How much worse will this get - predictions?

As long as the smackers don't mind getting smacked back, its all good.

You think those black guys from the hood are scared of a bunch of ignorant rednecks?

I watched one exchange on tv and when the much smaller black.guy started firing punches at this white guy, the white guy couldn't get away fast enough.

Be careful what you wish for.

They should be careful as well. That "smack" may come from our friends Mr Colt, or Smith and Wesson.

I personally believe Trump should start screening all attendees and anyone who appears to be anything other than a Trump supporter should be banbed from entering the venue.
They should be careful as well. That "smack" may come from our friends Mr Colt, or Smith and Wesson.

You do know trump rallies are gun free zones. Right?

And you really think blacks from the cities are not familiar with Mr. Glock or Mr. Beretta or even Mr Uzi?

You don't think.much do ya?
personally believe Trump should start screening all attendees and anyone who appears to be anything other than a Trump supporter should be banbed from entering the venue.

Me too. Trump needs to stand at the door and vet them all.
Sorry, but if you go somewhere you're not wanted, open your mouth to disrupt the event and NOT expect to get smacked in the mouth, you're a fool.

As long as the smackers don't mind getting smacked back, its all good.

You think those black guys from the hood are scared of a bunch of ignorant rednecks?

I watched one exchange on tv and when the much smaller black.guy started firing punches at this white guy, the white guy couldn't get away fast enough.

Be careful what you wish for.
The WHITE! 78 yar old coldcocked the 'young negro man' with a single punch. The smallest book in the world is a list of 'young negro men' who are men enough not to need their 'crew' with them whenever a fight starts.
Seen it a thousand times. Get one 'young negro man' alone and they turn into blubbering cowards.
You do know trump rallies are gun free zones. Right?

And you really think blacks from the cities are not familiar with Mr. Glock or Mr. Beretta or even Mr Uzi?

You don't think.much do ya?

I am aware thst most political events are gun free zones. That's part of why I won't attend them. I also know there's a lot that happens outside those perimeters thst the Secret Service and local PD can't control.

Your average Bernie/Hillary supporter wouldn't touch a gun and the average Cruz/Rubio supporter wouldn't have the balls to use one.
You do know trump rallies are gun free zones. Right?

And you really think blacks from the cities are not familiar with Mr. Glock or Mr. Beretta or even Mr Uzi?

You don't think.much do ya?

I am aware thst most political events are gun free zones. That's part of why I won't attend them. I also know there's a lot that happens outside those perimeters thst the Secret Service and local PD can't control.

Your average Bernie/Hillary supporter wouldn't touch a gun and the average Cruz/Rubio supporter wouldn't have the balls to use one.
You left out the 'average' Trump supporter.
They to a man and woman know guns and they aren't in the least concerned about using them if needed.
All it's going to take to start a nationwide race war that will end up with most negro men dead will be some negro sneaking a gun into a Trump rally and shooting a bunch of people.
Bear this in mind. At this point should a race war start it will not be stopped or controlled. It will literally be open season on negroes.
There are about 300,000000 millions guns with a hundred times more ammunition and about 49% are owned by REPs and 27% are owned by Independents. That's about 86%. About 23% call themselves Liberals. 95% of negroes 'block vote' for Liberal politicians.
About 19% of guns are owned by negroes.
Starting to get the picture?
Guess who's going to be the last race standing?
Soros,, Black Lives Matter, and the rest of the anti-Trump conspirators / 'army' are handing Trump the 'W'.

WHILE trying to SILENCE an opposing voice / opinion, demonstrating an anti-1st Amendment agenda and intolerance.....WHILE inciting racial division....while inciting violence, Liberals are accusing Trump of racial division, or inciting violence, and comparing him to Hitler.

