How much wealth did GWB tax rates add to your bottom line?

right winger to start with what did BHO do to fix the stock market?
oh thats right, GWB did that with tax payers welath, that un like the UAW bailout
we got back
you want to talk about lost wealth?
GWB took 250 billion and stopped the stock market crash
BHO as taken over 1 trillion dollars and we have lost 6 million jobs sense 08

And you talk about lost welath?
the market was

What did Obama do?

Thanks for asking. The stock market dropped from a high of 14,000 to a low of 6600. The market was in a panic and everyone was bailing out. The financial sector and the automotive industry were on the verge of collapse and we were on the verge of a depression. Nobody and I mean nobody was willing to step in and prop up the collapsing market. Only the US Government had the resources to stop the collapse.

I give credit to Bush for finally waking up, telling the right wing to go fuck itself and start TARP. What Bush did wrong was he just threw money at them. Three months later they were asking for more money. Obama started a second round of TARP and this time he demanded changes in management structure and organization as a condition of accepting money.

Nobody was willing to put money into our failing economy. We were losing jobs at 700,000 a month, The Stimulus bill put $800 billion into our economy. It was an attempt to prime the pump and get the economy moving again

The result was immediate as the economy reversed within weeks of passing TARP/Stimulus. The GDP went positive again and the market reversed and went from a low of 6600 to 12500 today

Demanded changes in MGMT structure
that really helped the situation alot
Besides whether you like it or not, Wall street was as much a victim of those worthless securities as we were
Difference was they got bailed out (which bailed out many peoples investments also)
Can you point to me where the money from the stimulus helped Exxon?

Maybe here?

Outdoors, Indian reservations and the arts
Labor and volunteering, healthcare and social services, education, social security

Food and farming
Commerce, justice and science
Energy and the environment
Homeland security
Outdoors, Indian reservations and the arts
Labor and volunteering, healthcare and social services, education, social security
Military and veterans
Foreign relations
Transportation and housing
Aid to states
Tax cuts
Individual aid
Individual healthcare aid
Health IT
Aid to states for Medicaid

I, for one, am sorry that Exxon missed out on another government handout. But I am thrilled that GM and Chrysler are on sound footing again
Why would you say 2/3rds are working under the table?

Because a lot of American do work under the table. But if you divide 56 by three, then you would get less than 20,000 and millionaires getting millions would make it even worse.

For many, 8,000 over ten years is one months rent per year. And yet you have millionaires saying they bought yachts and new mansions. That sure helps America. Oh, that's right. Helping America is "socialism". Why even have a military. What are we protecting if helping each other is "bad"?

rdean what are you talking about
what are you talking about?
are you trying to say 67% of the people in this country are working under the table?

No, that's not what I was saying. Sigh.

Work out the numbers yourself.

Divide 2.8 trillion by 150,000,000

What do you get?

An analysis released this week by the Joint Committee on Taxation (JCT) shows millionaires will receive, on average, a $103,834 tax cut next year if Congress extends the breaks enacted by former President George W. Bush.

Study: Extending Bush tax cuts would be boon for wealthy individuals - The Hill's On The Money

"I do not know how much I've saved over 10 years but I'm sure it is several million dollars -- probably in excess of $10 million," said Egerman, founder of a medical transcription company called eScription.

What Millionaires Did with Their Bush Tax Cuts | Common Dreams

For right wingers to suggest the rich didn't really get that much is delusional. Get it? Even if only a third of working Americans divided the Bush tax cuts, still millionaires get the bulk.
Because a lot of American do work under the table. But if you divide 56 by three, then you would get less than 20,000 and millionaires getting millions would make it even worse.

For many, 8,000 over ten years is one months rent per year. And yet you have millionaires saying they bought yachts and new mansions. That sure helps America. Oh, that's right. Helping America is "socialism". Why even have a military. What are we protecting if helping each other is "bad"?

rdean what are you talking about
what are you talking about?
are you trying to say 67% of the people in this country are working under the table?

No, that's not what I was saying. Sigh.

Work out the numbers yourself.

Divide 2.8 trillion by 150,000,000

What do you get?

