How much worse will this get - predictions?

Do you require proof the earth orbits the sun also? :blahblah:

Silly nutter. We have video of Donald Trump telling his supporters the the wants to assault protesters, and that he'd pay their legal fees.

We have nothing of the sort regarding any liberal leader. None.

You don't have a case.

Uppity liberals need a good smack in the mouth, so far they have lost every brawl.
Huh, excuse me, excuse me.....Trump canceled his na na na na!
Another pro 1st Amendment man showing his true colors.................1st Amendment rights only apply when he agrees.

Do I have permission to post on this thread..........Do I have your permission to speak................hmmm.
Here's a clue....when you threaten to punch people in the face that disagree with you....there are going to be some that dare you to try it. That's when Trump hides behind his body guards. Tough talk, no balls.

I don't know why the left bothers to LIE when its so obviously they are lying. Riiiight it was just all a big coincidence they showed up /eyeroll

Find a clip of some lefty leader telling people to assault Donald Trump supporters. I'm willing to be convinced. Shall I wait?

Do you require proof the earth orbits the sun also? :blahblah:

Silly nutter. We have video of Donald Trump telling his supporters the the wants to assault protesters, and that he'd pay their legal fees.

We have nothing of the sort regarding any liberal leader. None.

You don't have a case.

Uppity liberals need a good smack in the mouth, so far they have lost every brawl.
Huh, excuse me, excuse me.....Trump canceled his na na na na!

What are you still in grammar school?
Do you require proof the earth orbits the sun also? :blahblah:

Silly nutter. We have video of Donald Trump telling his supporters the the wants to assault protesters, and that he'd pay their legal fees.

We have nothing of the sort regarding any liberal leader. None.

You don't have a case.

Uppity liberals need a good smack in the mouth, so far they have lost every brawl.
Huh, excuse me, excuse me.....Trump canceled his na na na na!
Another pro 1st Amendment man showing his true colors.................1st Amendment rights only apply when he agrees.

Do I have permission to post on this thread..........Do I have your permission to speak................hmmm.
Here's a clue....when you threaten to punch people in the face that disagree with you....there are going to be some that dare you to try it. That's when Trump hides behind his body guards. Tough talk, no balls.

By body guards do you mean the highly trained law enforcement officers in his secret service detail?
The large and growing group that is feeling less and less represented by the Political Class is not going away after Trump.
Yeah, I can definitely see that, and that includes Sanders' fans.

The variable is the messenger.

HOw so?

Trump isn't making these "protesters" show up and be violent.
Trump is far from innocent here. No, he has not (a) forced protesters to show up or (b) straight-out told his people to get violent, but he has clearly said many incendiary things (all of which have been discussed here). And as far as I know, he has not come out forcefully to tell his people to calm down.

In fact, his people are now attacking Cruz for criticizing the events.

This isn't happening in a vacuum. Both "sides" of this issue (as usual) have their fingerprints on this, and on what happens in the future.
Dems have no choice but to push it as far as possible as they field 2 of worst candidates in history
The anti-Trump forces are now obviously excited and emboldened by their victory in shutting down opposing speech in Chicago. This stuff is only going to intensify.

The Trump supporters are even angrier and will be attending his future rallies ready to take on those trying to shut down opposing speech. Who knows how, or with what.

Obviously this will get worse before it gets better. Any predictions?

Yes, I know it's all the other side's fault. I'm curious about what you think could happen.
Yesterday the protesters were screaming: "BERNIE BERNIE BERNIE!!!!!"
The BLM tree dwellers were screaming and taunting and throwing punches.
This was INSIDE the PRIVATE!!!!! rally site.The First Amendment guarantees everyone free speech BUT it does not guarantee that anyone can prevent anyone else's free speech. This is what the Bernie bunch of fucking doper losers are trying to do. Same with the BLM thugs.
Some of the First Amendment opposers wore Trump T-shirts to get into the rally. Once inside their goal was to prevent others from exercising their First Amendment rights or free assembly and freedom of speech.
This anti-Americans are handing TRUMP the White house on a GOLD platter.
Every time millions of viewers maybe sitting on the fence politically see what these anti-Americans are doing another fifty thousand decide to vote for Trump.
Trump is a fucking marketing genius.
He has told his security staff to let in a few anti-Americans into the rallies so the camera's can record the anti-Americans trying to take away Trump supporters rights guaranteed to them by the First Amendment.
Keep it up anti-Americans. You are doing a wonderful job helping to elect Trump.
The hilarious part it isn't costing Trump a fucking dime in TV advertising.

