How much worse will this get - predictions?

The anti-Trump forces are now obviously excited and emboldened by their victory in shutting down opposing speech in Chicago. This stuff is only going to intensify.

The Trump supporters are even angrier and will be attending his future rallies ready to take on those trying to shut down opposing speech. Who knows how, or with what.

Obviously this will get worse before it gets better. Any predictions?

Yes, I know it's all the other side's fault. I'm curious about what you think could happen.
It could get real ugly, or it could tamper down. It's difficult to tell at this point. However, holding rallies in the middle of big Democrat run cities is sure to increase the odds of the former.
Not to mention a college campus, like Chicago...
The anti-Trump forces are now obviously excited and emboldened by their victory in shutting down opposing speech in Chicago. This stuff is only going to intensify.

The Trump supporters are even angrier and will be attending his future rallies ready to take on those trying to shut down opposing speech. Who knows how, or with what.

Obviously this will get worse before it gets better. Any predictions?

Yes, I know it's all the other side's fault. I'm curious about what you think could happen.
It could get real ugly, or it could tamper down. It's difficult to tell at this point. However, holding rallies in the middle of big Democrat run cities is sure to increase the odds of the former.
Not to mention a college campus, like Chicago...

given the recent announcement by, it looks like they intend to escalate things. If I ever go to another Trump event, I will bring a night stick and crack some Democrat skulls.
I expect a massive riot soon. Trump should pick a city to destroy and stump their that way the entire planet will see how violent people on the left are.
The anti-Trump forces are now obviously excited and emboldened by their victory in shutting down opposing speech in Chicago. This stuff is only going to intensify.

The Trump supporters are even angrier and will be attending his future rallies ready to take on those trying to shut down opposing speech. Who knows how, or with what.

Obviously this will get worse before it gets better. Any predictions?

Yes, I know it's all the other side's fault. I'm curious about what you think could happen.
Yesterday the protesters were screaming: "BERNIE BERNIE BERNIE!!!!!"
The BLM tree dwellers were screaming and taunting and throwing punches.
This was INSIDE the PRIVATE!!!!! rally site.The First Amendment guarantees everyone free speech BUT it does not guarantee that anyone can prevent anyone else's free speech. This is what the Bernie bunch of fucking doper losers are trying to do. Same with the BLM thugs.
Some of the First Amendment opposers wore Trump T-shirts to get into the rally. Once inside their goal was to prevent others from exercising their First Amendment rights or free assembly and freedom of speech.
This anti-Americans are handing TRUMP the White house on a GOLD platter.
Every time millions of viewers maybe sitting on the fence politically see what these anti-Americans are doing another fifty thousand decide to vote for Trump.
Trump is a fucking marketing genius.
He has told his security staff to let in a few anti-Americans into the rallies so the camera's can record the anti-Americans trying to take away Trump supporters rights guaranteed to them by the First Amendment.
Keep it up anti-Americans. You are doing a wonderful job helping to elect Trump.
The hilarious part it isn't costing Trump a fucking dime in TV advertising.

Hmmm...I always thought protest was one of the most American of traditions. Starting way back at the original Tea Party. So Trumps been inciting violence at these gatherings for weeks but somehow he doesn't bare any responsibility for the results of his actions. Does that bode well for a Trump Presidency? The sign on his desk will say "the buck stops... over there"? By the way, I've watched every video I could find and I didn't see any evidence that it was the protesters starting the flareups. Did you see that coward slug the guy who just happened to be Black? I can guarantee you that old hater has been waiting to do that for fifty years and thinks he has finally found a leader giving him the okay.
You are entitled to protest and are guaranteed free speech. You are NOT guaranteed the right to sneak into a PRIVATE gathering and attempt through screaming threats and intimidating the people and grabbing signs and tearing them up and taking swings at people at the PRIVATE gathering because you do not agree with those people's political point of view.
If dozens of fucking thugs were sneaking into Bernie's or Hillary's PRIVATE gathering with the explicit purpose of closing down the gathering would you think it's OK? The Bernie/BLM mob were dancing and cheering and screaming: "WE WON!" when Trump cancelled the PRIVATE! rally.
Would that be OK for Trumps supporters to do at a Sander's PRIVATE rally?
Wise up pal.

As I said I've watched every video I could find on the events, I never saw anything except possibly some shouting. That's not that uncommon in political campaigns. I've never seen it end up in this kind of violence. And I have seen two or three videos where Trump supporters definitely escalated whatever was going on to violence. I guess I'll go through everything again and save anything of relevance I find. If demonstrators did what you claim, were the first to use physical force, then I guess human nature would make violent reaction inevitable.

Prior to the Chicago incident, there were zero cases of protesters throwing punches or swinging at anyone.

