How much worse will this get - predictions?

The anti-Trump forces are now obviously excited and emboldened by their victory in shutting down opposing speech in Chicago. This stuff is only going to intensify.

The Trump supporters are even angrier and will be attending his future rallies ready to take on those trying to shut down opposing speech. Who knows how, or with what.

Obviously this will get worse before it gets better. Any predictions?

Yes, I know it's all the other side's fault. I'm curious about what you think could happen.

If you were an honest broker, you'd know that Trump could diffuse the situation very easily by not stoking the flames at his events.

He tried like hell last night to get his supporters whipped up......asking over and over if he had any protesters. It didn't work. He caved to the forces of political correctness and didn't urge them explicitly to assault the "disrupters". So....they didn't. It's entirely up to him.

Why do I get the feeling that you are hoping it gets worse so you can get some live entertainment on your television? You are not curious about what anyone here thinks will happen. You just want to get some jerk off material. Earmuffs.

The left wing goon squad could diffuse the situation by protesting outside instead of sneaking into the event with every intention of shutting down the event and free speech. How about the left can just go to hell how's that!

Maybe. But there isn't a person directing the protesters. Too sad.

I don't know why the left bothers to LIE when its so obviously they are lying. Riiiight it was just all a big coincidence they showed up /eyeroll
The anti-Trump forces are now obviously excited and emboldened by their victory in shutting down opposing speech in Chicago. This stuff is only going to intensify.

The Trump supporters are even angrier and will be attending his future rallies ready to take on those trying to shut down opposing speech. Who knows how, or with what.

Obviously this will get worse before it gets better. Any predictions?

Yes, I know it's all the other side's fault. I'm curious about what you think could happen.

If you were an honest broker, you'd know that Trump could diffuse the situation very easily by not stoking the flames at his events.

He tried like hell last night to get his supporters whipped up......asking over and over if he had any protesters. It didn't work. He caved to the forces of political correctness and didn't urge them explicitly to assault the "disrupters". So....they didn't. It's entirely up to him.

Why do I get the feeling that you are hoping it gets worse so you can get some live entertainment on your television? You are not curious about what anyone here thinks will happen. You just want to get some jerk off material. Earmuffs.

The left wing goon squad could diffuse the situation by protesting outside instead of sneaking into the event with every intention of shutting down the event and free speech. How about the left can just go to hell how's that!

Maybe. But there isn't a person directing the protesters. Too sad.

I don't know why the left bothers to LIE when its so obviously they are lying. Riiiight it was just all a big coincidence they showed up /eyeroll

Find a clip of some lefty leader telling people to assault Donald Trump supporters. I'm willing to be convinced. Shall I wait?
The anti-Trump forces are now obviously excited and emboldened by their victory in shutting down opposing speech in Chicago. This stuff is only going to intensify.

The Trump supporters are even angrier and will be attending his future rallies ready to take on those trying to shut down opposing speech. Who knows how, or with what.

Obviously this will get worse before it gets better. Any predictions?

Yes, I know it's all the other side's fault. I'm curious about what you think could happen.

If you were an honest broker, you'd know that Trump could diffuse the situation very easily by not stoking the flames at his events.

He tried like hell last night to get his supporters whipped up......asking over and over if he had any protesters. It didn't work. He caved to the forces of political correctness and didn't urge them explicitly to assault the "disrupters". So....they didn't. It's entirely up to him.

Why do I get the feeling that you are hoping it gets worse so you can get some live entertainment on your television? You are not curious about what anyone here thinks will happen. You just want to get some jerk off material. Earmuffs.

The left wing goon squad could diffuse the situation by protesting outside instead of sneaking into the event with every intention of shutting down the event and free speech. How about the left can just go to hell how's that!

Maybe. But there isn't a person directing the protesters. Too sad.

I don't know why the left bothers to LIE when its so obviously they are lying. Riiiight it was just all a big coincidence they showed up /eyeroll

Find a clip of some lefty leader telling people to assault Donald Trump supporters. I'm willing to be convinced. Shall I wait?

Do you require proof the earth orbits the sun also? :blahblah:
I'm anti trump and not excited about the event shutdown. I'm just not naive enough to pretend trumps violent rhetoric isn't a contributing factor. I want people to assemble and vote in peace, which is one of many reason I dislike trump. I oppose bullying, threats and retaliation.