Hmmm...I always thought protest was one of the most American of traditions. Starting way back at the original Tea Party. So Trumps been inciting violence at these gatherings for weeks but somehow he doesn't bare any responsibility for the results of his actions. Does that bode well for a Trump Presidency? The sign on his desk will say "the buck stops... over there"? By the way, I've watched every video I could find and I didn't see any evidence that it was the protesters starting the flareups. Did you see that coward slug the guy who just happened to be Black? I can guarantee you that old hater has been waiting to do that for fifty years and thinks he has finally found a leader giving him the okay.
You are entitled to protest and are guaranteed free speech. You are NOT guaranteed the right to sneak into a PRIVATE gathering and attempt through screaming threats and intimidating the people and grabbing signs and tearing them up and taking swings at people at the PRIVATE gathering because you do not agree with those people's political point of view.
If dozens of fucking thugs were sneaking into Bernie's or Hillary's PRIVATE gathering with the explicit purpose of closing down the gathering would you think it's OK? The Bernie/BLM mob were dancing and cheering and screaming: "WE WON!" when Trump cancelled the PRIVATE! rally.
Would that be OK for Trumps supporters to do at a Sander's PRIVATE rally?
Wise up pal.

As I said I've watched every video I could find on the events, I never saw anything except possibly some shouting. That's not that uncommon in political campaigns. I've never seen it end up in this kind of violence. And I have seen two or three videos where Trump supporters definitely escalated whatever was going on to violence. I guess I'll go through everything again and save anything of relevance I find. If demonstrators did what you claim, were the first to use physical force, then I guess human nature would make violent reaction inevitable.
This whole story is a non-issue outside of Trump fanatic land. Trump's fans are all having meltdowns over it, because their masters have ordered them to, but nobody else really cares.

Trump just threatened to send thugs to disrupt Sanders' rallies. And in response, the Democrats are all ... yawning.

First, because so few of them will show. Bullies don't march into situations where they're outnumbered.

Second, because Democrats aren't threatened by free speech.

Third, because Democrats won't take the bait. Trump fans want violence, and we won't give it to them.

Fourth, Democrats will also love-bomb and reason-bomb them, so some of the Trump fans will likely be converted to Democrats.
The anti-Trump forces are now obviously excited and emboldened by their victory in shutting down opposing speech in Chicago. This stuff is only going to intensify.

The Trump supporters are even angrier and will be attending his future rallies ready to take on those trying to shut down opposing speech. Who knows how, or with what.

Obviously this will get worse before it gets better. Any predictions?

Yes, I know it's all the other side's fault. I'm curious about what you think could happen.
Yesterday the protesters were screaming: "BERNIE BERNIE BERNIE!!!!!"
The BLM tree dwellers were screaming and taunting and throwing punches.
This was INSIDE the PRIVATE!!!!! rally site.The First Amendment guarantees everyone free speech BUT it does not guarantee that anyone can prevent anyone else's free speech. This is what the Bernie bunch of fucking doper losers are trying to do. Same with the BLM thugs.
Some of the First Amendment opposers wore Trump T-shirts to get into the rally. Once inside their goal was to prevent others from exercising their First Amendment rights or free assembly and freedom of speech.
This anti-Americans are handing TRUMP the White house on a GOLD platter.
Every time millions of viewers maybe sitting on the fence politically see what these anti-Americans are doing another fifty thousand decide to vote for Trump.
Trump is a fucking marketing genius.
He has told his security staff to let in a few anti-Americans into the rallies so the camera's can record the anti-Americans trying to take away Trump supporters rights guaranteed to them by the First Amendment.
Keep it up anti-Americans. You are doing a wonderful job helping to elect Trump.
The hilarious part it isn't costing Trump a fucking dime in TV advertising.