Trump has repeated that lie many times. No videos or reporter accounts of any protesters swinging.

Thanks, I think, you added that to back up my interpretation I'm assuming? I don't know if it matters a lot at this point, most of the people, anchors, reporters and all had the perception Trump encouraged and enabled the anger and the violent response. I think those perceptions have become the reality.
Yesterday the protesters were screaming: "BERNIE BERNIE BERNIE!!!!!"
The BLM tree dwellers were screaming and taunting and throwing punches.
This was INSIDE the PRIVATE!!!!! rally site.The First Amendment guarantees everyone free speech BUT it does not guarantee that anyone can prevent anyone else's free speech. This is what the Bernie bunch of fucking doper losers are trying to do. Same with the BLM thugs.
Some of the First Amendment opposers wore Trump T-shirts to get into the rally. Once inside their goal was to prevent others from exercising their First Amendment rights or free assembly and freedom of speech.
This anti-Americans are handing TRUMP the White house on a GOLD platter.
Every time millions of viewers maybe sitting on the fence politically see what these anti-Americans are doing another fifty thousand decide to vote for Trump.
Trump is a fucking marketing genius.
He has told his security staff to let in a few anti-Americans into the rallies so the camera's can record the anti-Americans trying to take away Trump supporters rights guaranteed to them by the First Amendment.
Keep it up anti-Americans. You are doing a wonderful job helping to elect Trump.
The hilarious part it isn't costing Trump a fucking dime in TV advertising.

Hmmm...I always thought protest was one of the most American of traditions. Starting way back at the original Tea Party. So Trumps been inciting violence at these gatherings for weeks but somehow he doesn't bare any responsibility for the results of his actions. Does that bode well for a Trump Presidency? The sign on his desk will say "the buck stops... over there"? By the way, I've watched every video I could find and I didn't see any evidence that it was the protesters starting the flareups. Did you see that coward slug the guy who just happened to be Black? I can guarantee you that old hater has been waiting to do that for fifty years and thinks he has finally found a leader giving him the okay.
You are entitled to protest and are guaranteed free speech. You are NOT guaranteed the right to sneak into a PRIVATE gathering and attempt through screaming threats and intimidating the people and grabbing signs and tearing them up and taking swings at people at the PRIVATE gathering because you do not agree with those people's political point of view.
If dozens of fucking thugs were sneaking into Bernie's or Hillary's PRIVATE gathering with the explicit purpose of closing down the gathering would you think it's OK? The Bernie/BLM mob were dancing and cheering and screaming: "WE WON!" when Trump cancelled the PRIVATE! rally.
Would that be OK for Trumps supporters to do at a Sander's PRIVATE rally?
Wise up pal.

As I said I've watched every video I could find on the events, I never saw anything except possibly some shouting. That's not that uncommon in political campaigns. I've never seen it end up in this kind of violence. And I have seen two or three videos where Trump supporters definitely escalated whatever was going on to violence. I guess I'll go through everything again and save anything of relevance I find. If demonstrators did what you claim, were the first to use physical force, then I guess human nature would make violent reaction inevitable.

Prior to the Chicago incident, there were zero cases of protesters throwing punches or swinging at anyone.

Trump has repeated that lie many times. No videos or reporter accounts of any protesters swinging.

Thanks, I think, you added that to back up my interpretation I'm assuming? I don't know if it matters a lot at this point, most of the people, anchors, reporters and all had the perception Trump encouraged and enabled the anger and the violent response. I think those perceptions have become the reality.

Perceptions don't become reality. Either what you perceive is reality or it isn't. The claim that Trump encouraged or enabled anything is leftwing/establishment horseshit.
They are attempting to influence voters. Just wait till election day. They'll be scaring people into not voting if they aren't for Trump at voting locations. The Fuhrer is back.
Hmmm...I always thought protest was one of the most American of traditions. Starting way back at the original Tea Party. So Trumps been inciting violence at these gatherings for weeks but somehow he doesn't bare any responsibility for the results of his actions. Does that bode well for a Trump Presidency? The sign on his desk will say "the buck stops... over there"? By the way, I've watched every video I could find and I didn't see any evidence that it was the protesters starting the flareups. Did you see that coward slug the guy who just happened to be Black? I can guarantee you that old hater has been waiting to do that for fifty years and thinks he has finally found a leader giving him the okay.
You are entitled to protest and are guaranteed free speech. You are NOT guaranteed the right to sneak into a PRIVATE gathering and attempt through screaming threats and intimidating the people and grabbing signs and tearing them up and taking swings at people at the PRIVATE gathering because you do not agree with those people's political point of view.
If dozens of fucking thugs were sneaking into Bernie's or Hillary's PRIVATE gathering with the explicit purpose of closing down the gathering would you think it's OK? The Bernie/BLM mob were dancing and cheering and screaming: "WE WON!" when Trump cancelled the PRIVATE! rally.
Would that be OK for Trumps supporters to do at a Sander's PRIVATE rally?
Wise up pal.

