how much warming from adding carbon dioxide to the atmosphere is what we

It's interesting how the cult defends their pathetic trunk to tail follow the leader. They really do think that they're thinking for themselves. Not unlike the Germans in WWII.

.... and there it is --- the Nazi reference.. The white flag is UP ! and it's good.
You're really not following what's going on here are you? It's like a kid with a Mr Microphone and really heavy case of self-delusion..

The troll goes back on ignore..

:clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:
The cult still believes that somewhere the fine print says that the ignorant will inherit the earth. That maintaining ignorance by following the ignorant will somehow make them powerful.

Ain't going to happen. Education is the secret to influence. Not following Rush and company who only know what they wish was true.
It's interesting how the cult defends their pathetic trunk to tail follow the leader. They really do think that they're thinking for themselves. Not unlike the Germans in WWII.

.... and there it is --- the Nazi reference.. The white flag is UP ! and it's good.
You're really not following what's going on here are you? It's like a kid with a Mr Microphone and really heavy case of self-delusion..

The troll goes back on ignore..

:clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

I don't see the difference between the Nazis in Germany, or those in Italy, or those in Japan, or those in Jonestown, or ditto heads. They all blindly follow those who tell them what they want to hear. No thinking required.

Unlike life. Where those who think for themselves define the future while those who follow only see the tail in front of them. A pathetic life.

If you're happy to follow, have at it. Just don't pretend otherwise.
It's interesting how the cult defends their pathetic trunk to tail follow the leader. They really do think that they're thinking for themselves. Not unlike the Germans in WWII.

Godwin's Law!

Who here is following trunk to tail? I spend at least as much time arguing with the extremists on my side as I do against yours. From my vantage point it seems like the warmers are the ones in lockstep following groupthink proclaimss.

Skeptics disparage their own cranks because they disagree with some of their ideas. Warmers only stop supporting their cranks when they become a liability or embarrassment.
Clearly, slack man still has nothing to say but not the sense to say nothing.


Coming from the forum rambling tweaker whose own last post was as uninformed as it gets, It means nothing..

Dude you are in love with your own text.. it doesn't matter to you if it is incoherent babble, it came from you so in your mind it's golden..The mind of a tweaker.. How much time do you spend daily telling yourself how brilliant you are? I bet it's 1 of every 2 hours..

You claimed CO2 remains CO2 and even called it a CO2 cycle, yet everyone knew it was nonsense and it is a carbon cycle yet you don't let that get you down, you keep right on talking and try to pretend it was different anyway. LOL, now you try and claim you said carbon cycle all along.. Doesn't matter that we can all read your posts and see you for the liar you are, you can't be bothered by such inconsequential nonsense. You have a forum to convert...

ROFL, an idiot with meth induced delusions of brilliance..:lol:
I know that this thread is about AGW. But AGW is merely one aspect of a much bigger problem.

Rush Limbaugh has reportedly made over a billion dollars in his career. Is there really anybody out there who think that is based on his contribution to society? No. It's based on his ability to recruit into the cult. Just like the good Rev Jones of Jonestown fame. His secret? He tells those who know little that they are smart. Of course that doesn't make them smarter, it makes him richer. People who need votes to get into power love what he delivers to them, and pay him very well. At the expense of the USA.

If he was just an overpaid entertainer that would be one thing, but he's a threat to our future. What he promises in exchange for minds is at the expense of our democracy. He's selling our future.

He, and they, must be stopped. Here and now.
It's interesting how the cult defends their pathetic trunk to tail follow the leader. They really do think that they're thinking for themselves. Not unlike the Germans in WWII.

Godwin's Law!

Who here is following trunk to tail? I spend at least as much time arguing with the extremists on my side as I do against yours. From my vantage point it seems like the warmers are the ones in lockstep following groupthink proclaimss.

Skeptics disparage their own cranks because they disagree with some of their ideas. Warmers only stop supporting their cranks when they become a liability or embarrassment.

Skeptics are not objective. They are closed minded. Why would anyone pay them any attention? People who have a legitimate question raise it. With no bias as to it's answer. The answer will support, or deny, but will move mankind closer to the truth. That's science. Skepticism is faith. Of no use in finding truth.
I know that this thread is about AGW. But AGW is merely one aspect of a much bigger problem.