Hmmm...I always thought protest was one of the most American of traditions. Starting way back at the original Tea Party. So Trumps been inciting violence at these gatherings for weeks but somehow he doesn't bare any responsibility for the results of his actions. Does that bode well for a Trump Presidency? The sign on his desk will say "the buck stops... over there"? By the way, I've watched every video I could find and I didn't see any evidence that it was the protesters starting the flareups. Did you see that coward slug the guy who just happened to be Black? I can guarantee you that old hater has been waiting to do that for fifty years and thinks he has finally found a leader giving him the okay.
You are entitled to protest and are guaranteed free speech. You are NOT guaranteed the right to sneak into a PRIVATE gathering and attempt through screaming threats and intimidating the people and grabbing signs and tearing them up and taking swings at people at the PRIVATE gathering because you do not agree with those people's political point of view.
If dozens of fucking thugs were sneaking into Bernie's or Hillary's PRIVATE gathering with the explicit purpose of closing down the gathering would you think it's OK? The Bernie/BLM mob were dancing and cheering and screaming: "WE WON!" when Trump cancelled the PRIVATE! rally.
Would that be OK for Trumps supporters to do at a Sander's PRIVATE rally?
Wise up pal.

Not too many republicans are leaping to donald's defense, I haven't got very far but it looks like there is a consensus among them that Trump is a "demagogue" and the main culprit.
I've only been looking a few minutes. And I should have mentioned I've been watching campaigns for over forty years and never heard anyone claim a political rally was a "private event"..

Republican presidential candidate Sen. Marco Rubio speaks at a campaign rally in Largo, Fla., on Saturday.

By: Daniel Dale Washington Bureau, Published on Sat Mar 12 2016
LAKELAND, FLA.—This is an election about anger. On Saturday, a large chunk of the Republican Party was consumed by anguish.

Marco Rubio, the man once supposed to be the smiling face of the Republican future, began the day looking ashen. He had seen the party’s future, and it looked a lot like a race brawl.

“No matter what our political differences may be,” Rubio said, “who wants to live in a country where everybody hates each other?”

At a Rubio campaign stop at a barbecue joint near Tampa, Danielle Miller, a 41-year-old Apple employee, briefly buried her head in her hand as she discussed an electoral situation she described as both heartbreaking and terrifying. At a Rubio rally outside an electric company, 60-year-old optometrist Paul Cosenza foresaw a fall reprisal of the Chicago riots of 1968.

Four days before a pivotal moment in the presidential primary, they had awoken to a depressing reality. Their party’s leading candidate was a demagogue who encouraged the violence that contributed to a nationally televised melee in Chicago on Friday night. And that candidate, Donald Trump, was two victories away from seizing an iron grip on their party’s nomination.

“We need someone who has a plan of action to bring us to a better place. And time is running out,” Cosenza said. “The sand is running out on the ability to do that.”

Tuesday is the Republicans’ Trump doomsday. If he is defeated in at least one of the winner-takes-all-delegates primaries in Florida and Ohio, there will be a chance to execute a convoluted plan to wrest the nomination from him at a contested convention in July. If he wins both, he will be nearly impossible to stop.

“God help us all if he’s elected,” said Libby Fuller, an 82-year-old Rubio supporter from the Gulf Coast town of Holiday. She had indignantly phoned her Trump-supporting son during the wild Friday confrontation between Trump supporters and anti-Trump protesters at a University of Illinois arena.
The anti-Trump forces are now obviously excited and emboldened by their victory in shutting down opposing speech in Chicago. This stuff is only going to intensify.

The Trump supporters are even angrier and will be attending his future rallies ready to take on those trying to shut down opposing speech. Who knows how, or with what.

Obviously this will get worse before it gets better. Any predictions?

Yes, I know it's all the other side's fault. I'm curious about what you think could happen.
Yesterday the protesters were screaming: "BERNIE BERNIE BERNIE!!!!!"
The BLM tree dwellers were screaming and taunting and throwing punches.
This was INSIDE the PRIVATE!!!!! rally site.The First Amendment guarantees everyone free speech BUT it does not guarantee that anyone can prevent anyone else's free speech. This is what the Bernie bunch of fucking doper losers are trying to do. Same with the BLM thugs.
Some of the First Amendment opposers wore Trump T-shirts to get into the rally. Once inside their goal was to prevent others from exercising their First Amendment rights or free assembly and freedom of speech.
This anti-Americans are handing TRUMP the White house on a GOLD platter.
Every time millions of viewers maybe sitting on the fence politically see what these anti-Americans are doing another fifty thousand decide to vote for Trump.
Trump is a fucking marketing genius.
He has told his security staff to let in a few anti-Americans into the rallies so the camera's can record the anti-Americans trying to take away Trump supporters rights guaranteed to them by the First Amendment.
Keep it up anti-Americans. You are doing a wonderful job helping to elect Trump.
The hilarious part it isn't costing Trump a fucking dime in TV advertising.