An analysis released this week by the Joint Committee on Taxation (JCT) shows millionaires will receive, on average, a $103,834 tax cut next year if Congress extends the breaks enacted by former President George W. Bush.

Study: Extending Bush tax cuts would be boon for wealthy individuals - The Hill's On The Money

"I do not know how much I've saved over 10 years but I'm sure it is several million dollars -- probably in excess of $10 million," said Egerman, founder of a medical transcription company called eScription.

What Millionaires Did with Their Bush Tax Cuts | Common Dreams

For right wingers to suggest the rich didn't really get that much is delusional. Get it? Even if only a third of working Americans divided the Bush tax cuts, still millionaires get the bulk.
It's tough to get a tax cut for those people who pay no taxes.
And yeah, the people who pay the bulk of taxes get the bulk of tax cuts.
2.8 trillion divided by 150,000,000 is $18,666.67.
So what?
Because a lot of American do work under the table. But if you divide 56 by three, then you would get less than 20,000 and millionaires getting millions would make it even worse.

For many, 8,000 over ten years is one months rent per year. And yet you have millionaires saying they bought yachts and new mansions. That sure helps America. Oh, that's right. Helping America is "socialism". Why even have a military. What are we protecting if helping each other is "bad"?

rdean what are you talking about
what are you talking about?
are you trying to say 67% of the people in this country are working under the table?

No, that's not what I was saying. Sigh.

Work out the numbers yourself.

Divide 2.8 trillion by 150,000,000

What do you get?

An analysis released this week by the Joint Committee on Taxation (JCT) shows millionaires will receive, on average, a $103,834 tax cut next year if Congress extends the breaks enacted by former President George W. Bush.

Study: Extending Bush tax cuts would be boon for wealthy individuals - The Hill's On The Money

"I do not know how much I've saved over 10 years but I'm sure it is several million dollars -- probably in excess of $10 million," said Egerman, founder of a medical transcription company called eScription.

What Millionaires Did with Their Bush Tax Cuts | Common Dreams

For right wingers to suggest the rich didn't really get that much is delusional. Get it? Even if only a third of working Americans divided the Bush tax cuts, still millionaires get the bulk.

The liberal requires a study to show that if the "rich" are allowed to keep more of there wealth then they would have more wealth?

And as far as why people are not spending that wealth?
where do you want them to spend it?
Green energy?
Help them understand where there suppose to spend it?
Mine was 3-5% savings
I avg about 75k
10 years

Thats 30,000 I have put back into the economy that under Clinton's rate the federal govt has
and not me

And the left is for the working man?
think about it

The 5% you got simply represents Bush's increased government spending that he didn't make you pay for.

When do you plan to pay for it?
Mine was 3-5% savings
I avg about 75k
10 years

Thats 30,000 I have put back into the economy that under Clinton's rate the federal govt has
and not me

And the left is for the working man?
think about it

The 5% you got simply represents Bush's increased government spending that he didn't make you pay for.

When do you plan to pay for it?

Funny you should say that
looks like to me he was spending to much
of course we did get within 163 billion of a balanced budget in 07 with the IRAQ war wide open
Let me add that your saying I should give up more of my income?
If we stayed on course with the 07 budget and the Iraq war over I think we would have found a balanced budget before the Dems took over congress and then the white house

Let me ask you, when does those who are healthier than I am, younger than I am, get off of welfare and start paying for there part?
Funny you did not mention that
And when is it that we stop blaming GWB for his debt and start stopping Obama with his?
I mean your talking 163 billion in 2007 to 1.4 trillion in 2009
No mention there either
and you blame GWB for that?
and you think it is my place in life to give up more of my wealth?
Not cut cost?
9-11 had nothing to do with GWB debt?
2 wars?
creating new govt organisations to prevent another 9-11
what about Obama's failed stimulus?
you want me to pay for that?
How about the UAW bailout? mine also?

Is it me or does the liberal think my wealth is theres?
Your comment only confirms that you are collecting, not paying

without 9-11 this BS never happens
Bottom line in my industry we lost monies cause Busch would not stop the illegals.
As a percentage of income I got a much larger tax break than people making 6 figure incomes.