As for how worse, that depends. I think it can get much worse. Especially when trump doesn't wipe the floor with everyone Tuesday. Trump camp is already accusing Rubio of cheating. And if he doesn't win these trump has no shot at the nomination. If trump supporters feel he was cheats and with Bernie and Clinton supporters egging him on, it will get ugly.
Two hours ago Florida polls show Trump at 43% Rubio at 22%.
Polls: Trump Ahead in Florida, Illinois; Kasich Leads in Ohio
Would you care to give your definition of what "wiping the floor" means?
Trump is a genius at marketing himself. He is so fucking clever he figured out how to make the LIB MSM get him into the White house.
'Things' are only going to get as "ugly" as the LIBs want them to be.
It is hard to see an upper limit.

The protesters believe that people they are trying to intimidate are effectively Pure Evil, who want to kill them and theirs, and oppress the survivors.

The Trump supporters are very tired of that shit.

THe organizers, I think just want to use intimidation at this point, and probably realize that actually mob violence would actually hurt their cause.

BUT when using angry mobs, precision control is not an option.

Random Chance will play a role here.

Also, consider this.

What makes you think this won't happen next election too?
The word has gone out to every Trump supporter: DO NOT! go to any Hillary or Bernie rally and cause any problems! You see that this is what is happening.
Trump is a genius at marketing.
He is currently 'rope-a-doping' Sander's and BLM supporters. Letting the world watch as they attempt to deny Trump's right to free speech. It's working perfectly.
The LIB MSM/DEMS/BLM might as well hand Trump the keys to the White house on a solid GOLD platter.
Well, there is Trump, and then there are his supporters.

A lot of people think professional wrestling is real.
Not really. Trump and his supporters are one.
He believes 100% in them and they believe 100% in him.
Ever been to a 'cage fight' Mac?
I promise you it's not professional wrestling.
And the 'enhanced' security cage fighters are not going to be putting on an act after some LIB pussy with a 'man-bun' takes a swing at any of them.
No, I'm afraid I've never been to a "cage fight".

So it sounds to me like you're only expecting increased violence if it's in response to violence?
So what would you suggest as a "response to violence"?
Maybe run away? Turn the other cheek? Maybe ask those who are "increasing the violence" to please stop it?
You must have some solution right?
Humans evolved a "response to violence" for one reason: Survival.
No, I sure don't have a solution, outside of the protesters deciding to put their energy into backing their own candidate and just leaving the rally participants to do their thing.

But, as we know, they are committed to disturbing and/or shutting down opposing speech.
If you were an honest broker, you'd know that Trump could diffuse the situation very easily by not stoking the flames at his events.

He tried like hell last night to get his supporters whipped up......asking over and over if he had any protesters. It didn't work. He caved to the forces of political correctness and didn't urge them explicitly to assault the "disrupters". So....they didn't. It's entirely up to him.

Why do I get the feeling that you are hoping it gets worse so you can get some live entertainment on your television? You are not curious about what anyone here thinks will happen. You just want to get some jerk off material. Earmuffs.

The left wing goon squad could diffuse the situation by protesting outside instead of sneaking into the event with every intention of shutting down the event and free speech. How about the left can just go to hell how's that!

Maybe. But there isn't a person directing the protesters. Too sad.

I don't know why the left bothers to LIE when its so obviously they are lying. Riiiight it was just all a big coincidence they showed up /eyeroll

Find a clip of some lefty leader telling people to assault Donald Trump supporters. I'm willing to be convinced. Shall I wait?

Do you require proof the earth orbits the sun also? :blahblah:

Silly nutter. We have video of Donald Trump telling his supporters the the wants to assault protesters, and that he'd pay their legal fees.

We have nothing of the sort regarding any liberal leader. None.

You don't have a case.
Both left and right hate'n on trump, the independents seem to like that trump makes both sides angry...
The left wing goon squad could diffuse the situation by protesting outside instead of sneaking into the event with every intention of shutting down the event and free speech. How about the left can just go to hell how's that!

Maybe. But there isn't a person directing the protesters. Too sad.

I don't know why the left bothers to LIE when its so obviously they are lying. Riiiight it was just all a big coincidence they showed up /eyeroll

Find a clip of some lefty leader telling people to assault Donald Trump supporters. I'm willing to be convinced. Shall I wait?

Do you require proof the earth orbits the sun also? :blahblah:

Silly nutter. We have video of Donald Trump telling his supporters the the wants to assault protesters, and that he'd pay their legal fees.

We have nothing of the sort regarding any liberal leader. None.

You don't have a case.