Hmmm...I always thought protest was one of the most American of traditions. Starting way back at the original Tea Party. So Trumps been inciting violence at these gatherings for weeks but somehow he doesn't bare any responsibility for the results of his actions. Does that bode well for a Trump Presidency? The sign on his desk will say "the buck stops... over there"? By the way, I've watched every video I could find and I didn't see any evidence that it was the protesters starting the flareups. Did you see that coward slug the guy who just happened to be Black? I can guarantee you that old hater has been waiting to do that for fifty years and thinks he has finally found a leader giving him the okay.
You are entitled to protest and are guaranteed free speech. You are NOT guaranteed the right to sneak into a PRIVATE gathering and attempt through screaming threats and intimidating the people and grabbing signs and tearing them up and taking swings at people at the PRIVATE gathering because you do not agree with those people's political point of view.
If dozens of fucking thugs were sneaking into Bernie's or Hillary's PRIVATE gathering with the explicit purpose of closing down the gathering would you think it's OK? The Bernie/BLM mob were dancing and cheering and screaming: "WE WON!" when Trump cancelled the PRIVATE! rally.
Would that be OK for Trumps supporters to do at a Sander's PRIVATE rally?
Wise up pal.

Vox leans right too, doesn't it?

certainly don't condone that at all," he said at the CNN debate. "I do not condone violence in any shape," he told Todd on Sunday.

That, frankly speaking, is bullshit. Even if Donald Trump does not, in his heart, want to see people getting beaten up at his rallies, the fact remains that he has consistently encouraged rallygoers to beat up protesters. Even more worrisomely, he has consistently justified his followers' desire to beat people up in terms of their "passion" for his campaign and America.

It is horrifying. And it needs to stop.

Donald Trump literally encourages rallygoers to "knock the crap out of" protesters
The anti-Trump forces are now obviously excited and emboldened by their victory in shutting down opposing speech in Chicago. This stuff is only going to intensify.

The Trump supporters are even angrier and will be attending his future rallies ready to take on those trying to shut down opposing speech. Who knows how, or with what.

Obviously this will get worse before it gets better. Any predictions?

Yes, I know it's all the other side's fault. I'm curious about what you think could happen.
Yesterday the protesters were screaming: "BERNIE BERNIE BERNIE!!!!!"
The BLM tree dwellers were screaming and taunting and throwing punches.
This was INSIDE the PRIVATE!!!!! rally site.The First Amendment guarantees everyone free speech BUT it does not guarantee that anyone can prevent anyone else's free speech. This is what the Bernie bunch of fucking doper losers are trying to do. Same with the BLM thugs.
Some of the First Amendment opposers wore Trump T-shirts to get into the rally. Once inside their goal was to prevent others from exercising their First Amendment rights or free assembly and freedom of speech.
This anti-Americans are handing TRUMP the White house on a GOLD platter.
Every time millions of viewers maybe sitting on the fence politically see what these anti-Americans are doing another fifty thousand decide to vote for Trump.
Trump is a fucking marketing genius.
He has told his security staff to let in a few anti-Americans into the rallies so the camera's can record the anti-Americans trying to take away Trump supporters rights guaranteed to them by the First Amendment.
Keep it up anti-Americans. You are doing a wonderful job helping to elect Trump.
The hilarious part it isn't costing Trump a fucking dime in TV advertising.

