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how much warming from adding carbon dioxide to the atmosphere is what we


The fact is, siagon, that I do look at the science.

Right - like you looked at the Finnish temperature records and the British Antarctic Survey?

I think not. You look at what backs your flimsy case - nothing else.

The fact is, siagon, that I do look at the science.

Right - like you looked at the Finnish temperature records and the British Antarctic Survey?

I think not. You look at what backs your flimsy case - nothing else.

Funny you should mention Finnish... Sow how is it you are in Finland but not?

He also is unable to differentiate between corelation and causation and seems completely oblivious to the fact that ice cores show that CO2 levels follow temperature.

So you accept that there IS correlation between CO2 and temperature?

What he is pointing out is that the "correlation" isn't that as CO2 levels rose, so did temperatures, but rather as temperatures rose so did CO2 levels.. There is a difference, but obviously you either didn't k now it, or are trying your usual tactic of diversion. Either way his point is the same.

The fact is, siagon, that I do look at the science.

Right - like you looked at the Finnish temperature records and the British Antarctic Survey?

I think not. You look at what backs your flimsy case - nothing else.

Your finnish temperature records were for a very short time and I pointed out precisely what I thought was wrong with your British Antarctic Survey.

I believe I provided you with some information from the British Antarctic Survey that showed convincingly that the present temperatures in the Antarctic are nothing unusual or disturbing as they found that it has been as much as 10C degrees warmer there within the past 12,000 years.


What is wrong with you that makes you lie in practically every post you make. Is your position so weak that you find that you can't be honest about anything?
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I have PROVEN saggy wrong on so many occasions that the little twerp can't stand the heat. Nor can you little sock.
So you're saying you can't back up what you said?

Which probably means, you're the liar!

And how many socks are there here? Place is like a sock repository lately...

It's like walking into Jim Henson's closet. Puppets to the left, puppets to the right..puppets everywhere you look...and the sad thing is, even those directing the puppets are puppets themselves...

It's puppets all the way down.
He also is unable to differentiate between corelation and causation and seems completely oblivious to the fact that ice cores show that CO2 levels follow temperature.

So you accept that there IS correlation between CO2 and temperature?

Therer is corelation between damned near everything and everyting else if you look hard enough. Here are a few examples of how wrong assuming corelation is the same as causation can be from wiki.

Since the 1950s, both the atmospheric CO2 level and obesity levels have increased sharply. Hence, atmospheric CO2 causes obesity.

The more firemen fighting a fire, the bigger the fire is observed to be.
Therefore firemen cause an increase in the size of a fire.

Lack of religion is associated with increased rates of depression.
Therefore, lack of religion directly causes increased rates of depression.

Sleeping with one's shoes on is strongly correlated with waking up with a headache. Therefore, sleeping with one's shoes on causes headache.

Young children who sleep with the light on are much more likely to develop myopia in later life. Therefore, sleeping with the light on causes myopia.

As ice cream sales increase, the rate of drowning deaths increases sharply.
Therefore, ice cream consumption causes drowning.

Corelation is reason enough to give one suspicion to do further tests...not a basis to make outrageous claims. Since no actual evidence exists that proves that CO2 causes warming and the empirical evidence we have suggests that CO2 follows temperature, your belief that CO2 causes rising temperatures is unfounded. It is an unproven, unsupported, unjustified assumption.

The Finnish temperature records date back 113 years, and present a very clear picture of gradually rising temperatures. You refused to comment on that data.

You provided a haöf dozen hilariously contrived reasons why you would not read the British Antarctic Survey, but provided no reason at all that made any logical sense.

In both cases, you simply ignored the science, despite the fact that you had demanded to see it. In neither case did you either read the evidence, nor comment on the content nor methodology.
He also is unable to differentiate between corelation and causation and seems completely oblivious to the fact that ice cores show that CO2 levels follow temperature.

So you accept that there IS correlation between CO2 and temperature?

What he is pointing out is that the "correlation" isn't that as CO2 levels rose, so did temperatures, but rather as temperatures rose so did CO2 levels.. There is a difference, but obviously you either didn't k now it, or are trying your usual tactic of diversion. Either way his point is the same.

His faith is strong...you have to give him that. He sees proof and signs everywere he is told to see them by the high priests of his cult and all of the peer reviewed science that has been coming out that directly contradict his belief is being duely ignored.

The Finnish temperature records date back 113 years, and present a very clear picture of gradually rising temperatures. You refused to comment on that data.

What was to comment on. I haven't said that some warming hasn't occured. In fact, several times I have acknowledged around a half a degree or so in the past 100 years. What I contest is that man's activities have anything to do with it beyond a heat island effect creeping into poorly placed temperature stations.