Rush Limbaugh has reportedly made over a billion dollars in his career. Is there really anybody out there who think that is based on his contribution to society? No. It's based on his ability to recruit into the cult. Just like the good Rev Jones of Jonestown fame. His secret? He tells those who know little that they are smart. Of course that doesn't make them smarter, it makes him richer. People who need votes to get into power love what he delivers to them, and pay him very well. At the expense of the USA.

If he was just an overpaid entertainer that would be one thing, but he's a threat to our future. What he promises in exchange for minds is at the expense of our democracy. He's selling our future.

He, and they, must be stopped. Here and now.

I'll see your Rush and raise an AlGore.
Clearly, slack man still has nothing to say but not the sense to say nothing.


Coming from the forum rambling tweaker whose own last post was as uninformed as it gets, It means nothing..

Dude you are in love with your own text.. it doesn't matter to you if it is incoherent babble, it came from you so in your mind it's golden..The mind of a tweaker.. How much time do you spend daily telling yourself how brilliant you are? I bet it's 1 of every 2 hours..

You claimed CO2 remains CO2 and even called it a CO2 cycle, yet everyone knew it was nonsense and it is a carbon cycle yet you don't let that get you down, you keep right on talking and try to pretend it was different anyway. LOL, now you try and claim you said carbon cycle all along.. Doesn't matter that we can all read your posts and see you for the liar you are, you can't be bothered by such inconsequential nonsense. You have a forum to convert...

ROFL, an idiot with meth induced delusions of brilliance..:lol:

I am addicted to truth. You are addicted to your ego. Valueless to me.
I know that this thread is about AGW. But AGW is merely one aspect of a much bigger problem.

Rush Limbaugh has reportedly made over a billion dollars in his career. Is there really anybody out there who think that is based on his contribution to society? No. It's based on his ability to recruit into the cult. Just like the good Rev Jones of Jonestown fame. His secret? He tells those who know little that they are smart. Of course that doesn't make them smarter, it makes him richer. People who need votes to get into power love what he delivers to them, and pay him very well. At the expense of the USA.

If he was just an overpaid entertainer that would be one thing, but he's a threat to our future. What he promises in exchange for minds is at the expense of our democracy. He's selling our future.

He, and they, must be stopped. Here and now.

I'll see your Rush and raise an AlGore.

At one time I would have judged you a scientist. I see now that I was mistaken.
It's interesting how the cult defends their pathetic trunk to tail follow the leader. They really do think that they're thinking for themselves. Not unlike the Germans in WWII.

Godwin's Law!

Who here is following trunk to tail? I spend at least as much time arguing with the extremists on my side as I do against yours. From my vantage point it seems like the warmers are the ones in lockstep following groupthink proclaimss.

Skeptics disparage their own cranks because they disagree with some of their ideas. Warmers only stop supporting their cranks when they become a liability or embarrassment.

Skeptics are not objective. They are closed minded. Why would anyone pay them any attention? People who have a legitimate question raise it. With no bias as to it's answer. The answer will support, or deny, but will move mankind closer to the truth. That's science. Skepticism is faith. Of no use in finding truth.

I can assure you that I am, at the very least, as objective as you.
I know that this thread is about AGW. But AGW is merely one aspect of a much bigger problem.

Rush Limbaugh has reportedly made over a billion dollars in his career. Is there really anybody out there who think that is based on his contribution to society? No. It's based on his ability to recruit into the cult. Just like the good Rev Jones of Jonestown fame. His secret? He tells those who know little that they are smart. Of course that doesn't make them smarter, it makes him richer. People who need votes to get into power love what he delivers to them, and pay him very well. At the expense of the USA.

If he was just an overpaid entertainer that would be one thing, but he's a threat to our future. What he promises in exchange for minds is at the expense of our democracy. He's selling our future.

He, and they, must be stopped. Here and now.

I'll see your Rush and raise an AlGore.

At one time I would have judged you a scientist. I see now that I was mistaken.

Hahahaha. Drop the hypocrisy.
I'll see your Rush and raise an AlGore.

At one time I would have judged you a scientist. I see now that I was mistaken.