Hmmm...I always thought protest was one of the most American of traditions. Starting way back at the original Tea Party. So Trumps been inciting violence at these gatherings for weeks but somehow he doesn't bare any responsibility for the results of his actions. Does that bode well for a Trump Presidency? The sign on his desk will say "the buck stops... over there"? By the way, I've watched every video I could find and I didn't see any evidence that it was the protesters starting the flareups. Did you see that coward slug the guy who just happened to be Black? I can guarantee you that old hater has been waiting to do that for fifty years and thinks he has finally found a leader giving him the okay.
You are entitled to protest and are guaranteed free speech. You are NOT guaranteed the right to sneak into a PRIVATE gathering and attempt through screaming threats and intimidating the people and grabbing signs and tearing them up and taking swings at people at the PRIVATE gathering because you do not agree with those people's political point of view.
If dozens of fucking thugs were sneaking into Bernie's or Hillary's PRIVATE gathering with the explicit purpose of closing down the gathering would you think it's OK? The Bernie/BLM mob were dancing and cheering and screaming: "WE WON!" when Trump cancelled the PRIVATE! rally.
Would that be OK for Trumps supporters to do at a Sander's PRIVATE rally?
Wise up pal.

No comment, got to run didn't watch all of this.

This whole story is a non-issue outside of Trump fanatic land. Trump's fans are all having meltdowns over it, because their masters have ordered them to, but nobody else really cares.

Trump just threatened to send thugs to disrupt Sanders' rallies. And in response, the Democrats are all ... yawning.

First, because so few of them will show. Bullies don't march into situations where they're outnumbered.

Second, because Democrats aren't threatened by free speech.

Third, because Democrats won't take the bait. Trump fans want violence, and we won't give it to them.

Fourth, Democrats will also love-bomb and reason-bomb them, so some of the Trump fans will likely be converted to Democrats.

Are you crazy? its democrats who are trying to block free speech and to silence anyone who does not spout their leftist BS on a continual basis.

Democrats and liberals do not want equal time. because they know that when both sides are given equal time, the left always loses because left wing ideology is based on lies and fraud.
The anti-Trump forces are now obviously excited and emboldened by their victory in shutting down opposing speech in Chicago. This stuff is only going to intensify.

The Trump supporters are even angrier and will be attending his future rallies ready to take on those trying to shut down opposing speech. Who knows how, or with what.

Obviously this will get worse before it gets better. Any predictions?

Yes, I know it's all the other side's fault. I'm curious about what you think could happen.
Yesterday the protesters were screaming: "BERNIE BERNIE BERNIE!!!!!"
The BLM tree dwellers were screaming and taunting and throwing punches.
This was INSIDE the PRIVATE!!!!! rally site.The First Amendment guarantees everyone free speech BUT it does not guarantee that anyone can prevent anyone else's free speech. This is what the Bernie bunch of fucking doper losers are trying to do. Same with the BLM thugs.
Some of the First Amendment opposers wore Trump T-shirts to get into the rally. Once inside their goal was to prevent others from exercising their First Amendment rights or free assembly and freedom of speech.
This anti-Americans are handing TRUMP the White house on a GOLD platter.
Every time millions of viewers maybe sitting on the fence politically see what these anti-Americans are doing another fifty thousand decide to vote for Trump.
Trump is a fucking marketing genius.
He has told his security staff to let in a few anti-Americans into the rallies so the camera's can record the anti-Americans trying to take away Trump supporters rights guaranteed to them by the First Amendment.
Keep it up anti-Americans. You are doing a wonderful job helping to elect Trump.
The hilarious part it isn't costing Trump a fucking dime in TV advertising.

Hmmm...I always thought protest was one of the most American of traditions. Starting way back at the original Tea Party. So Trumps been inciting violence at these gatherings for weeks but somehow he doesn't bare any responsibility for the results of his actions. Does that bode well for a Trump Presidency? The sign on his desk will say "the buck stops... over there"? By the way, I've watched every video I could find and I didn't see any evidence that it was the protesters starting the flareups. Did you see that coward slug the guy who just happened to be Black? I can guarantee you that old hater has been waiting to do that for fifty years and thinks he has finally found a leader giving him the okay.
You are entitled to protest and are guaranteed free speech. You are NOT guaranteed the right to sneak into a PRIVATE gathering and attempt through screaming threats and intimidating the people and grabbing signs and tearing them up and taking swings at people at the PRIVATE gathering because you do not agree with those people's political point of view.
If dozens of fucking thugs were sneaking into Bernie's or Hillary's PRIVATE gathering with the explicit purpose of closing down the gathering would you think it's OK? The Bernie/BLM mob were dancing and cheering and screaming: "WE WON!" when Trump cancelled the PRIVATE! rally.
Would that be OK for Trumps supporters to do at a Sander's PRIVATE rally?
Wise up pal.