People are seeing through that, seeing that it is the Liberals who are doing these things. They can't shut him down on ideas, on the argument. They can't stop the ground swell of people supporting him because they are tired of the same ol' criminal political non-representative governance. So, instead of listening, learning and giving what the people want, they are trying to shut him up. They are only FUELING the anti-Oligarchist politicians / politics and making the Pro Trump movement stronger.

Soros has promised it will continue. He is convinced that leading, organizing, and continuing the 'socialist revolution' to shut down and silence Trump and his supporters - who are tired as hell and want to take their country back - is going to prevail.

I am not a Trump supporter, but what politicians on both sides have not recognized - continue to deny - is that a revolution of sorts is brewing in this country. 2014 was a DEFINITE sign, one that had nothing to do with the GOP and everything to do with Americans being fed up with Un-Constitutional. law-violating politicians who have appointed themselves 'rulers' instead of 'servants of the people' in a representative government. The GOP declared the historic Liberal loss to be a sign THEY were embraced...morons. Now, as the people rise up and embrace someone voicing all the frustration and anger citizens are feeling they still have not embraced and tried to capture that movement for their own. They are FIGHTING it, as if to say, 'HOW DARE the people rebel against us - the Washington Establishment career politicians?!'

Meanwhile pro-Washington Establishment candidate supporters are continuing to cheer on the politicians who are trying to put this 'take back the government and put Americans 1st' down, to 'put them back in line where they belong'.

Will this go on? Yes. How FAR will it go? Dunno - how badly, how far are the career politicians who do not want to lose their power willing to go? Do I think there may be a serious attempt on Trump's life? Actually, I do, driven to it by the escalating rhetoric, protests ,and hatred fanned by self-serving controllers' like Soros.

If you don't like Trump, beat him at the podium. Beat him in ideas. Beat him in offering a more-preferred idea / plan. If you have to take to the streets, rush the stage, and try to silence his message - which more people are embracing than yours, you've already LOST!
They to a man and woman know guns and they aren't in the least concerned about using them if needed.

Dude you are fucking delusional.

All the trump idiots left their gun in the car. All the trump haters wait outside with gun in pocket.

Who has the advantage?
The anti-Trump forces are now obviously excited and emboldened by their victory in shutting down opposing speech in Chicago. This stuff is only going to intensify.

The Trump supporters are even angrier and will be attending his future rallies ready to take on those trying to shut down opposing speech. Who knows how, or with what.

Obviously this will get worse before it gets better. Any predictions?

Yes, I know it's all the other side's fault. I'm curious about what you think could happen.

no one shut down opposing speech. you know that the police never told the dondald to end his rally, right? i he did it on purpose to rev up his loons.

hey, our party didn't pick him.... but he has no right to expect that he can spew what he spews and not have protestors. those protestors are peaceful except when he tells his people to rough them up. he owns this. and he wanted violence in chicago... it's part of his show.
How do you know Trump wasn't told it would be best? What's your source? Get back to us with something better than a pussy fart.
They to a man and woman know guns and they aren't in the least concerned about using them if needed.

Dude you are fucking delusional.

All the trump idiots left their gun in the car. All the trump haters wait outside with gun in pocket.

Who has the advantage?
Want do you think would happen to the "Trump haters" if one or more of them starting shooting Trump supporters?
Within a week cafe visitors in Paris France will be smelling rotting "Trump hater's bodies.
There are millions of people just itching for 'open season'. And it's going to be a record breaking hot summer.
Obama did accomplish one very important thing: He was the best firearms salesman in US history.
Addressing the OP, where is this going to go?

To street fights and axe handles and tear gas if the Democrats dont back off quick.
Where is this going?

Something overlooked is that there is an element in America that just loves to break heads. OK, some of those "protesting" Trump are undoubtedly just simple minded Democrat Party Adherents doing what comes naturally. Some are, if we believe some of the videos posted on this board, paid agitators - though those seem to confine themselves to making fools of themselves, not physically attacking anyone.

On the other side, there are those people who will not lie down in front of an assailant and will fight back. Some with disproportionate force.