You provided a haöf dozen hilariously contrived reasons why you would not read the British Antarctic Survey, but provided no reason at all that made any logical sense.

You are a bald faced liar. I told you why the paper was not convincing. Your inability to read words and know what they mean apparently led you to believe that meant I wouldn't read the paper. I couldn't have told you why I found it unconvincing had I not read it.

Yes, yes, but waffling aside - do you believe there is a correlation between CO2 and temperature?

The evidence shows that increased atmospheric CO2 follows temperature rises...therefore there is a corelation between temperature rises and increased CO2. There is pretty convincing proof that increased temperatures lead to increased atmospheric CO2 as a result of warmer oceans outgassing CO2. There is no observed, measured, empirical eidence that increased CO2 results in warmer temperatures.

You argue like a religious zealot. Ever discussed anything with a Bible thumper? Their tactics are precisely the same as yours. Looking for anything, no matter how slight to jump on as if corelation somehow did equal causation in spite of all of the evidence to the contrary. Just f'ing pitiful.

If you have some hard evidence, lets see it. Otherwise, you have no point to make. All of the hard evidence we have says the opposite of your claims.

By the way, showing the glaring errors in your argument and your incessant lies is not called waffling, it is called defeating you.
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It's like walking into Jim Henson's closet. Puppets to the left, puppets to the right..puppets everywhere you look...and the sad thing is, even those directing the puppets are puppets themselves...

It's puppets all the way down.
Sorry to break up your little boys club, but does either one of you have a point to make?
It's like walking into Jim Henson's closet. Puppets to the left, puppets to the right..puppets everywhere you look...and the sad thing is, even those directing the puppets are puppets themselves...

It's puppets all the way down.
Sorry to break up your little boys club, but does either one of you have a point to make?

I have no idea what all of this shit about socks is - but if gslack or SSDD think there are any socks here, then they should both name them and report them to the mods.

Neither will.
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It's like walking into Jim Henson's closet. Puppets to the left, puppets to the right..puppets everywhere you look...and the sad thing is, even those directing the puppets are puppets themselves...

It's puppets all the way down.
Sorry to break up your little boys club, but does either one of you have a point to make?

They made their point long before you showed up to side with "Saigon`s" little boy`s club.
The rest of us were not impressed when it became evident, that this "Journalist living in Finland" does not have a keyboard that can generate the Finn default key sequence and when he had to Google who Finland`s current Prime Minister is. Then he said amongst other things
"All I have to do is look outside my window to see the effects of AGW"...while all of Europe was in a deep freeze, which is bucking the fake hockey stick trend for 15 years now.
Scandinavia will always be warmer than the rest of the global northern land mass, unless the amazing CO2 can overpower the flow 150 million cubic meters per seconds of warm water which keeps all of Scandinavia, Finland included warmer than it would be without the Gulf stream.
A noticeable effect of the Gulf Stream and the strong westerly winds (driven by the warm water of the Gulf Stream) on Europe occurs along the Norwegian coast
almost all of Norway's coast remains free of ice and snow throughout the year.[29] Weather systems warmed by the Gulf Stream drift into Northern Europe, also warming the climate behind the Scandinavian mountains.
in Finnish Köli
Besides, who gives a shit about the Finn temperature record...Finland is a the size of a mini golf course compered to Canada and if I were to counter with the unusually cold temperatures we had in Canada for the last 15 years assholes like you have called it "local weather" while "Saigon" is passing off tiny Finland`s weather as "Global climate"

another word this "Journalist living in Finland" has to Google &/or copy and paste because he never heard of it just like the name of the Finn PM and because he does not have any of these ASCII äöü and the rest of the Finn alphabetic keys. He is a troll, a fake, a liar and a retard just like the rest of your green on the outside, inside red AGW watermelon movement occult...an occult which is nothing but communist scum,...your sig line:
“When the giant...American working class, moves en masse on to
the political scene, no force on earth will stop it from sweeping
the ruling class away into the dustbin of history.”
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Polar -

Finnish only has 2 extra vowels - ö and ä. The u with umlauts only exists in German.
Caught yourself in another lie...!
Actually 3 lies at the same time.
One is that you claimed that I`m on your "ignore list"
the other one is that the Finn keyboard has even more special characters than the German keyboard and includes a Ü "..
Lexibar for Finnish special keyboard characters
(Version 1.3b - 10/2010 - Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7 - 550 kb)

You are a fraud through and through and a stupid one to boot.
For a quite a while now you also pretended to be able to speak German while you write
The u with umlauts only exists in German.
The plural for Umlaut is Umlaute, not "umlauts"...shake hands with the "erudite numan" when he pretended to be fluent in French while writing "devotés" over and over again.
3 lies at once, using only 2 short sentences...that surpasses even libtards MSNBC`s Chris Mathews best performance.
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