As I said I've watched every video I could find on the events, I never saw anything except possibly some shouting. That's not that uncommon in political campaigns. I've never seen it end up in this kind of violence. And I have seen two or three videos where Trump supporters definitely escalated whatever was going on to violence. I guess I'll go through everything again and save anything of relevance I find. If demonstrators did what you claim, were the first to use physical force, then I guess human nature would make violent reaction inevitable.

Prior to the Chicago incident, there were zero cases of protesters throwing punches or swinging at anyone.

Trump has repeated that lie many times. No videos or reporter accounts of any protesters swinging.
The anti-Trump forces are now obviously excited and emboldened by their victory in shutting down opposing speech in Chicago. This stuff is only going to intensify.

The Trump supporters are even angrier and will be attending his future rallies ready to take on those trying to shut down opposing speech. Who knows how, or with what.

Obviously this will get worse before it gets better. Any predictions?

Yes, I know it's all the other side's fault. I'm curious about what you think could happen.
It could get real ugly, or it could tamper down. It's difficult to tell at this point. However, holding rallies in the middle of big Democrat run cities is sure to increase the odds of the former.
The anti-Trump forces are now obviously excited and emboldened by their victory in shutting down opposing speech in Chicago. This stuff is only going to intensify.

The Trump supporters are even angrier and will be attending his future rallies ready to take on those trying to shut down opposing speech. Who knows how, or with what.

Obviously this will get worse before it gets better. Any predictions?

Yes, I know it's all the other side's fault. I'm curious about what you think could happen.
Yesterday the protesters were screaming: "BERNIE BERNIE BERNIE!!!!!"
The BLM tree dwellers were screaming and taunting and throwing punches.
This was INSIDE the PRIVATE!!!!! rally site.The First Amendment guarantees everyone free speech BUT it does not guarantee that anyone can prevent anyone else's free speech. This is what the Bernie bunch of fucking doper losers are trying to do. Same with the BLM thugs.
Some of the First Amendment opposers wore Trump T-shirts to get into the rally. Once inside their goal was to prevent others from exercising their First Amendment rights or free assembly and freedom of speech.
This anti-Americans are handing TRUMP the White house on a GOLD platter.
Every time millions of viewers maybe sitting on the fence politically see what these anti-Americans are doing another fifty thousand decide to vote for Trump.
Trump is a fucking marketing genius.
He has told his security staff to let in a few anti-Americans into the rallies so the camera's can record the anti-Americans trying to take away Trump supporters rights guaranteed to them by the First Amendment.
Keep it up anti-Americans. You are doing a wonderful job helping to elect Trump.
The hilarious part it isn't costing Trump a fucking dime in TV advertising.

Hmmm...I always thought protest was one of the most American of traditions. Starting way back at the original Tea Party. So Trumps been inciting violence at these gatherings for weeks but somehow he doesn't bare any responsibility for the results of his actions. Does that bode well for a Trump Presidency? The sign on his desk will say "the buck stops... over there"? By the way, I've watched every video I could find and I didn't see any evidence that it was the protesters starting the flareups. Did you see that coward slug the guy who just happened to be Black? I can guarantee you that old hater has been waiting to do that for fifty years and thinks he has finally found a leader giving him the okay.
You are entitled to protest and are guaranteed free speech. You are NOT guaranteed the right to sneak into a PRIVATE gathering and attempt through screaming threats and intimidating the people and grabbing signs and tearing them up and taking swings at people at the PRIVATE gathering because you do not agree with those people's political point of view.
If dozens of fucking thugs were sneaking into Bernie's or Hillary's PRIVATE gathering with the explicit purpose of closing down the gathering would you think it's OK? The Bernie/BLM mob were dancing and cheering and screaming: "WE WON!" when Trump cancelled the PRIVATE! rally.
Would that be OK for Trumps supporters to do at a Sander's PRIVATE rally?
Wise up pal.

As I said I've watched every video I could find on the events, I never saw anything except possibly some shouting. That's not that uncommon in political campaigns. I've never seen it end up in this kind of violence. And I have seen two or three videos where Trump supporters definitely escalated whatever was going on to violence. I guess I'll go through everything again and save anything of relevance I find. If demonstrators did what you claim, were the first to use physical force, then I guess human nature would make violent reaction inevitable.