This is a fact. The bush tax cuts, as a percentage of income, benefit individuals more the less money they make.

This is also a fact. The bush tax cuts, in total dollar amount, benefits individuals more the more money they make.

Example: Making 50,000/year? You got 3% tax cut or you got to keep $1,500 under bush.
Making 1,000,000/year? you got a 1% tax cut or you got to keep $10,000 under bush.

Everyone needs to stop with the bullshit spin and just accept that this is the truth. As a percentage of income the poor did better, as a total dollar amount the rich did better.

Also Who Pays the Most Income Tax? just some interesting analysis.
As a percentage of income I got a much larger tax break than people making 6 figure incomes.

This is a fact. The bush tax cuts, as a percentage of income, benefit individuals more the less money they make.

This is also a fact. The bush tax cuts, in total dollar amount, benefits individuals more the more money they make.

Example: Making 50,000/year? You got 3% tax cut or you got to keep $1,500 under bush.
Making 1,000,000/year? you got a 1% tax cut or you got to keep $10,000 under bush.

Everyone needs to stop with the bullshit spin and just accept that this is the truth. As a percentage of income the poor did better, as a total dollar amount the rich did better.

Also Who Pays the Most Income Tax? just some interesting analysis.

The left has nothing left but spin
loss of jobs and 9-11 got GWB
from 01-03 he lost revenue with 2 million jobs being lost
stock market crash, more lost revenue
Stock Market Crash, 2000, history, crash, stock market, nasdaq, stock, market crash
Mine was 3-5% savings
I avg about 75k
10 years

Thats 30,000 I have put back into the economy that under Clinton's rate the federal govt has
and not me

And the left is for the working man?
think about it

The 5% you got simply represents Bush's increased government spending that he didn't make you pay for.

When do you plan to pay for it?

Funny you should say that
looks like to me he was spending to much
of course we did get within 163 billion of a balanced budget in 07 with the IRAQ war wide open
Let me add that your saying I should give up more of my income?
If we stayed on course with the 07 budget and the Iraq war over I think we would have found a balanced budget before the Dems took over congress and then the white house

Let me ask you, when does those who are healthier than I am, younger than I am, get off of welfare and start paying for there part?
Funny you did not mention that
And when is it that we stop blaming GWB for his debt and start stopping Obama with his?
I mean your talking 163 billion in 2007 to 1.4 trillion in 2009
No mention there either
and you blame GWB for that?
and you think it is my place in life to give up more of my wealth?
Not cut cost?
9-11 had nothing to do with GWB debt?
2 wars?
creating new govt organisations to prevent another 9-11
what about Obama's failed stimulus?
you want me to pay for that?
How about the UAW bailout? mine also?

Is it me or does the liberal think my wealth is theres?
Your comment only confirms that you are collecting, not paying

without 9-11 this BS never happens

You got tax cuts when the government increased spending. That means you got government that you didn't have to pay for. That debt is still on the books. That is YOUR debt.

When do you plan to pay it off?
Mine was 3-5% savings
I avg about 75k
10 years

Thats 30,000 I have put back into the economy that under Clinton's rate the federal govt has
and not me

And the left is for the working man?
think about it

The 5% you got simply represents Bush's increased government spending that he didn't make you pay for.

When do you plan to pay for it?

Funny you should say that
looks like to me he was spending to much
of course we did get within 163 billion of a balanced budget in 07 with the IRAQ war wide open
Let me add that your saying I should give up more of my income?
If we stayed on course with the 07 budget and the Iraq war over I think we would have found a balanced budget before the Dems took over congress and then the white house

False. The deficit WAS 163 billion in 2007, but in 2008 revenues fell by 44 billion, meaning that even if Bush had somehow frozen spending at 2007 levels,

his deficit would have been 207 billion.

Then revenues fell 421 billion in 2009. Even if spending was STILL at 2007 levels,

the deficit would have been 628 billion.
The 5% you got simply represents Bush's increased government spending that he didn't make you pay for.

When do you plan to pay for it?