Uppity liberals need a good smack in the mouth, so far they have lost every brawl.
The large and growing group that is feeling less and less represented by the Political Class is not going away after Trump.
Yeah, I can definitely see that, and that includes Sanders' fans.

The variable is the messenger.
When Debbie hands Hillary the nomination Sander's fan are going to scream "FUCK IT! The game is rigged".
Most of them are starry eyed little dopers with fucking 'man-buns' fresh out of the Liberal Indoctrination Centers they were literally 'streamed' through. They are semi-literate but know all kinds of things about Saul Alinsky's life.
These little fools will stay home on election day and save the bus money to go to the nearest voting station and spend it on weed and red liquorice.
Very few will EVER get one of those millions of decent stable well paying fucking "GREEN" jobs Obama solemnly promised if he was elected.
Very very few will ever be able to get ANY fucking decent stable well paying job in their entire lives.
The very few who get a lucky job will magically transform into REPs the next time they vote.
As long as the stupid LIBs keep making trade deals which move tens of thousands of jobs overseas Trump's message resonates with the middle class, such as it is.
The left wing goon squad could diffuse the situation by protesting outside instead of sneaking into the event with every intention of shutting down the event and free speech. How about the left can just go to hell how's that!

Maybe. But there isn't a person directing the protesters. Too sad.

I don't know why the left bothers to LIE when its so obviously they are lying. Riiiight it was just all a big coincidence they showed up /eyeroll

Find a clip of some lefty leader telling people to assault Donald Trump supporters. I'm willing to be convinced. Shall I wait?

Do you require proof the earth orbits the sun also? :blahblah:

Silly nutter. We have video of Donald Trump telling his supporters the the wants to assault protesters, and that he'd pay their legal fees.

We have nothing of the sort regarding any liberal leader. None.

You don't have a case.
Don't make any of the liberals out to be leaders if all they are doing is blaming Trump and failing to shame the protestors. Are they THAT desperate for every single vote?
The word has gone out to every Trump supporter: DO NOT! go to any Hillary or Bernie rally and cause any problems! You see that this is what is happening.
Trump is a genius at marketing.
He is currently 'rope-a-doping' Sander's and BLM supporters. Letting the world watch as they attempt to deny Trump's right to free speech. It's working perfectly.
The LIB MSM/DEMS/BLM might as well hand Trump the keys to the White house on a solid GOLD platter.
Well, there is Trump, and then there are his supporters.

A lot of people think professional wrestling is real.
Not really. Trump and his supporters are one.
He believes 100% in them and they believe 100% in him.
Ever been to a 'cage fight' Mac?
I promise you it's not professional wrestling.
And the 'enhanced' security cage fighters are not going to be putting on an act after some LIB pussy with a 'man-bun' takes a swing at any of them.
No, I'm afraid I've never been to a "cage fight".

So it sounds to me like you're only expecting increased violence if it's in response to violence?
So what would you suggest as a "response to violence"?
Maybe run away? Turn the other cheek? Maybe ask those who are "increasing the violence" to please stop it?
You must have some solution right?
Humans evolved a "response to violence" for one reason: Survival.
No, I sure don't have a solution, outside of the protesters deciding to put their energy into backing their own candidate and just leaving the rally participants to do their thing.

But, as we know, they are committed to disturbing and/or shutting down opposing speech.
Then what happens to them is their problem.
Come into my home and scream and threaten me and my friends because they don't like my politics and what my response will be will surprise them.
Maybe. But there isn't a person directing the protesters. Too sad.

I don't know why the left bothers to LIE when its so obviously they are lying. Riiiight it was just all a big coincidence they showed up /eyeroll

Find a clip of some lefty leader telling people to assault Donald Trump supporters. I'm willing to be convinced. Shall I wait?

Do you require proof the earth orbits the sun also? :blahblah:

Silly nutter. We have video of Donald Trump telling his supporters the the wants to assault protesters, and that he'd pay their legal fees.

We have nothing of the sort regarding any liberal leader. None.

You don't have a case.

Uppity liberals need a good smack in the mouth, so far they have lost every brawl.
Huh, excuse me, excuse me.....Trump canceled his na na na na!
I don't know why the left bothers to LIE when its so obviously they are lying. Riiiight it was just all a big coincidence they showed up /eyeroll

Find a clip of some lefty leader telling people to assault Donald Trump supporters. I'm willing to be convinced. Shall I wait?