Prior to the Chicago incident, there were zero cases of protesters throwing punches or swinging at anyone.

Trump has repeated that lie many times. No videos or reporter accounts of any protesters swinging.

Not true.
Yesterday the protesters were screaming: "BERNIE BERNIE BERNIE!!!!!"
The BLM tree dwellers were screaming and taunting and throwing punches.
This was INSIDE the PRIVATE!!!!! rally site.The First Amendment guarantees everyone free speech BUT it does not guarantee that anyone can prevent anyone else's free speech. This is what the Bernie bunch of fucking doper losers are trying to do. Same with the BLM thugs.
Some of the First Amendment opposers wore Trump T-shirts to get into the rally. Once inside their goal was to prevent others from exercising their First Amendment rights or free assembly and freedom of speech.
This anti-Americans are handing TRUMP the White house on a GOLD platter.
Every time millions of viewers maybe sitting on the fence politically see what these anti-Americans are doing another fifty thousand decide to vote for Trump.
Trump is a fucking marketing genius.
He has told his security staff to let in a few anti-Americans into the rallies so the camera's can record the anti-Americans trying to take away Trump supporters rights guaranteed to them by the First Amendment.
Keep it up anti-Americans. You are doing a wonderful job helping to elect Trump.
The hilarious part it isn't costing Trump a fucking dime in TV advertising.

Hmmm...I always thought protest was one of the most American of traditions. Starting way back at the original Tea Party. So Trumps been inciting violence at these gatherings for weeks but somehow he doesn't bare any responsibility for the results of his actions. Does that bode well for a Trump Presidency? The sign on his desk will say "the buck stops... over there"? By the way, I've watched every video I could find and I didn't see any evidence that it was the protesters starting the flareups. Did you see that coward slug the guy who just happened to be Black? I can guarantee you that old hater has been waiting to do that for fifty years and thinks he has finally found a leader giving him the okay.
You are entitled to protest and are guaranteed free speech. You are NOT guaranteed the right to sneak into a PRIVATE gathering and attempt through screaming threats and intimidating the people and grabbing signs and tearing them up and taking swings at people at the PRIVATE gathering because you do not agree with those people's political point of view.
If dozens of fucking thugs were sneaking into Bernie's or Hillary's PRIVATE gathering with the explicit purpose of closing down the gathering would you think it's OK? The Bernie/BLM mob were dancing and cheering and screaming: "WE WON!" when Trump cancelled the PRIVATE! rally.
Would that be OK for Trumps supporters to do at a Sander's PRIVATE rally?
Wise up pal.

As I said I've watched every video I could find on the events, I never saw anything except possibly some shouting. That's not that uncommon in political campaigns. I've never seen it end up in this kind of violence. And I have seen two or three videos where Trump supporters definitely escalated whatever was going on to violence. I guess I'll go through everything again and save anything of relevance I find. If demonstrators did what you claim, were the first to use physical force, then I guess human nature would make violent reaction inevitable.

Prior to the Chicago incident, there were zero cases of protesters throwing punches or swinging at anyone.

Trump has repeated that lie many times. No videos or reporter accounts of any protesters swinging.

Not true.

Where is the video?
The anti-Trump forces are now obviously excited and emboldened by their victory in shutting down opposing speech in Chicago. This stuff is only going to intensify.

The Trump supporters are even angrier and will be attending his future rallies ready to take on those trying to shut down opposing speech. Who knows how, or with what.

Obviously this will get worse before it gets better. Any predictions?

Yes, I know it's all the other side's fault. I'm curious about what you think could happen.
Yesterday the protesters were screaming: "BERNIE BERNIE BERNIE!!!!!"
The BLM tree dwellers were screaming and taunting and throwing punches.
This was INSIDE the PRIVATE!!!!! rally site.The First Amendment guarantees everyone free speech BUT it does not guarantee that anyone can prevent anyone else's free speech. This is what the Bernie bunch of fucking doper losers are trying to do. Same with the BLM thugs.
Some of the First Amendment opposers wore Trump T-shirts to get into the rally. Once inside their goal was to prevent others from exercising their First Amendment rights or free assembly and freedom of speech.
This anti-Americans are handing TRUMP the White house on a GOLD platter.
Every time millions of viewers maybe sitting on the fence politically see what these anti-Americans are doing another fifty thousand decide to vote for Trump.
Trump is a fucking marketing genius.
He has told his security staff to let in a few anti-Americans into the rallies so the camera's can record the anti-Americans trying to take away Trump supporters rights guaranteed to them by the First Amendment.
Keep it up anti-Americans. You are doing a wonderful job helping to elect Trump.
The hilarious part it isn't costing Trump a fucking dime in TV advertising.