Hahahaha. Drop the hypocrisy.

No hypocrisy. Simple truth. You are not what you seem. You build your science on your politics. Your politics are simple follow the leader. The leader being a simple minded, uneducated, blowhard. If you don't have the wherewithal to resist what you are, your scientific value is zero.
Godwin's Law!

Who here is following trunk to tail? I spend at least as much time arguing with the extremists on my side as I do against yours. From my vantage point it seems like the warmers are the ones in lockstep following groupthink proclaimss.

Skeptics disparage their own cranks because they disagree with some of their ideas. Warmers only stop supporting their cranks when they become a liability or embarrassment.

Skeptics are not objective. They are closed minded. Why would anyone pay them any attention? People who have a legitimate question raise it. With no bias as to it's answer. The answer will support, or deny, but will move mankind closer to the truth. That's science. Skepticism is faith. Of no use in finding truth.

I can assure you that I am, at the very least, as objective as you.

Skepticism is the polar opposite of objectivism.
"on why skeptics are winning the infowars"

They simply aren't. Science is winning the "infowars". As it should. Science is the methodology used by mankind to discover the truth. It's above skepticism, and cynicism, and pessimism and optimism. It searches plainly for merely what is. It has no stake in the answer. All possibilities are equally welcome. But,what is, is what is. Unequivocally because of the rigor of the process.

It often conflicts with the political here's what I want to be true.
I know that this thread is about AGW. But AGW is merely one aspect of a much bigger problem.

Rush Limbaugh has reportedly made over a billion dollars in his career. Is there really anybody out there who think that is based on his contribution to society? No. It's based on his ability to recruit into the cult. Just like the good Rev Jones of Jonestown fame. His secret? He tells those who know little that they are smart. Of course that doesn't make them smarter, it makes him richer. People who need votes to get into power love what he delivers to them, and pay him very well. At the expense of the USA.

If he was just an overpaid entertainer that would be one thing, but he's a threat to our future. What he promises in exchange for minds is at the expense of our democracy. He's selling our future.

He, and they, must be stopped. Here and now.

I'll see your Rush and raise an AlGore.

I got nothing.. A Waxman and a Franken and a pair of UN socialists.... I fold..
At one time I would have judged you a scientist. I see now that I was mistaken.

Hahahaha. Drop the hypocrisy.

No hypocrisy. Simple truth. You are not what you seem. You build your science on your politics. Your politics are simple follow the leader. The leader being a simple minded, uneducated, blowhard. If you don't have the wherewithal to resist what you are, your scientific value is zero.

And just what do you imagine my political affiliations are? You guys are hilarious with your self righteous proclaimations of other people's intentions. I am a Swedish canadian liberal but that doesn't mean I have to be stupid about it. AGW theory doesn't add up in my reconning so I accept what makes sense and am skeptical of the exaggerations. It's just that simple.
People who think for themselves know that our freedom stems from our control over who governs. The cult has been told that freedom stems from weak government. The secret is to vote for those who favor weak government. It's just a coincidence that those who say that they favor weak government are owned by the wealthy going for the return of their favored status like during our founding.

Power to the wealthy instead of the people. Power to those who pay the political entertainers. Power to the powerful.

Think for yourself? You? "The science is settled". How EXACTLY is that thinking for yourself? You're correct it isn't, but that's YOU. Not us.
It's interesting how the cult defends their pathetic trunk to tail follow the leader. They really do think that they're thinking for themselves. Not unlike the Germans in WWII.

.... and there it is --- the Nazi reference.. The white flag is UP ! and it's good.
You're really not following what's going on here are you? It's like a kid with a Mr Microphone and really heavy case of self-delusion..

The troll goes back on ignore..

:clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

I don't see the difference between the Nazis in Germany, or those in Italy, or those in Japan, or those in Jonestown, or ditto heads. They all blindly follow those who tell them what they want to hear. No thinking required.

Unlike life. Where those who think for themselves define the future while those who follow only see the tail in front of them. A pathetic life.

If you're happy to follow, have at it. Just don't pretend otherwise.

Other than it's you who are acting like the NAZI's. Himmler would be sooooo proud of you!:lol:

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