Funny you should say that
looks like to me he was spending to much
of course we did get within 163 billion of a balanced budget in 07 with the IRAQ war wide open
Let me add that your saying I should give up more of my income?
If we stayed on course with the 07 budget and the Iraq war over I think we would have found a balanced budget before the Dems took over congress and then the white house

Let me ask you, when does those who are healthier than I am, younger than I am, get off of welfare and start paying for there part?
Funny you did not mention that
And when is it that we stop blaming GWB for his debt and start stopping Obama with his?
I mean your talking 163 billion in 2007 to 1.4 trillion in 2009
No mention there either
and you blame GWB for that?
and you think it is my place in life to give up more of my wealth?
Not cut cost?
9-11 had nothing to do with GWB debt?
2 wars?
creating new govt organisations to prevent another 9-11
what about Obama's failed stimulus?
you want me to pay for that?
How about the UAW bailout? mine also?

Is it me or does the liberal think my wealth is theres?
Your comment only confirms that you are collecting, not paying

without 9-11 this BS never happens

You got tax cuts when the government increased spending. That means you got government that you didn't have to pay for. That debt is still on the books. That is YOUR debt.

When do you plan to pay it off?

My debt?
Now thats a different way to look at it
citizens and non citizens that are getting welfare and Medicare are not the problem
I am
$695 billion (+4.9%) – Social Security
$571 billion (+58.6%) – Other mandatory programs
$453 billion (+6.6%) – Medicare
$290 billion (+12.0%) – Medicaid

1.7 trillion and I did not get one dime of it
Now do not get me wrong
you worked for it
you deserve it
I am all for it
I got no issue supporting it for those
But there is millions who have no business abusing these programs
Funny you should say that
looks like to me he was spending to much
of course we did get within 163 billion of a balanced budget in 07 with the IRAQ war wide open
Let me add that your saying I should give up more of my income?
If we stayed on course with the 07 budget and the Iraq war over I think we would have found a balanced budget before the Dems took over congress and then the white house

Let me ask you, when does those who are healthier than I am, younger than I am, get off of welfare and start paying for there part?
Funny you did not mention that
And when is it that we stop blaming GWB for his debt and start stopping Obama with his?
I mean your talking 163 billion in 2007 to 1.4 trillion in 2009
No mention there either
and you blame GWB for that?
and you think it is my place in life to give up more of my wealth?
Not cut cost?
9-11 had nothing to do with GWB debt?
2 wars?
creating new govt organisations to prevent another 9-11
what about Obama's failed stimulus?
you want me to pay for that?
How about the UAW bailout? mine also?

Is it me or does the liberal think my wealth is theres?
Your comment only confirms that you are collecting, not paying

without 9-11 this BS never happens

You got tax cuts when the government increased spending. That means you got government that you didn't have to pay for. That debt is still on the books. That is YOUR debt.

When do you plan to pay it off?

My debt?
Now thats a different way to look at it
citizens and non citizens that are getting welfare and Medicare are not the problem
I am
$695 billion (+4.9%) – Social Security
$571 billion (+58.6%) – Other mandatory programs
$453 billion (+6.6%) – Medicare
$290 billion (+12.0%) – Medicaid

1.7 trillion and I did not get one dime of it
Now do not get me wrong
you worked for it
you deserve it
I am all for it
I got no issue supporting it for those
But there is millions who have no business abusing these programs

2010 United States federal budget - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You don't get to pick and choose your tax liabilities. You don't get to say, I don't like Medicaid so I don't want to pay any taxes towards it, any more than I would get to say, I don't like the size of our military, so I want half of my taxes that go to defense to be refunded to me.
You got tax cuts when the government increased spending. That means you got government that you didn't have to pay for. That debt is still on the books. That is YOUR debt.

When do you plan to pay it off?