As I said I've watched every video I could find on the events, I never saw anything except possibly some shouting. That's not that uncommon in political campaigns. I've never seen it end up in this kind of violence. And I have seen two or three videos where Trump supporters definitely escalated whatever was going on to violence. I guess I'll go through everything again and save anything of relevance I find. If demonstrators did what you claim, were the first to use physical force, then I guess human nature would make violent reaction inevitable.

Prior to the Chicago incident, there were zero cases of protesters throwing punches or swinging at anyone.

Trump has repeated that lie many times. No videos or reporter accounts of any protesters swinging.

Thanks, I think, you added that to back up my interpretation I'm assuming? I don't know if it matters a lot at this point, most of the people, anchors, reporters and all had the perception Trump encouraged and enabled the anger and the violent response. I think those perceptions have become the reality.

Perceptions don't become reality. Either what you perceive is reality or it isn't. The claim that Trump encouraged or enabled anything is leftwing/establishment horseshit.

Whatever, I think among the Great Thinkers of the 21st Century you might be in the minority.

“Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.” – Albert Einstein
“Everything you see or hear or experience in any way at all is specific to you. You create a universe by perceiving it, so everything in the universe you perceive is specific to you.” – Douglas Adams

Trick the Eye in French
Things aren’t always what they seem. Marketers and magicians rely on this fact to make you see things – the way they want you too see them. Artists do too.


3D Sidewalk Chalk Drawings by Julian Beever


See More Here

You may have seen Julian Beever’s amazing pavement drawings. He utilizes the Trompe l’oeil technique, which means “trick the eye” in French. He uses his drawing stills to create a perception. Like an optical illusion, our mind attempts to fill in the details of something it either thinks it already knows, or doesn’t quite understand. This works out fine, when that’s the intention – momentarily letting our world be shaped for fun. But wandering through life, letting others create your perceptions, can make for a very unfulfilling life.

Change Your Story, Change Your Perception, Change Your Life

We all get caught up in our stories. Most of us think we are our stories. It’s when those stories take on a life of their own, and that life isn’t the one we want, that things start to suck.
Think about the story you’re living right now. Who wrote it? Did you consciously decide to create the reality you’re living now, or was it mainly shaped by your parents, friends, spouse, school, or the media? If you don’t like the story your living, then change the perception. Envision how you’d write the next chapter of your story. Better yet, actually sit down and write it. Focus your perception on creating a new reality, one where you are in charge of the story. Take back the job as screenwriter and director, and stop just being an actor (unless you’re Rachel McAdams – I rather enjoy her acting).
Everything begins with a decision – decide now to be in charge of your own perception of reality. Because if you don’t, there are plenty of folks whose sole purpose in life is to craft that perception for you. Do you trust them to have your best interest in mind…?
Obviously this will get worse before it gets better. Any predictions?

Yes, I know it's all the other side's fault. I'm curious about what you think could happen.

I have significant expectations that you will see someone shot or stabbed at a Trump event this year. ESPECIALLY if he ends up being the Republican nominee.

These protesters are pushing tbe limits and they're eventually gonna push just a bit too far and end up regretting being where they're not wanted.
The anti-Trump forces are now obviously excited and emboldened by their victory in shutting down opposing speech in Chicago. This stuff is only going to intensify.

The Trump supporters are even angrier and will be attending his future rallies ready to take on those trying to shut down opposing speech. Who knows how, or with what.

Obviously this will get worse before it gets better. Any predictions?

Yes, I know it's all the other side's fault. I'm curious about what you think could happen.

no one shut down opposing speech. you know that the police never told the dondald to end his rally, right? i he did it on purpose to rev up his loons.

hey, our party didn't pick him.... but he has no right to expect that he can spew what he spews and not have protestors. those protestors are peaceful except when he tells his people to rough them up. he owns this. and he wanted violence in chicago... it's part of his show.
Hmmm...I always thought protest was one of the most American of traditions. Starting way back at the original Tea Party. So Trumps been inciting violence at these gatherings for weeks but somehow he doesn't bare any responsibility for the results of his actions. Does that bode well for a Trump Presidency? The sign on his desk will say "the buck stops... over there"? By the way, I've watched every video I could find and I didn't see any evidence that it was the protesters starting the flareups. Did you see that coward slug the guy who just happened to be Black? I can guarantee you that old hater has been waiting to do that for fifty years and thinks he has finally found a leader giving him the okay.
You are entitled to protest and are guaranteed free speech. You are NOT guaranteed the right to sneak into a PRIVATE gathering and attempt through screaming threats and intimidating the people and grabbing signs and tearing them up and taking swings at people at the PRIVATE gathering because you do not agree with those people's political point of view.
If dozens of fucking thugs were sneaking into Bernie's or Hillary's PRIVATE gathering with the explicit purpose of closing down the gathering would you think it's OK? The Bernie/BLM mob were dancing and cheering and screaming: "WE WON!" when Trump cancelled the PRIVATE! rally.
Would that be OK for Trumps supporters to do at a Sander's PRIVATE rally?
Wise up pal.

