ them for the most part.

Now that we can see the benefits of an industrialized life, you collectivists come along and demand that we give all of that up. You make wild claims that have no support in historical fact all in an effort to gain ultimate control over people. Then, as all collectivists eventually do, you figure out a way to kill off those you don't like.

Nope, you collectivists can all go to hell. Your way has been shown over and over to be terrible for the people and for the planet. But it always seems to be good for you....till you finally get killed and the cycle starts again...
When the founders were founding, they thought that allowing only those like them, wealthy, white, educated, Christian, men, to vote, would give them the influence that they craved.

Over many years and much sweat, blood and tears, we, the people expanded suffrage to universal.

Now that the Republican Party has been purchased by wealthy, white, educated, Christian, men, they would like to return to the founders plutocracy.

In other words, throw out democracy.

Many already claim that that has been already accomplished and we, in fact, are no longer a democracy. The NRA says that we need to become armed camps ready to defend ourselves from those "others".

We, the people, have fought tenaciously for the right to govern government and be free of others dictating who and what we are.

We are, IMO, in grave danger of losing what our predecessors worked so hard to bequeath us.

Freedom requires effort on our part. We use it or lose it. The informed electorate is critical to freedom.

The United States is a CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC. I suggest you learn the difference.....
"Educated" huh..... But I do thank you for admitting that science has nothing to do with your propaganda, it's all about politics baby as your little diatribe admits.
We are a constitutional democratic Republic.

Our consent to be governed is based on the by-laws of government specified by the Constitution.

We don't have a monarch so we are a republic.

We make decisions, including who represents us, based on pluralities.

You are the one who expects to learn science at the knee of a political hack who knows neither science nor politics.

All he knows is that people like you will blindly follow anyone who will tell them that they're right.

You are a threat to our country.
The problem is that democracy depends on an informed electorate, that depends on all media reporting the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but, but they are businesses following the one rule of business, make more money regardless of the cost to others.

Undereducated people also prefer having their opinions reinforced over being informed.

What's at stake now is the future of democracy. Can it be sustained?

What if democracy proves unsustainable because of the above? Is there an alternative that also offers freedom? If there is, I haven't seen it demonstrated in the world. If the people aren't capable of making informed choices about government, who's left? Business? The Military? The oft rumored but never seen benevolent dictator? Computers?

Will we go down in history as the first generation of Americans who were not willing to pay the price of freedom?

That's because you aren't smart enough to have an imagination socko. Funny, before the industrial revolution the average life expectancy was around 40. After it the life expectancy went down for awhile till they figured out it was bad to work people to death. Since that little bit of enlightenment the workers lot has gotten progressively better, to the point that they outlive those who employ them for the most part.

Now that we can see the benefits of an industrialized life, you collectivists come along and demand that we give all of that up. You make wild claims that have no support in historical fact all in an effort to gain ultimate control over people. Then, as all collectivists eventually do, you figure out a way to kill off those you don't like.

Nope, you collectivists can all go to hell. Your way has been shown over and over to be terrible for the people and for the planet. But it always seems to be good for you....till you finally get killed and the cycle starts again...

I'm not a collectivist you idiot. I live in the best governed country in the world and I'm perfectly willing to defend it from you and your cult. Led like blind sheep by entertainers who know exactly one thing. That you'll follow anyone who will pat you on the head. Real people earn respect. You and the rest of the cult think that you're entitled to it.

I'm pretty sure that following idiots is the best that you can do.

Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk 2
"Then, as all collectivists eventually do, you figure out a way to kill off those you don't like."

I think he's craazzzyyy.:cuckoo:


"....till you finally get killed and the cycle starts again..."

I fear so.
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We are a constitutional democratic Republic.

Our consent to be governed is based on the by-laws of government specified by the Constitution.

We don't have a monarch so we are a republic.

We make decisions, including who represents us, based on pluralities.

You are the one who expects to learn science at the knee of a political hack who knows neither science nor politics.

All he knows is that people like you will blindly follow anyone who will tell them that they're right.

You are a threat to our country.

:lol::lol::lol: Yeah, sure. I work for the poor to be allowed to become wealthy, for the sick to be allowed to live out their lives, for the land to be conserved properly instead of destroyed by global warming fraudsters who care more about political power and money than the environment...and you call me the threat? That's rich...real rich....:lol::lol:
What if democracy proves unsustainable because of the above? Is there an alternative that also offers freedom? If there is, I haven't seen it demonstrated in the world. If the people aren't capable of making informed choices about government, who's left? Business? The Military? The oft rumored but never seen benevolent dictator? Computers?

Will we go down in history as the first generation of Americans who were not willing to pay the price of freedom?