My debt?
Now thats a different way to look at it
citizens and non citizens that are getting welfare and Medicare are not the problem
I am
$695 billion (+4.9%) – Social Security
$571 billion (+58.6%) – Other mandatory programs
$453 billion (+6.6%) – Medicare
$290 billion (+12.0%) – Medicaid

1.7 trillion and I did not get one dime of it
Now do not get me wrong
you worked for it
you deserve it
I am all for it
I got no issue supporting it for those
But there is millions who have no business abusing these programs

2010 United States federal budget - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You don't get to pick and choose your tax liabilities. You don't get to say, I don't like Medicaid so I don't want to pay any taxes towards it, any more than I would get to say, I don't like the size of our military, so I want half of my taxes that go to defense to be refunded to me.

You got tax cuts when the government increased spending. That means you got government that you didn't have to pay for. That debt is still on the books. That is YOUR debt.

When do you plan to pay it off?

Thats your exact words. My plan has less spending. The Representatives i vote for have the same plan
So me paying it off is not in our plan with higher taxes
Our plan has less spending and allot less fraud
Our plan has oil production
nuclear power
natural gas
A complete overhaul of the tax system
a complete over haul of Medicare
Social Security

See this is what I am all about as well as those I support
your plan is for giving up and just take more of my wealth
Enough is Enough
You want to know how I am going to pay for it?
My debt?
Now thats a different way to look at it
citizens and non citizens that are getting welfare and Medicare are not the problem
I am
$695 billion (+4.9%) – Social Security
$571 billion (+58.6%) – Other mandatory programs
$453 billion (+6.6%) – Medicare
$290 billion (+12.0%) – Medicaid

1.7 trillion and I did not get one dime of it
Now do not get me wrong
you worked for it
you deserve it
I am all for it
I got no issue supporting it for those
But there is millions who have no business abusing these programs

2010 United States federal budget - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You don't get to pick and choose your tax liabilities. You don't get to say, I don't like Medicaid so I don't want to pay any taxes towards it, any more than I would get to say, I don't like the size of our military, so I want half of my taxes that go to defense to be refunded to me.

You got tax cuts when the government increased spending. That means you got government that you didn't have to pay for. That debt is still on the books. That is YOUR debt.

When do you plan to pay it off?

Thats your exact words. My plan has less spending. The Representatives i vote for have the same plan
So me paying it off is not in our plan with higher taxes
Our plan has less spending and allot less fraud
Our plan has oil production
nuclear power
natural gas
A complete overhaul of the tax system
a complete over haul of Medicare
Social Security

See this is what I am all about as well as those I support
your plan is for giving up and just take more of my wealth
Enough is Enough
You want to know how I am going to pay for it?

The Bush years money is ALREADY SPENT. That is what the topic of your thread was. You got more money in your pocket throughout the Bush years because Bush didn't make you pay the bills!!! Now you OWE that money. If you don't owe it, who does? Because it's on the books.

You want to cut Social Security to pay for the bills YOU didn't pay during Bush because Bush didn't make you pay for it because he CUT YOUR TAXES. You can't have my Social Security to pay for YOUR wars and deficit spending.
You don't get to pick and choose your tax liabilities. You don't get to say, I don't like Medicaid so I don't want to pay any taxes towards it, any more than I would get to say, I don't like the size of our military, so I want half of my taxes that go to defense to be refunded to me.

You got tax cuts when the government increased spending. That means you got government that you didn't have to pay for. That debt is still on the books. That is YOUR debt.

When do you plan to pay it off?

Thats your exact words. My plan has less spending. The Representatives i vote for have the same plan
So me paying it off is not in our plan with higher taxes
Our plan has less spending and allot less fraud
Our plan has oil production
nuclear power
natural gas
A complete overhaul of the tax system
a complete over haul of Medicare
Social Security

See this is what I am all about as well as those I support
your plan is for giving up and just take more of my wealth
Enough is Enough
You want to know how I am going to pay for it?

The Bush years money is ALREADY SPENT. That is what the topic of your thread was. You got more money in your pocket throughout the Bush years because Bush didn't make you pay the bills!!! Now you OWE that money. If you don't owe it, who does? Because it's on the books.