As I said I've watched every video I could find on the events, I never saw anything except possibly some shouting. That's not that uncommon in political campaigns. I've never seen it end up in this kind of violence. And I have seen two or three videos where Trump supporters definitely escalated whatever was going on to violence. I guess I'll go through everything again and save anything of relevance I find. If demonstrators did what you claim, were the first to use physical force, then I guess human nature would make violent reaction inevitable.

Prior to the Chicago incident, there were zero cases of protesters throwing punches or swinging at anyone.

Trump has repeated that lie many times. No videos or reporter accounts of any protesters swinging.

Thanks, I think, you added that to back up my interpretation I'm assuming? I don't know if it matters a lot at this point, most of the people, anchors, reporters and all had the perception Trump encouraged and enabled the anger and the violent response. I think those perceptions have become the reality.

Perceptions don't become reality. Either what you perceive is reality or it isn't. The claim that Trump encouraged or enabled anything is leftwing/establishment horseshit.

only in your teeny tiny little uninformed mind.
Obviously this will get worse before it gets better. Any predictions?

Yes, I know it's all the other side's fault. I'm curious about what you think could happen.

I have significant expectations that you will see someone shot or stabbed at a Trump event this year. ESPECIALLY if he ends up being the Republican nominee.

These protesters are pushing tbe limits and they're eventually gonna push just a bit too far and end up regretting being where they're not wanted.

More! Tell me more.....said a breathless Mac.
Obviously this will get worse before it gets better. Any predictions?

Yes, I know it's all the other side's fault. I'm curious about what you think could happen.

I have significant expectations that you will see someone shot or stabbed at a Trump event this year. ESPECIALLY if he ends up being the Republican nominee.

These protesters are pushing tbe limits and they're eventually gonna push just a bit too far and end up regretting being where they're not wanted.
I wouldn't be surprised. But Trump could do more to calm his people down, dontcha think?

Making excuses for the coward who sucker-punched that kid at the rally, saying he may pay his legal bills, isn't exactly helpful.
They are attempting to influence voters. Just wait till election day. They'll be scaring people into not voting if they aren't for Trump at voting locations. The Fuhrer is back.
Like the NEw Black Panthers did right?
I wouldn't be surprised. But Trump could do more to calm his people down, dontcha think?

Making excuses for the coward who sucker-punched that kid at the rally, saying he may pay his legal bills, isn't exactly helpful.

Sorry, but if you go somewhere you're not wanted, open your mouth to disrupt the event and NOT expect to get smacked in the mouth, you're a fool.

Failing to resist such disruptions is tantamount to acceptance of them. If you don't wanna get punched in the pie hole, keep it shut.
I wouldn't be surprised. But Trump could do more to calm his people down, dontcha think?

Making excuses for the coward who sucker-punched that kid at the rally, saying he may pay his legal bills, isn't exactly helpful.

Sorry, but if you go somewhere you're not wanted, open your mouth to disrupt the event and NOT expect to get smacked in the mouth, you're a fool.

Failing to resist such disruptions is tantamount to acceptance of them. If you don't wanna get punched in the pie hole, keep it shut.

Obviously this will get worse before it gets better. Any predictions?

Yes, I know it's all the other side's fault. I'm curious about what you think could happen.

I have significant expectations that you will see someone shot or stabbed at a Trump event this year. ESPECIALLY if he ends up being the Republican nominee.

These protesters are pushing tbe limits and they're eventually gonna push just a bit too far and end up regretting being where they're not wanted.

i think that type of violence is very possible.... but not from the protesters... from the kkk'ers the donald likes so much.
Sorry, but if you go somewhere you're not wanted, open your mouth to disrupt the event and NOT expect to get smacked in the mouth, you're a fool.

As long as the smackers don't mind getting smacked back, its all good.

You think those black guys from the hood are scared of a bunch of ignorant rednecks?

I watched one exchange on tv and when the much smaller black.guy started firing punches at this white guy, the white guy couldn't get away fast enough.

Be careful what you wish for.

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