Where the shit will hit the fan is when the first element - the ones who love a fight and get liquored up/stoned and go out seeking one will seize the opportunity.

It appears to have already started and I ruefully expect it will get worse. Much worse.

The Democrat debacle in Chicago's political history is going to repeat in more cities and there will be blood. There will be cars burned. There will be businesses trashed and looted. And the looting will bring out the REAL thugs who are in it for themselves - not for $11/hour.

And guess which candidate will benefit most as more and more Americans figure out that enough is enough.
The anti-Trump forces are now obviously excited and emboldened by their victory in shutting down opposing speech in Chicago. This stuff is only going to intensify.

The Trump supporters are even angrier and will be attending his future rallies ready to take on those trying to shut down opposing speech. Who knows how, or with what.

Obviously this will get worse before it gets better. Any predictions?

Yes, I know it's all the other side's fault. I'm curious about what you think could happen.

It is hard to see an upper limit.

The protesters believe that people they are trying to intimidate are effectively Pure Evil, who want to kill them and theirs, and oppress the survivors.

The Trump supporters are very tired of that shit.

THe organizers, I think just want to use intimidation at this point, and probably realize that actually mob violence would actually hurt their cause.

BUT when using angry mobs, precision control is not an option.

Random Chance will play a role here.

Also, consider this.

What makes you think this won't happen next election too?
The word has gone out to every Trump supporter: DO NOT! go to any Hillary or Bernie rally and cause any problems! You see that this is what is happening.
Trump is a genius at marketing.
He is currently 'rope-a-doping' Sander's and BLM supporters. Letting the world watch as they attempt to deny Trump's right to free speech. It's working perfectly.
The LIB MSM/DEMS/BLM might as well hand Trump the keys to the White house on a solid GOLD platter.
Well, there is Trump, and then there are his supporters.

A lot of people think professional wrestling is real.

I believe it will
The anti-Trump forces are now obviously excited and emboldened by their victory in shutting down opposing speech in Chicago. This stuff is only going to intensify.

The Trump supporters are even angrier and will be attending his future rallies ready to take on those trying to shut down opposing speech. Who knows how, or with what.

Obviously this will get worse before it gets better. Any predictions?

Yes, I know it's all the other side's fault. I'm curious about what you think could happen.

It is hard to see an upper limit.

The protesters believe that people they are trying to intimidate are effectively Pure Evil, who want to kill them and theirs, and oppress the survivors.

The Trump supporters are very tired of that shit.

THe organizers, I think just want to use intimidation at this point, and probably realize that actually mob violence would actually hurt their cause.

BUT when using angry mobs, precision control is not an option.

Random Chance will play a role here.

Also, consider this.

What makes you think this won't happen next election too?
The word has gone out to every Trump supporter: DO NOT! go to any Hillary or Bernie rally and cause any problems! You see that this is what is happening.
Trump is a genius at marketing.
He is currently 'rope-a-doping' Sander's and BLM supporters. Letting the world watch as they attempt to deny Trump's right to free speech. It's working perfectly.
The LIB MSM/DEMS/BLM might as well hand Trump the keys to the White house on a solid GOLD platter.
Well, there is Trump, and then there are his supporters.

A lot of people think professional wrestling is real.

Depending upon what happens Tuesday, we may see all of this fall off. No matter what the left on here say, they know Trump is stealing many of their votes. All of this is just an attempt to stop his nomination, for they know if the republican do get behind him, with some of their votes crossing and lack of enthusiasm, it could present a much larger problem than any of the other 3.
That is wishful thinking at the moment.

Tomorrow will be the test.
We see more and more on college campuses today how the left has worked to silence those who disagree with their views, so there should be no surprise they make the same attempts at campaign rallies.
You got love it... the wingnuts show-up with the specific intention of starting shit, they start shit, then blame Trump for the shit they started.

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