You want to cut Social Security to pay for the bills YOU didn't pay during Bush because Bush didn't make you pay for it because he CUT YOUR TAXES. You can't have my Social Security to pay for YOUR wars and deficit spending.

who said anything about cutting Social Security?
Bush cutting my taxes has nothing to do with those who are not contributing anything
My wars?
My wars?
what do you think we should have done after 9-11 mister?
and why is it you have an issue with "my wars" and you have no issue with the failed stimulus
they cost about the same (Iraq)
Obama's Failed Stimulus Program Cost More Than The Iraq War

Obama's Failed Stimulus Program Cost More Than The Iraq War

"The economy is in a shambles because of Bush's economic policies and his war in Iraq." As American Thinker's Randall Hoven points out, that's the message being peddled by the political Left. The key point is an alleged $3 trillion cost for the war. Well, it was expensive to be sure, in both blood and treasure, but, as Hoven notes, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) puts the total cost at $709 billion.

To put that figure in the proper context of overall spending since the war began in 2003, Hoven summarizes and highlights key points from the CBO data:

Obama's stimulus, passed in his first month in office, will cost more than the entire Iraq War -- more than $100 billion (15 percent) more.
Just the first two years of Obama's stimulus cost more than the Iraq War under President Bush, or six years of that war.
Iraq War spending accounted for just 3.2 percent of all federal spending while it lasted.
Iraq War spending was not even one-quarter of what we spent on Medicare in the same time frame.

Iraq War spending was not even 15 percent of the total deficit spending in that time frame. The cumulative deficit, 2003-2010, would have been four-point-something trillion dollars with or without the Iraq War.
The Iraq War accounts for less than 8 percent of the federal debt held by the public at the end of 2010 ($9.031 trillion).
During Bush's Iraq years, 2003-2008, the federal government spent more on education than it did on the Iraq War

Bus if every-one was doing what i am
we would have no deficit
I am part of the solution, not the problem
You got tax cuts when the government increased spending. That means you got government that you didn't have to pay for. That debt is still on the books. That is YOUR debt.

When do you plan to pay it off?

Thats your exact words. My plan has less spending. The Representatives i vote for have the same plan
So me paying it off is not in our plan with higher taxes
Our plan has less spending and allot less fraud
Our plan has oil production
nuclear power
natural gas
A complete overhaul of the tax system
a complete over haul of Medicare
Social Security

See this is what I am all about as well as those I support
your plan is for giving up and just take more of my wealth
Enough is Enough
You want to know how I am going to pay for it?

The Bush years money is ALREADY SPENT. That is what the topic of your thread was. You got more money in your pocket throughout the Bush years because Bush didn't make you pay the bills!!! Now you OWE that money. If you don't owe it, who does? Because it's on the books.

You want to cut Social Security to pay for the bills YOU didn't pay during Bush because Bush didn't make you pay for it because he CUT YOUR TAXES. You can't have my Social Security to pay for YOUR wars and deficit spending.

who said anything about cutting Social Security?
Bush cutting my taxes has nothing to do with those who are not contributing anything
My wars?
My wars?
what do you think we should have done after 9-11 mister?
and why is it you have an issue with "my wars" and you have no issue with the failed stimulus
they cost about the same (Iraq)
Obama's Failed Stimulus Program Cost More Than The Iraq War

Obama's Failed Stimulus Program Cost More Than The Iraq War

"The economy is in a shambles because of Bush's economic policies and his war in Iraq." As American Thinker's Randall Hoven points out, that's the message being peddled by the political Left. The key point is an alleged $3 trillion cost for the war. Well, it was expensive to be sure, in both blood and treasure, but, as Hoven notes, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) puts the total cost at $709 billion.

To put that figure in the proper context of overall spending since the war began in 2003, Hoven summarizes and highlights key points from the CBO data:

Obama's stimulus, passed in his first month in office, will cost more than the entire Iraq War -- more than $100 billion (15 percent) more.
Just the first two years of Obama's stimulus cost more than the Iraq War under President Bush, or six years of that war.
Iraq War spending accounted for just 3.2 percent of all federal spending while it lasted.
Iraq War spending was not even one-quarter of what we spent on Medicare in the same time frame.