Hmmm...I always thought protest was one of the most American of traditions. Starting way back at the original Tea Party. So Trumps been inciting violence at these gatherings for weeks but somehow he doesn't bare any responsibility for the results of his actions. Does that bode well for a Trump Presidency? The sign on his desk will say "the buck stops... over there"? By the way, I've watched every video I could find and I didn't see any evidence that it was the protesters starting the flareups. Did you see that coward slug the guy who just happened to be Black? I can guarantee you that old hater has been waiting to do that for fifty years and thinks he has finally found a leader giving him the okay.
You are entitled to protest and are guaranteed free speech. You are NOT guaranteed the right to sneak into a PRIVATE gathering and attempt through screaming threats and intimidating the people and grabbing signs and tearing them up and taking swings at people at the PRIVATE gathering because you do not agree with those people's political point of view.
If dozens of fucking thugs were sneaking into Bernie's or Hillary's PRIVATE gathering with the explicit purpose of closing down the gathering would you think it's OK? The Bernie/BLM mob were dancing and cheering and screaming: "WE WON!" when Trump cancelled the PRIVATE! rally.
Would that be OK for Trumps supporters to do at a Sander's PRIVATE rally?
Wise up pal.

Not too many republicans are leaping to donald's defense, I haven't got very far but it looks like there is a consensus among them that Trump is a "demagogue" and the main culprit.
I've only been looking a few minutes. And I should have mentioned I've been watching campaigns for over forty years and never heard anyone claim a political rally was a "private event"..

Republican presidential candidate Sen. Marco Rubio speaks at a campaign rally in Largo, Fla., on Saturday.

By: Daniel Dale Washington Bureau, Published on Sat Mar 12 2016
LAKELAND, FLA.—This is an election about anger. On Saturday, a large chunk of the Republican Party was consumed by anguish.

Marco Rubio, the man once supposed to be the smiling face of the Republican future, began the day looking ashen. He had seen the party’s future, and it looked a lot like a race brawl.

“No matter what our political differences may be,” Rubio said, “who wants to live in a country where everybody hates each other?”

At a Rubio campaign stop at a barbecue joint near Tampa, Danielle Miller, a 41-year-old Apple employee, briefly buried her head in her hand as she discussed an electoral situation she described as both heartbreaking and terrifying. At a Rubio rally outside an electric company, 60-year-old optometrist Paul Cosenza foresaw a fall reprisal of the Chicago riots of 1968.

Four days before a pivotal moment in the presidential primary, they had awoken to a depressing reality. Their party’s leading candidate was a demagogue who encouraged the violence that contributed to a nationally televised melee in Chicago on Friday night. And that candidate, Donald Trump, was two victories away from seizing an iron grip on their party’s nomination.

“We need someone who has a plan of action to bring us to a better place. And time is running out,” Cosenza said. “The sand is running out on the ability to do that.”

Tuesday is the Republicans’ Trump doomsday. If he is defeated in at least one of the winner-takes-all-delegates primaries in Florida and Ohio, there will be a chance to execute a convoluted plan to wrest the nomination from him at a contested convention in July. If he wins both, he will be nearly impossible to stop.

“God help us all if he’s elected,” said Libby Fuller, an 82-year-old Rubio supporter from the Gulf Coast town of Holiday. She had indignantly phoned her Trump-supporting son during the wild Friday confrontation between Trump supporters and anti-Trump protesters at a University of Illinois arena.
Then you have been sleeping for forty years asshole.
When a candidate PAYS money to RENT a venue where they can hold a political rally and gives out tickets to the people chosen to attend the rally THAT is legally known as a PRIVATE event.
You REALLY ought to wise up.

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