That's because you aren't smart enough to have an imagination socko. Funny, before the industrial revolution the average life expectancy was around 40. After it the life expectancy went down for awhile till they figured out it was bad to work people to death. Since that little bit of enlightenment the workers lot has gotten progressively better, to the point that they outlive those who employ them for the most part.

Now that we can see the benefits of an industrialized life, you collectivists come along and demand that we give all of that up. You make wild claims that have no support in historical fact all in an effort to gain ultimate control over people. Then, as all collectivists eventually do, you figure out a way to kill off those you don't like.

Nope, you collectivists can all go to hell. Your way has been shown over and over to be terrible for the people and for the planet. But it always seems to be good for you....till you finally get killed and the cycle starts again...

I'm not a collectivist you idiot. I live in the best governed country in the world and I'm perfectly willing to defend it from you and your cult. Led like blind sheep by entertainers who know exactly one thing. That you'll follow anyone who will pat you on the head. Real people earn respect. You and the rest of the cult think that you're entitled to it.

I'm pretty sure that following idiots is the best that you can do.

Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk 2

Bullshit. All of your goals are directed at concentrating the power in the hands of a few autocrats who are the "anointed" ones supposedly smarter than anyone else. They get to make all the decisions over you, what you can drive, what sort of house you will be allowed to live in, who you can visit and when, what you can eat and what you can drink and how much of it....yeah, that's collectivism on steroids, and it's your little wet dream....
"Then, as all collectivists eventually do, you figure out a way to kill off those you don't like."

I think he's craazzzyyy.:cuckoo:


"....till you finally get killed and the cycle starts again..."

I fear so.

Merely pointing out the life cycle of a Republic. Read a book you might learn something...though, because it is you, I doubt that highly...
It's interesting how the cult defends their pathetic trunk to tail follow the leader. They really do think that they're thinking for themselves. Not unlike the Germans in WWII.
Says the troll who has a thing for calling anyone who disagrees with him "socko". Really? Grow up.

Grow up? Why not take your own advice? Pretty pathetic you come in here brand new and know peoples style... Brand new? Bull... A recycled sock-puppet is what you are..

Obviously, you don't even know the meaning of that phrase.

I call you and the clones socko because it's obvious that's exactly what you are... Dude you aren't fooling anybody, you didn't as any of your other persona and you aren't now. Pathetic..

I disagree with flac and Ian and I don't call them socko.. Why? Because they obviously aren't clones of another poster.. UNLIKE YOU..

This is all you've got? Really? Oh dear.

LOL, I don't know the meaning of what phrase?

ROFL, see what you are doing there socko... You're repeating the stupidity of another poster here... Kind of likes to ramble and talk nonsense, usually high... Sound familiar? Sure it does.. But please continue on in your ramblings tweaker..
People who think for themselves know that our freedom stems from our control over who governs. The cult has been told that freedom stems from weak government. The secret is to vote for those who favor weak government. It's just a coincidence that those who say that they favor weak government are owned by the wealthy going for the return of their favored status like during our founding.

Power to the wealthy instead of the people. Power to those who pay the political entertainers. Power to the powerful.
When the founders were founding, they thought that allowing only those like them, wealthy, white, educated, Christian, men, to vote, would give them the influence that they craved.

Over many years and much sweat, blood and tears, we, the people expanded suffrage to universal.

Now that the Republican Party has been purchased by wealthy, white, educated, Christian, men, they would like to return to the founders plutocracy.

In other words, throw out democracy.

Many already claim that that has been already accomplished and we, in fact, are no longer a democracy. The NRA says that we need to become armed camps ready to defend ourselves from those "others".

We, the people, have fought tenaciously for the right to govern government and be free of others dictating who and what we are.

We are, IMO, in grave danger of losing what our predecessors worked so hard to bequeath us.

Freedom requires effort on our part. We use it or lose it. The informed electorate is critical to freedom.

Another fine example of the stupidity I spoke of... He just wrote garbage that is not based on any truth, just his stoned circle-logic..

LOL, when the founders were found?????

Get a clue schmuck, they didn't worry about anyone else voting because at the time the only people of color here were slaves,and most who were not wealthy enough to own land or property couldn't read.. Who would they vote for? Candidate "X" ... What's more, at the time most non-native people in this country were from eastern Europe, not a whole lot of other (non-slave) races to be concerned about getting the vote...

Dude seriously sober your silly ass up before you ramble....
People who think for themselves know that our freedom stems from our control over who governs. The cult has been told that freedom stems from weak government. The secret is to vote for those who favor weak government. It's just a coincidence that those who say that they favor weak government are owned by the wealthy going for the return of their favored status like during our founding.

Power to the wealthy instead of the people. Power to those who pay the political entertainers. Power to the powerful.

Seriously, just find a twelve step program...
Clearly, slack man still has nothing to say but not the sense to say nothing.


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