Iraq War spending was not even 15 percent of the total deficit spending in that time frame. The cumulative deficit, 2003-2010, would have been four-point-something trillion dollars with or without the Iraq War.
The Iraq War accounts for less than 8 percent of the federal debt held by the public at the end of 2010 ($9.031 trillion).
During Bush's Iraq years, 2003-2008, the federal government spent more on education than it did on the Iraq War

Bus if every-one was doing what i am
we would have no deficit
I am part of the solution, not the problem

There were four years in Bush's term when revenues were lower than the previous year. That is a record for any president in modern history.

The Iraq war was never paid for. The Afghan war was never paid for.

Taxes were cut in 2003 when they should have been raised.

With current revenues we would still have a deficit if we were spending at 2007 levels!!!

We DO have a revenue problem.
The Bush years money is ALREADY SPENT. That is what the topic of your thread was. You got more money in your pocket throughout the Bush years because Bush didn't make you pay the bills!!! Now you OWE that money. If you don't owe it, who does? Because it's on the books.

You want to cut Social Security to pay for the bills YOU didn't pay during Bush because Bush didn't make you pay for it because he CUT YOUR TAXES. You can't have my Social Security to pay for YOUR wars and deficit spending.

who said anything about cutting Social Security?
Bush cutting my taxes has nothing to do with those who are not contributing anything
My wars?
My wars?
what do you think we should have done after 9-11 mister?
and why is it you have an issue with "my wars" and you have no issue with the failed stimulus
they cost about the same (Iraq)
Obama's Failed Stimulus Program Cost More Than The Iraq War

Obama's Failed Stimulus Program Cost More Than The Iraq War

"The economy is in a shambles because of Bush's economic policies and his war in Iraq." As American Thinker's Randall Hoven points out, that's the message being peddled by the political Left. The key point is an alleged $3 trillion cost for the war. Well, it was expensive to be sure, in both blood and treasure, but, as Hoven notes, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) puts the total cost at $709 billion.

To put that figure in the proper context of overall spending since the war began in 2003, Hoven summarizes and highlights key points from the CBO data:

Obama's stimulus, passed in his first month in office, will cost more than the entire Iraq War -- more than $100 billion (15 percent) more.
Just the first two years of Obama's stimulus cost more than the Iraq War under President Bush, or six years of that war.
Iraq War spending accounted for just 3.2 percent of all federal spending while it lasted.
Iraq War spending was not even one-quarter of what we spent on Medicare in the same time frame.

Iraq War spending was not even 15 percent of the total deficit spending in that time frame. The cumulative deficit, 2003-2010, would have been four-point-something trillion dollars with or without the Iraq War.
The Iraq War accounts for less than 8 percent of the federal debt held by the public at the end of 2010 ($9.031 trillion).
During Bush's Iraq years, 2003-2008, the federal government spent more on education than it did on the Iraq War

Bus if every-one was doing what i am
we would have no deficit
I am part of the solution, not the problem

There were four years in Bush's term when revenues were lower than the previous year. That is a record for any president in modern history.

The Iraq war was never paid for. The Afghan war was never paid for.

Taxes were cut in 2003 when they should have been raised.

With current revenues we would still have a deficit if we were spending at 2007 levels!!!

We DO have a revenue problem.

We have a spending problem
we would have enough revenue @ 5% UE
2007 proved that
the Iraq war is over
that excuse is gone
those years you quote had a 2 million job loss after Clinton's recession and 9-11 along with the Nasdaq bubble busting

2000...... 131,785 110,995 24,649 599 6,787 17,263
2001...... 131,826 110,708 23,873 606 6,826 16,441
2002...... 130,341 108,828 22,557 583 6,716 15,259
2003...... 129,999 108,416 21,816 572 6,735 14,510

Todays revenue has 6 million less jobs than we had in 08
raisng taxes on people who have 0 income other than UE will not help

2008...... 136,790 114,281 21,334 767 7,162 13,406
2009...... 130,807 108,252 18,557 694 6,016 11,847

2010...... 129,818 107,337 17,755 705 5,526 11,524
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He sent me $300 one year.

Hell of nice guy.

Haven't heard from him in a while though

What has he done for me lately?

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