Do you require proof the earth orbits the sun also? :blahblah:

Silly nutter. We have video of Donald Trump telling his supporters the the wants to assault protesters, and that he'd pay their legal fees.

We have nothing of the sort regarding any liberal leader. None.

You don't have a case.

Uppity liberals need a good smack in the mouth, so far they have lost every brawl.
Huh, excuse me, excuse me.....Trump canceled his na na na na!
Another pro 1st Amendment man showing his true colors.................1st Amendment rights only apply when he agrees.

Do I have permission to post on this thread..........Do I have your permission to speak................hmmm.
The large and growing group that is feeling less and less represented by the Political Class is not going away after Trump.
Yeah, I can definitely see that, and that includes Sanders' fans.

The variable is the messenger.
When Debbie hands Hillary the nomination Sander's fan are going to scream "FUCK IT! The game is rigged".
Most of them are starry eyed little dopers with fucking 'man-buns' fresh out of the Liberal Indoctrination Centers they were literally 'streamed' through. They are semi-literate but know all kinds of things about Saul Alinsky's life.
These little fools will stay home on election day and save the bus money to go to the nearest voting station and spend it on weed and red liquorice.
Very few will EVER get one of those millions of decent stable well paying fucking "GREEN" jobs Obama solemnly promised if he was elected.
Very very few will ever be able to get ANY fucking decent stable well paying job in their entire lives.
The very few who get a lucky job will magically transform into REPs the next time they vote.
As long as the stupid LIBs keep making trade deals which move tens of thousands of jobs overseas Trump's message resonates with the middle class, such as it is.

Hoo whoo, the game is already fixed, what do you think the way super delegates are handled in the DNC is all about?
Every other candidate in the race has denounced overly boisterous or aggressive protesters.

Really, since you know, what exactly has Mrs. Tulza Clinton said?

Oh right, they have all joined together in insider unity and blame Trump.
The left wing goon squad could diffuse the situation by protesting outside instead of sneaking into the event with every intention of shutting down the event and free speech. How about the left can just go to hell how's that!

Maybe. But there isn't a person directing the protesters. Too sad.

I don't know why the left bothers to LIE when its so obviously they are lying. Riiiight it was just all a big coincidence they showed up /eyeroll

Find a clip of some lefty leader telling people to assault Donald Trump supporters. I'm willing to be convinced. Shall I wait?

Do you require proof the earth orbits the sun also? :blahblah:

Silly nutter. We have video of Donald Trump telling his supporters the the wants to assault protesters, and that he'd pay their legal fees.

We have nothing of the sort regarding any liberal leader. None.

You don't have a case.

What did he actually say? What kind of assault and when? Wow are you people becoming unhinged.
Find a clip of some lefty leader telling people to assault Donald Trump supporters. I'm willing to be convinced. Shall I wait?

Do you require proof the earth orbits the sun also? :blahblah:

Silly nutter. We have video of Donald Trump telling his supporters the the wants to assault protesters, and that he'd pay their legal fees.

We have nothing of the sort regarding any liberal leader. None.

You don't have a case.

Uppity liberals need a good smack in the mouth, so far they have lost every brawl.
Huh, excuse me, excuse me.....Trump canceled his na na na na!
Another pro 1st Amendment man showing his true colors.................1st Amendment rights only apply when he agrees.

Do I have permission to post on this thread..........Do I have your permission to speak................hmmm.
Here's a clue....when you threaten to punch people in the face that disagree with you....there are going to be some that dare you to try it. That's when Trump hides behind his body guards. Tough talk, no balls.
Do you require proof the earth orbits the sun also? :blahblah:

Silly nutter. We have video of Donald Trump telling his supporters the the wants to assault protesters, and that he'd pay their legal fees.

We have nothing of the sort regarding any liberal leader. None.

You don't have a case.

Uppity liberals need a good smack in the mouth, so far they have lost every brawl.
Huh, excuse me, excuse me.....Trump canceled his na na na na!
Another pro 1st Amendment man showing his true colors.................1st Amendment rights only apply when he agrees.

Do I have permission to post on this thread..........Do I have your permission to speak................hmmm.
Here's a clue....when you threaten to punch people in the face that disagree with you....there are going to be some that dare you to try it. That's when Trump hides behind his body guards. Tough talk, no balls.
Whatever lib...............your side does this all the time.................I'll eat some popcorn and watch the water cannon video as they flush people like you down the street with water.................

MoveOn organized and paid for this Hostile take over. Your side OWNS THIS.

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